Hi, I'm new and just starting to learn about DPoS and what I am wondering is why people would spend the time researching about delegates and so on just to give money to someone else? Where is the motivation to actually vote if people are not getting something back?
I have to say my first impression is that a Proof of Stake system which only rewards a select group of insiders, rather than everyone, doesn't appeal to me at the moment, and as such I would probably want to go for one of these pay back delegates just because I would feel like I kind of deserved it as much as them so why shouldn't I get a cut. But I remain open to being convinced otherwise so feel free to tell me why DPoS is better and on what basis I should vote if not for my own benefit.
Hi profitofthegods,
at first glance payback delegates seems to be an appealing business idea.
Nevertheless i have decided to cancel the HappyShares venture. After long but fruitful conversations with forum members i got the enlightenment, that payback delegates act counterproductive to BitShares health. This decision was all the harder, since the platform was already nearing publication. Taking advantage of our experience we will soon deliver a voting related webtool to the community.
So, in hope that our decision prevents other guys going in the wrong direction, we want to lead by example.
If you welcome this decision please vote for
wallet_approve_delegate voteexplorer.bs-prosper true