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Messages - puppies

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General Discussion / Re: About workers: 1.14.35/36Fund to pay dividend
« on: March 27, 2016, 02:05:52 am »

We discussed this briefly in the last mumble. If this starts to gain more traction those against it must become more proactive in countering it with a wave of opposition. Now that negative votes are off the table that is more difficult as there is no longer a direct way to negate the votes in favor of this communistic welfare scheme.

OK so it is more difficult to stop a bad worker with negative votes removed?

In which case this could be seen as a protest against that change. Which perhaps also makes it easier for others to vote in bad workers that previously the active majority of shareholders/proxies had been able to vote against?

It would have been much easier when there were negative votes to get a bad worker in a paid position.  Not least of all because you could just create a thousand workers and the gui would not allow us to vote them all down.

Downvoting bad workers requires effort from the community.  Just not voting for bad workers requires no effort.  We just need to make sure that the refund worker get enough votes.

General Discussion / Re: New open ledger lifetime membership
« on: March 27, 2016, 12:21:52 am »
so helpful,

could someone please explain why i cant copy and paste deposit address within windows wallet.

Welcome to the party dude. 

Is this the windows light wallet (we really should calling it client) that you are talking about? 

I almost exclusively use the web wallet since I am a linux user.  Perhaps someone else has an idea.  I would suggest trying to give as much information as possible when you are asking a question though.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: March 26, 2016, 11:44:12 pm »
With localhost out of funds where oh where will we find a whale to dump all over us? 

General Discussion / Re: Ethereum price discussion
« on: March 26, 2016, 10:17:04 pm »
Eth is like some monster from a horror flick that just wont die.  It keeps getting wounded, but then bam it springs back out of the sea.  Why won't it just die?

Full disclosure I have a very small short open on polo.  About 5 eth.  I use polo margin as a replacement for other types of gambling that I might otherwise engage in.

General Discussion / Re: Looking for BTS 2.0 Seed Node Operators
« on: March 26, 2016, 07:45:44 pm »
Please replace my old seed node ( with my new seed node

@puppies The most efficient way is submit a pull request to github BitShares-2 repo then ping @xeroc.

Thanks Abit.  Ill try to knock that out.

General Discussion / Re: Looking for BTS 2.0 Seed Node Operators
« on: March 26, 2016, 05:29:04 am »
Please replace my old seed node ( with my new seed node


Technical Support / Re: help with faucet
« on: March 26, 2016, 01:45:43 am »

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load

I do that when I set up the faucet.  I do it in the faucet directory though.  In fact the only way I could get the bitshares_faucet db to load as opposed to the bitshares_faucet_dev db is to modify the faucet/config/database.yml file.  For some reason it is loading the development branch, and I don't know what I am doing wrong.

I have a real secret under my develop branch in my secrets.yml file.  Other than that there wouldn't be any security issues from my faucet running the bitshares_faucet_dev db would there? 

A captcha could also work.  Do you know how they're getting around the one account per ip per 5 minutes limit?  Is that just a cookie or is it saved server side.

General Discussion / Re: Radium & Expanse
« on: March 25, 2016, 09:21:48 pm »
What do you guys think the problem is?

Technical Support / Re: help with faucet
« on: March 24, 2016, 08:44:12 pm »
go to /www/current and run
rails db
then run

insert into widgets set allowed_domains='';

I should add this to the docs as well :)

I did that rails db command when Valzav helped merivercap fix the faucet for  I hadn't done it in the /www/current directory though.  I had just done it in the faucet dir.  Running it in the correct directory fixed the widget issue, but  I'm still having issues, in fact now my faucet isn't registering accounts at all.  I probably messed something up when I was diggingh around in the mysql database.  The browser console is now saying
Code: [Select]
Warning! faucet registration failed, falling back to direct application_api.create_account.. app.js:63:26532
ERROR AccountActions.createAccount Error: value required for registrar_id: null
Stack trace:

I probably messed things up when I was trying to fix the other error.

