Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Worker Proposal] Percentage-based transfer fees
« on: April 04, 2016, 03:09:48 pm »Some updates here:
After CNX reviewed the first version of my code, we decided to postpone the development, the most important reason is this feature need to extend the global fee schedule which I've done in my way, but we think it's best to improve the implementation of fee schedule structure first so it will be easier to be extended both this time and in the future. CNX did make some efforts on the development on fee schedule improvement, but apparently it need more efforts to have the work done. Since now the maintenance worker has been voted out (maybe temporarily), I don't know whether it will affect the development work on CNX side.
Related discussions in github:
* https://github.com/cryptonomex/graphene/issues/583
* https://github.com/cryptonomex/graphene/issues/554
Another thing is about @jakub, OP of this thread. Due to some reasons (See https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php/topic,19247.msg278204.html#msg278204), he is no longer active here (maybe temporarily, as well). IMO it's a pity. A part of work of this worker was supposed to be done by him, and he did ask for paid. I don't know if it's still possible to ask him to finish the work. Anyway, most of his work need to done after the code is stable, but now the development itself is paused, so even if he come back right now, he can only finish the work later. But if need to wait too much time, perhaps value of his work will be less than supposed (he supposed to write the first document/tutorial for coding inside Graphene).
Jakub is one of the owner authorities of creator of this worker (see https://cryptofresh.com/u/bsip10-worker), which means nobody can get payment from this worker without his approval (unless hardfork). From this POV, his inactivity is a bit annoying to other developers (mostly to me).
Yet another thing is about voting. Recently this worker became not fully funded, and probably be voted out very soon. Yes, this is the game, worker proposal is not contract, even if some parties agreed the proposal at start, nobody will guarantee the agreement will be kept to the end. Asking the committee as escrow is also a joke, since the members of committee can change every hour, so the committee can't guarantee anything. An "approved" BSIP means nothing as well. If we see BitShares as a company, it's really bad reputation.
OK, some personal words (or complaints) at the end. Perhaps I am the only loser because I've put much efforts into the work already but will get no return in the end (except so-called knowledge, skills, experience etc). For me, right now, if I found it's impossible to get what I asked 3M BTS which was accepted by whoever in this system, I won't work on this feature anymore. In addition, I tend to start working after I got 1.5M BTS (half paid) to my account (not the multi-authority account). Whatever, who cares. Will I work on other items in the system? We will see.
So you are gong to discontinue working on this, while still getting paid at the 57% funding rate??
Perhaps you missed this part in a rather large report with numerous things to address.. he didn't get paid.. he can't get paid because the other guy involved who created this worker has abandoned it. So at this point he doesn't see how everything he has done is even going to result in him getting paid anything at all unless the maker of the worker decides to show up and do something.
It would be a lot easier to handle situations like this if there was even a degree of accountability that had some semblance to the real world. ie. we have the full name, address, and contact info of the Worker prior to approving them. By maintaining an anonymous profile, it makes it that much easier to just up and leave with zero consequence.