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Messages - BunkerChainLabs-DataSecurityNode

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General Discussion / Re: Ethereum price discussion
« on: March 05, 2016, 04:21:34 pm »
Boy does ETH ever feel like a bubble now, but like all good bubbles it just keeps going up.

Good lord does the bubble ever burst?? I've never seen a crypto just go up...and keep on going up. I'm starting to doubt it's ever gonna pop and it'll just keep going until it takes over bitcoin.

Why the hell I didn't put some cash in around $30 mil cap a few months back is beyond me...I just would've never thought this kind of growth was possible.

Yes, I'm considerably jealous.  :P

Bigger bubbles just make much bigger messes when they pop.

I think you are seeing the result of Bitcoin floundering and everyone is looking to hedge where they think it will be safer... and who else is in the news all the time... that's how I see it. 

Ah well... go into the fine print.. make sure you checkbox all the necessary points and go at it again.

Good luck!  +5%

General Discussion / Re: Another hosted web wallet?
« on: March 05, 2016, 03:06:58 pm »
Ah no.. I am trying to remember the user... but he has been around for months.. a while back he was giving away his asset.. I believe it was BRICKS.

He is out of south america somewhere I believe. I want to say Columbia but I might be off on that.

He's passionate about Bitshares.. and has nothing to do with Rune or Toast.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares price discussion
« on: March 05, 2016, 02:00:08 pm »
anything below $40 mil market cap doesn't even worth discussing it i think..
Talking  about small pump from 0.000009 to 0.00001 and vice versa are insignificant and I think harm bts price..I think we should revisit this thread only when we are x5 of current price..Otherwise people from outside the community see that we think this is a pump and they just dump..
We should start having a bit higher expectations than that people...

The small rise from 09 - 1 was in relation to expectations of a much bigger rise coming next week...

we could be shortly added to Microsoft Azure BAAS....

On 7th December Microsoft Azure announced they were adding Ripple.  Over next 4 days, XRP increased 75% in value.
On 15th December  Microsoft Azure announced they were adding Factom. Over next 6 days FCT increased 680% in value.
On 4th January Microsoft Azure announced they were adding Emercoin. Over next 6 days  EMC increased 367% in value.

It won't have an impact as big, it's not something new now, people might have got used to cryptos getting on Azure

Correct... there was a lot of manipulation of the initial information put out about the 'partnership with microsoft' stuff. It is only now that Microsoft has declared that they will take in any hobo blockchain that wants to be in their network.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Failed to create account
« on: March 05, 2016, 01:56:16 pm »
When I try to create an account I just get "failed to create account - unknown error".

@svk @dannotestein @ccedk @jcalfee1

Can we get a resolution to this?

Bitshares is a Blockchain Business Platform for the Win!

General Discussion / Re: What Happened At The Satoshi Roundtable
« on: March 05, 2016, 01:52:28 pm »

General Discussion / Re: So we finally turned the page on fees
« on: March 05, 2016, 01:40:03 pm »
We now need a consistent campaign that drives it home to current and past users for the next month or two if you want to see any serious results out of it.

Numerous times such discussion starts with good point and then dissolves in brainstorming fashion.

One thing is obvious from the very beginning, this project lacks clear objective.
It is problem of a leadership. I have to admit that BM critics have proved its point.

Good leader would know one thing. He must become entrepreneur first. With all possibilities he might dream of he need at least one practical thing that is working to prove his point. To himself and to others. In such a way he build his momentum, his self confidence and his courage to persist in chasing his dreams no matter what. Henry Ford has dreamed about horseless carriage. Then he put all his knowledge and talent in to building one. It took him two years for finishing his first working prototype. With money and credibility he earned he build Ford Motor Company.
I think our problem is that Bitshare is internal combustion engine for BMs horseless carriage. Although critical component, without it horseless carriage surely couldn't exist as such, it is not a point of a dream. So what is our horseless carriage. Is it decentralized exchange for Bishares. It may be.

All things that we enjoy in our modern life, from electricity that drives it to this very forum, was ones a dream in someones head.
Difference is that someone put it for people to see, feel and enjoy benefits of using it.

