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Messages - tonyk

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General Discussion / Re: At least BTS outlasted NuShares
« on: June 09, 2016, 05:23:23 pm »
So this comes with the disadvantage that there may potentially be a much smaller supply of SD than the demand for it. If this is still true despite dropping interest rates to 0%, then SD will have a large premium over the dollar. This is nothing new to the BitShares community. Even with the shorting-to-existence ability, BitUSD has experienced premiums over the USD as well. But with stronger limits to the supply of SD, I wonder how it will manifest in SD's ability to maintain the peg.

I've hardly looked at it but I would guess Steem & SBD should fail faster than any stable currency to date imo.

Either it will fail in the sense that Steem can't support the redemption of the SBD that's been awarded prior to July 4th & Steem will become fairly worthless or if there's some limiting mechanism which I believe there is, it will fail in the sense that you can only redeem your SBD at 0.1% a day or some other non viable amount. (In which case Steem will seem like a soon to be bankrupt bank no-one would want to have dollars in and shareholders would be racing for the exits too.)

You quite unfairly took all the choices... :) but let me try to grab the last one... steem will fall because it is idiotic...
and no, there is no limit on how much SD you can redeem (after you wait 7 days and redeem at the median price during that period that is)
but redeeming at 0.15 usd / steem and waiting in line to sell at 0.015 or 0.001 will provide enough entertainment... I think.

General Discussion / Re: At least BTS outlasted NuShares
« on: June 09, 2016, 04:42:06 pm »

So this comes with the disadvantage that there may potentially be a much smaller supply of SD than the demand for it. If this is still true despite dropping interest rates to 0%, then SD will have a large premium over the dollar. This is nothing to new to the BitShares community. Even with the shorting-to-existence ability, BitUSD has experienced premiums over the USD as well. But with stronger limits to the supply of SD, I wonder how it will manifest in SD's ability to maintain the peg.

I for one expect myself to be in the market for SD at least to the 7-10x ratio (that is 7x worth of steem at current feed prices for 1 SD)

So let me get this right...  They sold their collateral to take dividends ?

Anyone have any links to the grand thread that explains this stuff?

There is no collateral in Nubits.... They have always been like - "we print Nubits cause we have appointed ourselves to do so"....much like the FED.
 Those were money they had (acquired by selling and or giving NuShares to people; supposed 'profits' from market making spreads on NuBits, etc).

General Discussion / Re: State of Stealth ?
« on: May 23, 2016, 05:17:50 am »
In a nutshell:

BM's team delayed work on STEEM to build Stealth for Onceuponatime.
They completed that effort as specified.
They concluded that more work would need to be done to make it truly usable by the public (i.e. profitable).
BM refunded what Onceup paid (ate the cost of development himself) and received the useless tokens in exchange.
Onceup arranged with BitShares Munich to buy BM's tokens and finish the task with their own funds.

Let start from the beginning...

-No one wanted stealth...everybody insisted for a more important work that needed to be done for BTS sake BEFORE stealth.

-BM said "no I will work on stealth instead" (also claimed being of  great importance to the BTS future)...

-STEALT was a great lie from the very beginning...there is not much worth 45K...45K to implement already existing cli features into a GUI.

-BM was fully aware of what the final GUI STEALTH will look like (as he knew what the cli stealth was)...

-All  the stealth fiasco was...was just a time for insiders (BM) to sell their stakes before leaving the ship...


I do think you went to the dark side with your twists and misrepresentations of the facts Stan...and all for financial benefits???

You are getting more and more arrogant, more and more sure you are great with that kind of manipulation with each next one you do... but the rope has always been able to carry just that much weight before it breaks...just as much as at the beginning.

General Discussion / Liquidity award (Steem question)
« on: May 20, 2016, 03:32:11 pm »
Is liquidity award in steem paid in liquid steem or vests? (or maybe STMD and vests?)

General Discussion / Re: Full Steam ahead. (Steem question)
« on: May 20, 2016, 03:18:50 pm »
lol, you said "STEEM subforum on Bitsharestalk" after they ran out of money to even finish "BTS Stealth"

Nothing cannot be done without the thought of profit in this craziest land o'Bitshares! :P

"Profit" is what you get after you are able to pay all your bills.

