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Messages - MktDirector

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As far as the community version of the newsletter is concerned, Yes, I fully support that.  The newsletter is Stan's baby. As far as I know he is planning to continue to release it on a regular basis. Generally, he asks for contributions from each member on the team and then compiles it as he has time. I think he was going to go to a bi-monthly newsletter.  B

You know, the great thing about a forum is that it allows anyone to be heard.  The bad thing about a forum is that it allows anyone to be heard.  One can speak anonymously and critically about anyone at any time, demand answers to lists of questions, set oneself up as judge and jury, expect no less than to have all questions answered immediately, all with no need to open oneself up to personal scrutiny or even reveal your identity. Gotta love it.

Xeroc and fuznuts (for example) are two respected long time hero forum members and I take what they say seriously, even if we don't always agree with one another.  :)  If they were asking the questions, I'd be more inclined to answer.  DonJoe, on the other hand, joined the forum 7 days ago.  So, yes, I'll answer your questions, but before I do, I'd respectfully ask that you first answer mine.

1) If you have 20K of AGS why have you only been a forum member for one week with a total of 8 posts on this forum?  I would think someone with such a large investment would be involved much earlier than a week and have more than 8 posts. (Unless you donated  20k worth all within the last week - which is clearly not the case). You seem to be aware of the earlier websites,, past progress, etc, - so you're certainly not new to BitShares/Invictus.

2) What is your real name? Who are you? Why should I say "how hi?" when you say jump?  Mine name is Brian Page. Everyone knows my real name, my salary, what I look like, there isn't much privacy when you have a job like this, so how about you tell us who you are? You're of course not required to do so to speak on this forum, but you are if you want me to answer your questions.

3) And finally, I suggest anyone who'd like to speak to me (including DonJoe) feel free to send me a PM and we'll set up a skype call, or join us on our next marketing conference call.  Or,  if you like,  feel free to come visit me and the team when I'm in VA.  My "door" is always open and I'm happy to discuss anything.  In fact, if Xeroc or Fuznuts would like to jump on a call, I'd also enjoy speaking with you two or anyone else, anytime. I don't hide behind the forum name MktDirector. 

In the meantime, I believe you're someone who's already been a long time member on this forum.  You signed up for a new handle so they could come here and bash me (and other members) of the core team. You signed up for this new name so you could do just this - criticize from a position of anonymity. It's obvious what's going on here to me and likely other senior members of this forum.

Yes, the community has a right to ask questions (which I do answer in detail - as I did the last set of questions you're referred to in your post) - but I suspect there's something else going on here.  If you'd provide some clarity to my questions, I'd be happy to answer yours. 

Here's your chance to get your 9th post. - Go

Brian Page, MktDirector

General Discussion / Re: Interview with Peter Shiff
« on: May 23, 2014, 03:26:35 am »
We've tried before to get on Shiff's show, but it's not so easy.  Also on Keiser report.  These shows are more "dont call us, we'll call you".  Yes, I'm still doing interviews, and was talking with Michael Dean about getting on his show....he's just pushing my interview back since he already had lined up with Dan and Nicolai before I had spoken with him.  Spoke today with the guys from Money 20/20 and likely both me and Dan will speak there/do interviews.  High caliber event for sure.  B

some reason holding the cat reminded me of Dr. Evil. Not saying BM is evil.   

Just a quick note on St Martin:

I was invited there by Julian and Ryan, who we met at the Texas Bitcion Conference in Austin and spent a good deal of time with while there. They live in St. Martin and regularly hold events on the island. They're hosting an investment seminar for high net worth individuals (some are $100M+ net worth, one is $500M+) where they present investment opportunities in many different industries, and they said BitShares was one of the ideas from the crypto world they wanted to feature at this event.

