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Messages - kenCode

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and off topic. Pump and dumping is not the route to credibility!
As for your rhetorical, in case you missed the obvious; whatever fiat moves first could become a bigger player than they otherwise might.. and the UK is home to a large financial services capability that might adopt that, as an alt to the USD. Also the OP detail suggests the UK might be one step ahead of Europe on this. It's less likely the ECB will issue their own digital Euro.

agreed. credibility of dpos could be shot if we upped it thru silly alts.
i'd love to see the bis, imf, ecb etc go for crypto, but if they educate the populace on crypto then they can forget about any control, the populace will just choose a crypto like bts which benefits us eitherway. the more centralized exchanges get hacked, the nicer a decentralized platform like bts looks too. theres so many reasons why bts can win this in the long run.. the sleeping giant..

bitEUR isnt popular so why will bitGBP be popular.. rhetorical..
k, how bout this.. how bout instead of trying to convert existing alts to bitNMC or whatever.. one thing i have noticed is a bunch of johnny come latelys to the alt scene, ie.. xcoin, ycoin, zcoin, dingdongcoin, kencodecoin, you know what i mean. we could do the same thing, just make a bunch of dpos coins and flood coinmarketcap and other sites with them, get them traded and then the johnny come latelys will be like oh man we need to use dpos too huh huh.. when all along it was our coins to begin with. pumpm and dumpm just to get dpos noticed. its not that hard to clone a bunch of them onto dpos and give them silly names like doge and dingycoin etc..
sorry, just thinkin out loud here lol

just my 2 bts here, and sorry if this sounds like a really dumb idea.. fiats are about to go the way of the dodo in the next couple years. people will flee them, even if it says bitGBP or something like that. offering bitGBP wont recruit new bts people imo.
what might recruit better is converting open minded dpos people in the altcoin space. bitPPC or bitNMC, something like that. something that shows that the rest of the crypto community finally sees the value in dpos and starts using the bts platform for their dac, delegates, their own bitasset, etc. create of flood of developers using the dpos framework, the api, the wiki articles that could be syndicated into their wallets help screens, you name it. dpos is the future, no doubt about that anymore.

yeah, kinda, i just buy it as i can afford it. i keep some in bts so i have money to play with in the volatility, but most of it just goes into bitassets. the banks are paying squat, arbitrage isnt working yet and at least bitassets are getting me 2 percent or so. the api should allow all the arbitrage bots to sync up with bts too, that would really up the cap i think.

General Discussion / Re: bitAsset FIAT Gateway
« on: March 21, 2015, 04:14:08 pm »
Exactly.  +5%
We need it here in munich for our point of sale systems too, no more bitpay needed at the kasse if we have the bts api's avail to us.
Would be nice to be able to accept cryptos, bitassets, cash or credit at the kasse. cash register..
i'll help out with the docs if someone directs me to where we can collab on it.

Moonstone and the will bring bts to the masses.
Peertracks *the musicians friend* will hit facebook and tweeters like a firestorm, a major gig.
The voting thing is awesome too.
Most importantly tho ultimately, bts can replace wall street. thats what, a 500 trillion dollar market.. how about the cac and dax and other markets that will also crash in the next couple years.. dont sweat guys, theres a huge place for bts in the coming months, dont be so antsy.
get the wiki done and keep a designated Delegate on it, offer up dns services, get the api's to every dapp possible, keep buying and posting tidbits on twitter, disqus, fb, gplus, reddit etc. bts isnt dying by any means. how long did it take to build the first stable version of linux.. a lot more than 1 year thats for sure.
yes, i know im losing money buying bts on its way down. i dont care. the number of bitshares i own wont change. i buy on every dip and transfer most of it to bitassets, done. i know most of you have been waiting longer than me but youll never get rich quick in this game. this is a buy and hold for me.

I too would like to see updates from the Delegates that are responsible for fixing bugs found, especially emergency bugs like the one with shorting. I have not tried shorting yet, so I can't comment, but it concerns me if a bug in the software is causing me to lose money. Not cool. Maybe they have a blog or something on github where we can monitor the changes being made for said bug?

