Author Topic: Announcement of cn-vote Union: Re-evaluation of our support of Worker Proposals  (Read 43614 times)

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« Last Edit: September 15, 2019, 04:49:25 pm by Permie22 »

Offline Permie22

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Simplified Chinese Only:


DEXBot 暂时在投票中落选。请为 DEXBot 投票!


DEXBot 旨在增加 DEX(内盘) 的流动性。

DEXBot 致力于将机器人翻译成简体中文,并加强与比特股中国社区的关系。

DEXBot 对 DEX 市场流动性的研究发现并初步得出以下结论:

在 OPEN.BTC/BTS 市场,约 75% 的订单采用 DEXBot 的错列订单策略功能。

在 bitCNY/bts 市场,约 57% 的当前订单采用 DEXBot 的交错订单策略。

DEXBot 已经在提供至关重要的流动性。如果 DEXBot 能够持续获得资金支持,我们将在这一成功基础上继续完成这项工作。

DEXBot 目前的预算状况

由于资金的谨慎管理,DEXBot WP3 有两个月($4.8 万美元)的储备金。储备金是为了降低由于工作提案暂时被投票落选而产生的短期资金短缺风险。目前,由于 DEXBot 的工作提案落选,这笔储备金正用于支持 DEXBot 继续开发工作。

DEXBot 的套利功能不会因为这段时间工作提案落选而丢失或放弃。60 天的 DEXBot 储备金能够支撑 DEXBot 完成部分开发,而不会让关键开发人员被迫转移到其他项目。

DEXBot WP3 项目周期为 2019 年 7 月至 12 月,预算为 $14.9 万美元。从 2019 年 7 月 1 日至 8 月 20 日,项目已经花费了 $3.8 万美元。

这是记录 DEXBot 项目费用支出的文档

DEXBot 仍需在未来大约 90 天内通过投票重新被资助,才能获得足额预算。


我们需要更多的做市商为潜在的 DEX 用户提供良好的服务,以让他们在比特股上交易,而不是在中心化交易所进行交易。

DEXBot 开发了新的功能来吸引更多的做市商加入 DEX

流动性低的DEX就像服务很差的餐厅。用户不会单纯的因为 DEX 便宜就来 DEX 交易,用户选择 DEX 不仅仅是为了交易,更多的是为了隐私和安全。



高流动性 = 高质量服务

低流动性会带来糟糕的用户体验,更有可能使用户远离 DEX。




DEXBot 计划制定流动性奖励机制,但由于目前的资金情况,这些计划暂时无法付诸实施。DEXBot 需要重新得到资助。

DEXBot 为比特股创建工具,为用户提供高质量的服务。比特股提供了非常强大的安全和隐私条件,而隐私和安全正是用户愿意买单的服务。

削减重要开发项目的资金,尤其是有助于提高流动性的 DEXBot 项目,只会加剧比特股流动性不足和用户使用率低的问题。

继续为 DEXBot 提供资金支持,将允许开源做市机器人 DEXBot 持续开发,使做市商更容易使用 DEXBot。

由于 DEXBot 的 60 天储备金,DEXBot 的套利功能将会完成开发



DEXBox 将使用 Ccxt 工具库,允许一次性访问 135 家中心化交易所(CEX)。这包括了币安和绝大多数大型交易所。


套利可以带来更大的交易量、更好的价格发现效果、更小的价差。套利机器人会接受好的报价,并鼓励做市商尽可能地给出接近去中心化交易所( DEX)中订单簿上市场价格的报价。交易量越大(部分交易量由套利机器人增加),做市商的资金周转就越频繁,也就更加吸引交易者参与做市。



DEXBot 的套利功能应该怎么运作?它应该遵循什么样的逻辑?

