where can i found this?
if i read it correct. If i name my project "SHENTIST" and not "ALGAMANDA" i will have spend more on marketing, because SHENTIST is my name and ALAGAMANDA is not?
Makes no $ense!
The question should be, makes it $ense to call it SOLLARS? You need a easy to remember name and SOLLARS fits in this creteria.
You can found your business on the blockchain (sorry, couldn't help it). Do a quick Google search and the rest will come up. Aside from the narcissistic suggestion, which another poster made, the main point here is that a new product with a new role requires that you educate the consumer. If your name is not as descriptive as it could be (as is the case when you name it after yourself), then you are stuck with more work educating people about what it is and why they need it. Comparing this to something like TRUMP hotels or ABERCROMBIE T-shirts is fallacious, because hotels and shirts are products with which the consumer is already very familiar, and the name is simply a brand of that product. Here, you're asking potential customers to trust you in a mighty way with the product itself, and if you're the kind of person who sticks your name on things, well, they may or may not swallow what you're trying to feed them. IMHO, it would be a lot less baggage to simply take yourself out of the way and come up with a decent product name. I am not trying to be an a-hole, though that may apply. I am pointing out a potential objection that you may face, and if you could eliminate it now, then why not do so?