This. I agree that PoW has some issues, but I believe these can be solved in the long term.
Why? PoW is extremely inefficient and that will never change. It's baked right into the whole concept. When you let go of "bitcoin faith", you'll feel a huge weight lifted off your shoulders.
Why? Because there is already such a massive amount of money in Bitcoin (relative to other cryptos) and because of Bitcoin's enormous network effect. Also, because people truly believe it will succeed and believe in the technology. Due to this, I just can't see people letting Bitcoin crash, burn, and eventually die. I trust that they will find a way to work through the problems because there is such a huge amount of personal interest/investment/belief/connection to Bitcoin.
I'm sure that when the Internet was first unleashed to the world, it probably had massive issues. I'm not a tech guy, but I wouldn't be surprised. I'm sure that back then there were so many people bashing it and pointing out all the major issues and explaining how it can't possibly succeed and would eventually crash, burn, and die.
I guess my point is: just because there are big problems with a new technology, doesn't mean it is going to go down the gutter.
And you could apply the "bitcoin faith" thing to any crypto. It's all speculation and faith in the end. NOBODY knows what is going to happen, NOBODY knows what is a sure success- and anyone who thinks they know what is a sure success is an idiot in my opinion. Putting all of your eggs into one basket is pretty dumb from an investment standpoint, but if you're going to do that, you are FAR better off putting them into Bitcoin.