DEXBot 应该具备至少能在另外两家交易所的订单簿上发布订单的能力。
这两家交易所中必须有一家是 BitShares DEX。





镜像套利则是分析 交易所 1  (CEX) 的已有订单,并在 交易所 2  (DEX) 发布一个限价订单;如果交易完成,DEXBot 就可以在 交易所 1  吃单,实现盈利。DEXBot 需要阅读 CEX  的订单,通过在 DEX 上发布限价订单,并仅在 DEX 限价订单完成时才对 CEX 采取行动,从而预测/提前获得套利机会。

DEXBot 支持 BitShares DEX 上的流动性和交易活动,因此发出限价订单的交易所为 DEX,而发出市价订单的交易所则为 CEX。

CEX 的订单簿将是动态的,并且会不断变化,因此 DEX 上的限价订单也需要根据更新后的 CEX 订单进行下单、取消或替换的操作——在一定的误差范围内,以减少不必要的微小订单更改所浪费的费用。

DEXBot 必须以最小的延迟来及时掌握 CEX 订单簿的状态,并且尽可能频繁的更新。

DEXBot 会持续监控 CEX 的订单簿信息,并根据 CEX 价格按照百分比的偏移量,利用相关数据在 DEX 上下限价订单。

DEXBot 有几个功能还在计划阶段,只有在 DEXBot 被投票重新资助后才能继续完成开发:

将 DEXBot 翻译成简体中文和俄文
DEXBot 计划将 DEXBot 维基文档和图形用户界面翻译成简体中文和俄文,以提高对广大受众的吸引力,并加强与比特股中俄社区的关系。

用户将能够为多样化的投资组合设置参数。DEXBot 将购买/出售用户选择的一组资产的组成部分,以保持其投资组合在用户设定的比率内。该功能将通过在 bts 价格下降时购买 bts,在价格上升时出售 bts 来帮助稳定 bts 价格,抑制波动,并增强 bts 价格增长的稳定性。该投资组合平衡器将允许做市商持有一个多样化的投资组合,这是一个经过验证的可降低风险的策略。持有多元化投资组合的储备金的做市商将更有能力,也更愿意提供流动性,因为他们对自己选择提供流动性的市场的价格波动风险更有把握。

DEXBot 计划开发一个系统来识别为一系列内盘交易对提供流动性的用户。包括智能货币对 bts,或者 智能货币对网关的交易对。每个网关都将开发不同的 UIA 代币,以允许网关通过在网关自己选择支付的自由市场上购买 UIA 来奖励做市商提供给它们的流动性。网关可以相互竞争,来吸引做市商,并为他们自己带来流动性。网关和 DEX 将能够轻松地奖励提供流动性的自由市场。另一种选择是让网关和 DEX 自己提供流动性,承担 100% 的风险,并消耗 100% 的资金来下单。用 0.1-1% 来奖励自由市场,可以使网关自身提供流动性的成本降低到原来的百分之一到千分之一。奖励这些智能货币对网关的交易对的流动性的能力将事实上增加bitCNY 和其他智能货币的流动性。市面上将会出现更多的 bitCNY,供 bitCNY 债务人偿还债务,也更容易避免黄单。DEX 需要更多的 bitCNY 在 DEX 上交易,而不是存在账户中。

奖励流动性 = 更高的流动性

DEXBot 可以提供止损功能,以便在给定资产跌至用户设置的价格时出售资产。这使得做市商能够限制自己对特定资产的敞口,并降低其做市带来的风险。DEXBot 是提供止损功能的理想环境,因为逻辑可以在链下运行。如果将止损功能添加到链上,则意味着每个人都可以看见止损情况。止损”猎人”会故意压低价格,以触发另一个交易者止损,来使自己获利。

更低的风险 = 更多的做市商 = 更高的流动性


拥有更多信息的做市商 = 更乐于提供流动性 = 更高的流动性。

« Last Edit: September 10, 2019, 01:58:10 pm by Permie22 »

Offline Permie22

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DEXBot is Currently Voted Out. Please Vote for DEXBot!
DEXBot 暂时在投票中落选。请为 DEXBot 投票!


