Author Topic: [ANN] New Money project & SOLCERT token  (Read 82501 times)

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Sent another batch, hoping to hit tier 6. :)

Do you have an immediate marketing plans you plan to share? I'd love to hear you guys on some podcasts.

Offline SolomonSollarsNSense

When will the Kickstarter be launched? Is there a plan already?

Hello Chris. Great question. I'm pretty sure you have watched the three videos on why we are doing a KickStarter so I will save that info and just talk about some logistical stuff.

We will begin shooting the video in April. I've brought out some of my heavyweights in my film network to help out with this video. The original Scape brothers will also be helping out. Specifically with the Virginia shoot in which we will be shooting with the Cryptonomex team. COB of the Muse project will also be lending his voice, pretty boy face and skills to the video and development project should we be successful.

The MUSE chain has 80% of what we already need in terms of infrastructure/code so its simply just gearing the technology towards video.

We are shooting on the Canon C300 Mark 2 and the C100. Translation: Hollywood look and feel. I'm putting everything I've got into this. It will look EPIC.

We anticipate having the video completed by late may early June. By then this project should be very much out in the mainstream at least in the crypto-space. This will be achieved with professional marketing techniques. We have individuals working on that and a successful Pre-Sale is making this effort even more doable.

Once we are done with the video its simply putting up the KickStarter page and using the KickStarter marketing firms who specialize in KickStarter marketing to get our message out there. We will specifically be using 2 marketing firms that have done multi-millions of dollars for companies like us. The two we are looking at have a very high success rate in converting projects with goals as low as $12000 to Millions of dollars. We want to do the same. Hope this info helps.

If you like the content I make consider tipping me. Helps me keep those bitshare content babies popping like popcorn! Send tips to: solomonsollarsnsense

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Japan has entered with its first two investors of each approx 5 btc, due to Sollywood now in the news in Japanese and the Bloggers from Bloggers Club 500 Japanes origin are starting to present this to their readers starting of with the no. 1 blogger cryptocurrencymagazine:
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2.50 BTS / 0.00003705 BTC / 0.001329 ETH = 1,000,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier

I think this "Tier" belongs to the past also...  (please update)

actually still some 700k of the 1 mill left in the tier 5
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Offline fuzzy

When will the Kickstarter be launched? Is there a plan already?

approx 39 days from now
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2.50 BTS / 0.00003705 BTC / 0.001329 ETH = 1,000,000 SOLCERTS available in this Tier

I think this "Tier" belongs to the past also...  (please update)
« Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 04:40:35 pm by liondani »

Offline Chris4210

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When will the Kickstarter be launched? Is there a plan already?
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Offline konelectric

I guess he means if SOLCERT benefits are included in OBITS. The answer is no but maybe a percentage of the fee of the escrow service will be allocated to OBITS.

I would guess no, but if they wanted it to be that way anything is possible here.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 02:43:03 am by konelectric »
Tweeter: Konelectric. Steemit: Konelectric. Youtube: Patrick Konshak. Success Council: Yourship. Mumble: Yourship or Konelectric.

Offline Valentin | Lin9uxis

I guess he means if SOLCERT benefits are included in OBITS. The answer is no but maybe a percentage of the fee of the escrow service will be allocated to OBITS.

Offline konelectric

Does the SOLCERT project is included in OBITS?
Do you mean "can I buy SOLCERT with OBITS" or "is OBITS part of  SOLCERT"? I would guess not either way.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 02:35:17 am by konelectric »
Tweeter: Konelectric. Steemit: Konelectric. Youtube: Patrick Konshak. Success Council: Yourship. Mumble: Yourship or Konelectric.

Offline Masdar

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Does the SOLCERT project is included in OBITS?

Offline donkeypong

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This is a big idea that involves a lot of different pieces and makes some major assumptions. It's not a fit for me as far as investing, but I'll be rooting for you to succeed.

Offline pam2

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I hope it will not apply here...
3. Crowdsales Allow Unethical Behavior

It is, in fact, immoral to sell dreams.

