Apologies for the lack of updates, even with dedicating all my spare time to pool development (and trying

to keep the delegates updated) progress has been slow, although...
The good news is - The pool will be open in beta form in three weeks (18/19th October), which is after I come back from a family vacation.Recent Progress:
- Developed detailed tracking of BTSX miner share contributions and POW coin block/reward crediting
- Full integrated the BitSharesX client for auto BTSX payouts and miner authentication
- Improved auto exchange transfer for matured POW blocks
- Able to connect to the pool using either a registered or unregistered (which provides an extra level of anonymity) BTSX account key.
- Pool website customized for MineBitshares.com
There is still an awful lot of work to be done before I would consider it being feature complete, such as...
Estimating and reporting current round payouts for each worker in BTSX
Historical reporting of BTSX payouts.
Summary charts and stats for the mining algos - X11, Scrypt etc , rather than individual POW coins
But we'll get it up running first with the core functionality and allow folks to earn BTSX with their mining rigs while I continuously develop and improve to expand out the capability.
See you all in 3 weeks time...