Author Topic: Announcing BitShares AGS & BitShares X Allocation  (Read 138446 times)

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Offline CryptoN8

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I found out that using for this pupose is very technical. Has everyone been using the original client. I'm trying to download this but its taking forever to sync

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2
Yeah it can take a extremely long time to sync up a fresh bitcoin-qt client, it has to download somewhere around 13.5GB of data.

Offline MrJeans

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I found out that using for this pupose is very technical. Has everyone been using the original client. I'm trying to download this but its taking forever to sync

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2


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Have people been using the bitcoin wallet to make donations to AGS?
Is this okay to do?

I haven't; but I assume it should be alright as you hold the private key.

Offline MrJeans

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Have people been using the bitcoin wallet to make donations to AGS?
Is this okay to do?

Offline MrJeans

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Thanks, just needed that extra little bit of confirmation


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Catching up here. Just when I thought I understood protoshares, and how they would be converted to bitshares, now angelshares are announced. For people who are intrigued by Invictus and would like to invest in AGS, can you simplify this process? Do I need an AGS wallet? If I donate to the addressed listed, how do I know how many AGS I've received in return? Where do I "store" them safely? Where can I look to see which days are slower than others? The Angelshares page of the website is down so I can't find anything there...

This all seems way more complicated than it should be and is probably turning potential investors off. I'm not trying to be negative, but man, is there a simpler way to do all of this?

AGS is not a coin, but a share. Its basically a donation, and I3 will provide you with the appropriate DACs when they are released (Bitshares, Domainshares etc).

You need to send BTC or PTS from your own wallet (so you own the private keys). All you have to do is keep hold of the wallets you donated from (or rather the private keys).
So after donating some PTS to the AGS address using my PTS wallet I should just be able to point the bitsharesBEX client (and other DAC clients) at the PTS wallet and this should import my Bitshares (or shares in other DACs).

So I wont need to worry about not being able to see any AGS in the client or anything?

Just want to make sure I understand before donating (things get a bit confusing when cash starts turning into numbers on a client, and then those numbers turn into shares on a client, and then those numbers disappear. I take a deep breath and journey further down this rabbit hole go. hahaha).

Yes, just keep your wallet and you would be fine.

After donating you can check your balance here (click on balance lookup).

Offline MrJeans

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Catching up here. Just when I thought I understood protoshares, and how they would be converted to bitshares, now angelshares are announced. For people who are intrigued by Invictus and would like to invest in AGS, can you simplify this process? Do I need an AGS wallet? If I donate to the addressed listed, how do I know how many AGS I've received in return? Where do I "store" them safely? Where can I look to see which days are slower than others? The Angelshares page of the website is down so I can't find anything there...

This all seems way more complicated than it should be and is probably turning potential investors off. I'm not trying to be negative, but man, is there a simpler way to do all of this?

AGS is not a coin, but a share. Its basically a donation, and I3 will provide you with the appropriate DACs when they are released (Bitshares, Domainshares etc).

You need to send BTC or PTS from your own wallet (so you own the private keys). All you have to do is keep hold of the wallets you donated from (or rather the private keys).
So after donating some PTS to the AGS address using my PTS wallet I should just be able to point the bitsharesBEX client (and other DAC clients) at the PTS wallet and this should import my Bitshares (or shares in other DACs).

So I wont need to worry about not being able to see any AGS in the client or anything?

Just want to make sure I understand before donating (things get a bit confusing when cash starts turning into numbers on a client, and then those numbers turn into shares on a client, and then those numbers disappear. I take a deep breath and journey further down this rabbit hole go. hahaha).
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 11:12:23 am by MrJeans »

Offline Stan

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Catching up here. Just when I thought I understood protoshares, and how they would be converted to bitshares, now angelshares are announced. For people who are intrigued by Invictus and would like to invest in AGS, can you simplify this process? Do I need an AGS wallet? If I donate to the addressed listed, how do I know how many AGS I've received in return? Where do I "store" them safely? Where can I look to see which days are slower than others? The Angelshares page of the website is down so I can't find anything there...

This all seems way more complicated than it should be and is probably turning potential investors off. I'm not trying to be negative, but man, is there a simpler way to do all of this?
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Offline nightengale

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Catching up here. Just when I thought I understood protoshares, and how they would be converted to bitshares, now angelshares are announced. For people who are intrigued by Invictus and would like to invest in AGS, can you simplify this process? Do I need an AGS wallet? If I donate to the addressed listed, how do I know how many AGS I've received in return? Where do I "store" them safely? Where can I look to see which days are slower than others? The Angelshares page of the website is down so I can't find anything there...

This all seems way more complicated than it should be and is probably turning potential investors off. I'm not trying to be negative, but man, is there a simpler way to do all of this?

Download Bitcoin-Qt or ProtoShares-Qt send PTS or BTC from that wallet to the Angel address and keep your wallet file secure.    You can track status a or

Extremely helpful links, thank-you for your response. It is my understanding that the most recent version of ProtoShares-qt I can run on a Mac is v0.8.5-34-ge4f8368-dirty-beta, so that is what I have installed. Will that cause me any problems?


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Catching up here. Just when I thought I understood protoshares, and how they would be converted to bitshares, now angelshares are announced. For people who are intrigued by Invictus and would like to invest in AGS, can you simplify this process? Do I need an AGS wallet? If I donate to the addressed listed, how do I know how many AGS I've received in return? Where do I "store" them safely? Where can I look to see which days are slower than others? The Angelshares page of the website is down so I can't find anything there...

