Author Topic: Announcing BitShares AGS & BitShares X Allocation  (Read 142174 times)

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Offline Empirical1

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Ah, I've realised why the PTS price might be suppressed by the AGS allocation.

To get AGS you either need to contribute to the PTS or BTC fund.

But most Bitshares believers will already have made their max $ bitshare allocation into PTS.
But when they see that the BTC to AGS address is more lucrative than PTS to AGS they willl want to put BTC into there. However they've already invested their max $ into PTS, so the only way for them to unlock/offset funds for the BTC to AGS address is to sell PTS.

So the BTC to AGS address may inadvertantly create some selling pressure on PTS (by Bitshares believers) that is hard to offset with new demand in the quiet New Year week.

Offline Empirical1

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We also announced that BTS would be 2x as profitable as mining fees would no longer be split with miners.


I also agree with MrJeans that the Keyhotee launch will actually be very good for PTS, AGS & Bitshares because people will see that you guys are actually able to deliver the ground-breaking products you're talking about.

Offline panici

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I have one question...
I donate small amount of PTS to address PaNGELmZgzRQCKeEKM6ifgTqNkC4ceiAWw.
When i go to site: next to my amount that i donated i see different address that is not mine. (Address that is standing is PuwPg6mLcRqXcVYjGBt8KN2EWJLKxfge4t, but mine is PvUTfVVyTJhZp1JgVd8TasQvQJ2wgMuguL).

What seems to be problem here? I donated twice already, and everything was ok, but today's donation is not?

As long as you sent it from your PTS client and you control the private keys behind that client you should be fine.  The address was sent with a hidden PTS address that is yours, but cannot see.
I sent it from my wallet... So everything seems to be ok then? Can i expect this in other donation?

Offline bytemaster

I have one question...
I donate small amount of PTS to address PaNGELmZgzRQCKeEKM6ifgTqNkC4ceiAWw.
When i go to site: next to my amount that i donated i see different address that is not mine. (Address that is standing is PuwPg6mLcRqXcVYjGBt8KN2EWJLKxfge4t, but mine is PvUTfVVyTJhZp1JgVd8TasQvQJ2wgMuguL).

What seems to be problem here? I donated twice already, and everything was ok, but today's donation is not?

Your wallet has many hidden addresses that ARE yours, but not displayed in the GUI because they are automatically generated for change.  No need to worry.
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Offline Bitcoinfan

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I have one question...
I donate small amount of PTS to address PaNGELmZgzRQCKeEKM6ifgTqNkC4ceiAWw.
When i go to site: next to my amount that i donated i see different address that is not mine. (Address that is standing is PuwPg6mLcRqXcVYjGBt8KN2EWJLKxfge4t, but mine is PvUTfVVyTJhZp1JgVd8TasQvQJ2wgMuguL).

What seems to be problem here? I donated twice already, and everything was ok, but today's donation is not?

As long as you sent it from your PTS client and you control the private keys behind that client you should be fine.  The address was sent with a hidden PTS address that is yours, but cannot see. 

Offline bytemaster

I decided to summarize all of the recent changes/improvements to BitShares in a single thread:
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Offline panici

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I have one question...
I donate small amount of PTS to address PaNGELmZgzRQCKeEKM6ifgTqNkC4ceiAWw.
When i go to site: next to my amount that i donated i see different address that is not mine. (Address that is standing is PuwPg6mLcRqXcVYjGBt8KN2EWJLKxfge4t, but mine is PvUTfVVyTJhZp1JgVd8TasQvQJ2wgMuguL).

What seems to be problem here? I donated twice already, and everything was ok, but today's donation is not?

Offline bytemaster

We also announced that BTS would be 2x as profitable as mining fees would no longer be split with miners.
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Offline Empirical1

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On Christmas Day I was asking, "Where's the Kaboom?  There's supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!"

I honestly think the information just got lost the way it was announced. I thought this thread 'Announcing Angel Shares & BitShares Allocation ' was just about how AGS relates to Bitshares.  I didn't notice till yesterday that you'd decreased Bitshares from 20 million to 4 million.

I guess people will see these posts now, but I also think you should consider starting another announcement thread, because I know I would be upset if I'd missed this. Something like -
Attention Protoshares holders:  PTS now worth 5x more Bitshares.

Instead of the initially proposed 20 million Bitshares, there will now only be 4 million Bitshares.
This means that Protoshares holders will now be issued with 50% of all Bitshares. (Up from 10% previously)

See full announcement here -
website -

Offline bytemaster

I think its just very difficult for the market to value the idea.
BitShares will have an untapped CFD market in the US and an untapped foreign exchange market in China (as these services are currently illegal in the respective countries).

Trading in foreign exchange markets averaged $5.3 trillion per day! Kaboom!!!!
If we capture a 0.1% of this market, and receive 0.1% of trade turnover as fees (dividends) you looking at annual earnings per share of $468!
Berkshire Hathaway will be doing an earnings per share thats twice as good, but each share cost $176,807.
So where does that put PTS...

So a competitive service will have allot of space that it can gobble up.

Perhaps the price is depressed due to perceived risk. I believe when Keyhotee launches people will be able to see something tangible and perceived risk may be reduced.

Yes, there is a lot of perceived risk here and as we reduce that the price will rise.
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Offline MrJeans

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I think its just very difficult for the market to value the idea.
BitShares will have an untapped CFD market in the US and an untapped foreign exchange market in China (as these services are currently illegal in the respective countries).

Trading in foreign exchange markets averaged $5.3 trillion per day! Kaboom!!!!
If we capture a 0.1% of this market, and receive 0.1% of trade turnover as fees (dividends) you looking at annual earnings per share of $468!
Berkshire Hathaway will be doing an earnings per share thats twice as good, but each share cost $176,807.
So where does that put PTS...

