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Topics - bitcrab

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General Discussion / plan for "Graphene DEVCON"
« on: December 27, 2017, 12:46:15 pm »
in 20th Jan 2018  there will be a meetup called "Graphene preDEVCON" in Shanghai, we invite some developers/entrepreneur to share their Graphene relevant projects, some possible topics are:

1.YOYOW's roadmap
2.ChenWei: A Graphene based IoT system.
3. MagicWallet's mission.
4.Introduction to DECENT
5.GXS, a data trading network
6.Harvey: oracle chain and EOS

we called it "preDEVCON" as we regard it also as preparation to a real "DEVCON",  up to now some friends from abroad are also interested in this meetup, surely everyone is welcome however we begin to plan the real international "Graphene DEVCON".

firstly we need to decide the date for the DEVCON, it will be in March or April, now we need to collect more info to decide the exact date.

definitely we hope BM can come to Shanghai and share his ideas, so at first we need to check with him whether he would like to come and what period is ok for him.

any suggestions on this DEVCON, please reply here, your input is important for us.

Stakeholder Proposals / proposal to create bitXCD
« on: December 12, 2017, 01:37:08 pm »
in the past several months I have met Mr. Zheng Xiaojun several times, he is the board member of the Caribbean Free Trade Zone and is very interested in blockchain application. we discussed a lot about the possibility on creating one blockchain currency to solve a lot of problem generated in this area as the finance service there is far from developed.

I introduced Bitshares smartcoins to him and finally he agreed that this is a great solution to solve the problems in payments, exchange in that area. he would like to cooperate with Bitshares community to issue bitXCD and make it wildly used.

XCD is the symbol of Eastern Caribbean dollar, which is designed to peg USD at the rate 1USD=2.7XCD, more detail of XCD can be found here:

I suggest we create bitXCD soon to open a big area for smartcoin.

Mr. Zheng(left 4) and his team with Prime Minister of Dominica and other government officials

Mr.Zheng and his team with Prime Minister of Saint Lucia

Mr.Zheng is also the lead of World Blockchain Organization and Caribbean Institude of Block Chain Industry.

General Discussion / [ANN] Bitshares gateway GDEX is launching
« on: November 27, 2017, 12:38:22 pm »

After long time preparing, now GDEX is launching.

at first GDEX only list BTC, in recent future we will list ETH, NEO, QTUM, BCH, IOTA…etc.

Now users can only access GDEX through, hope soon it can be integrated in the reference wallet.

GDEX is operated by OBSIDIAN TECHNOLOGY CO. PTE. LTD.  a company incorporated under the laws of Singapore Republic, the support team work in the office in Shanghai, China. 

GDEX focus on introducing high liquidities of main cryptocurrencies into DEX, we will pay much effort on market making, our goal is to make everyone in the world can trade in DEX with same or even better user experience than the best central exchange.

come on and enjoy!

General Discussion / review for price feeding
« on: November 18, 2017, 03:11:52 pm »
hi, @ElMato @wackou @verbaltech2 could you please check your price feeding and update the script? your feeding price is far below the reasonable figure.

the price from poloniex need to be removed.

General Discussion / plan to raise the bitCNY force settlement offset to 5%
« on: November 13, 2017, 04:41:42 pm »
firstly let's review what happened in the passed several days:

poloniex, the exchange with highest BTS trading volume,  has some issue and stopped processing BTS withdrawl.

BTC/BCH war lead to big fluctuation of BTC price and also the blockchain traffic jam.

thanks to China goverment, now people from China feel trouble to buy cryptocurrencies by CNY.

all these lead to a big gap between the BTS price in bitCNY and the settlement price, and this lead to endless settle orders, speculators come and exploit shorters.

