An update on the situation:
I am now back from holidays, and ready to kick into gear for another year!

I have talked with Thom yesterday, and as previously mentioned here, we will now work together with the aim to enhance and improve the BitShares network security. Mostly what this means at the moment is that we will start implementing the backbone proposal as described here: and set up various VPS instances spread all over the world, with the aim of getting global coverage, low-latency, strong connectivity and decentralization of the providers to ensure robustness. Thom has already started setting up some nodes, and I will follow suit soon.
The first few things I intend to work on are:
- adapt the bts_tools to be able to manage backbone nodes
- setup and configure an actual backbone for BitShares 0.9.x
- adapt the bts_tools so that delegates managed by it connect exclusively to the backbone, if online (this is the part that provides DDoS protection to the delegates)
- setup a webpage that show the real-time online status of the backbone nodes
I will be leading the development for the bts_tools, but Thom will help me when/where needed, and will be testing also. Eventually, we will be managing the backbone between the 2 of us, so given that we are in 2 different timezones, this means we can ensure close to 24/7 monitoring of the backbone nodes.
Another task will be to look into graphene, port the bts_tools to be able to work with graphene clients and have them ready for when the official BitShares 2.0 chain launches.
As for the delegate pay, we agreed that Thom will be sending me 70% of the pay from his delegate, and will thus keep 30%. I will use the funds to pay for VPS instances and time devoted, and leftovers (if any) will be kept to run seed nodes / backbones nodes for when graphene is launched.
All in all, this is a rehash of my previous proposal + Thom's previous posts, which shouldn't surprise lots of people. We plan to submit a new, revised joint proposal for when BitShares 2.0 launches, but at the moment we feel like we want to spend more time coding than campaigning for funds, especially given that bts2.0 is not that far away and lots of things are going to change to the delegate/worker structure when it is released. We also have some more ideas that we want to flesh out nicely in a new proposal rather than rush them now. I will post further updates in this thread now that delegate.verbaltech is the delegate funding development, but will still post relevant updates to the bts_tools in my original thread here:,12534Thank you everyone for the support!