This could be done for numerous reasons.
The poster keeps telling everyone he is a supporter of
@alt . It would be great if alt came here and told us why this supporter of his is trying to liquidate the worker pool for personal gain. Why he keeps mentioning him as his supporter and what that means if anything. Might just be BS,.
It was attempted months ago to try and get discussion from alt and other anti-dilutionists... the whole community is still waiting for any kind of response... so far all we have seen are the 'your fired' votes and now this.
He has told the blockchain though something recently..
4 days ago here is what alt posted: of motivation:
wikipedia will never success because of the fuck bitshares worker.
fuck bitshares worker seems pretty clear regarding his position.
I watched the video.. I think something got lost in translation because the video makes the point that for specific work like what is suppose to be completed in the worker proposal of Bitshares the pay reward system is effective. He seemed to think it helps his position regarding 'fuck bitshares worker'
This proposal certainly would do that if we start seeing this and other getting traction.
@btswildpig seems to think this is some kind of response to the negative voter being taken out but the loose translation of the rest shows this seems to be more of the same anti-dilution rhetoric, and a move to turn the worker pool into dividends instead.
Either way.. it seems decentralized growth of Bitshares is not going to happen tomorrow with multiple attention being put towards 'fuck bishares worker'.
I want answers... but I am doubtful we will see any... just have to keep going forward.
Disclaimer: This isn't attacking alt.. this is asking for answers yet again.