DEXBot is about increasing the liquidity of the DEX.
DEXBot 旨在增加 DEX(内盘) 的流动性。

DEXBot aims to translate into Simplified Chinese and increase relations with the Chinese BitShares Community.
DEXBot 致力于将机器人翻译成简体中文,并加强与比特股中国社区的关系。

DEXBot’s research into the liquidity of DEX markets has found and tentatively concluded that:
DEXBot 对 DEX 市场流动性的研究发现并初步得出以下结论:

On the OPEN.BTC:bts market ~75% of orders are placed with the DEXBot’s Staggered Orders strategy feature.
在 OPEN.BTC/BTS 市场,约 75% 的订单采用 DEXBot 的错列订单策略功能。

On the bitCNY:bts market; ~57% of open orders are placed with DEXBot’s Staggered Orders strategy feature.
在 bitCNY/bts 市场,约 57% 的当前订单采用 DEXBot 的交错订单策略。

DEXBot is already providing vital liquidity. With continued funding DEXBot can grow upon this success.
DEXBot 已经在提供至关重要的流动性。如果 DEXBot 能够持续获得资金支持,我们将在这一成功基础上继续完成这项工作。

DEXBot Current Budget Situation
DEXBot 目前的预算状况

Due to prudent management of the funds; DEXBot WP3 has 2 months ($48,000) of funding held in reserve. This is to mitigate the risk of short term loss of funding due to being relegated from the Worker Proposal Funding Zone temporarily. This reserve is currently being spent to continue development during this period of being voted out.
由于资金的谨慎管理,DEXBot WP3 有两个月($4.8 万美元)的储备金。储备金是为了降低由于工作提案暂时被投票落选而产生的短期资金短缺风险。目前,由于 DEXBot 的工作提案落选,这笔储备金正用于支持 DEXBot 继续开发工作。

DEXBot arbitrage feature will not be lost or abandoned due to this period of being voted out. The 60 day DEXBot reserve budget allows DEXBot to finish part-complete development and not have to lose it’s key developers to other projects.
DEXBot 的套利功能不会因为这段时间工作提案落选而丢失或放弃。60 天的 DEXBot 储备金能够支撑 DEXBot 完成部分开发,而不会让关键开发人员被迫转移到其他项目。

DEXBot WP3 (Scheduled for July to December 2019) has so far, from 1/07/19 to 20/08/19, spent $38,000 of the $149,000 planned budget.
DEXBot WP3 项目周期为 2019 年 7 月至 12 月,预算为 $14.9 万美元。从 2019 年 7 月 1 日至 8 月 20 日,项目已经花费了 $3.8 万美元。

Expenses documented here:
这是记录 DEXBot 项目费用支出的文档

DEXBot still needs to be voted back into the Funding Zone for a further ~90 days to get it’s full budget.
DEXBot 仍需在未来大约 90 天内通过投票重新被资助,才能获得足额预算。

Liquidity is Analogous to Good Quality Wait-Staff in a Restaurant:
More Market Makers are required to supply the good service that the prospective DEX users need in order to come and trade on BitShares instead of a CEX.
我们需要更多的做市商为潜在的 DEX 用户提供良好的服务,以让他们在比特股上交易,而不是在中心化交易所进行交易。

DEXBot develops new features to attract more market makers to the DEX.
DEXBot 开发了新的功能来吸引更多的做市商加入 DEX

Low Liquidity is like poor service at a restaurant. Users don’t come to the DEX because it’s cheaper and they don’t come just to trade coins. They come for privacy and security.
流动性低的DEX就像服务很差的餐厅。用户不会单纯的因为 DEX 便宜就来 DEX 交易,用户选择 DEX 不仅仅是为了交易,更多的是为了隐私和安全。

But it’s all about the service.

Users want to trade their preferred coins in markets that have high liquidity.

High liquidity = high quality service.
高流动性 = 高质量服务

Low liquidity gives a poor user experience and makes them more likely to stay away from the DEX.
低流动性会带来糟糕的用户体验,更有可能使用户远离 DEX。

Low liquidity is like going to a fancy restaurant to eat great food but where the waiter is slow and only brings your meal piece by piece instead of all at once.
Market Makers are to BitShares what good wait-staff are to an upmarket restaurant.

Currently BitShares’ market makers are low paid. Poorly paid restaurant wait-staff do not provide good service.

