Author Topic: Unanswered question thread  (Read 43047 times)

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Offline Marky0001

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@cob: if you want us to help and promote the project then hurry to get the webpage running!

As I mentioned already, people think it is a joke!

And what about the alpha tests you mentioned months ago?

Why didn't you reply to those questions? These are substantial topics!

Offline cob

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Yes I'll definitely post here more often. Not necessarily to make official updates. But just to have a presence.

And yes! Help is always appreciated. A couple of forumers have added me on skype, PMed me and even emailed me for all sorts of reasons, I think those are the same people that feel more confident about the project and less "ah shit this is a scam isn't it?"

So for that reason I'll try to have a better presence here and once again, when you feel like helping out, reach out to me and let me know where you think you can help.

Right now, our main focus is development and MUSE integration FYI.
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Offline Ben Mason

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Thank you for addressing investors questions. Although we have some major disagreements on some of the things you said about communicating the issues, I'm satisfied with the direction and look forward to seeing something to test down the road.
Yes thank you for the update Cob.  You deserve a great deal of credit for your hard work and passion for this've clearly given plenty of yourself to it.  I am excited that so much has been accomplished but I would like to list some key points for the next stage;

Please increase community involvement greatly in the lead up to launch.  I mean regular concise updates and wherever possible, ask for help....we need to build momentum and buzz.
Make sure that when the product is launched, it is a significant step forward and really worthy of the incredible vision for the project.
Try to demonstrate lessons learned about our approach to marketing, PR and engagement within and outside the existing community.
Remember ease of use is key with all the new ideas and functionality that will be available to music fans.

Good luck with the next stage.  I really think this project retains it's massive potential and believe the rewards for your hard work, everyone's hard work are around the corner.

Offline clayop

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- what about the exchanges?
- poloniex, chinese exchanges?

- if you are raising new funds what relevance will our muse investment have then? I mean not a single word about muse and liquidity

There's been a few of us already in contact with the exchanges (ClayOp, Xeroc and myself come to mind). I know Xeroc was following up with Poloniex, I will follow-up with Bill from Bittrex tonight. Not much luck on the Chinese exchanges so far from my end.

so why are exchanges not interested?

I was pushing Muse in the poloniex trollbox and someone said "No reason for adding muse, because it will be dead soon anyway"

No i might understand why poloniex is not adding...

What will happen? People will dump to sub 100sat? The liquidity is key right now. Some weeks ago MUSE had over 30k of volume, what was this?

btw: thats the link to the article from Germany:
They should. Because they still have customers MUSE for pts.
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Thank you for addressing investors questions. Although we have some major disagreements on some of the things you said about communicating the issues, I'm satisfied with the direction and look forward to seeing something to test down the road.

Offline Riverhead

I looked at the ethereum website, you mean this site? I don't understand what it would do? Would it replace MUSE or just help someone work with it?

The allure I believe @Marky001 is referring to is the positive and verbose press Ethereum has garnered along with a developer-friendly sandbox type atmosphere around Ethereum and Javascript.
However that said although Ethereum is very popular in the Crypto community it doesn't really resonate with the target audience of Peertracks who by and large don't know or care about either project.
What Graphene provides intrinsically in terms of UIA control and network speed is a long way off in Ethereum and would need to be developed independently on top of all the other development work required by Peertracks.

Thanks for the detailed response, I was confused about the difference in features but that explained it well, so Ethereum is really customized for something else not really muse related. So I guess I have the same question already posted earlier, what is in ethereum that is so important tech wise that makes it a deal breaker if not used? Is there some details about some issues in muse that was posted here that I missed? I have been lurking here for a while, but finally got brave enough to dive into this discussion.  :D

Welcome to the discussion! A better way to think about Ethereum is not so much a product but a distributed smart contract development platform. Developers can write pretty much anything they want and have it execute on the blockchain as a smart contract. Ethereum could handle MUSE but there would be a lot of reinventing the wheel. Also what may have influenced the decision is that Ethereum wasn't released when MUSE/Peertracks started.

Offline Endless

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I looked at the ethereum website, you mean this site? I don't understand what it would do? Would it replace MUSE or just help someone work with it?

The allure I believe @Marky001 is referring to is the positive and verbose press Ethereum has garnered along with a developer-friendly sandbox type atmosphere around Ethereum and Javascript.
However that said although Ethereum is very popular in the Crypto community it doesn't really resonate with the target audience of Peertracks who by and large don't know or care about either project.
What Graphene provides intrinsically in terms of UIA control and network speed is a long way off in Ethereum and would need to be developed independently on top of all the other development work required by Peertracks.

Thanks for the detailed response, I was confused about the difference in features but that explained it well, so Ethereum is really customized for something else not really muse related. So I guess I have the same question already posted earlier, what is in ethereum that is so important tech wise that makes it a deal breaker if not used? Is there some details about some issues in muse that was posted here that I missed? I have been lurking here for a while, but finally got brave enough to dive into this discussion.  :D

Offline Endless

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I looked at the ethereum website, you mean this site? I don't understand what it would do? Would it replace MUSE or just help someone work with it?

Offline Marky0001

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Is it realistic to switch to ethereum at any point in the future?

It looks like ethereum is a real deal breaker here....
Deal breaker in what sense?

Ethereum is like google in terms of blockchain businesses and bitshares... Well... is just a small note one a big piece of paper..

