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Quote from: binggo on August 29, 2020, 06:56:43 am来了,新鲜热乎的https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/XMyh4moI1yhfn1Z5dohSQA请及时关注比特股分叉的糖果领取细则新比特股 今天 因比特股核心开发团队成员abit在未经中外社区正式投票程序通过,私自纂改4.0升级代码且拒绝重新投票,经比特股公会多次沟通协商未果。为此,比特股公会经过全体成员讨论投票,决定于2020年9月10日21:55执行硬分叉预案。硬分叉之后并非全体bts持有人都能1:1领取新币糖果,具体的投放细则请及时关注比特股公会官方公告,本公众号也将及时跟进。如果你的bts是在内盘(无论是否处于抵押状态),你只需将投票代理给比特股公会帐户(cn-vote)即可耐心等待领取新币糖果空投,如果你的bts在外部交易所,你必须立即与平台客服确认平台是否支持糖果空投及上架交易。目前第一个表态支持糖果空投及上架交易的是AEX(原比特时代交易所https://www.aex.plus),你的bts只要在aex处于非抵押状态即可耐心等待糖果空投。 AEX只说了支持代领,压根就没说要开交易
来了,新鲜热乎的https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/XMyh4moI1yhfn1Z5dohSQA请及时关注比特股分叉的糖果领取细则新比特股 今天 因比特股核心开发团队成员abit在未经中外社区正式投票程序通过,私自纂改4.0升级代码且拒绝重新投票,经比特股公会多次沟通协商未果。为此,比特股公会经过全体成员讨论投票,决定于2020年9月10日21:55执行硬分叉预案。硬分叉之后并非全体bts持有人都能1:1领取新币糖果,具体的投放细则请及时关注比特股公会官方公告,本公众号也将及时跟进。如果你的bts是在内盘(无论是否处于抵押状态),你只需将投票代理给比特股公会帐户(cn-vote)即可耐心等待领取新币糖果空投,如果你的bts在外部交易所,你必须立即与平台客服确认平台是否支持糖果空投及上架交易。目前第一个表态支持糖果空投及上架交易的是AEX(原比特时代交易所https://www.aex.plus),你的bts只要在aex处于非抵押状态即可耐心等待糖果空投。
Quote from: EuropaSH on August 18, 2020, 06:25:09 pmWhat will happen to the Witnesses with CN-Vote patch "on August 20"?If you are planning a new patch with the September 10th update, it makes sense to vote for the nodes that did not install the patch, in order to avoid network problems on August 20th.Or let the Witnesses update the versions to official github and inform the community about it.THIS ^^^
What will happen to the Witnesses with CN-Vote patch "on August 20"?If you are planning a new patch with the September 10th update, it makes sense to vote for the nodes that did not install the patch, in order to avoid network problems on August 20th.Or let the Witnesses update the versions to official github and inform the community about it.
Quote目前,巨蟹已经发布了BAIP投票,我们呼吁各投资者尽快投票,以尽快形成社区共识。在抵押杠杆票权,贿选组织没有被彻底剔除之前,所谓的社区共识不过是一句屁话!在公平的票权基础没有确立厘清之前,我不会参与这样的投票,同时建议其它投资者也不要参与这样的投票,当你参与了这种投票就等于默认了这种不公平性与作弊。一个抵押杠杆票权可以通过无数种方式继续放大,无论是锁喂价,黑天鹅保护,还是降低MCR,还是可能存在的爆仓保险,花样只有你想不到,如果社区继续默认这种票权方式存在是合理的话,那我无话可说。After removed the vote power of leverage collateral, removed the organization of the vote buying,then let's find out the consensus.Fighting for the cn-vote=Fighting for the vote power of leverage collateral=Fighting for the vote buying,these have essentially different with the fighting for the community!Before the fair vote foundation didn't make clear, i will not participate in this kind vote to find out a base consensus, and i suggest other shareholders don't participate in this kind vote, when you participate in this kind vote that mean you accepte this kind of unfairness and cheat.The vote power of leverage collateral can balloon with many ways, lock the feed price, black swan protection, lower the MCR, or the insurance of margin call, only you can not think,if the community still think this vote power of leverage collateral is reasonable, please forget all what i have said, let the future to show.
