Author Topic: [Witness Proposal] blckchnd  (Read 65707 times)

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Offline Ammar Yousef (ioBanker)

seems it's off topic far away,
I'm not interested in those gossip.
I can see rudex's effort from the order book in the past weeks,
Wish rudex could stay with Bitshares.

He will stay don't worry; he cannot trust NBS airport to run his free database and application server.

His CEX orderbook is not even 1% of daily volume and his harassments to BitShares community wouldn't be justified nor forgiven.
Be part of the change and set bitshares-vision as your proxy!
Committee account: iobanker-core
Ammar Yousef - CEO @ ioBanker OÜ

Offline xixi002020

seems it's off topic far away,
I'm not interested in those gossip.
I can see rudex's effort from the order book in the past weeks,
Wish rudex could stay with Bitshares.

锁喂价确实是abit提出来的,只是是临时提出的,锁多久,什么时候解锁,等等...都没有,没有完整的方案。 这一点abit是有责任的。
当然以前的投票机制 即使有完整方案  能不能正常执行另说.............
« Last Edit: October 04, 2020, 01:57:38 am by xixi002020 »

Offline alt

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seems it's off topic far away,
I'm not interested in those gossip.
I can see rudex's effort from the order book in the past weeks,
Wish rudex could stay with Bitshares.

Online abit

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公会搞新链时说好给他 500 万新币。当然,后来给没给、他要没要我不清楚。



公会的正式公告 里有了一句“公会合作盟友将获得 500 万 NBS 的奖励”,没有明说给谁,很巧妙是吧。
但我看过一个草稿,里面写的是“公会合作盟友bdex将获得 500 万 NBS ”。

至于为什么这位是公会合作盟友?因为 4.0 版本生效后这位盟友拿着你 alt 代理的票,和公会一起,投上了一大批试图分叉、其他什么贡献都没有的见证人(包括星在飘都跑了好几个见证人,后来他的主马甲 baidu 被揪出来了后有没有换新马甲我不清楚)。

因为实际上这是个技术事实 —— 不同见证人运行不同版本、互不兼容的节点,就会出现分叉。

威胁所有见证人在 8月20号前运行公会的“补丁”版本,不运行就撤票,没有足够人支持就自己跑见证人,这不是分叉是什么?后来也确实这么做了,撤了一批人,新上了一批人。只是最后关头,这些上去的见证人还是跑了原版代码。
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 07:46:02 pm by abit »
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline blockchained

We haven't seen

Who are we?
You are banker from the barn, with a law liquidity gateway, fanboy of Milos and Abit, go work on your liquidity 

Because RuDEX still here and even without shithole registration in Estonia our liquidity higher

There is no we, you represent just your big mouth
Don't bla bla bla, banker from the barn better work on your liquidity

I had witnessed myself
Words from the mouth of the dev with low ethics is worthless
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 07:21:38 pm by blockchained »

Offline Ammar Yousef (ioBanker)

After abit trojan took place yesterday we've stopped our witness infrastructure for bitshares.

We have a capable team of core and UI devs, so we're preparing a fork of bitshares code base, back to the consensus rules that was before the abit abuse on github.
It will be a new distribution, a new chain, and a new genesis.
News will come latter with announcements.

We haven't seen your capable team of core and UI participating in any development related to BitShares as organization; your developments were obviously self-interests and private use cases ONLY; you were using the platform UI and the blockchain as a free database and application server for your CEX/Gateway use case; you never implemented new features nor fixed a single bug effecting BitShares.

There is no problem with utilizing BitShares as a free database and application server for CEX business use case; but BitShares isn't ONLY "CEX" business use case; we haven't seen any positive approach from your side nor a vision to support the ongoing development of BitShares; I had witnessed myself your FUD and attack on BitShares as if you were BitShares's competitor or enemy; spitting inside a plate that you were eating from in daily bases on Telegram with your team and supporters.

You were abusing your position as an admin on telegram, FUD, bad words and harassments; you were driving the masses to give up on BitShares while others were working on new features to change and to fix specific issues that was preventing the platform from growing.

Your failing strategy of attacking the network community, FUD, attacking developers and personalizing discussions isn't the strategy that is needed to change any facts on BitShares; BUT civilized discussions with community members which obviously you were lacking.

Some are really thinking BitShares is only a gateway/CEX application server and database engine; "CEX" decisions are self-interest naturally; BUT it isn't BitShares development. perhaps CEX voters are being paid back under the table by corrupt workers, WHY NOT; thanks to BitShares 5.0, this wouldn't be a case when voters are locking their BTS.

