While we may not think it's a good idea to have exchanges vote, you could also argue that as long as the exchange accounts are public and we know who they're voting for, anyone keeping their funds in that exchange implicitly agrees to their votes. If they do not agree they should move their funds elsewhere.
I also fail to see how you can use Fox and Azure as an argument for worker dilution, on the contrary it's a great example of how people who are not workers can make important contributions and add value to the network. As far as I know the only direct compensation he received was from people (like myself) who made donations following the Azure announcement.
Imagine if every country where those that didn't go to vote were implicitly agreeing to their voting going towards something else was the norm. Is this the standard we should bring to Bitshares?
It's an exchange.. it's a business. Where is their terms and conditions that states they are going to sieze control of BTS holders voting power for their own use when they trade on their platform? Isn't there a statement somewhere in the trading platform that informs the end user that this is what will happen to their BTS voting power beyond the exchange? If not, I would call this surreptitious, unethical, and without any transparency on their part in the very system they have control over, their exchange. The fact that they hide behind some random named proxy name and not with something that says 'yunbi-exchange' suggests and attempt to hide their actions in my estimation, rather than encouraging transparency.
Fox is an example of development leading to greater market cap in the face of the arguement being we need to wait for magical pixie dust to somehow raise the market cap before we should spend any money.
If the argument is that we shouldn't have more development until market cap goes up, the reality seems to be that the development IS what is causing the market cap to increase. Therefore if we support solid development steps using what we have available to us, ie. worker proposals, then we will get to that higher market cap that supposedly is what is being waited for before support goes to them.
Your understanding of
@alt reasoning for stopping all workers because of the market cap doesn't support what alt himself has said. Look at his 2nd last post before he stopped coming to the forum back in February 4th:
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php/topic,21317.msg277003.html#msg277003setup proxy to baozi if you are anti-dilution
this account will against all dilution workers without reason,
so please remove this proxy if you feel it's time to dilution to support those workers.
and don't try to persuade this account change the votes,
you should persuade those persons who set this account as proxy.
You are welcome to look through all his forum posts prior to this all the way to the beginning of the year... not once was the idea of the market cap brought up by alt as his reasoning.
Alt has said fuck bitshares worker.. vote against without reason... don't try to whitewash the reality of his actions or postioning with what we would hope to be nice or reasonable intentions.. it's not.. it's without reason as he himself as stated.. to 'fuck bitshares worker'.
The anti-dilution movement is fueled by this 'without reason' thinking.... we can try and apply all the weak reasoning ideas we can come up with.. but at the end of the day it all amounts to nothing but wishful thinking in the hopes that those perpetrating it are doing it out of some semblance of rational/reasonable/good intentions which is directly contradictory to their own words and actions.
To put the FINAL nail in the coffin on this whole argument.
Bottom line... Yunbi is backed by Ethereum now by a VAST majority:
http://coinmarketcap.com/exchanges/yunbi/Nearly 60% of their entire exchange volume is Ethereum in the last 24hrs.. its been that way for a while
So if you are wondering why they are voting the way they are, follow the money.