Quote "后期,我们将尽快开启测试网,请每名见证人务必尽快在测试网运行、测试该补丁程序。我们将及时发布相关测试网信息,请见证人留意我们后期的通知。若在此期间,社区通过合规的链上投票产生了新的共识,在时间来的及的情况下我们会及时修正补丁;若来不及,我们会在9月10号升级后尽快按照社区共识发布新的补丁。目前,巨蟹已经发布了BAIP投票,我们呼吁各投资者尽快投票,以尽快形成社区共识。" "Later, we will open the test network as soon as possible, please be sure that all witnesses to run and test the patch on the test network as soon as possible. We will release test network information in a timely manner, please pay attention to our later notice. If during this period (from now to September 10) , a new consensus emerges from the community through a voting on the chain , we will promptly amend the patch when time comes or we will release amend patch according to the community consensus right after upgrade on September 10 . BitCrab has issued a BAIP voting." 会有新的补丁升级包发布,并且会开通测试网,公开测试和检测。请各位见证人等待公会通知。给您造成的不便,非常抱歉。 There will be a new patch upgrade package released, and will open the test network, public testing. Please wait for the notice of the CNVOTE. Sorry for the inconvenience.
"后期,我们将尽快开启测试网,请每名见证人务必尽快在测试网运行、测试该补丁程序。我们将及时发布相关测试网信息,请见证人留意我们后期的通知。若在此期间,社区通过合规的链上投票产生了新的共识,在时间来的及的情况下我们会及时修正补丁;若来不及,我们会在9月10号升级后尽快按照社区共识发布新的补丁。目前,巨蟹已经发布了BAIP投票,我们呼吁各投资者尽快投票,以尽快形成社区共识。" "Later, we will open the test network as soon as possible, please be sure that all witnesses to run and test the patch on the test network as soon as possible. We will release test network information in a timely manner, please pay attention to our later notice. If during this period (from now to September 10) , a new consensus emerges from the community through a voting on the chain , we will promptly amend the patch when time comes or we will release amend patch according to the community consensus right after upgrade on September 10 . BitCrab has issued a BAIP voting."
QuoteWill it be a new patch? the patch you posted is dated August 20I guess they have different date ...
Will it be a new patch? the patch you posted is dated August 20
You are known to the community for spreading lies and FUD.
I guess they have different date ...
公会关于4.0版本升级的声明——致所有见证人众所周知,在BTS4.0版本升级中,个别开发人员在社区不知情的情况下,私自篡改投票系统,造成极其恶劣的影响。我们认为,这种行为践踏了BTS区块链的信任基础、撕裂了社区团结、动摇了投资者的持币信心。如果不立即纠正,BTS在区块链世界中将再无信用可言。为此,公会开发了4.0版本补丁程序,该补丁程序目的是将投票系统恢复成4.0版本之前的状态,以消除不良影响。该补丁仅修复了未经社区投票私自增加的变更,不影响4.0版本其他功能的正常使用。我们呼吁所有见证人安装该补丁。见证人安装该补丁文件后,该补丁文件将在北京时间2020年8月20日21:55分自动生效。请所有见证人(包括非活跃见证人)在北京时间2020年8月15日24:00分之前在本帖下回复补丁安装情况。从北京时间2020年8月16日开始,我们将对没有回复安装补丁文件的见证人撤票,并投票给已经安装补丁文件的见证人。若支持安装补丁文件的见证人数量不足,公会将启用公会备用见证人,将见证人数量补足。其他所有个人节点、交易所节点、重钱包也应当在20日之后安装此补丁,以免影响使用。公会将不断致力于维护BTS区块链系统的信用、公平和正义,我们支持一切合法的、有益的系统升级。如见证人安装补丁时有任何问题请联系微信:xiaoyuan 409补丁下载地址:https://github.com/bitshares-cnvote/bitshares-coreCn-vote's statement on version 4.0 Upgrade -- to all witnessesAs we all know, in the bts4.0 version upgrade, individual developers tamper with the voting system without the knowledge of the community, causing extremely bad impact. We believe that this behavior has trampled on the trust foundation of BTS blockchain, torn community unity and shaken investors' confidence in currency holding. If not corrected immediately, BTS will no longer have credibility in the blockchain world.To this end, CN vote developed a 4.0 patch, which aims to restore the voting system to the state before version 4.0 to eliminate adverse effects.This patch only fixes the changes that are added without community voting, and does not affect the normal use of other functions of version 4.0.We call on all witnesses to install the patch. After the witness installs the patch, the patch will automatically take effect at 21:55, August 20, 2020(Beijing time).All witnesses (including inactive witnesses) are requested to reply to the patch installation under this post before 24:00 Beijing time on August 15, 2020. Starting from August 16, 2020, Beijing time, we will withdraw votes for witnesses who have not responded to the installation of patch files and vote for witnesses who have installed patch files. If the number of witnesses supporting the installation of patch files is insufficient, CN vote will enable the standby witness to supplement the number of witnesses.The cn-vote will continue to be committed to maintaining the credit, fairness and justice of BTS blockchain system. We support all legal and beneficial system upgrades.If the witness has any problems in installing the patch, please contact wechat: Xiaoyuan 409Patch download address: https://github.com/bitshares-cnvote/bitshares-core
Quoteliondani witness will not install the cn-vote's patch.Could you please tell what infra you provided as witness other than a VPS and where you activly where participating in bitshares ?Cause in committee you glanced with total absence over the last 1 1/2 yearsYou were also one of the known steem witnesses who fucked up ?