No waaay... I believe what Ronny tells me!
According to him, "profit" is:

- the total of all vesting balances

- any money received in any [consecutive] ICO (or % of that amount he deems a profit)

- any amount you can find in any account of yours (or % of that amount he deems a profit)

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Worker Proposal] Chronos Crypto videos
« on: May 20, 2016, 01:57:05 am »
The referral program sounds good on paper, but after the fees were adjusted it has become pretty much worthless. The top two leading referrers have ~1,600 referred accounts between them and less than a few thousand bts vesting (referral income) each.
I disagree. All it takes it so convince people to upgrade to LTM. Once people see the value in LTM the referral program will be worth it.
All it takes it so convince people to upgrade to LTM.
In other words, all it takes is to convince people of something that is currently unlikely: that being an LTM will be long-term profitable because of fee savings and referral fees. I'd agree that the referral system probably isn't compelling for most people right now, if they understand the fee structure.

With the drastically reduced fees, there is really no point to upgrade!!! The way I look at it, saving 80% on what is almost a free trade amounts to minimal savings. Spending a bunch of your capital to upgrade to LTM just doesn't make a lot of sense anymore.
That is the point.... now
"All it takes it so convince people to upgrade to LTM." ..when it makes no sense to do so!

General Discussion / Full Steam ahead. (Steem question)
« on: May 20, 2016, 01:24:23 am »
2 points before I start - no STEEM sub-forum?!  Steemit sucks for this kind of stuff, and STEEM has no q&a point, and other than the very fluid whitepaper no way to find real the second point is - Is this on purpose/ by design?

Anyway... the white paper finds it very useful to use BTC as a measuring stick/example... so

When will STEEM has 10% or less inflation for the first time (best case scenario + market cap measured per founders preferred method aka  all steems included)

2027?.... 2047?

That is the best I can I am not kidding and/or implying that is something bad.. not at all.


Here is a question for the trolls, is there any scenario in which bitshares does not go to the moon without someone being labeled a criminal/scammer???

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

No one is talking about bitshares being a scam here... we are talking (as the title of the thread says) about how the Larimers are no longer working on bitshares.  They have jumped to a new project in hopes that they can sell more investments.  Bitshares is beyond their control, so there is no longer any use for them to stay.

In my opinion I think CNX thought they could use the bts worker proposal system as a cash cow... but it backfired on them.

I tend to agree. And they do not want to just be paid for useful work they want to do on BTS. That is too much trouble - explaining, defending the need of that work/feature. What they want is full freedom to do whatever work come to their mind...unobstructed, uncontested, fully appreciated and voted in 'no question asked' the second such work is proposed [btw, that is the logic behind me thinking the so called non-dilution might have a valid point... but  everybody "knew" what they are - they are just stupid and or want to destroy bts by stopping all development]

And BM and co. are indeed learning their lessons and getting better at what they do. They came with something better for their needs. I agree with their assessment - That is to say STEEM is much much better positioned to serve their agenda. Even moderate success of steem will get them their guaranteed stream of income they so crave.... unfortunately that same design so good for milking relatively small amounts (hundred of thousands yearly), is a design that prevents the true big success of the project of even being possible.

PS BTW they same improved design will be a enormous night mare (BTS being a true child play in comparison) if/when BM someday decides he is no longer interested in that toy anymore.

I for one miss seeing newmine's posts. He may have been a bit over the top, but hell there's been at least some truth to a lot of what he's said over time. BitShares needs its critics so it can know what it's doing wrong and find ways to fix the problem through open discussion. But I see everyone's ready to just grab a pitchfork around here and demand silence from any who dare speak ill of the almighty BTS.


That's why they want everyone to move over to steem... So the Larimer Lemmings can downvote anyone who doubts the messiah.

You haven't thought this through (I know it hurts, but brains need exercise too).

Any post on this Forum could be banished, without a vote, at the whim of a moderator. And many of the moderators are actually the very people that you seem to be accusing of desiring censorship of contrary opinion.

Moderators can, and do, delete spam and phising posts, but seem to tolerate a great deal of rude and obnoxious behavior and trolling.  The filtering of spam is accomplished at by the community's downvotes, not a moderator's. Why do you think that there is going to be the inevitability of censorship of contrary opinion there if it is not happening here?

But, most importantly, positive effort, planning and work on behalf of BitShares can be and is being rewarded at but definitely not here.

No, you seem to have not thought it through (or decided to not do so, more likely)... the so described by you 'community' is 75% voting power of BM and co.
More importantly censorship is much easier on it is much more ineffective...if they delete my post (be it a rude, obnoxious one or simply spelling the truth the blind followers just do not want to hear) here I can post 3 new ones complaining about it free of charge... There I have to pay to post more. ). There you pay the master-clique  first, so they have the pleasure to berry your post at a whim (and even bury the posts of anyone who dare upvote your posts [more on that next])

And most importantly...they already have (as one of the first orders of business) the bots to auto vote up or down posts by accounts they like/ of the parameters is even to do such burial in 0 seconds after a post. It is a no brainer that such automation on account and not posts voting, is so simple and easy to 'improve' to next include new accounts to be destroyed for simply voting 'for' a post by an account on the blacklist of the vote-masters...  Now each poster not only should not express a different opinion, but should restrain from even voting for something that the masters might not like, for the fear of being auto-blacklisted.
censorship automation nice steaming touch to the already existing total control  monopoly...