DEXBot has plans to develop a Liquidity Reward Scheme, but due to the funding situation these plans cannot be put into action. DEXBot needs to get back into the funding zone.
DEXBot 计划制定流动性奖励机制,但由于目前的资金情况,这些计划暂时无法付诸实施。DEXBot 需要重新得到资助。

DEXBot builds the tools for BitShares to provide good quality service to its users. BitShares has a very strong offering of security and privacy. Privacy and security are an additional service for which users are willing to pay.
DEXBot 为比特股创建工具,为用户提供高质量的服务。比特股提供了非常强大的安全和隐私条件,而隐私和安全正是用户愿意买单的服务。

Cutting funding for important development, particularly DEXBot which aids liquidity, only exacerbates the problem of low liquidity and low user adoption of BitShares.
削减重要开发项目的资金,尤其是有助于提高流动性的 DEXBot 项目,只会加剧比特股流动性不足和用户使用率低的问题。

Continued funding for DEXBot will allow the continued development of the open-source market making bot DEXBot that makes it easier for market makers.
继续为 DEXBot 提供资金支持,将允许开源做市机器人 DEXBot 持续开发,使做市商更容易使用 DEXBot。

The DEXBot Arbitrage Features will be completed due to the 60-day DEXBot Reserves
由于 DEXBot 的 60 天储备金,DEXBot 的套利功能将会完成开发

Traditional Arbitrage Feature Specification:!AjNxlbf-fDQJaePNQU7T4aPfJiQ

    DEXBot will use Ccxt which allows access to 135 CEX’s in one go. Binance and most of the big ones are included.
See the full list here:

Why does Bitshares want arbitrage?

Trade volume, better price discovery, tighter spreads as arb bots will take good offers and encourage market makers to have offers close to the market price on the DEX orderbooks as often as possible. The higher the volume of trading, in part increased by arb bots, allows market makers to turn over their capital more frequently thus making market making participation more attractive to traders

Why does Bitshares want to connect to other exchanges?

Arbitrage requires access to at least two separate exchanges as it relies on the price discrepancy, or lag, between prices for assets offered in two separate marketplaces.

How should the arbitrage feature on DEXBot operate? What logic should it follow?

DEXBot should have knowledge and ability to post orders on the books of at least two other exchanges.
One of those two exchanges must always be the Bitshares DEX.


DEXBot 将使用 Ccxt 工具库,允许一次性访问 135 家中心化交易所(CEX)。这包括了币安和绝大多数大型交易所。

套利可以带来更大的交易量、更好的价格发现效果、更小的价差。套利机器人会接受好的报价,并鼓励做市商尽可能地给出接近去中心化交易所( DEX)中订单簿上市场价格的报价。交易量越大(部分交易量由套利机器人增加),做市商的资金周转就越频繁,也就更加吸引交易者参与做市。



DEXBot 的套利功能应该怎么运作?它应该遵循什么样的逻辑?

DEXBot 应该具备至少能在另外两家交易所的订单簿上发布订单的能力。
这两家交易所中必须有一家是 BitShares DEX。

“Mirrored” Arbitrage Feature Specification:!AjNxlbf-fDQJbAbWTiR_BEQW4WM

Mirrored Arbitrage is similar to traditional arbitrage except that it involves one limit order and one market order. As opposed to traditional arbitrage which involves two market orders.

Traditional arbitrage lies hidden ready to pounce on an arbitrage opportunity that arises out of two limit orders being placed by other traders on two separate exchanges.

Mirrored Arbitrage instead analyses the orderbook of Exchange-1 (CEX), and places a limit order on Exchange-2 (DEX) that if filled would allow DEXBot to take an offer from Exchange-1 and realise a profit. DEXBot should read the orderbook of the CEX and predict/front-run arbitrage opportunities by placing limit orders on the DEX and only acting on the CEX if the DEX limit-order is filled.

DEXBot supports liquidity and trading activity on the BitShares DEX so the exchange where limit orders are placed will be the DEX and the exchange where market orders are taken will be a CEX.