The DEX is horseless carriage... it was perhaps a few months ago during a hangout that BM did bring up that the original goal of bitshares.. like the VERY beginning it was created.. was in response to MtGOX... they wanted to create a decentralized exchange where nobody would have to ever worry again about that happening. Back then it was also believed that bitcoin would never be regulated.. and therefore it would be open to such messes like that happening all the time.

He then went on to talk about how since then it is not as much of a concern now as it used to be. The government regulating bitcoin was unexpected.. and therefore now causes exchanges to be more accountable and having to follow certain government oversight.

So to continue with your comparison.. it is as though they set out to create the horseless carriage.. and came up with one about 10 years to late. Not quite the right fit comparison.. but you get the idea... certain assumptions that were made from the beginning turned out to go in another direction.

So fast forward to today and you see people wondering why people are not swarming to the DEX.. we call it an identiy crisis because where we began now while it does have a unique value proposition.. the pain that we were originally designed to solve is no longer present due to the market changes. The gains we offer are not high on the priorities of that customer segment.. but the task of trading that the exchange accomplishes it does it well.

So where does that leave us now? He tried to suggest i the same hangout that at potential target market we should look at might be freedom lovers as a niche that might be responsive to having an open ledger.

What I think  now is we have a DEX.. and yes.. there are other markets that can be served by it.. however I think bitshares overall future is really as a business blockchain platform.

The DEX can serve as a hub for settlements and currency exchange.

Businesses can build their smart contracts on Bitshares and get all the benefits the DEX has to offer in powering those contracts.

So when it comes to identifying what Bitshares is.. it is clear to me that we have product that is a DEX... that serves as a great DEMO of just one thing that can run on the bitshares blockchain.

What we need now is for those who are traders and those wanting to focus in that space to do so.

For the rest of what bitshares has to offer.. I would say we need to start identifying the most obvious verticals that will serve specific businesses and get those businesses building their apps on Bitshares.

Anyways.. my  +5% :)

Regards the DEX, as it doesn't allow people to deposit/withdraw alts 1-1 it hasn't really had the opportunity to compete with a CEX. As a platform due to the nature of crypto/open source, many features such as speed/other will be fairly indistinguishable to people outside crypto from one platform (NXT/BTS) to another, so it would come down to which platform is marketed the best, we can all agree BTS is not/unlikely to be the strongest in the room in terms of marketing.

Imo the horseless carriage is and has always been BitAssets and they've been designed at a time when horses (the banks) are about to be wiped out by the plague. The question is whether we can be the Henry Ford of Crypto and package them in such a way as they're accessible & attractive to millions of people.

Personally I think BTS is on the cusp of greatness, by making BitAssets attractive through offering yield and a $0.99-$1.01 range. (All self funding during the multi year growth/adoption phase of BitAssets.)

By focusing on that first you'll gain utility as merchants & businesses will want to serve that market and potentially be based on your platform to do it or even to use BitAssets themselves.

No.. I disagree.. the original vision was the DEX... the Assets were simply a part of that invention.. the crank-arm in the engine if you will. They were created out of the necessity to have tradeable assets that were collateralize instead of IOUs like everyone else... again attempting to create the vision of a decentralized exchange everyone could count on.

If consequentially an invention out of the original intent should take off as the bigger deal then so be it.. but in answer to the original quote I quoted.. it's certainly the DEX. However.. look at Bitcoin and blockchain... bitcoin was certainly satoshis horseless carriage.. but the invention out of that.. the blockchain has become far bigger than that.

Imagine what Henry Ford would think if you told him about horseless AND driverless carriages. :) Cue the Stan:

Think BIGGER Pinky!

@Thom  Sorry you didn't connect the dots there... it was an attempt to educate you on what the landscape of business means today... we are in a new paradigm shift and Bitshares is poised to catch the wave. That study not only debunks a lot of bad steriotypes, but it also identified that the future sees more and more BUSINESSES coming into being. From what you write you seem to equate this only to CORPORATIONS. I said businesses.. that means anybody with a dream and the gumption to create something. Where do all those BUSINESS in crypto go today? Right now seems they are going to Ethereum... they have the messaging of 'build on our platform' pretty clear.. never mind the semantics of turing complete or whatever.. they will go where they are welcome and they believe their dreams will grow.