So a competitive service will have allot of space that it can gobble up.

Perhaps the price is depressed due to perceived risk. I believe when Keyhotee launches people will be able to see something tangible and perceived risk may be reduced.

Offline minddragon

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On Christmas Day I was asking, "Where's the Kaboom?  There's supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!"

Everyone is doing the holiday thing. Wait until Monday next week. Things will really pick up by then.

Offline Stan

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We are establishing the share allocation of BitShares 1.0 which will have 4 million total shares.  2 million will be allocated proportional to PTS holders and 2 million proportional to AngelShare (AGS) holders.

Hi guys, I just wanted to confirm this was right.

Will there still be 20 000 000 Bitshares in total and AGS & PTS will make up 4 million of that total?
Or will there only be 4 million BTS in total now?


Edit: Ok pretty sure it looks like 4 million total from the posts above but just wanted to confirm as makes a big difference.

Total of 4 million. Period.

This is EPIC. (I would have replied yesterday but I bought up loads of PTS after you clarified that!)

According to my calculations -

From the launch of PTS up until 1 week ago, PTS only made up 10% of Bitshares issuance. (2 million PTS would be given the first 2 million Bitshares out of a total of 20 million Bitshares.)

Nearly everybody was buying PTS to get Bitshares.

So when PTS was +-$20 each, it was really valuing those future Bitshares at up to $20 each.
Given that there would be 20 million Bitshares, PTS was implying a speculative market cap for Bitshares of up to $400 million. (20 million x $20 = $400 million)

The announcement that there will now only be 4 million Bitshares is EPIC. PTS now gives you 5x more of the total Bitshares issuance (50% vs. 10%) than it did a week ago! (I.e. The speculative market cap of Bitshares is now divided by 4 million not 20 million. Potentially revaluing PTS from $20 to $100 each!) It will be interesting to see how much of that adjustment the market price will reflect in the next week or two!

Other: (Because of the illiquidity of Angelshares, my maths says I need about 1.8 AGS per PTS to make it worthwhile exchanging my PTS for AGS at this stage. My ratio will decrease as we get closer to the Bitshares launch provided good progress is visible. However I'd be interested to hear how other people value AGS ATM.)

Yeah, we kind of wondered why there weren't more people dancing in the streets.

Bytemaster's development of a way to eliminate the waste of mining means all that remaining 90% formerly reserved for long term mining (and all the DAC's projected earnings) are now remapped to the PTS and AGS community who in turn get to be the "official" BitShares distributors for all future users.  These users are not miners, they are traders and speculators and savers who will pay to use an incorruptible global bank and exchange in a world where trust in the existing financial system is rapidly waning.   Zzzzzzzz.

On Christmas Day I was asking, "Where's the Kaboom?  There's supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!"

Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract of any kind.   These are merely my opinions which I reserve the right to change at any time.

Offline Empirical1

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We are establishing the share allocation of BitShares 1.0 which will have 4 million total shares.  2 million will be allocated proportional to PTS holders and 2 million proportional to AngelShare (AGS) holders.

Hi guys, I just wanted to confirm this was right.

Will there still be 20 000 000 Bitshares in total and AGS & PTS will make up 4 million of that total?
Or will there only be 4 million BTS in total now?


Edit: Ok pretty sure it looks like 4 million total from the posts above but just wanted to confirm as makes a big difference.

Total of 4 million. Period.

This is EPIC. (I would have replied yesterday but I bought up loads of PTS after you clarified that!)

According to my calculations -

From the launch of PTS up until 1 week ago, PTS only made up 10% of Bitshares issuance. (2 million PTS would be given the first 2 million Bitshares out of a total of 20 million Bitshares.)

Nearly everybody was buying PTS to get Bitshares.

So when PTS was +-$20 each, it was really valuing those future Bitshares at up to $20 each.
Given that there would be 20 million Bitshares, PTS was implying a speculative market cap for Bitshares of up to $400 million. (20 million x $20 = $400 million)

The announcement that there will now only be 4 million Bitshares is EPIC. PTS now gives you 5x more of the total Bitshares issuance (50% vs. 10%) than it did a week ago! (I.e. The speculative market cap of Bitshares is now divided by 4 million not 20 million. Potentially revaluing PTS from $20 to $100 each!) It will be interesting to see how much of that adjustment the market price will reflect in the next week or two! (Edit: Personally I think PTS could easily be trading at $50 in two weeks, let's see if I'm right...)

Other: (Because of the illiquidity of Angelshares, my maths says I need about 1.8 AGS per PTS to make it worthwhile exchanging my PTS for AGS at this stage. My ratio will decrease as we get closer to the Bitshares launch provided good progress is visible. However I'd be interested to hear how other people value AGS ATM.) 

« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 05:16:56 pm by Empirical1 »

Offline minddragon

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I already responded to this once.   First 2 days were Keyhotee Founders, and Christmas to Jan 1, then 198 days after that.

I tried to message you unsuccessfully -- I wanted to contribute .BTC into AGS but I couldn't figure out how to do so --

As a Keyhotee founder I should have been a part of the original 10,000 pool and I couldn't get answers to my questions so here is my PUBLIC statement of contribution (.5 BTC)

  7db95e9bc90eac0d2f6cf628bf8a6a9756f41b67f27fd7f6e579f58213b5d18f: Seen by 3 peers. Pending/unconfirmed.
     from 1Jpm2uFi44ZmDgUVETUetjjANBxf4kVwRD / 3c48dc2779c2007b5363c547c38cb911889ed07576f1bef62d665ce14d4ada44:1
       to 1ANGELwQwWxMmbdaSWhWLqBEtPTkWb8uDc 0.5 BTC

My Keyhotee ID is Minddragon
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 05:15:14 pm by minddragon »