General Discussion / Re: The DAO price discussion thread.
« on: May 17, 2016, 09:38:17 pm »
You aren't invested in new money?  Word has it, the founder is a Vitalik Buterin/Steve Jobs type.  It is the new Apple and IBM of the blockchain.  He's learned that marketing the blockchain failed. The most telling was that guy's reaction when he found out he could sell brownie.pts.  Obviously he sold them, but he wasn't even aware there was a marketplace to sell them !  Epic.

You guys ( lil_jay890, gamey, btswild ) are well overboard with this... this is all part of a trend that I have come to appreciate very much. The trend is called


That is to say that  at that very epic moment that you gamey was sealed for solar-and-non-sense... he just named the project after the truth...
 "Solar found new money laying around" and it made so much sen$e... so the  "Solar New Money"

But he is not alone... other brutally-honest-naming examples include:

- OBITs for bitshares....(self explanatory)

-eSTEEM - bm has so much self-esteem, so much so it justified something as ridiculous as issuing 75% of the coins to himself and even adding 9x more coins for each coin someone dared to 'earn'...  full name: "BM's self eSTEEM."

-of course steem was developed in STEALTH of bts holders... I mean while MasterByte supposedly was working on STEALTH....
btw, during the same period, in STEALTH were also sold tens of millions of BTS by the core team...while the poor common bts holders believed something improving bts was being developed...

-and bm has the honesty to call himself reverseflash (you know how one flashes the toilet? The reverse flash is the opposite action) while working in STEALTH to satisfy and fairly pay himself in accordance with his self-eSTEEM.... the bts holders were reversed-flashed more or less.

-Open Ledger is so named of course to make it perfectly clear that their ledger is wide as in open for a new ICO token  of theirs each and every month...

What do you mean by "if"?

The highly delusional now bts creator has come up with a new coin offering nothing new, but a high pressure balloon for the only purpose of an artificially created market cap.

So the question is not if it will surpass bts (by BM's criteria of) market cap...the question is what purpose does it serves if even he (reversed flashed MasterByte) with 75% of all STEEM coins cannot sell them for more than the 5% of bts he (he and company) sold since this year start.

General Discussion / Re: STEEM price discussion
« on: April 25, 2016, 09:25:40 pm »
Why STEEM inflation so high?

you can see graphs diverge.

that is inflation so high
There will be ~500M STEEM at the end of the first year.
Then ~100% inflation every year.

STEEM is going to fall to .3 cents like BTS.  Don't buy it until then. 

Dat inflation.

You are wrong my should read more about the "Indestructibility of Steem's 'market cap'*"
Below are the (increasingly incorrectly called) 3 rules ....  "3 rules of steem market cap":

1. Even if the price of steems falls 10 times,  steem's market cap stays the same (or grows!!!!)
2. In year #1 even if the price of steem falls 50-70x, steem's market cap stays the same or grows.
3. Steem price just cannot fall fast enough to offset the new steems, at 9x new steem for every new steem -  steem's market cap stays the same or grows!
4. Even if the only buyer of steem is at 1sat... simply there aren't any "steem's market cap stays the same or grows"

'market cap'* here is defined as follows - whatever BM fined as 'fair definition of market cap".... no need for the shares/coins to be available in the next 365 years to sell to the market... as long as BM deems them "part of the MC" those shares are in.... currently at 11 Mil USD MC and growing.... Can you dare outpace us? BM grows the steem market cap at 9X for anyone who "even thinks at selling at todays price ...or 90% lower for that matter."

"Cause you simply cannot sell fast enough...we just print them faster!"


Random Discussion / Re: Tribute to the Greeeeat Tony "the Tiger" K
« on: April 21, 2016, 04:54:46 pm »

Tony man, of course I've got one.

There is no d word... dilution is misnomer for btc and BTS...Let's assume I believe this (just because there is cap), and everyone else should/ is as well.


There are 23,000,000 new BTS entering into circulation each month.

23 Mil BTS needed to be absorbed by new money entering the system just so the price stays the same...

Do you think that on average 90,000 K USD are entering/buying into BTS every month right now?