I believe you should stop acting as if you were important to BitShares Organization and I believe "alt" should rethink his mind about you.

Be part of the change and set bitshares-vision as your proxy!
Committee account: iobanker-core
Ammar Yousef - CEO @ ioBanker OÜ

Offline blockchained

不得不说 RuDEX 表面功夫做的还是不错的。所有的官宣里,没什么负面字眼。

至于 Thule ,转发一个群里的朋友的话,总结的很到位。

рынок решает, наша ликвидность и наш сервис как шлюза, это с чем мы работаем, а чат он для троллинга коррумпированных мудаков типа тебя abit, это не "поддержка шлюза"
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 06:31:16 pm by blockchained »

Offline blockchained

至于 Dima / blockchained / RuDEX , 其所作所为,下面老帖子你可以先围观一下。

А еще дима перебегал дорогу на красный свет.

Ты забыл добавить, что перед этим ты забанил своим ботом всех независимых админов и удалил все наши сообщения в чате
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 06:30:49 pm by blockchained »

Online abit

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至于 Dima / blockchained / RuDEX , 其所作所为,下面老帖子你可以先围观一下。

You just removed all messages from only 12 people. You can do better.


Thanks to your friend Thule.

By the way,

BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Online abit

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不得不说 RuDEX 表面功夫做的还是不错的。所有的官宣里,没什么负面字眼。

至于 Thule ,转发一个群里的朋友的话,总结的很到位。
BitShares committee member: abit
BitShares witness: in.abit

Offline blockchained

这方面 做的相当不错,自己发展同时也宣传 BTS ,只是他们也还需要时间发展。
反观 RuDEX ,一边从 BTS 拿资源自己赚钱,一边回头踩 BTS 一脚。和 CryptoBridge 有的一比。

至于OL,你说你不清楚,你不会去问、去听、去看?连足额给用户提币都做不到,底线都没有,谈何发展?在群里的公开言论,说 BTS 只是一个免费试验场,要走私链路线。我只能说,道不同不相为谋。

Рудекс на данный момент через арбитражных ботов делает ликвидность этому полумертвому чейну. Все остальные шлюзы с около нулевой ликвидностью, но они в отличие от нас лижут тебе жопу, а мы вертем тебя мудака на хую, поэтому тебя и бомбит еблан

RuDEX за четыре года своей работы не имел никаких проблем, даже при поддержке анонимной команды, в отличие от шлюзов со всеми бумажками, которые уже закрылись и ушли в закат со средствами пользователей.

Мы ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ шлюз Bitshares с полным аудитом:

Этот аудит у нас достаточно давно, а все остальные шлюзы закрыли аудит, как только твой мошеннический MM конкурс закончился. Где аудит твоих шлюзов с бумажками?

Кстати по поводу ликвидности, просто для сравнения пошел, сделал несколько скринов минуту назад.




IObanker (honest_mpa)

Даже сейчас при полумертвой ликвидности на DEX, ликвидность RuDEX самая высокая

Мы как шлюз приносим этой платформе пользователей и комиссии, а ты abit только высасываешь эти комиссии через работников из общего пула. Совсем недавно ты обворовал сообщество получив деньги за аудит кода, в котором ты всех обманул и сломал консенсус. Ты вернул деньги за невыполненную работу обратно в пул?

abit ты лжец, вор и мошенник
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 02:05:03 pm by blockchained »

Offline blockchained

天天满口自己代表 majority community ,真不知道他怎么得出的结论。



公会搞新链时说好给他 500 万新币。当然,后来给没给、他要没要我不清楚。

有人说不解锁对CNY持有人不公平。问题是CNY持有人在明知有锁喂价的情况下,在BTS市价高于0.22,有足够时间换人民币的情况下,仍然选择持有CNY,这难道不该自担风险?按规则0.22借CNY 的反而成老赖了?

谁都知道我搞 4.0 是为了打破原有规则的。
你既然决定 0.22 救市,有什么风险你不清楚?

内盘强清潮,曾经把所有抵押仓清到爆仓价 0.11 以下,即使解锁也没有爆仓风险,解锁了吗?


more lies from a scammer abit

but because you banned Thule on these forum he can't answer to your false accusations,
he asked me to forward this on his behalf

Quote from: Thule

Abit you and Milos are manipulators notorious liars and fudders.