The orderbook of the CEX will be dynamic and ever changing so the limit orders on the DEX will have to be placed/cancelled and replaced in response to the updated CEX orderbook - within a margin of error to reduce wasting fees on unnecessarily minute order changes.

DEXBot must be aware of the state of the CEX orderbook with minimal time-lag and updated as frequently as is possible.

DEXBot will constantly monitor the CEX’s orderbook information and use the data to place limit orders on the DEX at prices %offset to the CEX.





镜像套利则是分析 交易所 1  (CEX) 的已有订单,并在 交易所 2  (DEX) 发布一个限价订单;如果交易完成,DEXBot 就可以在 交易所 1  吃单,实现盈利。DEXBot 需要阅读 CEX  的订单,通过在 DEX 上发布限价订单,并仅在 DEX 限价订单完成时才对 CEX 采取行动,从而预测/提前获得套利机会。

DEXBot 支持 BitShares DEX 上的流动性和交易活动,因此发出限价订单的交易所为 DEX,而发出市价订单的交易所则为 CEX。

CEX 的订单簿将是动态的,并且会不断变化,因此 DEX 上的限价订单也需要根据更新后的 CEX 订单进行下单、取消或替换的操作——在一定的误差范围内,以减少不必要的微小订单更改所浪费的费用。

DEXBot 必须以最小的延迟来及时掌握 CEX 订单簿的状态,并且尽可能频繁的更新。

DEXBot 会持续监控 CEX 的订单簿信息,并根据 CEX 价格按照百分比的偏移量,利用相关数据在 DEX 上下限价订单。!AjNxlbf-fDQJaePNQU7T4aPfJiQ



DEXBoxt 将使用 Ccxt 工具库,允许一次性访问 135 家中心化交易所(CEX)。这包括了币安和绝大多数大型交易所。


套利可以带来更大的交易量、更好的价格发现效果、更小的价差。套利机器人会接受好的报价,并鼓励做市商尽可能地给出接近去中心化交易所( DEX)中订单簿上市场价格的报价。交易量越大(部分交易量由套利机器人增加),做市商的资金周转就越频繁,也就更加吸引交易者参与做市。



DEXBot 的套利功能应该怎么运作?它应该遵循什么样的逻辑?

DEXBot 应该具备至少能在另外两家交易所的订单簿上发布订单的能力。
这两家交易所中必须有一家是 BitShares DEX。





镜像套利则是分析 交易所 1  (CEX) 的已有订单,并在 交易所 2  (DEX) 发布一个限价订单;如果交易完成,DEXBot 就可以在 交易所 1  吃单,实现盈利。DEXBot 需要阅读 CEX  的订单,通过在 DEX 上发布限价订单,并仅在 DEX 限价订单完成时才对 CEX 采取行动,从而预测/提前获得套利机会。

DEXBot 支持 BitShares DEX 上的流动性和交易活动,因此发出限价订单的交易所为 DEX,而发出市价订单的交易所则为 CEX。

CEX 的订单簿将是动态的,并且会不断变化,因此 DEX 上的限价订单也需要根据更新后的 CEX 订单进行下单、取消或替换的操作——在一定的误差范围内,以减少不必要的微小订单更改所浪费的费用。

DEXBot 必须以最小的延迟来及时掌握 CEX 订单簿的状态,并且尽可能频繁的更新。

DEXBot 会持续监控 CEX 的订单簿信息,并根据 CEX 价格按照百分比的偏移量,利用相关数据在 DEX 上下限价订单。

DEXBot has several features waiting in the planning stages that can only be developed if DEXBot gets voted back into the funding zone:
DEXBot 有几个功能还在计划阶段,只有在 DEXBot 被投票重新资助后才能继续完成开发:

DEXBot Translation into Mandarin and Russian
DEXBot has plans to translate the DEXBot wiki documentation and the GUI into Mandarin and Russian to increase the appeal to a wider audience and to include the very important Chinese and Russian BitShares communities.