There you go :)

What is the fact you wish was incorrect?

Try again.

Random Discussion / Re: Tribute to the Greeeeat Tony "the Tiger" K
« on: April 21, 2016, 03:47:03 am »
I would have banned him because of his FUD and lies. [/b]

Provided this is not some lame attempt of getting a "midgetry status" for yourself...example of any of his LIES will come handy.

General Discussion / Re: how to mine steem
« on: April 20, 2016, 02:08:06 am »
My wild speculation is that when you funded STEALTH you were unaware of another DAC being concurrently developed. I think it's a possibility you have been given some of the 80% of STEEM they initially mined themselves (& obfuscated in their Bitcointslk announcement) as some form of compensation, hence your multiple post support for a DAC  that I would think you would otherwise not be thrilled about in your position.

I am sure! (or something similar)  +5%
I can't  find myself another explanation   :)

You may have a mean spirited and grasping myopia if you can't find yourself another explanation.

The fact of the matter is that Bytemaster offered to reimburse me from his own pocket  the full amount of the investment that I had made into the STEALTH project when he determined that the vulnerability of inexperienced or careless users to losing their funds would be too high and unfixable within the time frame of our original agreement.

I found his offer to be extraordinarily generous and indicative of his honest character and the integrity of his overall vision.

After much consultation with Dan and members of the STEALTH Board, I have accepted a 6 million BTS payment from Dan in return for 800,000 STEALTH. I reluctantly did this because I am in need of funds for other BitShares projects I am contributing to and because I had expected the STEALTH project to be at a level whereby I would be accumulating funds from it by now.

The new Plan:

I will pay 20,000 STEALTH each to two Team Leaders to move forward  the implementation of STEALTH (in its new, more limited blinded functionality). Since they are being paid only STEALTH it will be in their interest to maximize the value of STEALTH shares in any way they can come up with (temporary fees, or whatever). This would benefit all holders of the STEALTH FBA.

I will provide the Team Leaders with a significant (but not unlimited) budget from my own pocket to contract the necessary talent to implement development of STEALTH up to an agreed upon functionality.

I will use a percentage of the payment from Bytemaster to help provide liquidity in the new STEEM ecosystem

I will use the remainder of the BTS from Dan, after the above disbursements, to create liquidity in the bitCAD, bitEURO and bitSILVER markets in preparation for hopefully widespread adoption of Ken's POS system and as a marketing tool for my presentation to a centralized exchange to entice them to add BTS, bitCAD and bitUSD (and possibly bitSILVER and bitEURO) to their current lineup of bitcoin and ether, fiat CDN and fiat USD. That way, merchants could move bitCAD or bitUSD they receive from their customers to that exchange and then withdraw fiat CDN or USD to their bank accounts to pay their bills.

I have not been given any position by Bytemaster in the STEEM initiative, and in fact I am, in comparison to many of you, at a disadvantage because I am not a miner. But I can read White Papers and I am a fairly good judge of character - so STEEM has my full support.

Interesting... so I have narrow minded view of facts because:
-My similar size investment in BTS never got an offer to be refunded/bought back.... so I should take your take on facts not mine correct? Or I will be labeled short-sighted/narrow minded, right?

Let's assume the facts are as you state them... so you provide 45K for the development of BTS.... you did not care if other more important features are skipped because of it (let's call it a difference in judgments and your stealth was the best could happen to BTS as far as you are concerned)....But after 3+ month nothing comes out of it...all the rest is stopped...even more...a new competing chain is developed in total secrecy by the leader of BTS....
and you still support BM's vision? Vision where he promises and not deliveres, and instead launches a new 'personally owned chain'
You getting back 6mil bts for 45K USD and 20% of not finish (mostly useless) feature might speak for your generosity and or desire to sponsor BM... but what is the reason you included that info above anyway? Paying 15K for non existing and never paying for itself feature is not a sign of a great vision you self claim (inferred by accusing other of short sightedness)?...
What I am coming to is...NOW you gonna take you efforts of providing liquidity? Now after 3 months in which you virtually delayed this feature by forcing another feature (that ultimately failed) in front of that?
You can like STEEM all you want, but do not forget that your 'sponsorship' provided the best ground for it to be developed in private.... and STEEM is nothing more than a centralized entity trying to take advantage of 2 established cultural phenomenon (blockchain and social midia sites) in an effort to not do much more but grab money for 'select few'... maybe that is your intersection of yours and BM ideals...idk.

The purpose of your post?

To gather/understand "what is the good that came out of you sponsorship of stealth"...per your perspective.

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