Author Topic: Cn-vote's statement on version 4.0 Upgrade -- to all witne公会关于4.0版本升级的声明——致所有见证人  (Read 66356 times)

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Offline Thul3

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1) You said "individual developers tamper with the voting system without the knowledge of the community, causing extremely bad impact"

what an excuse when an irresponsible admin upgrades his own node without his own knowledge about what he's writing there, I wouldn't trust or vote such an irresponsible admins.

Abit have been trusted by witnesses who would never asume he would be able to do something like that myself included.
Another person to blame is the core prelude manager Digital Lucifer who had knowledge about it before witnesses had patched their nodes but kept silent about it as he "loved" the trojan horse in the patch

2) You said "We believe that this behavior has trampled on the trust foundation of BTS blockchain"

The foundation wasn't there.

He means the basics of bitshares (foundation) which i completly agree with.
The foundation itsself which was representing bitshares for a longer time would not agree on something like that too when reading old comments of some of their members.

3) You said "BTS will no longer have credibility in the blockchain world"

BTS now is having more credibility because corruption and loopholes in voting system are patched.

That is your poor opinion which i and many other foreigners told you in the past is very poor.You are basicly indoctrinated by DL.

4) You said "CN vote developed a 4.0 patch"

 I doubt your patch would work, if by any chance it works and your code was applied, I believe you wouldn't be able to handle the core development because everybody is aware of your poor technical skills, you might be good investors; I doubt because you couldn't bring a single development to the blockchain, non of you is well matured technical nor a businessman.
Ha  ha like i would hear Digital Lucifer talking on his own.Seems his conditioning is taking fruits.
Isn't it always him claiming chinese could do no development at all ?With how many chinese programer did you worked in the past?
You must be very limited like DL when making such statements.

5) You said "This patch only fixes the changes that are added without community voting"

lets see how many BP admins are going to apply the patch with the same exact mistake of not having the knowledge of what they're doing.
Witness B-DEX confirming to use patch to restore protocol.

6) You said "We call on all witnesses to install the patch"

I say I call all witnesses not to install this patch, we're done with corruption of voting power system and we don't wanna go back, you go back alone. :)

Why don't you start your fork finally and let us see how many people are going to follow such a person like you are.I bet it would bring me a nice smile into my  face and your ego might get destroyed.

7) You said "We support all legal and beneficial system upgrades."

I say you could not benefit the system by any mean ever, it's obvious, since your first day until now you were silent about issues of voting and worker system and we haven't seen your development workers nor technicals anywhere.

Thanks for reading and sorry for my honesty.

Changing from one issue to another is no solution.Also personly i see the issue accuring with the protocol break longterm way bigger than to find consensus with cn-vote.

Like DL always says
All power to Dev's as they are the creators of bitshares who should have full control and not stupid chinese or foreign investors who put their money where their mouth is.    /ironie off

But you can proof us what is more important with your fork.
Let's see where the community will stick.
You got already DL supporting your fork.
Love to see how many are going to follow you guys.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 06:09:17 am by Thul3 »

Offline Ammar Yousef (ioBanker)







如见证人安装补丁时有任何问题请联系微信:xiaoyuan  409


Cn-vote's statement on version 4.0 Upgrade -- to all witnesses
As we all know, in the bts4.0 version upgrade, individual developers tamper with the voting system without the knowledge of the community, causing extremely bad impact. We believe that this behavior has trampled on the trust foundation of BTS blockchain, torn community unity and shaken investors' confidence in currency holding. If not corrected immediately, BTS will no longer have credibility in the blockchain world.

To this end, CN vote developed a 4.0 patch, which aims to restore the voting system to the state before version 4.0 to eliminate adverse effects.This patch only fixes the changes that are added without community voting, and does not affect the normal use of other functions of version 4.0.

We call on all witnesses to install the patch. After the witness installs the patch, the patch will automatically take effect at 21:55, August 20, 2020(Beijing time).

All witnesses (including inactive witnesses) are requested to reply to the patch installation under this post before 24:00 Beijing time on August 15, 2020. Starting from August 16, 2020, Beijing time, we will withdraw votes for witnesses who have not responded to the installation of patch files and vote for witnesses who have installed patch files. If the number of witnesses supporting the installation of patch files is insufficient, CN vote will enable the standby witness to supplement the number of witnesses.

The cn-vote will continue to be committed to maintaining the credit, fairness and justice of BTS blockchain system. We support all legal and beneficial system upgrades.

If the witness has any problems in installing the patch, please contact wechat:
 Xiaoyuan  409

Patch download address:

1) You said "individual developers tamper with the voting system without the knowledge of the community, causing extremely bad impact"

what an excuse when an irresponsible admin upgrades his own node without his own knowledge about what he's writing there, I wouldn't trust or vote such an irresponsible admins.

