Author Topic: What is BitShares PTS (proto-shares)?  (Read 138266 times)

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Offline Riverhead

Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #87 on: January 06, 2014, 12:58:18 am »
I think the concept of Protoshares makes sense in that it makse sense for developers to honor Protoshares in their DAC and its a revolutionary and maybe THE way for funding DACs. But there is one case I can think of that that doesnt stimulate honoring of PTS: When a 3rd Party DAC is a direct competitor to any DAC released by I3 (in the future). This is not a definite reason to igrnore Protoshares but it might play a role because credit and attention is given to a direct competitor this way....

Just the opposite...

If I were a determined competitor of Invictus, I sure wouldn't let the fact that they fielded a particular DAC first deter me from courting all the PTS and AGS holders out there for my competing DAC.  I'd want all the advantages Invictus has, so I'd try to outdo them in making an even better deal for the PTS/AGS stakeholders of the community. 

If Invictus offered 10%, I'd offer 20%...  no?


As a PTS holder I'd have a stake in both (10% in one, 20% in the other) so I don't think I'd feel courted away...unless you mean I'd be more likely to use/support/endorse the 20% service because I have double the interest in it succeeding?

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Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #86 on: January 06, 2014, 12:54:48 am »
I think the concept of Protoshares makes sense in that it makse sense for developers to honor Protoshares in their DAC and its a revolutionary and maybe THE way for funding DACs. But there is one case I can think of that that doesnt stimulate honoring of PTS: When a 3rd Party DAC is a direct competitor to any DAC released by I3 (in the future). This is not a definite reason to igrnore Protoshares but it might play a role because credit and attention is given to a direct competitor this way....

Just the opposite...

If I were a determined competitor of Invictus, I sure wouldn't let the fact that they fielded a particular DAC first deter me from courting all the PTS and AGS holders out there for my competing DAC.  I'd want all the advantages Invictus has, so I'd try to outdo them in making an even better deal for the PTS/AGS stakeholders of the community. 

If Invictus offered 10%, I'd offer 20%...  no?

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Offline santaclause102

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Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #85 on: January 06, 2014, 12:16:01 am »
I think the concept of Protoshares makes sense in that it makse sense for developers to honor Protoshares in their DAC and its a revolutionary and maybe THE way for funding DACs. But there is one case I can think of that that doesnt stimulate honoring of PTS: When a 3rd Party DAC is a direct competitor to any DAC released by I3 (in the future). This is not a definite reason to igrnore Protoshares but it might play a role because credit and attention is given to a direct competitor this way....

Offline CryptoN8

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Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #84 on: December 30, 2013, 03:06:28 pm »
Sent to addres "PaNGELmZgzRQCKeEKM6ifgTqNkC4ceiAWw" txid "4e85e0de597de2ea25bdd6d80052c2e8b5edd22988934179685a30a9ea539380".  Is a sucker born every minute?

Is this your donation , are you the sucker?

I don't know, am I?  I guess I don't really know what I'm supposed to do.  I thought PTS was actually a "share" in something greater, but I don't now what I'm supposed to do to qualify.  I thought sending PTS to that address was the thing to do.  Am I wrong?
I think you're good. Just make sure you keep your wallet that you sent from, that's really important.
More info here:

Offline alatvian

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Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #83 on: December 30, 2013, 02:58:39 pm »
Sent to addres "PaNGELmZgzRQCKeEKM6ifgTqNkC4ceiAWw" txid "4e85e0de597de2ea25bdd6d80052c2e8b5edd22988934179685a30a9ea539380".  Is a sucker born every minute?

Is this your donation , are you the sucker?

I don't know, am I?  I guess I don't really know what I'm supposed to do.  I thought PTS was actually a "share" in something greater, but I don't now what I'm supposed to do to qualify.  I thought sending PTS to that address was the thing to do.  Am I wrong?

Offline phoenix

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Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #82 on: December 29, 2013, 01:49:21 pm »
how can any form of "property" be non transferable...
whats to stop a person from taking the money (pts whatever) and just never starting anything after that... pledge money for the future of WHAT?  and just cause there's a record means nothing...

if fact, shouldn't PTS holders be entitled to 10% OF THOSE ANGELSHARES PER YOUR ORIGINAL AGREEMENT!!!

do i need to go quote you from your posts? pts entitle you to...

Angel Shares are not distributed, since they are only issued by 3I. They are not autonomous, since 3I controls them. They are not a company, since they offer no services. Therefore, they are not a DAC. If you're worried that 3I will just take the PTS sent to the Angel Shares address and run, then you shouldn't even invest in PTS, since withiout 3I many DACs will likely never be created
Protoshares: Pg5EhSZEXHFjdFUzpxJbm91UtA54iUuDvt
Bitmessage: BM-NBrGi2V3BZ8REnJM7FPxUjjkQp7V5D28

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Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #81 on: December 29, 2013, 10:42:28 am »
how can any form of "property" be non transferable...
whats to stop a person from taking the money (pts whatever) and just never starting anything after that... pledge money for the future of WHAT?  and just cause there's a record means nothing...

if fact, shouldn't PTS holders be entitled to 10% OF THOSE ANGELSHARES PER YOUR ORIGINAL AGREEMENT!!!

do i need to go quote you from your posts? pts entitle you to...