First of all the fud i received 5 million nbs for supporting came
from your mouth on bitsharesdac based on an article which cn-vote

I never asked for a single nbs from cn-vote.
I supported their witnesses before they even had a plan to fork out
of bitshares so your argument is just simple fud trying to discredit me
like you try everywhere but it seems not to be working.

Secondly i never received a single nbs other than airdrop on huobi.
So your attempt to make me look corrupt is just simple fud to make
your bad actions look better.

Even if cn-vote decided to give me 5 million nbs where i had no
interaction with it or even ever mentioned to get anything how could
you blame me for that ?

Other than you i never received a single token even you fudded it everywhere.
You on the other hand take money from the known scammer yip.

The next point about the articles.
I posted in feb i will use the the paid articles to promote the new
defi from bitshares which was in the core worker plan which was
delted thanks to you and milos.

You want me now to promote your dictatorship on bitshares and how
you destroy the whole ecosystem and reputation ?

I offered cn-vote after hearing that they have issues with cex'es
to update to the fork to restore old consensus to publish articles
describing the situation on bitshares to force cex'es to react.
Milos started to fud everywhere that cn-vote is making a hostile takeover
for which he even banned me officaly on this forum.
So you know exectly why cn-vote had issues on cex because you guys
told them lies that you made the changes based on consensus and cn-vote and me
are trying a hostile takeover.

CN-Vote stopped fighting for bitshares and decided to fork away
saying noone cares so they declined the offer.

About feed price threshold.
Abit like i said before you are a notorious liar.
Now you blame alt for it?
You know exectly you implemented the threshold
on your witness as first with no info,no bsip nothing.
Showed it to me and told it would be temporarly.
Since i wanted to safe big part of community beliving you it would be
only temporary i supported it which me and Dima disagreed heavily on telegram.
Today i can say it was a mistake because your word means nothing.
The temporarly changed to permanent even there was many times where
we could have fixed it without nearly any damage.
Remember my worker proposal to reduce feed price from 0.22 to 0.15
which would have caused no damage as lowest CR was 2.31 ?

You voted against it.
bitassets price was also higher than threshold.Where were you there?

old longterm bitsharians know your fud and know who created the mess and abused
his position for a long time.

How come you blame me only for not supporting you?

Was old core upset about your totalitarian behavior on github before ?
Was cn-vote and some other committee upset about your dictatorship in committee and MM before?
Was foreign community upset about your abuse in telegram ?
Was foreign community upset about the scammer workers you supported and defended before?
Was the community upset about your low ethics before?
I could make the list very long.
So claiming its just me seems you lost reality.

How did the foreign community called you abit before you even started mainnet 4.0 ?

A scammer and thief ?
Or is this conspiracy and fud from me ?

The next lie Abit wanting to protect users from abusers is just a
point to centralize bitshares.
OL,Sparkdex,CB were all registered companies.
How did it protected the users ?

On the other hand abits big supporters are

digital lucifer

Someone just needs to listen to community what they think about them.

Is it a lie that digital lucifer tried activly to kick out gateways like
Rudex from bitshares ?
Calling them diffrent names ?
Is it a lie that Digital Lucifer tried to control all social media
accounts threatening to sue and acting like the owner of bitshares?
Is it a lie that Digital Lucifer acts like bitshares needs protection
as its been attacked everywhere and that he is going to provide protection
by being legal represantative and registering bitshares in thailand to have full control?

Sorry Abit i don't and won't support it.

Btw it's always a shady tactic to ban me and after that flood fuds about me where i can't even reply.
Like you guys did before
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 03:47:01 pm by blockchained »

Offline blockchained

RuDEX 怎么赚钱的,我和你举个例子。
RuDEX 是上线了 STEEM 网关的。 STEEM 分叉空投 HIVE 的第一天,RuDEX 就把分到的 HIVE 转到交易所砸了。

more lies from the abit

Read our user agreements.
For 4 years that we're operating on Bitshares, we never supported the forks.
So you trying now to make us look bad, but just shows how rotten you are
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 09:42:40 am by blockchained »

Offline blockchained

社区出钱开发的btspp手机钱包,他换个皮就是自己的了    这个不假吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    还能不承认?都知道的事情

It's just one more lie from scammer abit. We never said that it is our app, we localized for rudex users and gave the credits to their creators, this is an open source app, so I could do with the code as I please
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 09:26:54 am by blockchained »

Offline binggo

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« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 09:04:24 am by binggo »