中文 (Chinese) / 中币ZB还在坚持不懈的压盘砸盘,抵制中币,人人有责
« on: June 22, 2019, 01:08:32 am »
这么多年了,中币空bts之心不死,不管形势如何,都一如既往的用假币砸盘砸盘,内盘收割散户,btc5000的时候,bts 0.52,btc破万了,bts0.44,真是滑天下之大稽,能有这样奇葩的优势,中币功不可没,再次呼吁,抵制中币,提币到内盘,对zb见证人扯票!
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Fixed. High volume but huge spread in CoinEgg causing huge different in witnesses' price feed.coinegg?are you kidding us?
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