Hello everyone

I tried to explain a little bit about Cryptohedge in this post:
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=13999.0Unfortunately my Chinese isn't good enough to be able to actually explain properly what this new DAC is and what it does.
So, we're looking for a member of the Chinese community who speaks decent English to work as our community manager. We will be paying you in CFSCOIN, the shares of our DAC. Initially CFSCOIN will not be liquid and can be considered vested shares. Later on, as Cryptohedge grows, we will begin to run bots that buy and burn CFSCOIN with up to 30% of the income earned from market making with CFS assets such as CFSGOLD. This will make CFSCOIN liquid and valuable, and you will be able to turn it into a real salary. You can read more about CFSCOIN here:
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=14020.0 and you can read more about Cryptohedge here:
https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php?topic=13904.0These are the tasks you will be doing:
- help shape the overall message of our investor and community communications
- effectively communicate about the new financial products of Cryptohedge, both to the Chinese BitShares community and also the Chinese bitcoin community (as we will have products aimed at them as well, such as CFSBTC).
- translate the DAC documents, such as business case and CFSGOLD prospectus to Chinese
- help with writing/translating the Chinese version of our website
Additionally, we might also want you to do some other tasks:
- communicate with Chinese exchanges that we have market making discounts with.
- help reaching out to new exchanges that would benefit from integrating BitAssets
- understand and gather together information about UIA's issued by members of the Chinese community, as we plan to have a periodic newsletter regarding the various UIA's that are trading on BTS. We will also need help with translating this newsletter into Chinese.
If you are interested in this position, please send me a PM.