On a lighter note, I am happy to keep on buying right to the bottom.. bts and bitassets. ive been moving and keeping 80% of my bts in bitassets. Bitshares won't be as 'big' as ripple, nxt or btc for a while yet, but thats ok with me, i know i wont get rich overnight.

i'm in this for the long haul. the technology developed is the value. the gui's will come, then the masses will follow, but right now, i'm gonna quietly sit here and invest for our future. bts can ultimately win over the btc'ers imo. especially once wall street crashes again.

General Discussion / Re: 3D Printing w/Bitshares
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:27:41 pm »
Paging Roadscape and Jsidhu.  We might have someone who will be interested in BitShares Shopping Cart implementation!

Oh man that'd be sweet, mass adoption thru ecommerce integrations  +5% +5% +5%

Technical Support / Re: Google+ Community to get started
« on: March 21, 2015, 09:52:48 am »

General Discussion / Re: Darkcoin rebranding
« on: March 21, 2015, 09:35:59 am »
Yep, they rallied up 36% in the last 24 hours, mainly because of their rebranding from darkcoin to dash.
When the news came out, it crashed their cap, now it's rallying and in another 36 hours it should be right back to their original $3 mark.
Bitshares should reclaim the #4 spot on CMC by tuesday.
Ride it on the way up again :)

Hey gamey if you haven't already, please hook up with robrigo so he can get you into the slack and mumbles.
I think he's settin something up for this weekend so we can coord this.
Thanx :)

I'm not sure what you are getting at.  The community wiki just needs an account to edit (  However, there are 2, the other by the developers that has very technically oriented documentation.  Usually I create accounts for, on request but some others can do it.  If you wish to edit the wiki on tell me and I'll create you an account.
Honestly I don't know what you mean by syndicated?

Gamey, I'm not attacking you in any way.
I know tech docs and user docs are totally different but both need to be in a place where we can all pitch in. The job of building and maintaining just the docs alone is going to get way too big for one person to handle. I'd like to help with both the DNS and wiki stuff, but both need to be (dare i say) centralized someplace like github for this. Gitbook would be a major plus.

Doesn't github allow you to syndicate your content from their site to I'm sorry, I thought they allowed that. Even the bts website could be hosted from github too.
Rob, I can help you out with just about everything you listed below too.
I sent fuzzy all my personal info if you guys wanna hangout/skype at some point.
By helping Bitshares, I am helping our ePlug project. Of course I have an agenda. I'm also financially vested in Bitshares now and as I can afford it and my trust is earned I am dumping more and more into Bitshares as time goes on. I will do whatever it takes to make my investments succeed.
I'm with ya.

Technical Support / Re: The DAC Whitepaper, Toolkit and Wiki
« on: March 20, 2015, 09:16:51 pm »
How do we at least get numbers 8 and 9 from my list accomplished?
You raise valid points. We need to reduce the barrier to understanding and clean up the information base.
Here's a detailed DNS related delegate proposal for building interop with the traditional system for #8... I don't think the delegates have been registered yet though.

EXCELLENT link, thank you! I just finished reading every word of it and dropped indolering a comment on there too, hopefully we can help out. The DNS thing is greatly needed for our ePlug project.
So, indolering and toast, those are the tow people most responsible now for the Bitshares DNS project?

The site is really out of date and as Bitshares progresses it's only gonna get worse.
I'm trying to learn everything I can about BTS before dumping much more money into this. Oh, and yes, I plan on dumping a lot more into this :)
I'd like to help with the wiki but it needs to be syndicated from github first.
Heck, once it's up to date you could even publish it to gitbook so we can all download it as an [always-up-to-date] eBook (pdf, mobi, epub, etc).
A Bitshares 101 second edition if you will.
The Bitshares Toolkit Wiki should move to: (or something like that.)
I'd like to contribute to the DNS (.p2p, .dac) stuff too, but it will need to be up on github as well.
Can someone please make the mods on github and get the wiki syndicated so we can start helping out, learn about BTS much faster, and never see outdated docs again?
Please and thanx :)

Technical Support / Re: The DAC Whitepaper, Toolkit and Wiki
« on: March 19, 2015, 05:22:02 pm »
How do we at least get numbers 8 and 9 from my list accomplished?

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