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Topics - bitcrab

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having seen suggestion to reduce more, and also to change the account_update fee, I feel the proposal need change, new proposal will be:

change both the call order update fee and account update fee to 1 BTS(for LTM to 0.2 BTS).


1. neither of these fees is the core business fee.
2.we need to encourage shorters and also votes/proxy.
3.these operation cost few.

please revote.

below is the comment to the old poll, and when I changed the poll the result is: support:32 objection:1 neutral:1   

I plan to create a proposal to change the call order update fee (margin position update fee) from 40 BTS to 5 BTS(for LTM  from 8 BTS to 1 BTS), please let me know your opinion to this change.

Why do this change?

1. As MPAs such as BitUSD and BitCNY are getting more widely used, we need to encourage shorters to supply more MPAs.
2. Cost for updating margin position is not high.

the poll is for the whole community and will last 5 days.

I plan to create a proposal to change the call order update fee (margin position update fee) from 40 BTS to 5 BTS(for LTM  from 8 BTS to 1 BTS), please let me know your opinion to this change.

Why do this change?

1. As PIAs such as BitUSD and BitCNY are getting more widely used, we need to encourage shorters to supply more PIAs.
2. Cost for updating margin position is not high.

the poll is for the whole community and will last 5 days.

中文 (Chinese) / 一点设想
« on: November 23, 2015, 01:58:28 pm »

我相信BM也是想推进去中心化的,过去没有相应的机制,就象一个只有总统没有国会的体制,总统只好事事独断专行,有时难免捅娄子。现在好歹有committee 和 worker proposal, 社区有机会通过投票来决定bitshares的走向,虽然还有很长的路要走,但毕竟让人看到了希望。










中文 (Chinese) / 呼唤更多来自中国社区的理事会成员
« on: November 17, 2015, 07:52:07 am »
BTS2.0里的理事会(committee)一直不太被重视,没什么人申请,大部分是一些witness在“临时担任”,到昨天为止有投票权的理事会成员(active committe member)只有两位。

clayop起草的proposal 1.10.13发起投票之后,虽然看起来也不太会通过,但至少让社区意识到了投票的力量,现在开始有了更多的人谋求加入committee,今天已经有了5位active committee member.

我觉得中国社区应该有2-3位active committee member,所以,如果你觉得自己在中国社区有足够的认同度,对国际社区不陌生,英文过关并且有替大家说话的意愿,那么也请马上申请committe member吧。

申请过程不复杂,到命令行工具里操作一下,然后到论坛committe板块,102.0.html 发个帖,阐述一下自己态度,广而告之让大家投你票就可以开始了。

关于proposal 1.10.13的一些情况:

昨天我和clayop与社区讨论了很多,总的来讲我们也觉得一下子让transfer fee从40BTS降到9BTS可能的确会对openledger等商家打击很大,甚至会导致社区的分裂,所以我们不再坚持一定让这个proposal通过,另外我们觉得现在的理事会还没有充分的代表性,所以选择首先建好理事会再来搞这些议事和投票。

in BTS2.0 one of committee's tasks is to define some business parameters, including transaction and trading fees. now the argue on fee has lasted for long time, why not get a conclusion via a vote by committee?

I understand the referral businesses need to keep a high fee. however these merchants are not the only BTS relevant part that need to be cared, and I am not sure what kind of success they can get, but what I can feel everyday is that the China community stop growing, and even begin to shrink, one of the main factors is the high fee. surely traders, market makers and common users need lowering fee, their benefits must also be considered.

then why don't we let the committee do something and reach a conclusion that can balance all sides?

clayop has draft a proposal 1.10.13, its content is to decrease the transfer fee from 40 BTS to 9 BTS, however seems referrals are strongly against this proposal.

in my view, if you have some opinion to a proposal, you should become an active committee member or find one committee member that can represent you and set him/her as your proxy. and let the votes tell the majority's opinion.

we need more active committee members to fill the slots, and these committee members should represent different parties, please take action, if you need to add you shares to some opinion.

someone defined what clayop did recently as "craziness", said this will break up the community. but behind clayop and I is a big community. clayop just expressed the common opinion of this community.

I understand sometimes we need compromise in committee game, committee members need to totally understand the BTS business and the road map and then vote wisely.

I know that many referral businessmen are against proposal 1.10.13, ok if you think 9 BTS is too low, how about 20 BTS, if you are still not satisfied, how about 30 BTS?

actually clayop and I are prepared to draft an alternative proposal, let's call it "proposal B", its content is to decrease the transfer fee to 30 BTS.

maybe someone will say, 30 and 40 has no big difference, is it really necessary to do such a change?

I say yes, we need to give the people some hope, to convince them their benefits are not ignored, and the committee can really decide something. and BTS is not centrally controlled.

and we can give referral businesses several months to grow up, and then discuss and decide what's the next direction to go, either increasing fee or decreasing fee is ok, if the majority agree.

is this OK?