Also, they are creating a video product from the event which we will get a portion of the earnings from, which likely will more than cover all costs of this trip (and go right back into the budget).  So this likely will be the least expensive trip we've taken when it's all said and done.   I wouldn't have accepted the invitation if I thought it wasn't worth the investment in funds. (I've turned down invitations for the team to go to China, Hong Kong, Australia, etc this year already (we get invites nearly every other week to go to some bitcoin related event accross the globe) and reduced dramatically the number of events we attend and number of team members who go, in order to reduce costs. B

Great idea! i'm on it... B

General Discussion / Re: Branding Discussion on Keyhotee and DACs
« on: May 13, 2014, 05:12:30 pm »
I am.  Discussed with bytemaster a while back.  The duck thing is quite funny...we could do Duck vs Doge, clash of the meme titans. 

I'll throw in my 2 PTS:

Yes, I think keyhotee could possibly be renamed.  But bytemaster likes keyhotee as a name and seeing as how all the Don Quixote references are nearly gone now, this may be the last remaining reference,  :-\.  Love the duck meme, more for laughs than for serious consideration. But then again Dogecoin was just supposed to be a silly meme and it's now a borderline religion for some. ha.   B

I'm sending CLains 150 PTS to allow him to start a micro bounties campaign. Keep your eyes open for his MB's and post ideas if you have them. B

General Discussion / Re: r/BitShares @ reddit
« on: May 09, 2014, 04:12:37 pm »
I'll make sure this goes up on the updated site. B

I'll make sure we have a downloadable logo on our site once we complete our updates in the next couple weeks.  About to update all pages on the site. B

General Discussion / Re: How is BitShares capitalized?
« on: May 09, 2014, 04:08:27 pm »
Funny, I just discussed this with Bytemaster a few days ago.  For consistency and so the "bitsh" part is not as noticeable (for obvious reasons) we decided to use BitShares with both Bit and Shares capitalized, in all instances. This is the new answer to our FAQ, which I'm editing and tweaking for our site update.  Please use BitShares as you see it here: BitShares.


General Discussion / Re: A Conspiracy Theorist Vindicated:
« on: May 01, 2014, 04:47:02 pm »
My thoughts:

Tim Ferriss: I met the guy and read his book (4 hour workweek) while it was still an unpublished manuscript. I got ahold of it because Tony Robbins had a copy, my girlfriend worked for Tony and brought a copy home saying I'd love it....long story short:  I did love it and told Tim it would be a best seller....his response? "I know it will."  Went on to be one the HUGE NYT bestseller that it is.... Great book, great guy, not sure he'd be the right fit to interview Dan. I can reach out to him, though its been quite a few years. He's still a rock star in my mind. 

Max Keiser:  I've already been working on trying to get Dan on Keiser's show for a few months now.  Its not easy to get ahold of Keiser and although Ethereum got on the show, I think in general Keiser's people had a hard time understanding Ethereum and perhaps for that reason aren't interested in any other next gen crytpto technologies like bitshares.  We're still working on several angles to get an interview on Keiser's show.

Ben Swann: Now this is a possibility.   I was approached by someone in the publishing business who said Swann would have an interest in covering us. This isn't as high profile as Keiser, but he does have a big audience. Waiting on further details before we can move forward on that one.

I agree, Dan is getting much better with these interviews, and more focused with the message each time he does one.  For a brand new organization less than 6 months old we've had an insane amount of press (hats off to Matt Reynolds for making a lot of it happen).   Forbes, WSJournal, Fortune, Economist, etc...we have no lack of coverage, to be fair.   

I fully intend to continue taking advantage of press in the future, but I think the focus now should be on execution by Dan and the whole team, a focus on creating, testing and implementing software, launching profitable DACS (with others also launching DACs) and the like, rather than focusing on publicity.  We can only toot our own horn so much about how what we're doing is going to change the world before we have to actually go out and do it.   

General Discussion / Re: Video from Inside Bitcoins NY - Watch Here:
« on: April 30, 2014, 08:22:39 pm »
The idea is to have a video like this for each event we go to, allowing us to check in with everyone about what we're up to and for those who dont know who we are to see there are real people behind the idea.  B

General Discussion / Re: Lets sort out these videos
« on: April 30, 2014, 07:23:19 pm »
I've gotten most of the videos over to our bitshares youtube account, woking to get all of them there so there's only one "official" place to go see vidoes, outside our forum. B

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