将 DEXBot 翻译成简体中文和俄文
DEXBot 计划将 DEXBot 维基文档和图形用户界面翻译成简体中文和俄文,以提高对广大受众的吸引力,并加强与比特股中俄社区的关系。

Diversified-Portfolio Rebalancer
Users will be able to set parameters for a diversified portfolio. DEXBot will buy/sell components of the user-chosen basket of assets to maintain their portfolio at the user-set ratios. This feature will aid the bts price by buying bts when the price goes down, and selling bts when the price goes up. Dampening volatility and increasing the stability of bts price growth. The portfolio balancer will allow market makers to hold a diversified portfolio which is a proven strategy to reduce risk. Market makers who hold reserves in a diversified portfolio are more able and willing to provide liquidity as they can feel more comfortable about the risk of price volatility in the markets they choose to provide liquidity to.

    2.     多元化投资组合平衡器
用户将能够为多样化的投资组合设置参数。DEXBot 将购买/出售用户选择的一组资产的组成部分,以保持其投资组合在用户设定的比率内。该功能将通过在 bts 价格下降时购买 bts,在价格上升时出售 bts 来帮助稳定 bts 价格,抑制波动,并增强 bts 价格增长的稳定性。该投资组合平衡器将允许做市商持有一个多样化的投资组合,这是一个经过验证的可降低风险的策略。持有多元化投资组合的储备金的做市商将更有能力,也更愿意提供流动性,因为他们对自己选择提供流动性的市场的价格波动风险更有把握。
Lower Risk Profile = More Comfortable Market Makers = Higher Liquidity

Liquidity Rewards Tool
DEXBot plans to develop a system to identify users who provide liquidity to a range of DEX markets. SmartCoin:bts and SmartCoin:Gateway. Different UIA tokens for each gateway will be developed to allow gateways to reward the liquidity that market makers are providing to them by buying their UIA on the free market that the gateway themselves choose to pay. Gateways will be able to compete with each other to attract market makers and the liquidity they bring to their Gateway. Gateways and the DEX will be able to easily reward the free market for providing liquidity. The alternative is for Gateways and the DEX to provide the liquidity itself, taking on 100% of the risk and consuming 100% of the capital required to place into open orders. Rewarding the free market with a 0.1-1% reward allows Gateways to reduce the cost of providing liquidity themselves by a factor of 100-1000. The ability to reward liquidity to these SmartCoin:Gateway markets by consequence increases the liquidity of bitCNY and other SmartCoins. There will be more bitCNY in circulation and thus more bitCNY available on the market for bitCNY debtors to service their debts and more easily avoid margin call. The DEX needs more bitCNY being traded on the DEX not sitting in accounts unable to be purchased.

     3.     流动性奖励工具
DEXBot 计划开发一个系统来识别为一系列内盘交易对提供流动性的用户。包括智能货币对 bts,或者 智能货币对网关的交易对。每个网关都将开发不同的 UIA 代币,以允许网关通过在网关自己选择支付的自由市场上购买 UIA 来奖励做市商提供给它们的流动性。网关可以相互竞争,来吸引做市商,并为他们自己带来流动性。网关和 DEX 将能够轻松地奖励提供流动性的自由市场。另一种选择是让网关和 DEX 自己提供流动性,承担 100% 的风险,并消耗 100% 的资金来下单。用 0.1-1% 来奖励自由市场,可以使网关自身提供流动性的成本降低到原来的百分之一到千分之一。奖励这些智能货币对网关的交易对的流动性的能力将事实上增加 bitCNY 和其他智能货币的流动性。市面上将会出现更多的 bitCNY,供 bitCNY 债务人偿还债务,也更容易避免黄单。DEX 需要更多的 bitCNY 在 DEX 上交易,而不是存在账户中。

Rewarding Liquidity = Higher Liquidity.
奖励流动性 = 更高的流动性

Stop-Loss feature
DEXBot can provide Stop-Loss features to sell a given asset should that asset fall to a user-defined price. This allows market makers to limit their exposure to a particular asset and reduce the risk that comes from market making. DEXBot is the ideal environment to provide stop loss features as the logic can be held off-chain. If Stop Losses were to be added on-chain, stop losses would be visible for all to see. Stop-Loss “Hunters” would then deliberately try to push the price lower to trigger another traders Stop-Loss in order for the Hunter to profit.

