中文 (Chinese) / Re: 见证人喂价分歧这么大,建议加入喂价分歧指数! 现在这种喂价对比真的是让人无言以对!!!
« on: May 13, 2019, 05:34:49 pm »
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Please explain what "Recharge rate" and "withdrawal rate" is.
if DEX's price*(1+premium)>1.05*CEX's price
feed price = 1.05*CEX'price
feed price = max(DEX's price*(1+premium),CEX's price )
premium=(Recharge rate-Withdrawal rate)/2
Things to remember:
1. if price change is within a threshold (E.G. 0.1%, of course need to be small enough), to avoid chain bloat, it's better to skip feeding a new price. So it's possible that no new feed got published for a relatively long period, the reason is too little change in price. IMHO an average interval of 5~20 minute is good enough.
2. there were people crying in the past that "it's easy to dump in CEX to trigger margin calls in DEX". Come on, please put thick enough buy orders with your own money in CEX to prevent the price from dropping.
3. DEX price * premium? How to know how much the premium is? Volumes of the fiat gateways (MagicWallet/bitCNY:QC in ZB/bitCNY:CNC in AEX) are so low recently, which can not justify the premium. Also the gateway price (aka deposit/withdrawal processing fee) can change quickly.
4. volumes on many CEXs are FAKE.
By the way, we have some charts here: http://pricefeed-tracker.dex.trading/
1、 There is a gap between the prices of BTS in various exchanges. Why is there no arbitrage?Because there are all kinds of handling fees.However, you witnesses did not consider handling fees for all kinds of conversion of BTS prices.
These price conversions do not take into account handling fees, so the feed price is always lower than the actual price.
The highest price of BTS in major exchanges (including the DEX) is closest to the actual price.
2、 Why can't the DEX price be taken into account in the feeding price? The volume of DEX has already exceeded tens of millions, surpassing many CEXs.
Is it because the price is difficult to determine?
How much does it cost for us to buy a BTS in the DEX? This is very clear,DEX price *Recharge rate.
This is the real price of BTS, at least the feed price cannot deviate too much from this price.
Why has MSSR dropped to 102%, and BITCNY premium is still large? The important reason is that the feed price is lower than the actual price.