liondani witness will not install the cn-vote's patch.
Quote from: Thul3 on August 17, 2020, 08:12:23 pmYou installed knowingly malcious code and were silent about it.You did it with full intention.You broke once again rules and protocol as witness.I have no idea what you smoked, but I urge you to stop because it seems to hurt you and makes you think you are omniscient.Quote from: Thul3 on August 17, 2020, 08:12:23 pmYou did wrong and want to force as a small minority the majority to accept your point of view by creating fud and fear.You are the one creating fud and spreading bullshit here. Stop claiming or even speculating about me being aware of the latest addition to the 4.0 release. I was not aware of any changes in voting rules, so stop bullshitting around.Quote from: Thul3 on August 17, 2020, 08:12:23 pmWasn't it you personly on telegram chat who asked cn-vote for supporting you as witness with the explanation you will always follow consensus based on voting ?cn-vote is the same group that kicked me out exactly because I was following the consensus.If there is really consensus then active witnesses will be changed to reflect community will. I encourage that.If a fork is going to happen that's exactly because there is a split in consensus (so no real homogeneous consensus).Quote from: Thul3 on August 17, 2020, 08:12:23 pmAnd if you don't understand the patch i recommend reading the forum.There is an explanation from me and cn-vote that reversal of code needs more work so the easiest way was to change parameters only to not change compatibility."Not change compatibility" ?...Applying that patch will create a fork... what other "compatibility" are you trying to preserve? It doesn't make sense.As a witness I also have to evaluate the risk in running a certain version of the software, and as already stressed, that patch was not tested, it introduce new unspecified behaviour and above all it doesn't reverse the controversial changes that required the patch itself...it will also cause dangerous situations for the current BitShares ecosystem.I invite you, cn-vote, and everyone that feels a come back is needed, to take the necessary time and make it right instead of rushing it so badly.
You installed knowingly malcious code and were silent about it.You did it with full intention.You broke once again rules and protocol as witness.
You did wrong and want to force as a small minority the majority to accept your point of view by creating fud and fear.
Wasn't it you personly on telegram chat who asked cn-vote for supporting you as witness with the explanation you will always follow consensus based on voting ?
And if you don't understand the patch i recommend reading the forum.There is an explanation from me and cn-vote that reversal of code needs more work so the easiest way was to change parameters only to not change compatibility.
think you are omniscient
cn-vote is the same group that kicked me out exactly because I was following the consensus.
If there is really consensus then active witnesses will be changed to reflect community will. I encourage that.
If a fork is going to happen that's exactly because there is a split in consensus (so no real homogeneous consensus).
As a witness I also have to evaluate the risk in running a certain version of the software, and as already stressed, that patch was not tested, it introduce new unspecified behaviour and above all it doesn't reverse the controversial changes that required the patch itself...it will also cause dangerous situations for the current BitShares ecosystem.I invite you, cn-vote, and everyone that feels a come back is needed, to take the necessary time and make it right instead of rushing it so badly.
Quote from: zapata42 on August 17, 2020, 08:19:59 pmThere will be an update about the points you posted from cn-voteGood. I am in favor of a patch done correctly, as I don't support what Abit did. I just don't want to make the situation worse than it is already.
There will be an update about the points you posted from cn-vote
I don't support the patch nor the fork:The patch is not properly tested (no unit test, no testnet)the content is not a reversal as announced, but a new unspecified behaviour;from my understanding of the code it does not remove most of the controversial behaviours like non voting rights for bts in collateral or in orders;the fork not properly prepared is not good for Bitshares as it is untested, feeds are not ready, exchanges and gateway supports are not properly defined, liquidity will be reduced.
I am not sure to understand the point of this patch...I would understand it if it was a total reversal of the latest voting rules/changes, but from what I saw and from other analyses, it is not. Most of the "concerning" changes are still there, so I don't really see the point in setting up a second node to support that fork.There is still time to set it up, so if anyone would like to enlighten me, I could change my mind.As for now, my main witness node and API server will not run the patch.
巨蟹这件事还是看得透彻的。但是肯定还是得挨骂.. 按照工会的补丁继续折腾..牛市都过了..... 另外工会哪几个所谓核心人士,请问打补丁这个事 有跟工会成员讨论/投票吗? 几亿票就是你们几个人的就对了!!! 不支持打补丁的见证人倒是也可以进来说一声,方便大家投票。韭菜的心声 谁能让价格涨 我们就支持谁...................
Quote from: binggo on August 14, 2020, 12:04:38 pmQuoteThere are more good old longterm witnesses who provided first class infra who have been replaced by bitcrab/abit and beos to add witnesses who provide a simple VPS only and don't even participate in bitshares at all.I don't think so,this is not the fault of bitcrab/abit and beos, after CN-VOTE created, the big Proxy is not bitcrab/abit anymore,the big Proxy is CN-VOTE, even beos still support the most number witness, face the date and the true.https://bts.ai/voting_reportBEOS did clearly inside deals nobody can deny.Or do you belive 2 witnesses from BEOS receive at the same time support whentwo chinese reiceives from beos ?4 new committee members in single hour.BEOS supporting cn-vote members and cn-vote supporting BEOS members.I did some digging about that voting and you can basicly say majority of cn-vote members don't know why they support liondani and evangelist who haven't been active a single time in 1 1/2 years.Who did the inside deals i can only guess from past experience of proposals i received which i always rejected.What is very clear is that BEOS has a very good relationship with Jademont and DLDL is now the new director of BEOS.If you blame CN-Vote for supporting the shitty workers or blocking then i need to tell you without the help of BEOS they would not be able to do so.Restoring bitcny price feed was rejected from BEOS with the argumentation people can get hurt (bitcrab didn't wanted it at that time)Today they attack cn-vote for blocking to restore pegg and claim to instantly restore pegg.Now they have no more issue of people getting hurt when average CR got very lower ?I know CN-Vote and i know BEOS.BEOS is far worse than CN-Vote and together with Abit and DL it is a total mess.Centralization and dictorship pure.Most people agree on that.It's easier to find consent with cn-vote than being under BEOS.Also the attack of Abit and DL fudding that CN-Vote is forking and should leave bitshares is something i can't accept at all.Today its cn-vote because you don't like their voting and tomorrow its me because they don't like my voice.Abit already muted all critical foreigners using his bot which he refuses to disable even when asked from all other admins.Another question is who is causing the big corruption on bitshares?Is it cn-vote ?IMO and many others its not cn-vote but Abit/Bitcrab/Jademont and BEOS.Each other supporting themself makes such a corruption we have in committee first possible.I'm 4 years now in bitshares and never saw such a big corruption we got today.And its mainly caused by these people and that won't change just because you switch vp from cn-vote to beos which is already supporting that corruption.Abit and Bitcrab are trying to switch vp because they lost their influence in cn-vote who got tired of their permanent ignorance.I talked a lot with CN-Vote and they expresses me their bad feelings that Abit is not listeing to their opinions but basicly acts based on his own personal opinion (or bitcrab) .Tell me who opened a BAIP instead of normal worker ?Who refuses to execute community will?Who changes rules for its own favour like gdex ?So claiming that the new voting system is needed to change when the most corrupt people stay is just a simple lie.Changing power from bad voters to corruption supporters is no solution at all.
QuoteThere are more good old longterm witnesses who provided first class infra who have been replaced by bitcrab/abit and beos to add witnesses who provide a simple VPS only and don't even participate in bitshares at all.I don't think so,this is not the fault of bitcrab/abit and beos, after CN-VOTE created, the big Proxy is not bitcrab/abit anymore,the big Proxy is CN-VOTE, even beos still support the most number witness, face the date and the true.https://bts.ai/voting_report
There are more good old longterm witnesses who provided first class infra who have been replaced by bitcrab/abit and beos to add witnesses who provide a simple VPS only and don't even participate in bitshares at all.
they expresses me their bad feelings that Abit is not listeing to their opinions but basicly acts based on his own personal opinion (or bitcrab) .
The patch is not a straight reversal of the voting system, it is something else and it looks less stringent to me than what abit did.
Full diff herehttps://github.com/bitshares-cnvote/bitshares-core/compare/349e0061300d3e65a3e3040276c321b76069e44f...master
Quote from: Thul3 on August 14, 2020, 10:36:37 amSome existing foreigner witnesses are going to support CN-Vote patch.They will talk with CN-Vote directlyQuoteThe patch is not a straight reversal of the voting system, it is something else and it looks less stringent to me than what abit did.QuoteFull diff herehttps://github.com/bitshares-cnvote/bitshares-core/compare/349e0061300d3e65a3e3040276c321b76069e44f...masterDiffrences are that staking will be reduced to x1 only.So each BTS will only hold 1 BTS VP.Collateral voting will be disabled not after 60 days but 600 days.When asked for the reason CN Vote explained that due to the short time and lack of funding to create a patch they reverse the added voting system by simply mainly changing parameters and not much code in fear to not destroy the compatibility of the patch as a full reverse would take more coding and time.Giving that they had only 3 days without preparation and funding it is for me personly acceptable like for other foreign witnesses i'm in contact with.There are no some existing foreigner witnesses:only four:zapata42-witness roelandp bhuz sahkan-bitshares
Some existing foreigner witnesses are going to support CN-Vote patch.They will talk with CN-Vote directlyQuoteThe patch is not a straight reversal of the voting system, it is something else and it looks less stringent to me than what abit did.QuoteFull diff herehttps://github.com/bitshares-cnvote/bitshares-core/compare/349e0061300d3e65a3e3040276c321b76069e44f...masterDiffrences are that staking will be reduced to x1 only.So each BTS will only hold 1 BTS VP.Collateral voting will be disabled not after 60 days but 600 days.When asked for the reason CN Vote explained that due to the short time and lack of funding to create a patch they reverse the added voting system by simply mainly changing parameters and not much code in fear to not destroy the compatibility of the patch as a full reverse would take more coding and time.Giving that they had only 3 days without preparation and funding it is for me personly acceptable like for other foreign witnesses i'm in contact with.
Quote from: binggo on August 14, 2020, 07:20:46 amQuote from: twitter on August 14, 2020, 06:12:53 amabit欺骗社区,强取豪夺,破坏共识现在我们讨论的问题是我们bts社区是否赞同abit藐视dpos共识的做法?我关心的是程序正义,社区声誉,共识尊严,严惩恶行。通过我的 V1813A 上的 Tapatalk发言别,你这个“我们bts社区”搞得我们很慌,我们都摸不清自己处在哪个位置。abit欺骗社区,强取豪夺,破坏dpos共识。这个论断是公平的吧通过我的 V1813A 上的 Tapatalk发言
Quote from: twitter on August 14, 2020, 06:12:53 amabit欺骗社区,强取豪夺,破坏共识现在我们讨论的问题是我们bts社区是否赞同abit藐视dpos共识的做法?我关心的是程序正义,社区声誉,共识尊严,严惩恶行。通过我的 V1813A 上的 Tapatalk发言别,你这个“我们bts社区”搞得我们很慌,我们都摸不清自己处在哪个位置。
abit欺骗社区,强取豪夺,破坏共识现在我们讨论的问题是我们bts社区是否赞同abit藐视dpos共识的做法?我关心的是程序正义,社区声誉,共识尊严,严惩恶行。通过我的 V1813A 上的 Tapatalk发言
Quote from: binggo on August 14, 2020, 07:37:41 amQuote from: xixi002020 on August 14, 2020, 06:00:54 am韭菜一脸懵逼,不是说打补丁么? 怎么又变硬分叉了?怎么分?谁主导?交易所也没人去勾兑?其实吧,我感觉所有见证人都应该额外安装一个patch补丁,以便于平滑安全分叉,大家低头不见抬头见的,即使分了家,最后讲来将去还是一个锅里捞饭吃,现在帮助一下,日后也好相见嘛。至于去哪个家里安家,韭菜们可以自己选嘛而且公会能够做出这个patch,感觉还是有人才,代码能力也挺强,说不定会发展得更好。关键是就一个三流AEX公告说支持, ZB 币安 火币 都没说, 分出来有人玩?自娱自乐啊!
Quote from: xixi002020 on August 14, 2020, 06:00:54 am韭菜一脸懵逼,不是说打补丁么? 怎么又变硬分叉了?怎么分?谁主导?交易所也没人去勾兑?其实吧,我感觉所有见证人都应该额外安装一个patch补丁,以便于平滑安全分叉,大家低头不见抬头见的,即使分了家,最后讲来将去还是一个锅里捞饭吃,现在帮助一下,日后也好相见嘛。至于去哪个家里安家,韭菜们可以自己选嘛而且公会能够做出这个patch,感觉还是有人才,代码能力也挺强,说不定会发展得更好。
韭菜一脸懵逼,不是说打补丁么? 怎么又变硬分叉了?怎么分?谁主导?交易所也没人去勾兑?
Our top priority is stability for our users.xbtsio-wallet supports the official 4.0 update released on July 30, 2020.xbtsio-wallet will not install the cn-vote patch.We support a network with more official BitShares gateways.
witness: baidu updated to cnvote patch
... This person was constantly spreading half-truth FUD ... was kicked out from the Chinese community and the core QQ groups , he joint another QQ group again to spread FUD , and continue to spread FUD on the BTC38 comment zone ...
有些人到现在还不搞搞清楚? 这是路线问题?这是个对错问题!!错了就万劫不复,以后再也没有资金敢来比特股,随随便便就能被一个技术员搞定规则…且问 ,不经审判就可以枪决,谁给abit私自加代码的权力?社区要树立起这样的规矩?比特股这样蛮干的搞法能持续多久?一个根基不稳,天天搞“政变”的项目还有几个牛市可供挥霍?还能发展稳定币、去中心化交易所?别做梦了公会打个补丁没维护好治理共识?没遵守社区约定?恰恰相反,正是公会勉力维护社区的治理正义,只要不是睁眼瞎的与装睡的,摸着良心都能感受到!比特股不能被一个核心开发者绑架,以前不会,现在不会,将来也不会,这将带给投资者多少长远的信心?再谈谈abit私加的票权改进机制,这种演进还是停留在BTS母币的票权上转圈圈,谁在意过持有比特股生态的bitAsset的权益以及“票权”?幸存者偏见下,abit显然没看到这个生态群体的投票权益,淡忘意味着生态断环,可取?当然,bitAsset属于抵押出的智能货币,执行锁仓给票权较为合理,适合未来的金融组织囤积bitAsset,参与社区治理,这在币圈够不够创新?引导比特股金融朝DEFI方向前向有没有问题?另外提一句:巨蟹先生作为一个比特股早期的布道者与砥砺发展引导者,本人是十分敬重的,但这次abit私加代码的恶劣事件,巨蟹居然毫不在意,甚至还有点喜不自禁的表态(即比特股社区持久以来形成的共识被破坏的严重事实),本人表示极度失望与愤懑,这与犯人不经审判即可执行枪决有啥两样?? 一个没底线的组织或项目能有光明的未来??任何入资资金一旦评估BTS,发现比特股竟是如此毫无规矩底线治理模式的区块链项目,还敢于入场投资?更别扯进来搞战略投资了 !!您可以选择束手无策,但别选赞同作恶 。
As we all know, in the bts4.0 version upgrade, individual developers tamper with the voting system without the knowledge of the community, causing extremely bad impact.
We believe that this behavior has trampled on the trust foundation of BTS blockchain, torn community unity and shaken investors' confidence in currency holding.
If not corrected immediately, BTS will no longer have credibility in the blockchain world.
We call on all witnesses to install the patch. After the witness installs the patch, the patch will automatically take effect at 21:55, August 20, 2020(Beijing time).
The cn-vote will continue to be committed to maintaining the credit, fairness and justice of BTS blockchain system. We support all legal and beneficial system upgrades.
Bitcrab you are always smart enough trying to switch VP to entities which favorise your actions.Who managed to get the inside deals with BEOS on committee and witness ?Was it you?Which chinese is in big favour of BEOS ?Jademont and you ?Who coworked with you trying to centralize bitshares like kicking out other gateways or registering bitshares in thailand?Digital Lucifer ?What a coincidence.......Who has the biggest track on corruption and lack of ethics ?The people who claim to be the solution ?
ioex updated.
Quote from: Thul3 on August 11, 2020, 08:05:45 amQuotewhat happened has also proven, the voting power from collateral is always biased on bitAssets relevant voting, they always focus on maximizing the benefits of the debt positions owners, it's always impossible to let them to do a little compromise for the optimization of the whole system, it's not bad to cancel these voting power. You are a hyprocate.The threshold for price feed was Abit's idea which was supported by you and Jademont.CN-Votes disagrees with many of your ideas which does the majority/nearly all of foreigners too.It's basicly you trying everytime to enforce your point of view with the help of Abit where voters opinion are not being considerated at all.Great example the MM contestshehe, interesting, now I don't care whether cn-vote agree or disagree with my ideas, I just care whether this patch will lead BTS to a better future.
Quotewhat happened has also proven, the voting power from collateral is always biased on bitAssets relevant voting, they always focus on maximizing the benefits of the debt positions owners, it's always impossible to let them to do a little compromise for the optimization of the whole system, it's not bad to cancel these voting power. You are a hyprocate.The threshold for price feed was Abit's idea which was supported by you and Jademont.CN-Votes disagrees with many of your ideas which does the majority/nearly all of foreigners too.It's basicly you trying everytime to enforce your point of view with the help of Abit where voters opinion are not being considerated at all.Great example the MM contests
what happened has also proven, the voting power from collateral is always biased on bitAssets relevant voting, they always focus on maximizing the benefits of the debt positions owners, it's always impossible to let them to do a little compromise for the optimization of the whole system, it's not bad to cancel these voting power.
1) You said "individual developers tamper with the voting system without the knowledge of the community, causing extremely bad impact" what an excuse when an irresponsible admin upgrades his own node without his own knowledge about what he's writing there, I wouldn't trust or vote such an irresponsible admins.
2) You said "We believe that this behavior has trampled on the trust foundation of BTS blockchain"The foundation wasn't there.
3) You said "BTS will no longer have credibility in the blockchain world" BTS now is having more credibility because corruption and loopholes in voting system are patched.
4) You said "CN vote developed a 4.0 patch" I doubt your patch would work, if by any chance it works and your code was applied, I believe you wouldn't be able to handle the core development because everybody is aware of your poor technical skills, you might be good investors; I doubt because you couldn't bring a single development to the blockchain, non of you is well matured technical nor a businessman.
5) You said "This patch only fixes the changes that are added without community voting"lets see how many BP admins are going to apply the patch with the same exact mistake of not having the knowledge of what they're doing.
6) You said "We call on all witnesses to install the patch"I say I call all witnesses not to install this patch, we're done with corruption of voting power system and we don't wanna go back, you go back alone.
7) You said "We support all legal and beneficial system upgrades."I say you could not benefit the system by any mean ever, it's obvious, since your first day until now you were silent about issues of voting and worker system and we haven't seen your development workers nor technicals anywhere.Thanks for reading and sorry for my honesty.
一个抵押杠杆者不断从银行抵押借贷资金上杠杆,当抵押品价格一旦下跌,这些抵押者第一时间想到的不是马上还款来缓解银行及自己的债务危机,而是想办法如何让这个借贷系统瘫痪,因为这样才能符合他们最大的利益,而且一旦抵押者拥有了操控借贷系统的能力,这种想法会变得无比强烈并会立即付诸行动。 有些BTS元老莫要天天傻乎乎的讲抵押者是最关心BTS发展的,这种歪理怕是连你们自己也不信,什么?!连你自己都信了,真是可悲!一个赌客还会在于赌场的死活?赢得时候开开心心,输得时候怕不是要把赌场给掀了!