edit.  NM.  It looks like the cli_wallet just wasn't connecting for some reason.  After relaunching it I am back to square 1.  Able to register with the faucet but not with a referrer.  production log shows (this is a screen grab from nano, so the long lines are cut off)
Code: [Select]
I, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.066767 #22710]  INFO -- : Started POST "/api/v1/accounts" for <ip redacted> at 2016-03-24 17:31:32 -0400
I, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.072970 #22710]  INFO -- : Processing by Api::V1::AccountsController#create as JSON
I, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.073077 #22710]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"account"=>{"name"=>"test-puppies-0", "owner_key"=>"BTS8Lzrh1BGHodkZTsgHys1KZoq1zduh5CYboggzqGtTLXcE2bAJk", "active_key"=>"BTS6LGzWJSffndeYKHNaG4keSUSUE48FPLZAeS8TE2VoigAus9b4z", "memo_key"=>"BTS6LGzWJSffn$
D, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.095777 #22710] DEBUG -- :   ^[[1m^[[36m (0.2ms)^[[0m  ^[[1mBEGIN^[[0m
D, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.105458 #22710] DEBUG -- :   ^[[1m^[[35mBtsAccount Exists (0.5ms)^[[0m  SELECT  1 AS one FROM `bts_accounts` WHERE `bts_accounts`.`remote_ip` = BINARY '<ip redacted>' AND (created_at > '2016-03-24 17:26:32') LIMIT 1
I, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.106557 #22710]  INFO -- : ---- Registering account: 'test-puppies-0' BTS6LGzWJSffndeYKHNaG4keSUSUE48FPLZAeS8TE2VoigAus9b4z/BTS8Lzrh1BGHodkZTsgHys1KZoq1zduh5CYboggzqGtTLXcE2bAJk referrer:
I, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.107062 #22710]  INFO -- : call: [0, "get_account", ["test-puppies-0"]]
E, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.149399 #22710] ERROR -- : Websocket RPC Error: {"code"=>1, "message"=>"10 assert_exception: Assert Exception\nrec && rec->name == account_name_or_id: \n    {}\n    th_a  wallet.cpp:597 get_account", "data"=>{"code"=>10, "name"=>"assert_exception"$
I, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.150292 #22710]  INFO -- : call: [0, "register_account", ["test-puppies-0", "BTS6LGzWJSffndeYKHNaG4keSUSUE48FPLZAeS8TE2VoigAus9b4z", "BTS8Lzrh1BGHodkZTsgHys1KZoq1zduh5CYboggzqGtTLXcE2bAJk", "dele-puppy-reg", "dele-puppy-reg", 0, true]]
D, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.253547 #22710] DEBUG -- : {"ref_block_num"=>10930, "ref_block_prefix"=>1598310984, "expiration"=>"2016-03-24T21:32:00", "operations"=>[[5, {"fee"=>{"amount"=>1483385, "asset_id"=>"1.3.0"}, "registrar"=>"1.2.101323", "referrer"=>"1.2.101323", "ref$
D, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.256441 #22710] DEBUG -- :   ^[[1m^[[36mSQL (0.7ms)^[[0m  ^[[1mINSERT INTO `bts_accounts` (`name`, `owner_key`, `active_key`, `memo_key`, `remote_ip`, `created_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES ('test-puppies-0', 'BTS8Lzrh1BGHodkZTsgHys1KZoq1zduh5CYboggzq$
D, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.258998 #22710] DEBUG -- :   ^[[1m^[[35m (1.4ms)^[[0m  COMMIT
I, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.274106 #22710]  INFO -- :   Rendered api/v1/accounts/show.json.jbuilder (10.8ms)
I, [2016-03-24T17:31:32.274646 #22710]  INFO -- : Completed 201 Created in 201ms (Views: 15.1ms | ActiveRecord: 3.9ms)
I, [2016-03-24T17:33:37.223953 #22710]  INFO -- : Started GET "/" for at 2016-03-24 17:33:37 -0400
I, [2016-03-24T17:33:37.225372 #22710]  INFO -- : Processing by WalletController#index as HTML
I, [2016-03-24T17:33:37.226837 #22710]  INFO -- :   Rendered wallet/index.html.erb (0.1ms)
I, [2016-03-24T17:33:37.227106 #22710]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 2ms (Views: 0.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
I, [2016-03-24T17:33:56.439781 #22710]  INFO -- : Started GET "/?r=dele-puppy" for <ip redacted> at 2016-03-24 17:33:56 -0400
I, [2016-03-24T17:33:56.441443 #22710]  INFO -- : Processing by WalletController#index as HTML
I, [2016-03-24T17:33:56.441506 #22710]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"r"=>"dele-puppy"}
I, [2016-03-24T17:33:56.443207 #22710]  INFO -- :   Rendered wallet/index.html.erb (0.1ms)
I, [2016-03-24T17:33:56.443668 #22710]  INFO -- : Completed 200 OK in 2ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
I, [2016-03-24T17:33:57.167088 #22710]  INFO -- : Started GET "/widgets/1/w.js?ref=" for <ip redacted> at 2016-03-24 17:33:57 -0400
I, [2016-03-24T17:33:57.168434 #22710]  INFO -- : Processing by WidgetsController#w as JS
I, [2016-03-24T17:33:57.168508 #22710]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"ref"=>"", "widget_id"=>"1"}
D, [2016-03-24T17:33:57.169852 #22710] DEBUG -- :   ^[[1m^[[36mWidget Load (0.2ms)^[[0m  ^[[1mSELECT  `widgets`.* FROM `widgets` WHERE `widgets`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1^[[0m
I, [2016-03-24T17:33:57.170397 #22710]  INFO -- : Completed 404 Not Found in 2ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms)
F, [2016-03-24T17:33:57.171202 #22710] FATAL -- :
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Widget with 'id'=1):
  app/controllers/widgets_controller.rb:9:in `w'

rails db from the /www/current directory returns
Code: [Select]
mysql> select allowed_domains from widgets;
| allowed_domains |
| localhost       |
|  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I think it might have something to do with the wrong database loading.  status shows
Code: [Select]
mysql> status
/usr/bin/mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.47, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.3