Offline danielauhlig

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Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #80 on: December 29, 2013, 05:08:43 am »
Sent to addres "PaNGELmZgzRQCKeEKM6ifgTqNkC4ceiAWw" txid "4e85e0de597de2ea25bdd6d80052c2e8b5edd22988934179685a30a9ea539380".  Is a sucker born every minute?

Is this your donation , are you the sucker?

Offline alatvian

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Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #79 on: December 29, 2013, 03:55:16 am »
Sent to addres "PaNGELmZgzRQCKeEKM6ifgTqNkC4ceiAWw" txid "4e85e0de597de2ea25bdd6d80052c2e8b5edd22988934179685a30a9ea539380".  Is a sucker born every minute?

Offline phoenix

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Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #78 on: December 29, 2013, 12:05:01 am »
Are you saying i should send my PTS share to the address given as an investement into angel shares? I did this to the angelwallet address using BTC I would be interested in sending some of my PTS to the other wallet given however where is the reference or (receipt) of this having occured . How do I have proof that I have sent them other than in my wallet itself.

The blockchain functions as a public receipt system. If you want to see all the donations that have been sent to the PTS address, here's a link:

Thank you very helpful link will bookmark this. Now again what benefit do I have to now send my newly purchased  PTS to the angel wallet?

The address that you send your PTS from will have angel shares. These can't be traded, but they will still give you shares in future DACs. There will be 5000 AGS issued to the people who donate PTS each day. The first day is everything between now and the end of January 1, 2014 (GMT). You receive a share of these 5000 AGS by donating, your share is equal to the % of total funds for the day that you donated. For example, if you donate 150 out of 900 PTS, you would receive 16.666% of the angel shares created that day, which is 833.33333333 angel shares, out of 5000. Angel Shares will be honored with at least 10% of the total currency in all invictus sponsored DACs, so you can greatly increase your stake by donating. The cost is that angel shares can't be traded, so you have to be in for the long haul
Protoshares: Pg5EhSZEXHFjdFUzpxJbm91UtA54iUuDvt
Bitmessage: BM-NBrGi2V3BZ8REnJM7FPxUjjkQp7V5D28

Offline danielauhlig

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Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #77 on: December 28, 2013, 11:49:55 pm »
Are you saying i should send my PTS share to the address given as an investement into angel shares? I did this to the angelwallet address using BTC I would be interested in sending some of my PTS to the other wallet given however where is the reference or (receipt) of this having occured . How do I have proof that I have sent them other than in my wallet itself.

The blockchain functions as a public receipt system. If you want to see all the donations that have been sent to the PTS address, here's a link:

Thank you very helpful link will bookmark this. Now again what benefit do I have to now send my newly purchased  PTS to the angel wallet?

Offline phoenix

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Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #76 on: December 28, 2013, 09:45:27 pm »
Are you saying i should send my PTS share to the address given as an investement into angel shares? I did this to the angelwallet address using BTC I would be interested in sending some of my PTS to the other wallet given however where is the reference or (receipt) of this having occured . How do I have proof that I have sent them other than in my wallet itself.

The blockchain functions as a public receipt system. If you want to see all the donations that have been sent to the PTS address, here's a link:
Protoshares: Pg5EhSZEXHFjdFUzpxJbm91UtA54iUuDvt
Bitmessage: BM-NBrGi2V3BZ8REnJM7FPxUjjkQp7V5D28

Offline danielauhlig

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Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #75 on: December 28, 2013, 09:41:07 pm »
Are you saying i should send my PTS share to the address given as an investement into angel shares? I did this to the angelwallet address using BTC I would be interested in sending some of my PTS to the other wallet given however where is the reference or (receipt) of this having occured . How do I have proof that I have sent them other than in my wallet itself.

Offline bytemaster

Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #74 on: December 28, 2013, 03:29:27 am »

ok thanks for now ill just hang on to the PTS that ive got. i guess it will probably be my loss due to my inability to understand how all these  other shares tie in which limits me from purchasing more.

If you send what you have to the angel address you can magnify your future stake and all you give up is the ability to sell what you have until after we launch bitshares.

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Offline danielauhlig

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Re: What is ProtoShares?
« Reply #73 on: December 28, 2013, 01:45:22 am »
ok thanks for now ill just hang on to the PTS that ive got. i guess it will probably be my loss due to my inability to understand how all these  other shares tie in which limits me from purchasing more.