2) You said "We believe that this behavior has trampled on the trust foundation of BTS blockchain"

The foundation wasn't there.

3) You said "BTS will no longer have credibility in the blockchain world"

BTS now is having more credibility because corruption and loopholes in voting system are patched.

4) You said "CN vote developed a 4.0 patch"

 I doubt your patch would work, if by any chance it works and your code was applied, I believe you wouldn't be able to handle the core development because everybody is aware of your poor technical skills, you might be good investors; I doubt because you couldn't bring a single development to the blockchain, non of you is well matured technical nor a businessman.

5) You said "This patch only fixes the changes that are added without community voting"

lets see how many BP admins are going to apply the patch with the same exact mistake of not having the knowledge of what they're doing.

6) You said "We call on all witnesses to install the patch"

I say I call all witnesses not to install this patch, we're done with corruption of voting power system and we don't wanna go back, you go back alone. :)

7) You said "We support all legal and beneficial system upgrades."

I say you could not benefit the system by any mean ever, it's obvious, since your first day until now you were silent about issues of voting and worker system and we haven't seen your development workers nor technicals anywhere.

Thanks for reading and sorry for my honesty.

Be part of the change and set bitshares-vision as your proxy!
Committee account: iobanker-core
Ammar Yousef - CEO @ ioBanker OÜ

Offline binggo

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那这个链就叫cn-vote chain 吧,反正就是没有可信第三方多人审计的一颗大雷代码库,也算是cn-vote独立出来成单链自己审计自己。





第一: 公会所谓的这种团结,规则一类的说辞怕是说出来自己都不信,强行用未经社区投票激活的BAIP-THReshold做投票通过标准,并暗箱操作换票的时候哪个时候怎么闭口不谈团结规则一类的东西?是不是没有触犯到你们利益就可以装聋作哑不吭气?绕过WPS然后通过自己操控的理事会来肆意花费社区资金的时候你们又怎么不吭气了呢?理事会账户外流资金那么多,最终进了谁的腰包呢?!

第二: 公开贿选,先谈目前三位给公会上贡的见证人,这么赤裸裸的贿选行为居然被你们解释的头头是道,这个时候的什么团结,底线,规则一类的都抛之脑后了吧?这是他娘的DPOS,见证人一票多投,不是什么POW, 一份哈希只能代表一份权力,一票多投的公开贿选代表着什么?就是一群老鼠窝,再谈与BEOS的PY交易互相支持见证人与理事,这也是贿选的形式呢?这个时候的底线与操守去哪了呢?

第三: 抵押票权: 在黑天鹅保护与锁定喂价之下摄取大量的虚假票权的时候怎么不谈什么所谓的公平,团结与信用呢?就算是按照锁定喂价计算,所谓的公会实际的票权能有几何,自己心里没点数吗?!锁喂价坑害抵押的最终服务的对象锚定资产持有者的时候,怎么不谈团结与信用呢?就因为你们掌握了大量虚假票权与话语权?当随着价格上涨,指数膨胀的抵押票权出现后,怕是所有见证人与只持有bts的持有者想哭都哭不出来,这个时候这个由赌徒组成的群体靠着决定性的抵押投票权,可以毫无底线的肆意妄为,即使现在,这群赖账群体不也是高喊锁喂价无限正义吗?!






« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 04:26:53 am by binggo »

Offline cn-vote

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如见证人安装补丁时有任何问题请联系微信:xiaoyuan  409


Cn-vote's statement on version 4.0 Upgrade -- to all witnesses
As we all know, in the bts4.0 version upgrade, individual developers tamper with the voting system without the knowledge of the community, causing extremely bad impact. We believe that this behavior has trampled on the trust foundation of BTS blockchain, torn community unity and shaken investors' confidence in currency holding. If not corrected immediately, BTS will no longer have credibility in the blockchain world.

To this end, CN vote developed a 4.0 patch, which aims to restore the voting system to the state before version 4.0 to eliminate adverse effects.This patch only fixes the changes that are added without community voting, and does not affect the normal use of other functions of version 4.0.

We call on all witnesses to install the patch. After the witness installs the patch, the patch will automatically take effect at 21:55, August 20, 2020(Beijing time).

All witnesses (including inactive witnesses) are requested to reply to the patch installation under this post before 24:00 Beijing time on August 15, 2020. Starting from August 16, 2020, Beijing time, we will withdraw votes for witnesses who have not responded to the installation of patch files and vote for witnesses who have installed patch files. If the number of witnesses supporting the installation of patch files is insufficient, CN vote will enable the standby witness to supplement the number of witnesses.

The cn-vote will continue to be committed to maintaining the credit, fairness and justice of BTS blockchain system. We support all legal and beneficial system upgrades.

If the witness has any problems in installing the patch, please contact wechat:
 Xiaoyuan  409

Patch download address: