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Messages - alt

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General Discussion / Re: would you support a cheater as the wintess?
« on: January 01, 2019, 11:29:13 pm »
in fact, there are some pattern changed obviously since 2018.12.31
why do you think crazybit changed to another totally diffirent feed price strategy?

1. the accuracy totally lost after this day.
2. the feed price changed every 5 minutes in a very stable freequency after this day.
    In the before, he only updated price feed if the median price changed,
    in my previous snapshots you can see there are several times he didn't update feed price for more than 30 minutes.

General Discussion / Re: would you support a cheater as the wintess?
« on: January 01, 2019, 10:40:20 pm »
let me give a math model.
le'ts suppose there is a reasonable price in every moments, it's x
the finally median price y is about random in a range of x*0.99 ~ x*1.01, or more.
suppose you are a honest witness, which give your feed price z in reasoanble, without any information about other's feed price and median price,
the posibility of z close to  y less than 0.01% is about 0.01%/0.02, which is far more less than 1%
if you can do it twice, the possibility is 1%^2, less than 0.01%
if you can do it 3 times, it's 0.01^3.
but crazybit have do it every 5 minutes in almost 5 days, in both CNY/USD market.

of course if'ts very easy to get the information about others price, and median price
so with a cheating, you can get the accuracy very easy.

General Discussion / Re: would you support a cheater as the wintess?
« on: January 01, 2019, 09:57:17 pm »
@alt, Do not wast time of the community, let's make it simple, how about i share my active private key, feeding program(open sourced) and the config file to the community member who we both trust, let the community see who is lying, if you were wrong, you own me a apologize coz of u keep defaming me, and if i am cheating the community like what you said, i quit the witness by myself, apologize to the community, and leave the community forever. deal?
it's fair.
you don't need share your key, you just need give your code and config file to a trusty memeber, log the price every 5 minutes to a file, check if it's accuracy as usually.
what's going on?
I am still wating

just back from holiday, @clockwork already very kind to elaborate the feeding activity, but seems you still choose not to believe.

so i uploaded whole log of pass months for your reference, my feeding program is bitshares-pricefeed@0.0.10, you also can download and review the source code from(, the original config file is also pmed you, you could simulate the feeding activity by yourself.

if u still do not believe and insist on your previous conclusion , i think i have no ability to convince you.
there is only one way to support you are not cheating, give your code and config file to a trusty one, and run it with the same accuracy.
but since even yourself have lost the accuracy forever from the date 2018.12.31, I think nobody can implement the accuracy again.
let's just remember the wonderful accuracy from 2018.12.26 to 2018.12.31, it's a legend from crazybit.
@clockwork, what's your thought about he can never recreate the accuracy again?
@xeroc, you are a doctor, do you believe the accuracy in the 5 days is not cheating?

General Discussion / Re: would you support a cheater as the wintess?
« on: December 31, 2018, 11:15:20 am »
it's  funny, suddenly, crazybit lost the accuracy forever.
it's so clear he got the accuracy with cheating.

General Discussion / Re: would you support a cheater as the wintess?
« on: December 31, 2018, 03:28:32 am »
it happend again and again, just now crazybit's feed price update from 3.70370 BTS/CNY to  3.70702 BTS/CNY followed the median price.

General Discussion / Re: would you support a cheater as the wintess?
« on: December 31, 2018, 03:20:34 am »
@alt, Do not wast time of the community, let's make it simple, how about i share my active private key, feeding program(open sourced) and the config file to the community member who we both trust, let the community see who is lying, if you were wrong, you own me a apologize coz of u keep defaming me, and if i am cheating the community like what you said, i quit the witness by myself, apologize to the community, and leave the community forever. deal?
it's fair.
you don't need share your key, you just need give your code and config file to a trusty memeber, log the price every 5 minutes to a file, check if it's accuracy as usually.
what's going on?
I am still wating

@alt, did you count target CR as well?
for now, the feed price is 0.2727, count target CR, there are totally 4.5M bitcny in force margin call state, 

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 【讨论】后BSIP42时代bitCNY的规则改进
« on: December 30, 2018, 01:31:19 am »
bitCNY 承担了一部分保值需求,比如之前ICO的几个团队都是因为这个原因持有 bitCNY
但是这部分需求又会降低bitCNY的流动性,特别是在现在爆仓压力很大时对这部分 bitCNY 的释放显得更迫切。

既然如此,我觉得可以由理事会直接发行一种IOU CNY 代替 bitCNY 来实现保值需求。
因为 BTS 系统是有盈利的,承诺用收入获得的 bitCNY 按1:1回购 IOU CNY应该就能基本满足。
另外可以用盈利的部分按月支付IOU CNY 持有者利息,进一步刺激这种需求。

而对应的 IOU USD 除了可以代替保值的需求,还可以用来给 worker 发工资,免得像现在这样定期咋盘买美元发工资,尽量减少理事会参与市场操作的可能性。
bitCNY 是市场参与者都可以发行的,优点缺点和IOU是互补。

另外这个IOU不是空头支票,支撑它的是回购回来的 bitCNY 或 BTS 等资产,以及系统持续的盈利能力。

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 【讨论】后BSIP42时代bitCNY的规则改进
« on: December 29, 2018, 11:21:06 pm »
bitCNY 承担了一部分保值需求,比如之前ICO的几个团队都是因为这个原因持有 bitCNY
但是这部分需求又会降低bitCNY的流动性,特别是在现在爆仓压力很大时对这部分 bitCNY 的释放显得更迫切。

既然如此,我觉得可以由理事会直接发行一种IOU CNY 代替 bitCNY 来实现保值需求。
因为 BTS 系统是有盈利的,承诺用收入获得的 bitCNY 按1:1回购 IOU CNY应该就能基本满足。
另外可以用盈利的部分按月支付IOU CNY 持有者利息,进一步刺激这种需求。

而对应的 IOU USD 除了可以代替保值的需求,还可以用来给 worker 发工资,免得像现在这样定期咋盘买美元发工资,尽量减少理事会参与市场操作的可能性。

General Discussion / Re: would you support a cheater as the wintess?
« on: December 29, 2018, 08:46:21 am »
no it isnt... MEDIAN != MEAN
sure I know it's median instead of average.

General Discussion / Re: would you support a cheater as the wintess?
« on: December 29, 2018, 08:36:07 am »
@alt, You're wrong on this one.

Crazybit FINALLY updated his feeding script (which you were right to be upset about) but he is not cheating now.

He is not FOLLOWING median price, instead his feed is SETTING median price most of the time (which means he is very accurate)

This becomes obvious if you don't track by hand but instead use zapata's tracker to look at his and other witnesses feeding activity:
can you told me how obvious he is not follow the median price?
did you see the snapshot about how exactely his feed price change after the median price?
and thank you, this chat show more clear that how exactely every 5 meniutes his price followed the median price. just choose the price from crazybit and median price.

in case you don't know how to see the chart, I will tell you the detail:
1. open
2. input crazybit in publisher,
3. input 2018/12/26 10:00:00 am in "From"
4. check the box "feed median"
you will see a chart like below, you can see every 5 minutes(10:15, 10:20, 10:35, 11:00, 11:05, 11:10 etc), the feed  price from crazybit will followed the median price.

10:05 just above the median
10:10 crazybit's feed becomes the median
10:15 just above the median
10:20 just above the median
10:25 crazybit's feed becomes the median
10:30 just above the median
10:35 same as median
10:40 no change fed
10:45 no change fed
10:50 same as median
11:00 below median
11:05 below median
11:10 below median (shortly after , someone else feeds below crazybit so crazybit's feed becomes the median)
11:15 no change fed (although median has increased)
11:20 same as median
11:25 no change fed
11:30 no change fed
11:35 same as median
11:40 same as median

and so on...

It's much more random than you make it seem.

Also, a GOOD price feed will set or match the median much more often.

If we were talking about the MEAN, it would be very suspicious I agree , as it would be VERY unlikely to be matched exactly.

Median however is just a value in the set  of feeds. i.e. at any given time at LEAST once of the feeds will be the median price. If it's a good feed, this will happen more often than not. As some witnesses use the same or very similar scripts, it's very likely that MORE than 1 witness will feed that price.
it's really hard for me to teach you guys some common sence...
the probability of the match of his price and median price is less than lottery ticket.

General Discussion / Re: would you support a cheater as the wintess?
« on: December 29, 2018, 03:52:34 am »
@alt, Do not wast time of the community, let's make it simple, how about i share my active private key, feeding program(open sourced) and the config file to the community member who we both trust, let the community see who is lying, if you were wrong, you own me a apologize coz of u keep defaming me, and if i am cheating the community like what you said, i quit the witness by myself, apologize to the community, and leave the community forever. deal?
it's fair.
you don't need share your key, you just need give your code and config file to a trusty memeber, log the price every 5 minutes to a file, check if it's accuracy as usually.

yes I see the GUI keep changing margin call from 50m BTS to 30m BTS, looks like a bug. You calculate the correct amount using api call?
yes, there are about 20M bitCNY debt in the state "margin call" right now. for the feed price 0.2733

General Discussion / Re: would you support a cheater as the wintess?
« on: December 28, 2018, 11:50:53 pm »
since you are the bigest proxy who support crazybit, what's your thought about his "accurate" feed price?

1. the GUI show you wrong infomation, it didn't show you all the margin call orders.
2. s500 have buy back all his debt recent days, there are nearly 10M BTS have been sold from this account.

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