If Muse was related to ethereum it might have better chances of being talked about.

Offline Riverhead

Is it realistic to switch to ethereum at any point in the future?

It looks like ethereum is a real deal breaker here....
Deal breaker in what sense?

Offline Marky0001

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Is it realistic to switch to ethereum at any point in the future?

It looks like ethereum is a real deal breaker here....

Offline cob

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- what about the exchanges?
- poloniex, chinese exchanges?

- if you are raising new funds what relevance will our muse investment have then? I mean not a single word about muse and liquidity

I think exchanges will integrate it once we show MUSE has a use other than a mere speculative altcoin.

A fundraise will no dilute MUSE. We would simply be raising funds as the peertracks corporation in order to get more devs on board and really bring use cases to MUSE.
Think of it like coinbase raising money to make a better Bitcoin ecosystem, bringing in new users and use cases, etc.

Regarding that german article. I'm happy the industry is really diving into the subject of blockchains + music. UJO has a product out. And as Phil Barry says, they are more of a backend, B2B type of service.
We are different in that way. You will see much more hype from the general public once we begin showing off the basic platform. UJO is really interesting for the musician. PeerTracks & co will be interesting for the musicians, the fans and the labels... and the non-music crowd which I'll go into further detail at a later date.
Anything said on these forums does not constitute an intent to create a legal obligation or contract between myself and anyone else.   These are merely my opinions and I reserve the right to change them at any time.


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- what about the exchanges?
- poloniex, chinese exchanges?

- if you are raising new funds what relevance will our muse investment have then? I mean not a single word about muse and liquidity

There's been a few of us already in contact with the exchanges (ClayOp, Xeroc and myself come to mind). I know Xeroc was following up with Poloniex, I will follow-up with Bill from Bittrex tonight. Not much luck on the Chinese exchanges so far from my end.

so why are exchanges not interested?

I was pushing Muse in the poloniex trollbox and someone said "No reason for adding muse, because it will be dead soon anyway"

No i might understand why poloniex is not adding...

What will happen? People will dump to sub 100sat? The liquidity is key right now. Some weeks ago MUSE had over 30k of volume, what was this?

btw: thats the link to the article from Germany:

I wouldn't take anything said in Trollbox seriously. It's like sitting down at the cool table of some US high school lunch room.  From my understanding, before the newest client upgrades, there were challenges with Poloniex importing their MUSE. Xeroc helped get that resolved. I would expect to see it on there sometime soon.  If we don't hear any movement this week, I will follow-up.  BItcoin crapcoins can be added without much thought, BitShares products are a different beast. We saw evidence of this from BTER where they didn't upgrade to 2.0 for the longest time (not sure if they finally handled it).

This isn't a Cob issue at all.  It's just time until we're added, there's people as I mentioned in the previous post donating time to help convince exchanges to add it.   As for Chinese exchanges, I believe we'll have some challenges with BitShares history of dillusion. That's just my opinion, we'll keep plugging away at it.

Offline Riverhead

So I cant buy more at Metaexchange? :(

Metaexchange MUSE/BTC is alive and well. I have been noticing sometimes it says 0.0000000 available and I've reached out to their developer Monsterer about it. Seems to be an intermittent display issue.

Never the less the large movement of funds from liquid-muse to the staging account was indeed paying back loans I had used to get instant liquidity on the pair. Over the last while I have been investing a lot of my own money in Muse and therefore have the depth to fund the pair independently.

It shows 0.0000 for me all the time . Would like to get some more after this update.

So the issue was someone sold the pair a few million MUSE which put a strain on the BTC pool. This meant the market maker couldn't function because the imbalance is too great. I've removed a large chunk of MUSE to restore the balance. While the pair provides liquidity there are also arbitrage plays to be made against other exchanges and this causes pairs to get out of balance and lose money. I am happy to break even to providing liquidity but there's only so much bleeding I'm willing to do servicing the arbitrage of markets :) .

Offline Marky0001

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What does it say ?

most of the media focus is on Ujo, because peertracks lacks some basic explanations in their business model.

Ujo seems to address major artists while peertracks is out to for small talents.

Maybe someone could translate that article it is a real "in depth" text so i was REALLY surprised that someone from really had the time to elaborate this topic. is more or less comparable to NY Times in Germany.

Während Barrys Arbeit mit der Band Radiohead, die bekannt dafür ist, mit neuen Wegen des Musikvertriebs zu experimentieren, stieß er auf die Blockchain.

Alle Transaktionen von Ujo sollen über die quelloffene Blockchain von Ethereum abgewickelt werden. Anders als Peertracks ist Ujo nicht als Ladenzeile für einfache Nutzer geplant. "Niemand kann erwarten, dass Musikfans etwas machen, was komplizierter als das ist, was sie bisher kennen", sagt Barry. Ujo soll im Hintergrund funktionieren. Als Datenkatalog für Musikrechte könnte es Andockstation für etablierte Player wie iTunes oder Spotify werden.

- While Barry was working with the band Radiohead which is known for being open for new ways of music distribution, he encountered the blockchain.

- All transactions in Ujo will be managed by the ethereum blockchain. In contrast to peertracks Ujo wont be this kind of "record shop" for average users. "You cannot expect the users to adapt to more complicated stuff than they are already used to", says Barry.

- Ujo will run in the background. A form of database for music rights which can be used as interface for players like iTunes and Spotify.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 07:16:35 pm by Marky0001 »