Look at Rune... he didn't build MAKER on Bitshares.. they choose to build it on Ethereum... but when it came time for him to have a tradeable asset... who was it he came to?

All I am saying.. imagine if he had just built on Bitshares to begin with and could of had the entire Assets and DEX ecosystem to plug into his solution.... then he wouldn't have to deal with all the ethereum limitations when he becomes wildly successful.. think about that value proposition for so many other verticals.

Our value proposition as a blockchain business building platform in the new business world we have emerging today is MASSIVE... and if we can make that our clear messaging and understand that is what we are 'now'.. we could own the space and become the defacto for 3rd generation blockchain operations... then IBM and the hyperledger buddies will be looking to adopt to us instead of the other way around. While that sounds far fetched in our current iteration of identity and messaging.. it is possible with the right change.

Bitshares is a Blockchain Business Platform for the Win!

Numerous times such discussion starts with good point and then dissolves in brainstorming fashion.

One thing is obvious from the very beginning, this project lacks clear objective.
It is problem of a leadership. I have to admit that BM critics have proved its point.

Good leader would know one thing. He must become entrepreneur first. With all possibilities he might dream of he need at least one practical thing that is working to prove his point. To himself and to others. In such a way he build his momentum, his self confidence and his courage to persist in chasing his dreams no matter what. Henry Ford has dreamed about horseless carriage. Then he put all his knowledge and talent in to building one. It took him two years for finishing his first working prototype. With money and credibility he earned he build Ford Motor Company.
I think our problem is that Bitshare is internal combustion engine for BMs horseless carriage. Although critical component, without it horseless carriage surely couldn't exist as such, it is not a point of a dream. So what is our horseless carriage. Is it decentralized exchange for Bishares. It may be.

All things that we enjoy in our modern life, from electricity that drives it to this very forum, was ones a dream in someones head.
Difference is that someone put it for people to see, feel and enjoy benefits of using it.

The DEX is horseless carriage... it was perhaps a few months ago during a hangout that BM did bring up that the original goal of bitshares.. like the VERY beginning it was created.. was in response to MtGOX... they wanted to create a decentralized exchange where nobody would have to ever worry again about that happening. Back then it was also believed that bitcoin would never be regulated.. and therefore it would be open to such messes like that happening all the time.

He then went on to talk about how since then it is not as much of a concern now as it used to be. The government regulating bitcoin was unexpected.. and therefore now causes exchanges to be more accountable and having to follow certain government oversight.

So to continue with your comparison.. it is as though they set out to create the horseless carriage.. and came up with one about 10 years to late. Not quite the right fit comparison.. but you get the idea... certain assumptions that were made from the beginning turned out to go in another direction.

So fast forward to today and you see people wondering why people are not swarming to the DEX.. we call it an identiy crisis because where we began now while it does have a unique value proposition.. the pain that we were originally designed to solve is no longer present due to the market changes. The gains we offer are not high on the priorities of that customer segment.. but the task of trading that the exchange accomplishes it does it well.

So where does that leave us now? He tried to suggest i the same hangout that at potential target market we should look at might be freedom lovers as a niche that might be responsive to having an open ledger.

What I think  now is we have a DEX.. and yes.. there are other markets that can be served by it.. however I think bitshares overall future is really as a business blockchain platform.

The DEX can serve as a hub for settlements and currency exchange.

Businesses can build their smart contracts on Bitshares and get all the benefits the DEX has to offer in powering those contracts.

So when it comes to identifying what Bitshares is.. it is clear to me that we have product that is a DEX... that serves as a great DEMO of just one thing that can run on the bitshares blockchain.

What we need now is for those who are traders and those wanting to focus in that space to do so.

For the rest of what bitshares has to offer.. I would say we need to start identifying the most obvious verticals that will serve specific businesses and get those businesses building their apps on Bitshares.

Anyways.. my  +5% :)

Some interesting perspectives. I'm not sure I agree with a focus on businesses though. Perhaps it will work out that way, but IMO if we can build a product that appeals to a broader audience it could go viral. That's easier said than done of course. From the recent feedback offered here on the forum from people new to BitShares we don't seem to have a clue how to identify and adddress the needs of a customer base. I am here b/c of the vision, which is NOT plasma or Identibit or anything like that. I am here for decentralization, disruption and unsensored DNS. I am here b/c I realize the HUGE potential of blockchain tech to achieve those goals, to lay down the pavement to the Financial Superhighway, not some walled off, segregated, limited version of it. The free market baby, that's where the focus AND payout will be. That's the audience we need to connect with.