Settlements purpose is to provide a last resort guarenteed exit.  In a healthy market it is not needed. 

settlers need to pay for this convenience while forcing this inconvenience on to the shorters. this is the settlement compensation ratio, and now it is set to 1% for almost all the smartcoins.

now bitCNY ecosystem has developed to an extent, which makes settlement of little sense, there's no scenario that bitCNY holders need to submit settlement to claim the value of bitCNY. on the other side, when sometimes the market is in inefficient or disrupt status, the settlement provide the opportunity for speculators to exploit the shorters and also hurt the ecosystem. this is not we want from settlement.

bitCNY is in shortage, these 2 days because of the settlement exploit it is in more serious shortage, however, now exchanges such as and are beginning to open bitCNY market, we can expect that the demand for bitCNY will rise rapidly to above 1 billion level. to meet this demand we definitely need to prevent the shorters from being hurt unfairly and avoid the happening of settlement exploition.

surely price feeding is a key factor  and should be improved, but in such a fragile market, feed disparity is bound to happen. we cannot expect the price feeding always be adapted in time to fit the latest market status.

what I suggest to solve this problem is to raise the settlement compensation offset to 5%, only for bitCNY, leave other smartcoins unchanged.

as now settlement contribute little to a healthy bitCNY economy, raise the offset to 5% do not hurt the peg of bitCNY and will encourage shorters to provide more bitCNY to meet the demand.

I plan to create such a committee proposal soon as the settlement exploition is still on going and no one knows when it can come to an end.

any ideas, please discuss here.


now there are endless bitCNY orders waiting to get cheaper BTS from shorters:

why this can happen?

the traffic jam of BTC blockchain and the BTC price fluctuation are the factors that lead to this.

and also there are something abnormal in exchanges, for example, poloniex has stopped processing BTS withdrawl for 5 days. does not begin process USDT withdrawl yet.

on the other side, because of magicwallet, people can get bitCNY much more easily than before...

all this lead to the result that the settle price in bitCNY has been 3-5% lower than DEX price for several days. and lead endless settle orders.

this is unfair, and will hurt shorters and also the whole BTS economy, we need to take actions to stop this.

my suggestion:

while witness get price from exchnges, check the prices first, if one BTS price from some central exchanges is 3% lower than the price in DEX, just ignore this price.

this can only apply to bitCNY and is just to handle current abnormal conditions.

if any other better ways, please share, anyway we need to protect the endless settlement from happening. thanks!

General Discussion / AEX.COM plan to open smartcoin markets
« on: November 04, 2017, 03:36:42 am »
aex is the updated version of btc38, they now plan to open markets of bitCNY, bitUSD, bitJPY, bitKRW...

General Discussion / account hacked today
« on: September 27, 2017, 03:17:02 pm »

today my daily trading account was hacked and I lost about:

22.4 BTC
119.5 ETH
4.19M BTS
264k bitCNY

I paid heavily to my carelessness, I should not put so much assets on a daily trading account, but recently I was busy and forgot the necessity to use multi-sig account to keep big amount of assets, then the assets in accumulated more and more before I was aware of that.

there was a debt position of more than 20M BTS there, fortunately the hacker haven't lower the collateral ration and stole other several millions BTS.

I use this account in my laptop, win10, and I also receive mails, chat in QQ, browse webs, watch videos in the same laptop.

I use this account both in light wallet and the web wallet

sometimes I connect Internet via public wifi.

yes I do not have a good habits, hope my loss can warm more users.

however I still think that we need to do some update to the wallet for higher fund security, for example, YOYOW have done some change to key management, the owner key is not saved locally but other medias, and with owner key one can update the active key to a new one by one click,  hope this can help to make the wallet more safe.


22.4 BTC
119.5 ETH
4.19M BTS
264k bitCNY



使用windows系统,而且是在同时接受邮件,QQ聊天,浏览各种网站,看视频的笔记本上使用,还轻钱包和网页钱包 都有使用,还没少使用公共wifi。。。总之,首先应该责备的的确是我自己。

然而,我们的确还应该从软件上提高钱包的抗风险能力,比如, YOYOW钱包就做了很有意义的改动,主控私钥不存在本地电脑中,而是另外存储,可随时一键更新交易私钥。这些创新也很值得更新到BTS 钱包中去。


Because magicwallet now already provide an easy and flexible way for users and currency dealers to handle the bitCNY deposit/withdrawl business, transwiser will stop the deposit/withdrawl service of bitCNY.

