I wonder if the way this forum handles criticism is a reason why this Community has the reputation it has?
Hmmm ... I'll have to ponder that one with some colleagues who no longer come around ... for some reason.
I like hearing criticism; it's good to avoid isolating ourselves and ignoring the outside POV. I just wish more of the criticisms had concrete solutions -- how exactly does a blockchain improve its reputation? A lot of people like to bring up the merger and the whole "rules keep changing" mantra, but from what I've seen the rules have been pretty much solid since the transition to 2.0.
Is there any way to truly win the hearts and minds of the people back? Kind of seems like no matter what happens, as long as the price is low (relatively speaking) you'll always have unhappy investors and those who will nitpick at every little thing looking for the one true "aha! that's why the price is low" answer.
So the solution should be to increase our marketcap. Happy investors = happy community = happy devs = ? ? ? = profit
But which comes first -- happiness, or marketcap? Almost seems like a chicken and egg scenario.

Sorry, just rambling ideas. Carry on.