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Messages - CryptoPrometheus

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General Discussion / Re: Brownie Distribution Update
« on: July 26, 2015, 04:21:23 am »
CryptoPrometheus   |   CryptoPrometheus   |   cryptoprometheus

General Discussion / Re: Mumble Attendance Today
« on: July 24, 2015, 03:35:23 pm »

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [PR Delegate Update Thread]
« on: July 24, 2015, 10:22:01 am »

Is this the message you want to convey?
TRIQUETRA: The triquetra -- with or without the circle -- has been found on runestones in Scandinavia, in ancient goddess-oriented pagan groups, in Celtic manuscripts, and on early Germanic coins. It is associated with numerous mythical gods and goddesses and has been used as a protective charm by Wiccans. Sometimes the symbol is reversed -- pointing down rather than up. The three points may also be round rather than pointed.

Thank you for asking Permie! I am overjoyed that someone actually wants to talk symbolism with me ;). We have such a left-brained crowd around here, I sometimes get lonely. 

Let me start by giving you a brief overview of the triquetra, and then I will go into why I have chosen to weave it into my logo for DPOSHub.

The triquetra has been used in a multitude of capacities by many cultures for thousands of years. As with most ancient symbols, it contains a plethora of deeply rooted mystical potencies within its sacred geometric architecture.

You might say that “from the great primordial subconscious” arose its three points - which signify the foundational core of every major religion (mass philosophy) of the past 5,000 years:

The Hindu Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva)
The 3 jewels of Buddhism (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha)
The Wiccan Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Wise Woman)
The Christian Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
The 3 Patriarchs of Judaism (Abraham, Issac, Jacob)
The Daoist 3 Pure Ones (Yuanshi, Lingbao, Daode)
The Greek Sons of Cronus (Zeus, Poseidon, Hades)
The 3 Holy Cities of Islam (Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem)

Delegated Proof of Stake (Delegates, Witnesses, Workers)

The continuous looped pattern, like the Norse Valknut  or the  Kemetian Ouroboros, symbolizes a pre-incarnate type of existential unity, and is thus understood to exemplify a “robustness” that cannot be undone by any earth-bound or otherworldly power. The Celts and Germanic people of northern Europe often wove triquetra into their clothing as talismans, to shield and protect against the forces of darkness.

Delegated Proof of Stake also contains a significant robustness, both in terms of network security and economic flexibility/adaptiveness. Most significantly, it appears that every culture on Earth will soon have this “talisman” to protect themselves (and their children) from the forces of financial oppression and political tyranny.

The wonderful part about the use of ancient symbolism to “convey a message” is that you almost always elicit an emotional response from your audience. People tend to remember things when they stir feelings within them, so you might say that using symbolism can also be a powerful advertising technique.

I could go on, but It’s late and I told myself that I would wake up for the mumble hangout this morning. Hope this helps!

Awesome to read through what everyone is doing! Exciting times ahead  +5%

Edits: Three of the "here" miss a link: p21 in Adam's post and p22 Solomon's penultimate paragraph, p24 KenCode's wiki link. Also at p29 in the BitSpace section #4 should begin with the new sentence.

Thanks, I will tell cass right away. He was having a heck of a time using Adobe InDesign - they just updated and there are tons of bugs. I found a couple other links that got messed up too.

Everything very professional indeed. Really well done.
Except one section.. the BTSFAIR introduction. How come nobody edited it before publishing??

I proofread and lightly copy edit most of the material that comes from our international friends, but only just enough so that the content can be understood. I don't like to completely remove their accent, or else it would not be/sound authentic ;)
As much as I appreciate everything you are doing, Prometheus, I disagree on this one.
In this case I think preserving the BTS image is more important than letting this guy sound authentic.

Sometimes you have to find a happy medium.

Nearly every journal article that comes across my desk requires proofreading and often editing as well. I have to be very cautious when I alter pieces of writing that are published under someone else's name, because we have only a few days between the deadline and publication and it is not always possible to confirm every edit I make with the original author. Most of the time, I have to make a judgement call.

That said, not every article I edit is going to appear perfect in the eyes of every reader. In truth, we have a bit more leeway than a more centralized publication. Because there are no barriers to entry, space is open to pretty much any community member that has something to contribute. Naturally, everyone has different styles and skill levels of writing and we have to accommodate this.