Transwiser page will be removed from BTS wallet.

From today the goods "100bitCNY" will be unlisted from the transwiser taobao shop.

bitCNY withdrawl service will last until 2017/10/1 0:00 UTC+8, after that all the bitCNY that send to account transwiser-wallet will be sent back to the from account.

I greatly recommend all the users to use magic wallet to handle bitCNY deposit/withdrawl business and enjoy the flexibility and efficiency brought by the mobile client.

Android users can download the App from:

iOS version will launch soon, now iOS users can use the web version instead:

magicwallet team are developing the general APIs for currency dealer service that can be integrated in all kinds of BTS wallets, kindly wait.








鼓鼓钱包团队正在开发承兑商服务的通用API, 将来所有BTS钱包都可以方便地集成承兑商服务。

中文 (Chinese) / 对BSIP18要干什么的解释
« on: July 14, 2017, 06:21:16 am »

当市场急剧下跌,爆仓的smartcoin空仓无人接盘,继续下跌就会出现黑天鹅 - 当抵押率最低的空仓抵押率已经小于100%,已经资不抵债了,就是黑天鹅发生了,黑天鹅价格 = 抵押率最低的空仓的债务量/抵押物量。


假设bitCNY发生了黑天鹅,那么按照设计,系统会自动启动global settlement,就是系统用黑天鹅价格向所有空仓提供bitCNY以帮助其平仓,同时系统获得相应的BTS,多余的抵押的BTS还给空仓所有者。之后,只有系统拥有bitCNY的空仓,但这个空仓并非是足额抵押的,抵押物数量=债务量/黑天鹅价格 。此时bitCNY依然可以交易,转账,但不能借出。


一不用多讲, 对二来说


当抵押物涨幅足够大导致系统空仓已经足额抵押了,那么发行者拿来“”系统空仓“的抵押物”,创建一个同样的空仓同时平掉“系统空仓” 的债务,之后一切恢复正常。


committee is scheduling to reduce the witness payment from 3BTS/block to 1BTS/block. it will happen soon.

details can be found here:

some relevant discussion can be found here:,24104.msg306298/topicseen.html#msg306298












当A发起条件支付交易时,交易对手方可以是空的,比如人人网关的场景下, A可以支付1000bitCNY给一个空账号,同时注明:995元出售,支付宝账户***,此时任何人可以选择接受此交易并通过支付宝支付995元来获得1000bitCNY,这就是人人网关。






General Discussion / WeChat group "BTS Whales"
« on: April 25, 2017, 03:50:27 am »
in order to get better communication among big BTS shareholders, we now create a wechat group "BTS Whales".

only accounts with more than 10M BTS(collaterals included) are allowed to join this group, if you are qualified and want to join, please send 1 BTS to BTS account bitcrab for verification, with leaving your wechat account in the memo, I will invite you after verification, thanks!

now there are 6 members inside, they are all Chinese, welcome more whales from all around the world to join, I believe we can discuss a lot of senseful things here.

General Discussion / locked 84M BTS
« on: March 12, 2017, 05:31:51 am »

General Discussion / Come on and build the channel to USD fiat world.
« on: March 11, 2017, 02:04:15 pm »
below pics shows the BTC price in China offsite market and poloniex at the same time.

in China the price is about 8593 CNY/BTC, in polo the price is about 1190

8593/1190 = 7.22

the goverment announced USD/CNY rate is about 6.92, however the real market rate today is about 7.15, even so there space for arbitrage trading.

I hope we can build a channel to the fiat USD world with the help of bitUSD and USDT, suppose that let non-USD world always provide more than 2000 bitUSD offer to buy USDT at 0.98-1 bitUSD, and USD world always offer more than 2000 USDT to sell at 1-1.02 bitUSD.

I can play the role to offer bitUSD, anyone would like to play the role to offer USDT? :)

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