     4.      止损功能
DEXBot 可以提供止损功能,以便在给定资产跌至用户设置的价格时出售资产。这使得做市商能够限制自己对特定资产的敞口,并降低其做市带来的风险。DEXBot 是提供止损功能的理想环境,因为逻辑可以在链下运行。如果将止损功能添加到链上,则意味着每个人都可以看见止损情况。止损”猎人”会故意压低价格,以触发另一个交易者止损,来使自己获利。

Lower risk = More Market Makers = Higher Liquidity.
更低的风险 = 更多的做市商 = 更高的流动性

Forecasting tools
To inform for prudent market making. Market makers want to know the likelihood of a bull or bear market in the assets that they provide liquidity to. Knowledge is power.

      5.     预测工具

Market makers with More Information = More Comfort with Supplying Liquidity = Higher Liquidity.
拥有更多信息的做市商 = 更乐于提供流动性 = 更高的流动性。

« Last Edit: September 10, 2019, 01:55:06 pm by Permie22 »

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Probably when the price is over 0.035-0.038 USD per 1 BTS... imho.
Milos (DL) Preocanin
Owner and manager of
Move Institute, Non-profit organization
RN: 2098555000
Murska Sobota, Slovenia.

Offline bench

Be part of the change and vote for the bitshares-vision proxy!

Offline clockwork

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Put the core work in Chinese kids hands for 10 usd an hour and bitshares will probably be dead in a few months with luck independently of the price. The bitshares core haves the highest quality standards than any other graphene project, it is a very hard work for men(or woman), not for kids.


I am trying to defend the core team work, my apologies if i offended you. It is not a matter or where are the programmers from but more how old they are.

i would think that was quite obvious since Abit's chinese

Offline binggo

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Put the core work in Chinese kids hands for 10 usd an hour and bitshares will probably be dead in a few months with luck independently of the price. The bitshares core haves the highest quality standards than any other graphene project, it is a very hard work for men(or woman), not for kids.


I am trying to defend the core team work, my apologies if i offended you. It is not a matter or where are the programmers from but more how old they are.

Offline oxarbitrage

Put the core work in Chinese kids hands for 10 usd an hour and bitshares will probably be dead in a few months with luck independently of the price. The bitshares core haves the highest quality standards than any other graphene project, it is a very hard work for men(or woman), not for kids.


I am trying to defend the core team work, my apologies if i offended you. It is not a matter or where are the programmers from but more how old they are.

Offline binggo

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Put the core work in Chinese kids hands for 10 usd an hour and bitshares will probably be dead in a few months with luck independently of the price. The bitshares core haves the highest quality standards than any other graphene project, it is a very hard work for men(or woman), not for kids.


Offline Brekyrself

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I will take this thread to express my opinion about what was discussed here and what is discussed also in related threads and other communication channels.

I do agree with bitcrab that bitshares is ill, we had been in downtrend for so long that we need to face trouble after trouble. The dumping of BTS we do with the workers systematically is currently making the overall situation to be worst.

Everybody haves different opinions on what is needed and what can be at least temporally suspended but some action should be taken to avoid the full collapse.

In my opinion , when waters calm down we should keep track of our profits, right now as far as i know fees are not enough to pay the witnesses. We should start by trying to make fees pay for the witnesses even if we dont do it that way as a measure of self sustainability without using the reserves. Then increase the profits the DAC makes. A higher BTS price will of course help.

As part of the core team i must say the worker i belong is one of the workers that takes a huge amount of the reserves so i suppose it will suffer, just as the rest. As i am inside the core team i know we are in the right direction with our development but the shareholders are the ones that should decide that.
We dont only bring new features that will be directly translated in more usage and fees collected but we also secure and optimize the network to make sure our technology can keep advancing and holding businesses of all kind.