General Discussion / transwiser UI
« on: November 13, 2015, 12:45:34 pm »
transwiser is now integrated at the dacplay webwallet,below is the UI:

in deposit pop window, user can click the link or scan the QR to the webpage in to buy BitCNY,  the page is in chinese, and you can pay when you have an alipay account or a CNY bank account.

withdraw is a little easier, but you also need an alipay account, input the withdraw amount and your alipay account and click "withdraw", your BitCNY will be sent accordingly and you will receive CNY in your alipay account.

thanks for boombastic to develop this, he will submit the pull request later, hope everyone enjoy this. :)

中文 (Chinese) / 当前的爆仓规则
« on: November 10, 2015, 09:44:26 am »
根据钱包帮助以及帖子,19102.msg251720.html#msg251720 整理。


settlement price: 即喂价,由见证人提供的资产价格
maintenance collateral ratio (MCR): 最低抵押率
maximum short squeeze ratio (MSQR): 轧空比率
short squeeze protection (SQP): 轧空保护价
call price (CP): 平仓价

SQP        = settlement price / MSQR
call price = DEBT / COLLATERAL * MCR

settlement price, MSQR, MCR都由见证人提供。

这是一个用户的美元仓位,当前MSQR = 1.1, MCR = 1.75.

call price 只跟用户自身的仓位情况有关,与喂价和市场价格无关,当前call price  = 11600/9203191.76 *1.75 = 0.00220576
当前喂价settlement price = 0.00308922
SQP(margin call price) = 0.00308922/1.1 = 0.00280839

强平的触发条件是:市场的最高价格买单价格高于SQP,但低于call price.

要此条件实现,首先是SQP要跌到call price以下,也就是说喂价(Feed Price/Settlement Price)要跌到call price*1.1之下.

就本例而言,当喂价跌到0.00220576*1.1 = 0.00242634之下, 秃鹫就可以出动捡尸体吃了,当然,买单要满足前述的条件。而仓位的持有者需要追加保证金以逃离鹫口。

由于SQP引起社区广泛反对,下一步BM会将其剔除,规则改为直接以喂价降到call price以下为强平触发条件:,19735.msg253383.html#msg253383


General Discussion / please make feed price more accurate
« on: November 07, 2015, 05:24:09 am »
I don't know whether now I am the one that collated most BTS. but  anyway I am sensitive to the feed price, as this is the key factor that trigger margin call.

we always say that the price feed should be "accurate", not "fair", as it's not easy to define "fair",  however, it seems we also need to check what "accurate" really mean.

take the BTS/CNY price as an example, when I write the price in yunbi is 0.0229CNY/BTS, in polo it is 0.00000886BTC/BTS and the settlement price is 0.0213CNY/BTS.

here the problem is that polo give a BTS/BTC price, so witness need to convert this price to BTS/CNY, I haven't check the script, but I believe many witnesses adopt the  conversion path BTS/BTC->BTS/USD->BTS/CNY.

here the key point is what a USD/CNY rate should be adopted in the last step, I believe now many witnesses adopt the China official rate, about 6.35 , but when BTC is involved, this rate does not reflect the real market status.with such a rate when I write this post the BTC price is $382 in Coinbase but $401 in OKCoin.

the below USD/CNY rate is close to the fact in cryptocurrency world recently:

so now let's come back to the question, in the CNY/BTS feed price example, what does "accurate" really mean? how to calcuate an "accurate" price?

in my view "accurate" means the feed price can be a good reference to the traders. so for a CNY/BTS trader, because of what explained above, the BTS/BTC->BTS/USD->BTS/CNY path does not generate an "accurate" price, a BTS/BTC->BTS/CNY path should be adoped instead, and the BTC/CNY rate should be got from the exchange inside China.

hope this problem can be putted on more attention and according action can be taken.



Polo is crazy with leverage trading , the price often change drastically. if their price weight too much in the price feed, the feed price will always move up and down drastically. this is the shorters' nightmare, this had happened in the last 2 days. so in order to make the feed price move more smoothly, I think we should  reduce the weight of polo price in price feed and later design some "fusing" mechanism.

220 currently act as a gateway that bridge Bitshares and CNY, to speed the deposit, we run a store in

as below shows, when user find the goods(, place an order with inputting the quantity, destination account and memo(if necessary), then can pay CNY via alipay or bank card, buying BitCNY has no transaction fee, and the price normally is 1:1 but sometime may be adjusted +-0.5%.