I find myself swayed by Andreaus Antonopoulus' analogy comparing the evolution of the Internet and blockchain tech. He equates efforts like plasma and private blockchains with companies like AOL & CompuServe, trying to offer their proprietary email, their walled off services to their customers. But they couldn't keep up with the innovation of the free market, freedom loving public Internet. When the Internet naturally evolved those same customers realized their isolated, "quarantined" / proprietary environment was inferior in almost every way to the open Internet. Why would they continue to pay for AOL or CompuServe email when they can get better and more numerous choices elsewhere for free? And just where are those companies today?

I can certainly see the value for companies in utilizing blockchain tech to improve their internal efficiency and reduce costs, and I can also see there may be a business opportunity to help companies employ blockchain tech, BUT THAT IS SO FAR FROM THE VISION AND MISSION OF BITSHARES TO EMPOWER INDIVIDUALS AND PROVIDE FINANCIAL FREEDOM TO FINANCIAL MARKETS I don't think it should be the focus of BitShares. CNX may see that as a viable way to make money, but how has that worked out so far? What horde of businesses are beating down the doors at CNX to help them implement their very own version of the blockchain? Like I said I can imagine there may be a business opportunity in that space but I don't see it as a sure thing. The current track record seems to indicate the opposite.


Numerous times such discussion starts with good point and then dissolves in brainstorming fashion.

One thing is obvious from the very beginning, this project lacks clear objective.
It is problem of a leadership. I have to admit that BM critics have proved its point.

Good leader would know one thing. He must become entrepreneur first. With all possibilities he might dream of he need at least one practical thing that is working to prove his point. To himself and to others. In such a way he build his momentum, his self confidence and his courage to persist in chasing his dreams no matter what. Henry Ford has dreamed about horseless carriage. Then he put all his knowledge and talent in to building one. It took him two years for finishing his first working prototype. With money and credibility he earned he build Ford Motor Company.
I think our problem is that Bitshare is internal combustion engine for BMs horseless carriage. Although critical component, without it horseless carriage surely couldn't exist as such, it is not a point of a dream. So what is our horseless carriage. Is it decentralized exchange for Bishares. It may be.

All things that we enjoy in our modern life, from electricity that drives it to this very forum, was ones a dream in someones head.
Difference is that someone put it for people to see, feel and enjoy benefits of using it.

The DEX is horseless carriage... it was perhaps a few months ago during a hangout that BM did bring up that the original goal of bitshares.. like the VERY beginning it was created.. was in response to MtGOX... they wanted to create a decentralized exchange where nobody would have to ever worry again about that happening. Back then it was also believed that bitcoin would never be regulated.. and therefore it would be open to such messes like that happening all the time.

He then went on to talk about how since then it is not as much of a concern now as it used to be. The government regulating bitcoin was unexpected.. and therefore now causes exchanges to be more accountable and having to follow certain government oversight.

So to continue with your comparison.. it is as though they set out to create the horseless carriage.. and came up with one about 10 years to late. Not quite the right fit comparison.. but you get the idea... certain assumptions that were made from the beginning turned out to go in another direction.

So fast forward to today and you see people wondering why people are not swarming to the DEX.. we call it an identiy crisis because where we began now while it does have a unique value proposition.. the pain that we were originally designed to solve is no longer present due to the market changes. The gains we offer are not high on the priorities of that customer segment.. but the task of trading that the exchange accomplishes it does it well.

So where does that leave us now? He tried to suggest i the same hangout that at potential target market we should look at might be freedom lovers as a niche that might be responsive to having an open ledger.

What I think  now is we have a DEX.. and yes.. there are other markets that can be served by it.. however I think bitshares overall future is really as a business blockchain platform.

The DEX can serve as a hub for settlements and currency exchange.

Businesses can build their smart contracts on Bitshares and get all the benefits the DEX has to offer in powering those contracts.

So when it comes to identifying what Bitshares is.. it is clear to me that we have product that is a DEX... that serves as a great DEMO of just one thing that can run on the bitshares blockchain.