It hurts me how the Chinese community think we are corrupt. It is true that the hour in the core is well paid but the reality those hours are generally for submitted code. I spend 12 hours a day working in Bitshares and some days i bill 0 of those hours as there was not work that could be presented to the community in github. A decrease of developer hour price will just make the developers to bill more hours. With a high hour price we can catch the best developers and guarantee the quality of the core.

I am going to tell this and i hope nobody get offended:

Put the core work in Chinese kids hands for 10 usd an hour and bitshares will probably be dead in a few months with luck independently of the price. The bitshares core haves the highest quality standards than any other graphene project, it is a very hard work for men(or woman), not for kids.

Well said.  I hope everyone voting for the refund worker reads your quote and understands you kept working for bitshares through the last number of years when everyone else left!

Offline oxarbitrage

I will take this thread to express my opinion about what was discussed here and what is discussed also in related threads and other communication channels.

I do agree with bitcrab that bitshares is ill, we had been in downtrend for so long that we need to face trouble after trouble. The dumping of BTS we do with the workers systematically is currently making the overall situation to be worst.

Everybody haves different opinions on what is needed and what can be at least temporally suspended but some action should be taken to avoid the full collapse.

In my opinion , when waters calm down we should keep track of our profits, right now as far as i know fees are not enough to pay the witnesses. We should start by trying to make fees pay for the witnesses even if we dont do it that way as a measure of self sustainability without using the reserves. Then increase the profits the DAC makes. A higher BTS price will of course help.

As part of the core team i must say the worker i belong is one of the workers that takes a huge amount of the reserves so i suppose it will suffer, just as the rest. As i am inside the core team i know we are in the right direction with our development but the shareholders are the ones that should decide that.
We dont only bring new features that will be directly translated in more usage and fees collected but we also secure and optimize the network to make sure our technology can keep advancing and holding businesses of all kind.

It hurts me how the Chinese community think we are corrupt. It is true that the hour in the core is well paid but the reality those hours are generally for submitted code. I spend 12 hours a day working in Bitshares and some days i bill 0 of those hours as there was not work that could be presented to the community in github. A decrease of developer hour price will just make the developers to bill more hours. With a high hour price we can catch the best developers and guarantee the quality of the core.

I am going to tell this and i hope nobody get offended:

Put the core work in Chinese kids hands for 10 usd an hour and bitshares will probably be dead in a few months with luck independently of the price. The bitshares core haves the highest quality standards than any other graphene project, it is a very hard work for men(or woman), not for kids.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2019, 07:38:20 pm by oxarbitrage »

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It's going to be exceedingly difficult and expensive to replace the development capabilities lost due to refund400k. It's concerning that you're unaware of what you're blocking & the subsequent future consequences that burning these bridges will result in.

Don't worry, I believe neither I nor China community want to stop the core development.

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however, I don't think it's very difficult to find skilled enough developers to do the core dev job.
Uff, have you ever looked into *their* job?
Since I am in a closed telegram group with the core dev team, I can tell you, it's *WAY* over my head ... and I'd call myself well-educated.
OK,maybe I was wrong.
It's going to be exceedingly difficult and expensive to replace the development capabilities lost due to refund400k. It's concerning that you're unaware of what you're blocking & the subsequent future consequences that burning these bridges will result in.

Offline bitProfessor

@tshen @bitcrab
The worker system is what makes bitshares unique and now we cut off the very people trying to advance bitshares?  If we do not pay the developers, they will simply find another job to put food on the table.  Once they are gone, it's game over, they will not come back.

It has been suggested before to create multiple 100k refund workers so it's easier include or exclude all the workers.  No time like the present to do this and get development funded again.

IIRC the core worker has enough fund to support development.

If necessary, I'd like to suggest to vote core worker to top&active.

however, I don't think it's very difficult to find skilled enough developers to do the core dev job.
I am sorry to see you say this.

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however, I don't think it's very difficult to find skilled enough developers to do the core dev job.

Uff, have you ever looked into *their* job?
Since I am in a closed telegram group with the core dev team, I can tell you, it's *WAY* over my head ... and I'd call myself well-educated.

OK,maybe I was wrong.