BitCNY will be sent in 1 min after the payment is finished.

in 2 months from 15th,Aug,transwiser sold out 586900 BitCNY.

for withdraw, you can sent BitCNY to bts account bts-bta.transwiser, and leave your alipay account in the memo, then CNY will be sent to your alipay account in several hours. withdraw charge 0.3% 

one question is that how can I run this business? from where do I get BitCNY? the answer is that I buy BitCNY from BTC38, as they accepte BitCNY as CNY deposit.

now this business is temporarily stopped, we are updating the program to fit 2.0, and waiting for BTC38 and yunbi to reopen their BTS relevant deposit/withdraw.

I hope transwiser can be listed in the Bitshares wallet Deposit/Withdraw page, then users will get more convenience.

is it possible?

Stakeholder Proposals / [Committee Member]:bitcrab
« on: November 02, 2015, 11:40:40 am »
I now step up as a candidate for commitee member, as the communictity need to play more active role in decision making.

I am not a witness, I run as a BitCNY gateway, I think I am a good representative of the Chinese community.


-lower fees and make the fee structure more reasonable.

-make bitshares more decentralized, increase the community participation on decision making.

Please vote for committee member bitcrab.

At the cli-wallet, type this command after unlocking the wallet:

Code: [Select]
vote_for_committee_member youraccount bitcrab true true


步骤一:从Bitshares 2 创世文件创建bloom 过滤文件
4.在该文件夹中执行 python -i ./genesis.json --o bloom.dat

1.执行“git clone
2.新开个窗口,进入刚新建的仓库文件夹“cd graphene-ui/dl/”并安装依赖项"npm install"
3.把上步骤生成的bloom.dat 以及旧的钱包文件wallet.json拷贝到“graphene-ui/dl/programs”
4.执行“cat OLD_WALLET_NAME.json | node ./bloom_filter_wallet.js > NEW_WALLET_NAME.json”,用你实际的旧钱包文件名和要生成的新钱包文件名替换前后两个文件名。

以上步骤是针对LINUX环境,若是在windows环境下使用,则需将最后一步的“cat” 换成“type”。
无论LINUX还是WINDOWS,都需要事先安装好git, python 等工具。
我在ubuntu 15.04下使用未获成功,但在win7下成功了。

Technical Support / Why the order is not fulfilled?
« on: October 24, 2015, 02:52:06 am »

Stakeholder Proposals / We need reasonable fee rate
« on: October 21, 2015, 12:17:43 pm »
present my opinion at first:

1. the fee should be high enough to protect users from spamming blockchain.
2. the fee should be low enough to encourage users to transfer/trade without too much worry.
3. the referral program is ok, however the fee rate should be determined based on more research and consideration.
4. $0.005~$0.04 for each transfer should fit.

the referral program is built to balance CAC and LTV for a well formed business model, this is really interesting idea however more details need to be checked exactly while implementing it.

the LTV comes from the fees the new users pay, it depend on the transactions the users complete and the fee for each transaction. below diagram shows clearly that not high fee rate, but medium fee rate bring the highest LTV.

so is $0.2 for each transfer high or low? to get a conclusion need some research, however now what we can see is the very low transaction volume, users are discouraged to transfer,clearly.

we need to let the users enjoy to transfer/trade, if users hate to transfer/trade there's no way to build a well formed ecosystem, and nowhere to generate profit.

I found below sentences in Bitshares blog, seems it explains the logic behind the high fee policy:

"While low fees are important, undervaluing the service provided is counter productive. For this reason, BitShares charges a price that is much higher than competing cryptocurrencies but much lower than traditional exchanges and payment networks like Dwolla or PayPal."

if low fee means undervaluing the service provided, then I do not agree the logic presented above, apparently BTS is awesome and referral program is ok, but as shown above, high fee not necessarily bring high revenues, PayPal charge high however Alipay are free but they both provide high value service, users from China, North America hate high fee and I think US users do not hate low fee,in Internet service area it's trend to charge low in fundamental service but charge high in advanced service, and create new ways convert traffic to revenue.

recently, many show their happiness for the reduction in BTS supply, however I fall in different feelings, these days in BTS relevant QQ groups the most frequently sent expression is "hug together and cry", many users show their disappointment and confusion, very rare transfer occured after the launch of 2.0,  I think not only users in China, but also users around the world, including US users feel alike, otherwise the very low transaction volume can not be explained.

all these factors should be considered, and research need to be done to find the right fee rate to make a balance. in my opinion $0.2 is too high, $0.005~$0.03 is more reasonable, medium and acceptable, and seems to generate the highest revenues, hope more data can be collected to suggest.

General Discussion / why I cannot send BitCNY in 2.0
« on: October 17, 2015, 12:44:41 pm »
get such an error while trying to send BitCNY:

core_fee_paid <= fee_asset_dyn_data->fee_pool: Fee pool balance of '0 BTS' is less than the 20.00219 BTS required to convert 0.5457 CNY

at the moment there are 1000BTS and more than enough BitCNY in the from account.

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