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I will support to give it a try.

I think we should vote for it.

This BAIP is not perfect, but it can realize its function simply and solve the problem we face partly, it didn't have big problem like BSIP42, when the market price falling, two-day moving average price still will be falling, but just falling slowly, and a quick feed pirce falling can't solve any problem we should realize it.

Feed price is a huge and long term project, the problem of mechanism between feed price and MPA is on the table, it‘s as clear as day, we all need to face it, somebody didn't get it not mean it's not exsit, maintain its original form and do nothing will just make thing more worse.

Maybe we need more and futher improvement in the future, but we must make the first step first, this is just a small step, but is the most hardest step.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于组建营销推广团队可行性的讨论
« on: October 15, 2019, 12:53:25 am »
恋爱期已经过了, 新婚燕尔也过了, 现在老夫老妻的, 天天锅碗瓢盆的, 不是筷子碰碗, 就是勺子碰锅, 大家都很实际了.
和恋爱这玩意没关系,很多开源项目很多年了照样大把志愿者免费提供代码,你要是有一行代码被 linux 收入了开心的要死,还可以出去吹吹牛逼。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于组建营销推广团队可行性的讨论
« on: October 15, 2019, 12:33:03 am »
前有鼓鼓,后有btspp,巨蟹还是自己掏钱开发了 gdex 的手机 app。

你把网页机器人重新搭起来给大家用, dexbot 很快就会投下去了。


中文 (Chinese) / Re: 关于组建营销推广团队可行性的讨论
« on: October 14, 2019, 09:07:50 pm »


中文 (Chinese) / Re: DEX到底是不是伪需求?
« on: October 08, 2019, 11:56:46 pm »
至于DEX做好之后bitCNY怎么做需要现在考虑吗,说句不好听的即使没有 bitCNY BTS 一样是伟大的产品。

alt 也来打鸡血、玩嘴炮拉盘吗? 等DEX发展起来之后? 实际发展方案有没有? 谁来执行?

中文 (Chinese) / Re: DEX到底是不是伪需求?
« on: October 08, 2019, 11:47:18 pm »
2. 资金安全性。
1) 用户认证。CEX用户被各种花式玩弄,平台可以直接操作用户账户、平台可能泄露用户秘钥、黑客破解用户账号,关键是用户无法分辨到底是哪个环节出问题,最后就是黑客背锅、自己背锅,反正平台不负责任。DEX用户认证只依赖私钥,这个信息是用户自己保存自己负责,不存在信任风险。
2) web 服务器安全。CEX都有web服务器,可能被黑客攻击,拿下web服务器权限就可以拿下用户权限。DEX的web服务器只提供web页面、公共api等服务,没有太多敏感信息,如果是通过 app 则连 web 服务器都不需要。
3) 充提安全。 CEX 充提服务依赖自己的数据库,通过数据库攻击可能攻击钱包充提服务,威胁虚拟币钱包的安全。DEX的充提服务依赖的是区块链上的转账数据,无法被攻击,外界无法获知处理充提服务的服务器在哪里。
3. 平台稳定性。
CEX对 DOS 攻击无法抵御,这是中心化服务的弱点。DEX 可以做到很好的防范DOS攻击,比如手机 app 可能只依赖公共api节点,而这些节点是可以自己建立的。
4. 资金证明
5. 平台维护成本。
6. 其它
DEX 用户可以享受更多功能,包括转账、红包、创建资产、更灵活的 api 接口等等。






现在的网关其实有很多实实在在的地方可以改进,比如 openledger 搞了这么多年连个手机钱包都没有,还在用官方那个残废GUI。听说要另立山头了,简直是作死。

GDEX 最厉害的是手机钱包进展很快,红包、游戏各种功能都做出来了,别忘记了这些都是以前的梦想。
但其是流动性甚至连 openledger 都不如,可能在bitCNY上浪费了太多精力,导致DEX的很多优势都没发挥出来。
DEX 网关最大的优势是资金安全问题,可是被别人说成和CEX一样了,似乎自己也默认了,根本没宣传这方面的优势。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: DEX到底是不是伪需求?
« on: October 08, 2019, 11:18:14 pm »




1. 利用HTLC或者barter,做DEX的场外OTC功能,当然这其中需要涉及到隐私转账功能,也需要通俗易懂的操作说明;

2. 即将上线的lending;

3. 多币种抵押稳定币功能,这个可能需要时间比较长,需要跨链;

4. 大币种的深度做好;

5. 其它代币项目方的深度合作。

6. 稳定币/bts的持有者可以进行借贷稳定获息;



中文 (Chinese) / DEX到底是不是伪需求?
« on: October 08, 2019, 02:18:31 am »


1. 用户使用易用性。
2. 资金安全性。
1) 用户认证。CEX用户被各种花式玩弄,平台可以直接操作用户账户、平台可能泄露用户秘钥、黑客破解用户账号,关键是用户无法分辨到底是哪个环节出问题,最后就是黑客背锅、自己背锅,反正平台不负责任。DEX用户认证只依赖私钥,这个信息是用户自己保存自己负责,不存在信任风险。
2) web 服务器安全。CEX都有web服务器,可能被黑客攻击,拿下web服务器权限就可以拿下用户权限。DEX的web服务器只提供web页面、公共api等服务,没有太多敏感信息,如果是通过 app 则连 web 服务器都不需要。
3) 充提安全。 CEX 充提服务依赖自己的数据库,通过数据库攻击可能攻击钱包充提服务,威胁虚拟币钱包的安全。DEX的充提服务依赖的是区块链上的转账数据,无法被攻击,外界无法获知处理充提服务的服务器在哪里。
3. 平台稳定性。
CEX对 DOS 攻击无法抵御,这是中心化服务的弱点。DEX 可以做到很好的防范DOS攻击,比如手机 app 可能只依赖公共api节点,而这些节点是可以自己建立的。
4. 资金证明
5. 平台维护成本。
6. 其它
DEX 用户可以享受更多功能,包括转账、红包、创建资产、更灵活的 api 接口等等。