What we need now is for those who are traders and those wanting to focus in that space to do so.

For the rest of what bitshares has to offer.. I would say we need to start identifying the most obvious verticals that will serve specific businesses and get those businesses building their apps on Bitshares.

Anyways.. my  +5% :)

General Discussion / Re: Potential BitShares Road Map for 2016
« on: March 04, 2016, 02:00:41 pm »
If the largest banks can achieve deposits of over $1 trillion dollars with no meaningful interest, how many deposits could BitShares attract and what would that mean for the value of the bank?

Road Map

1. Lower Forced settlement to 95%
2. 2% BTS per annum directed to BitUSD. 
(With a yield subsidy many BTS Shareholders will yield harvest creating millions of BitUSD.)
3. Spend $200 a day incentivizing $100 000 of liquidity.
(For 0.2% interest per day  many BTS Shareholders send a small portion of their BitUSD to a liquidity pool where it's sold for $1.01 and bought back at $0.99)

Customers can buy this BitUSD from a bridge for fiat/BTC and save/spend it from a basic account & don't need to understand/see the DEX...

Mr. Man In Street Account

BitUSD Balance:   $888             Buy BitUSD $1:01         Sell BitUSD $0.99
Current Yield:        4.6%

Buy/Sell with Bitcoin/Bank/Card via our trusted partners.

Visit Exchange (Advanced)

Their new BTS (For BitUSD) demand raises the BTS price incentivizing more people to short, possibly with some of the dilution being directed their too. Shareholders/liquidity pool will buy from them to replenish their position.

The yield subsidy is key imo to achieving a better result faster and it's largely self funding,21641.0.html
(By the time the yield subsidy is removed, banks will be charging negative interest well below -1%. So no NIRP will make private, zero yield BitUSD seem like a treat.)


General Discussion / Re: Cannot create account on Openledger
« on: March 04, 2016, 04:54:34 am »
@svk This issue is not just with openledger.

In another test wallet I am experiencing the exact same issue straight out of the graphene depo.

It was driving me crazy trying to figure out why everything was working and then suddenly didn't.

Perhaps our issue is not identical.. but in analyzing the logs, it appears when account registrations are attempted they are not even posting to the web server. I get no data whatsoever to show that it POST.

Meanwhile all other functions not related to the faucet work just fine.

I hope this is helpful in your debugging.

We have made the sound assumption that given access to absolutely secure storage and transmission of value, everyone on the planet would be interested. So what is stopping BitShares from spreading like a virus? It currently targets the wrong people....a niche within a niche. That's not an accusation because it's a highly motivated niche that has taken us this far.

I complete agree with everyone's comments about ease of use and simplicity of pitch being the biggest stumbling block. The fact is, BitShares is not particularly valuable because despite its promise, hardly anyone can use it. BitShares has the highest ideals for a secure, open transaction & value storage network but even if people can get to grips with the technology, their use of its native units can only be achieved with significant risk and complexity given that it is completely reliant upon other units, networks and exchanges as intermediaries.

We need to sell the vision of BitShares to communities of normal people and when we do, we need to show them an unbelievably simple method for changing FIAT to bitAssets or BTS and back again. At the same time the tools we introduce them to need to be highly targeted to them and very simple.

In an ideal situation we need teams of people who are all able to specialise in the marketing and refinement of major tools within the BitShares platform for particular groups of people or businesses. The most important group in my mind is ordinary people who could benefit from the most basic application of the BitShares tools.  It is the one group we seem currently to be the furthest from serving and in turn benefiting from gigantic network effect that would immediately drive everything else. I hope (so hard diamonds will be dropping out my butt soon) that we can adjust focus in this direction because we can still out-compete our competitors and those with far smaller dreams and make Bitcoin (with all due respect) look like a firework compared to our space-ship.

We should attempt to partner with anyone trying to do a similar approach. I know there is already a huge amount of effort going on within BitShares to accomplish these goals all the time. Massive respect and thank you for the hard work.

Technical Support / Re: How to sieze my assets from not my account?
« on: March 03, 2016, 05:22:51 pm »
Only if you are a issuer of a particular asset can you take this action.

However, as far as being able to lock down someones BTS account. Never.

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