Why? Because humans have a “wishful thinking bias”. This means that we are more likely to believe a false thing, if that false thing is a dream. Therefore, all dream-sellers have the ability to deceive (“steal money from”) the credulous.

You see, while people should be able to invest in whatever they want, others should also be able to openly criticize bad investment-choices. Unfortunately, silence is often interpreted as implicit endorsement, and so this criticism is simply too rare (because criticism makes one unpopular). With a few notable exceptions (all of which are devoutly informal, and non-startup), most people are too selfish and/or afraid to do anywhere-near the right thing.

So, crowdsales allow predators to get away with the crime of selling a dream.

had a very interesting reading here...

A man can only work so many hours before he must put his faith and resources into another man to see larger returns than he alone can achieve by himself. This is time tested and the fundamental truth of what humans have come to term as "investing" or believing in someone else's dream that they are "selling". Whether you call it "selling a dream" or not no idea whether its goes through a crowdsale or not starts out as a reality or actuality. It starts out as a dream or concept or aka not there lol

The difference with people like me, Vitalik and ByteMaster is we show the dream not just selling it with words. Individuals can SEE where we are trying to go. And that is a powerful medium. I keep saying this because people keep forgetting Ethereum started out with ONE TEN MINUTE VIDEO and a WHITE PAPER THAT IS NOW CONSIDERED VAPORWARE But they sold a dream individuals could believe in and enough people rallied around it to make it a reality even though they started with vaporware. The same can be said about Bitshares and even Bitcoin. No technology or concept starts out perfect or with one person. Everyone forgets the excruciating amounts of iteration that goes into these projects.

Yes we are not starting out as "perfect" but we have a goal that is too powerful to ignore "a mainstream alternative to the Dollar" starting in an industry on its knees begging for disruption. That my friend is a powerful dream and one that people are buying because they understand the simple potential of it and see I have a vision and skills to get us there.

But I'm not perfect. AND LIKE ALL MEN I CANNOT ACHIEVE THIS ALONE. I need other individuals with impressive skills to believe in this as anyone who has ever lived and tried to achieve a dream does. It is fundamental to the human experience. Could Vitalik have coded Ethereum by himself? Or taken it to the market cap it has achieved by himself? Lets be real. How about Dan? People must believe in other's dreams. "Crowdsale" is a distraction. At the end of the day we must believe in others...

Rather than harp on what negativity might come lets try and stay positive and look at the bright side of what this project has done in less than three days. I mean the BitcoinTalk community is actually being CIVIL with us and they know I'm from Bitshares. If that's not a miracle I don't know what is  :D

Thanks for the post. I understand where the author is coming from. But its up to all of us to recognize diamonds surrounded by heaps of dirt when we see it. Is this project a diamond? That's up for you to choose. I've laid my dream out there. People are rallying behind it.  Believe in it or not. Either way we will succeed. Just like Ethereum.

 +5% +5% +5%
I support this project...I can see the market. Forget Hollywood and just think about independant film maker or film school or video produer out there and around the world. Even if the project fails, it's ok. Someone will go after the market. Many of the project out there in the crypto crowdsale failed, as in other industry. I've study venture capitalist sector and get to understand that more than 50% of the early stage or serie A investment failed and the usually have success in 20% of the deals that cover all their losses.  People supporting the project should do their due diligence, take responsibilities on their decision. I've not yet understand all the details of the project and the plans, and the SolCert and Sense things :) ... but I don't mind because I see the Big picture and time will tell. All what I know is this projet will help people all around the globe access high quality content easily, as well as ByteMaster MAS project. Those type of project really impact people lives compare to trading/exchange. I'm also aware of the risk and I will not bring anybody into this type of project if it's not willing to take a risk. Yep people should do their due diligence, take responsibilities. I' also believe the promoter should make it easy to understand use cases. We should make sure we protect the Bitshares Core value for our long term. Maybe find a way to remove failed crowdsale on DEX after a period of time.  I don't know.  It's good discussing this type of concern

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« Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 04:30:07 pm by ccedk »
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