最后补充一句,不要再局限在bitCNY上了,DEX有太多的优势,它发展起来之后 bitCNY 才可能得到更好的使用。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 放弃精准锚定?
« on: September 26, 2019, 02:42:58 am »


General Discussion / Re: Shorting Attack Protection?
« on: September 25, 2019, 09:38:48 pm »
I agree we should protect if there are enough evidence proof CEX manipulate the price.
but it's too danger to totally ignore the price from CEX if the price continue drop.
I think give a higher price related to current price is much better than a bottom price, for example 10% higher,
this could stop mostly shorter attack, we can reduce this gap when the influence from mainipulate reduce.

中文 (Chinese) / Re: cn-vote积分公告
« on: September 05, 2019, 05:51:46 am »

General Discussion / Re: Cleaned out!
« on: July 12, 2019, 11:33:12 pm »
warning means nothing,
Do you accept anybody can  create a transaction in your bank page, transfer your money to others? yes, with a warning of course.

I say it again this is the UI team's fault
they got many payment but continue give us a shit.
I don't known why anybody can be shown as a receiver in the form, even filled automaticly.
I don't known why anybody create a prosposal can be shown in your wallets
when we use a traditional financial app, we known we should only trade to the one in whitelist.

Please have a look how the UI renders the proposal scam at this point. I'd say it is impossible to accidently approve it.

You must have been using an old version that did not show you the warning. I checked your history, at the moment you approved the proposal your account was handed over to the attacker. There were 4 proposals showing in your account at this point in time. Unfortunately there is not much that can be done, if you are lucky the gateway can mitigate by blocking quick enough.

General Discussion / Re: Cleaned out!
« on: July 12, 2019, 02:40:40 pm »
I say it again this is the UI team's fault
they got many payment but continue give us a shit.
I don't known why anybody can be shown as a receiver in the form, even filled automaticly.
I don't known why anybody create a prosposal can be shown in your wallets
when we use a traditional financial app, we known we should only trade to the one in whitelist.

Well, I've just been fu*ked over by this 'proposal scam' and have lost $20,000 USD, my life savings and funds I have built on crypto over the past 7 years. I now have nothing.

I was trying to send a $40 payment to an phone wallet and it was taking a long time, so I checked my account again and saw this 'proposal' with some reference to verification to send funds, so I approved it thinking it was something new to verify my transaction. I had never seen this proposal tab before.

Next thing I know my balance is zero. Whoever was involved in developing this new "feature" which is costing people thousands of dollars due to being scammed, really needs to have a good think about WTF they are doing!

I have contacted OL support. I guess it is pointless asking if there is any chance of getting my money back?

If you want to view my account name it is: kurtduncan

Seriously pissed off!


do you mean account number or device number? I ask this because many users maybe have multi accounts.
From the reply, seems the basic function is ready already, I prefer to develop more marketing.
And we need more suggest from users to improve the software.

for example, the blacklist function is very confuse me.
As I known almost all bank app use whitelist to avoid account name accident,
so why do you decide to use blacklist instead of whtelist?

In the current bear market, our total number of users is around 2,000, and the daily activity is around 500.

Yes, we have collected some user needs and made adjustments in our previous work.

1. Improvements have increased the display content of the proposal, allowing users to more intuitively understand the content of the proposal they are working on.
2, optimized the issue of the decimal point display and use of the Polish language
3, added a shield on the blacklist proposal
4, increased risk warning for important proposal content
5, according to user feedback, added a more professional k line

The first phase of the function is to develop and improve some of the basic functions of BitShares for existing community users, and hope to make more details and experience adjustments. We don't want to give users a bad impression because of some experience or lack of function, so that they give up using it, and even negate the entire function of BitShares as dex.
We will increase and promote its exposure more in the preparation of the first phase, and as the community's open source money we will promote the conditions for downloading at

At the same time, we will prioritize the development of the following functions in the second phase of the work plan based on the current user needs collected.

1, over-the-counter trading (acceptance system)
2, the design of p2p function is also developed
3, scan code login
4, add more gateway services

At the graphene conference in July, we will have deep communication with the community members attending the meeting to collect the demand and make corresponding increase and optimization.
After that, we will collect and publish the work plan content in the forum from time to time.

BitShares is a global community, and an easy-to-use open source mobile wallet is needed by the market and users. We call on community members and users around the world to give us feedback and suggestions. Our target service group is not only the existing 100w users in the community, but also more incremental users in the future. We need a good user experience and word of mouth. To gain trust and recognition, this is not just about BitShares Mobile's market evaluation of BitShares as DEX. We hope to take this responsibility and work hard for it.

I believe the team is very good, they made a great mobile wallet.
But depends on the high bugget, what I  concern more is how many users use this wallet as their main wallet now.
I suugest you provide some marketing analysis.
and did you made some custom survey about if this wallet can provide most functions they want?

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