This all seems way more complicated than it should be and is probably turning potential investors off. I'm not trying to be negative, but man, is there a simpler way to do all of this?

AGS is not a coin, but a share. Its basically a donation, and I3 will provide you with the appropriate DACs when they are released (Bitshares, Domainshares etc).

You need to send BTC or PTS from your own wallet (so you own the private keys). All you have to do is keep hold of the wallets you donated from (or rather the private keys).

Offline bytemaster

Catching up here. Just when I thought I understood protoshares, and how they would be converted to bitshares, now angelshares are announced. For people who are intrigued by Invictus and would like to invest in AGS, can you simplify this process? Do I need an AGS wallet? If I donate to the addressed listed, how do I know how many AGS I've received in return? Where do I "store" them safely? Where can I look to see which days are slower than others? The Angelshares page of the website is down so I can't find anything there...

This all seems way more complicated than it should be and is probably turning potential investors off. I'm not trying to be negative, but man, is there a simpler way to do all of this?

Download Bitcoin-Qt or ProtoShares-Qt send PTS or BTC from that wallet to the Angel address and keep your wallet file secure.    You can track status a or

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Offline nightengale

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Catching up here. Just when I thought I understood protoshares, and how they would be converted to bitshares, now angelshares are announced. For people who are intrigued by Invictus and would like to invest in AGS, can you simplify this process? Do I need an AGS wallet? If I donate to the addressed listed, how do I know how many AGS I've received in return? Where do I "store" them safely? Where can I look to see which days are slower than others? The Angelshares page of the website is down so I can't find anything there...

This all seems way more complicated than it should be and is probably turning potential investors off. I'm not trying to be negative, but man, is there a simpler way to do all of this?

Offline phoenix

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Question about Angel Shares.

I've read some of this thread, but it's getting pretty long... I apologize if this has been asked already.

With this whole donate-to-recieve Angel Shares thing, if there are only 5000 AGS for PTS per day, that means that it's a crap-shoot how many AGS I'll get for a given PTS donation? Why don't I just donate .0001 PTS per day?

Also, is there any advantage to holding AGS vs. PTS? I mean, I can at least trade PTS on an exchange.

Yes, some days have better deals for AGS than other days, but so far every day has had a ratio of greater than one AGS per PTS. Because of this, you can increase your investment in the world of DACs by investing in AGS, since DACs will likely split their initial funds equally between AGS and PTS. As you pointed out though, this comes at the cost of liquidity. There is a service that offers tradeable AGS, but you have to trust the individual running it to actually deliver your future DAC-shares:
Protoshares: Pg5EhSZEXHFjdFUzpxJbm91UtA54iUuDvt
Bitmessage: BM-NBrGi2V3BZ8REnJM7FPxUjjkQp7V5D28

Offline ragnese

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Question about Angel Shares.

I've read some of this thread, but it's getting pretty long... I apologize if this has been asked already.

With this whole donate-to-recieve Angel Shares thing, if there are only 5000 AGS for PTS per day, that means that it's a crap-shoot how many AGS I'll get for a given PTS donation? Why don't I just donate .0001 PTS per day?

Also, is there any advantage to holding AGS vs. PTS? I mean, I can at least trade PTS on an exchange.

Offline Stan

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Bitshares 2 and all DACs afterwards, sponsored by Invictus will have a 10% PTS and 10% AGS allocation.  Only Bitshares 1 is 50% PTS and 50% AGS

This is one very likely possibility, but we only guarantee that supported DACs must have at least 10% of each.  Our position is that each DAC must be free to allocate the final 80% according to its funding needs, business model, and marketing strategy.

What makes sense for BitShares BEX will probably not make sense for BitShares LKS, for example.  They have completely different client demographics, business models, and marketing strategies.

Can I just get some clarification. The initial bitshare chain will be the first of many chains under the flag BEX yes? It's not like we get 50/50 of the first 16 assets then 10/10 for the next chain of another 16 assets. The asset exchange although encompassing multiple chains will only honor BEXshares? When referring to subsequent bitshares chains we are talking about domainshares and luckyshares and so on yes?

We are specifically referring to the currency trading chain which we expect to be the biggest and most relevant.  The other chains where the only change is a redefinition of assets will likely follow the 50/50 allocation for lack of any justification for alternative allocations.   We left the remaining 80% wiggle room merely to keep our options open in the event that AGS was a flop.  Given the success of AGS I see no solid justification for an alternative allocation without significant additional development effort invested in creating the other chains.

Our general goal is to under promise and over deliver and so while we only promise 10/10/80 we will likely over-deliver.  Please do not interpret these comments to imply that we will do anything in particular.   Invest accordingly. 

Does the Bitshares homepage not imply that anything "BitShares" will give 50% of ownings to AGS and 50% to PTS? With the branding effort to make BitShares an umbrella term, the logic seems to suggest that there would not be a 10/10/80% allocation on subsequent BitShares chains, but a 50/50% allocation.  Correct me if I am wrong.

This image reflects our announcement for BitShares BEX only (note the currency exchange symbols on the wheel) and has not been updated to the new branding strategy for BitShares.  The social consensus link below this image and all associated text make that clear.    We will be updating the web site to make everything consistent as soon as possible.

No commitment beyond 10/10 has been made for anything beyond "our first DAC" at this time.  Stay tuned.   :)
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