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Messages - yamtt

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中文 (Chinese) / Re: 【讨论】后BSIP42时代bitCNY的规则改进
« on: December 24, 2018, 07:45:25 am »


尽量减少认为操作费可能 目前只修改mssr到105是最好的办法 至于负反馈和mcr都有人为因素 不可取

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 【讨论】后BSIP42时代bitCNY的规则改进
« on: December 24, 2018, 03:02:35 am »
现在mssr能调了吗  现在爆仓池已经没有了  现在调不是最佳时期吗?

同意 将MSSR调到105 然后抵押率低于175按照时间收一定的手续费 这些收回来的手续费可以给高抵押率的人免除交易手续费比如6倍抵押的 不收取交易手续费等 这两者互相抵消

1. For bitCNY, only adjust the MSSR to 105%, and the other to the market. By adjusting the MSSR from 1.10 to 1.05, the number of BTS sold by Margin Call will be reduced by 5%, and the selling price will increase by 5%, and the arbitrageur will still have a 5% profit. I think that the ±5% premium discount is not a big problem for the current stable currency application scenario: the current stable currency is mainly used as a hedging tool for digital currency investors to avoid falling risks, even as a deposit and Withdrawal channel, premium discount bitCNY still has the same purchasing power. Only when applied to the merchant accepting the payment scenario of bitCNY, it is necessary to accurately anchor the RMB value.

2. In the past five years, the community has placed its focus on SmartCoins, and hopes that bitCNY will achieve a breakthrough, and other ecological developments will be almost zero, making the price of BTS deeply bound to the fate of bitCNY. At the same time, most of the bitCNY mortgaged directly bought the BTS, pushing up the overall leverage of the BTS: bitCNY market, helping to boost the BTS price, the bull market is like a rocket booster, and the bear market is like a meat grinder.

In contrast, the stable currency DAI built on Ethereum, because the price of ETH is determined by the ecology of Ethereum, the development of DAI has almost no effect on the price of ETH, so it is more smooth than the development of bitCNY.

The BitShares community needs to re-examine the development strategy. We should pay attention to the development of other application scenarios, let the ecology bloom, and let more products and application scenarios support the price of BTS. At that time, the development of SmartCoins could be achieved. In addition to current features (such as account system, account permissions hierarchical control, Multi-Hierarchical Flexible Multi-Signature, Memo, whitelist and blacklist, User Issued Assets, Decentralized Exchange, Proposed Transactions, 3 seconds to pack a block, 1.5s average transaction confirmation time, etc., there can be many applications in any combination. The scene can be developed), bsip43, bsip44 are all worth promoting.

1、对于bitCNY,仅调整MSSR为105%,其它的交给市场。MSSR从1.10调整到1.05,Margin call 卖出的BTS数量会减少5%,而且卖价也会上升5%,套利者依然有5%的利润。我认为±5%的溢价折价对于目前稳定币的应用场景来讲没什么大问题:目前稳定币主要是作为数字货币投资者规避下跌风险的避险工具,即使是作为资金进出的通道,溢价折价的bitCNY依旧有同样的购买力。只有应用于商家接受bitCNY的支付场景的时候需要精准锚定人民币价值。




This is what we want, I hope the community vigorously promote other functions such as bsip4

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [Witness Proposal] blckchnd
« on: December 04, 2018, 05:04:31 pm »
That's the witness we need

Support for gradual reduction of MSSR Until 105%

我有个大胆的想法 就是  黑天鹅达到资不抵债的bts直接销毁

已经都资不抵债了那 资不抵债的bts价值也就是0 干嘛不销毁 而让其他人均摊这些已经价值为0的bts呢

cny的价值用bts来支撑  减少bts有利于支撑市面上的cny价值

我的意思就是把房子拆了 让别的房子值钱

我有个大胆的想法 就是  黑天鹅达到资不抵债的bts直接销毁

已经都资不抵债了那 资不抵债的bts价值也就是0 干嘛不销毁 而让其他人均摊这些已经价值为0的bts呢

cny的价值用bts来支撑  减少bts有利于支撑市面上的cny价值

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 【讨论】后BSIP42时代bitCNY的规则改进
« on: December 02, 2018, 12:06:42 am »
对于黑天鹅达到资不抵债的bts直接销毁 用这种方式处理坏账

我有个大胆的想法 就是  黑天鹅达到资不抵债的bts直接销毁

已经都资不抵债了那 资不抵债的bts价值也就是0 干嘛不销毁 而让其他人均摊这些已经价值为0的bts呢

中文 (Chinese) / Re: 【讨论】后BSIP42时代bitCNY的规则改进
« on: December 01, 2018, 03:27:45 pm »
其他没意见 mssr改为105可以试下  还有强清补偿不变 还有就是强清延时还有吗


好想法 支持

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BSIP42反思与展望
« on: November 30, 2018, 08:10:32 am »
嗯 先通过提案在说

中文 (Chinese) / Re: BSIP42反思与展望
« on: November 30, 2018, 01:35:16 am »
喂价不应该实时变动 应改成最少一天一变动(每天每小时市场价的均价) 容忍度+-3%可以接受 这+-3%让市场自动调节 喂价变动太快市场还没反应出来就又被喂价限制 造成死循环

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