Connection id: 416
Current database: bitshares_faucet_dev
Current user: root@localhost
SSL: Not in use
Current pager: stdout
Using outfile: ''
Using delimiter: ;
Server version: 5.5.47-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (Ubuntu)
Protocol version: 10
Connection: Localhost via UNIX socket
Server characterset: latin1
Db     characterset: utf8
Client characterset: utf8
Conn.  characterset: utf8
UNIX socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Uptime: 35 days 22 hours 55 min 58 sec

Threads: 3  Questions: 11019  Slow queries: 2  Opens: 348  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 57  Queries per second avg: 0.003

Perhaps this is related to an issue in my environment that is causing the bitshares_faucet_dev db to load rather than the bitshares_faucet db.  I am just spitballing here though, as I stated earlier if I was a super hero my name would be supernoob, cause I really have no idea what I am doing.  Any assistance is appreciated.  If nothing else I am building a new faucet on a new server.  I'll see if I have the same issues on that server.

General Discussion / Re: About workers: 1.14.35/36Fund to pay dividend
« on: March 24, 2016, 06:25:57 pm »
Sorry .. but I don't get it ..
Why should the shareholders agree for being paid out of the reserves?
IMHO that is just stupid .. it kills the networks ability to fund future profit at the benefits fo some stupid/greedy people ?!?
What am I missing here?

I agree with you, but you can't really be surprised.  This is pretty much the basis for the modern welfare state.  Robbing the productive to buy votes to attain power.  I don't believe that Bitsharians will fall victim to this.  I have far more faith in my fellow Bitsharians than I do in my fellow Americans.  Its pretty sad that such an ugly political ploy has infected Bitshares, but I guess we had to expect it.  Like Onceuponatime said 3% of people are sociopaths.  To take it a step further and paraphrase George Carlin.  Think about how stupid the average person is.  Then remember that half of people are even dumber than that.

looks like the new version still isn't uploaded.  You can fix it pretty easily though.  In the upper right hand corner there is an option "gear looking icon" just to the left of the help button.  Click that gear.  You will see a line called faucet address and you will see listed there.  Change that line to and you should be able to create an account.  You just need to change the http:// to https://

If that doesn't work then let me know and we will try to figure out what is going on.

hey @puppies i just wanted to say i finally got around to using your API on OL and it is, by far, the best. many thanks for offering that service!

Thanks dude.  I am glad it is working out for you.  I can't dev, (outside of writing really simple python scripts) and I work too much at my day job to be too much of a help with much of anything else.  I am glad that my efforts are proving valuable for the community.  This type of feedback motivates me to continue providing this service and to see which other services I am capable of providing.

Technical Support / Re: help with faucet
« on: March 23, 2016, 07:05:47 pm »
Make sure you have a record in widgets table with allowed_domains='' and id=1.
And place the following into your index.html before closing body tag:
Code: [Select]
      var BTSW = window.BTSW || {};
      (function () {
        var script = document.createElement('script');
        script.type = 'text/javascript';
        script.async = true;
        script.src = '/widgets/1/w.js?ref=' + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer);
        var entry = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        entry.parentNode.insertBefore(script, entry);

Thanks a million.  I'll give that a shot as soon as I figure out how.  Here comes google to the rescue.

Technical Support / Re: help with faucet
« on: March 23, 2016, 06:24:24 pm »
Could you check to see if there is a _referer_ variable in the faucet cookie?

It is most likely an issue with either writing or reading the cookie.
I am not sure how to check the cookie
Have you seen the tutorial that I put up for the testnet?

From here, I can't tell what the issue is ut it seems to be related to
F, [2016-03-21T16:07:23.066696 #15512] FATAL -- :
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [POST] "/"):
How did you 'deploy' the faucet and how is it run?
Thanks Xeroc, I actually used your how to to set up including setting up the faucet.  I used the mina commands in your how to do deploy the faucet and the wallet.

I also set up the wallet and faucet for and we had a similar problem with referrals not working.  Valentine helped fix that issue, and if I recall correctly it was a database issue.  He had to go into 'rails db' and change something.  I am the super noob at mysql and rails though.

Perhaps I will create a new server and create the faucet from scratch to see if I can get it working that way. 

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: March 23, 2016, 05:59:21 pm »
Just don't margin long anything that you can't afford to lose.  We need to keep our bts in the hands of those of us that love bts.  All the dumpers that have been crapping all over us don't see the same value in bts that us true believers do.

That statement sounds a little like a cult. :)  For every seller, there's a buyer. The market will figure out the value.

I am not trying to tell people that they shouldn't sell.  Everyone has the right to use their property as they see fit.  I don't even give BM a hard time when he sells. 

What I am trying to point out is that bts was hurt bad by hodlers going margin long.  The community lost millions of bts in the process.  This bts was no longer in the hands of hodlers, but instead was in the hands of day traders that had essentially won it in a bet.  I think it was those day traders that sold us down to 400 sats, and I think we needed to get our bts out of their hands before we could go back up to what I consider reasonable price levels.

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