While I always do my best to preserve BTS image, the nature of my position as editor of a "decentralized" newsletter means I must default to preserving the integrity and authenticity of the author as well as the message of the article. I hope that makes sense :)

Everything very professional indeed. Really well done.
Except one section.. the BTSFAIR introduction. How come nobody edited it before publishing??

I proofread and lightly copy edit most of the material that comes from our international friends, but only just enough so that the content can be understood. I don't like to completely remove their accent, or else it would not be/sound authentic ;)

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: [PR Delegate Update Thread]
« on: July 22, 2015, 08:49:30 pm »
We are happy to announce that we have a functioning DPOShub proof-of-concept, and
at this stage we are finishing a few last minute tasks before we open up the platform
for beta testing. We are super excited to finally be able to share what we have been
working on with the BitShares community!

After we go live, we want to use the “grace period” before BitShares 2.0 to gather and
process the feedback you give us. We are particularly keen to learn what additional
functions you would like to see on DPOShub, as we plan to systematically integrate
a more complex and nuanced set of features with the advent of DPOS 2.0. Alas, we
have already begun to outline a few ideas, but we are (currently) limited to a handful of
viewpoints. We are hoping that some of you will share your insights with us!

Stay tuned….and If you haven’t done so, please vote for our delegate:
delegate.dposhub-org. Also, be sure to visit and enter your email
address so we can notify you when we go live.

General Discussion / Re: Hangout Attendance (Brownie PTS)
« on: July 12, 2015, 07:19:57 pm »
I made it on time, but had to leave early. I did manage to ask a few questions though ;)

BTS: cryptoprometheus

General Discussion / Re: Announcing Brownie Points (BROWNIE.PTS)
« on: July 03, 2015, 02:49:04 am »
I've never been big on self promotion, but I admit that it feels good to write down some of the contributions to BitShares that I have made over the past year:

1. The majority of the written content on the previous website (January - June 2015) was my work. I wrote 100% of the home page, the “distribution” page, the “delegates” page, the “vision/philosophy” page, and about 75% of the “how it works” page.
This was part of a 5 day crunch (along with toast, cass, and Adam) that kept me up all night on more than one occasion. I spent upwards of 50 hours that week.

2. I thoroughly edited 17 separate articles/documents for the new website and submitted github pull requests (via robrigo)

3. I co-founded the NullStreet Journal with Cass, and I have edited and published 4 issues so far. I estimate over 20 hours of work per issue, which includes messaging/emailing hundreds of community members and delegates, collecting, editing (and corresponding), formatting and writing the introduction. (Almost every article I ever received  was in need of editing. Not surprisingly, Stan was one of few exceptions ;).)

4. I have done a number of writing jobs for various community members, and have publicly offered my editing services to the community on more than one occasion.

5. For the past 3 months I have been building, a collaborative news platform that will help to streamline delegate/shareholder communications. DataSecurityNode and I are just adding the finishing touches and will be announcing beta testing soon, at which time we will begin discussing partnerships with several community members. 

6. Last but not least, all the intangibles such as friendships made, experiences shared (so much fun on mumble!) and assistance given that perhaps I have no right to claim "brownies" for, because in the words of my favorite poet "The love that I give just becomes the love that I get" :))

BTS: cryptoprometheus

 +5% Great job Murderistic!!

General Discussion / Re: Missing opportunity for BTS
« on: June 28, 2015, 09:20:33 pm »
they will kick the can ones more, i think the time is not right now!

but it is true, we should right now better preparde and hopfully with 2.0 we will get a easy to use wallet.

The bailout proposal that the ECB presented to Tsipras on Friday would kick the can for about 6 months, which would (fingers crossed) put us well into BTS 2.0. That said, there will be a Greek referendum on the proposal next Sunday and I very much hope that the Greek people decide to throw off the yoke of debt slavery and choose to default on all of their loans. Some people call me "foolishly optimistic" for entertaining such a thought.

If Greece wants to avoid a complete banking system failure, thus a collapse of their nation, they need someone to finance their return to the drachma (Greek national currency). Many people have speculated that Putin has made such an offer. It's public knowledge that Tsipras is working on a deal with Putin to run the Turkish Stream Pipeline through Greece, which could bring 100's of Billions in revenue when complete. They might be able to borrow against that to finance their return to sovereignty. 

If Greece leaves the European monetary union, it will cause a cascade of countries to follow in its wake - Italy and Spain because they are also broke, but possibly Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and a growing list of additional countries who's people and leaders are beginning to understand that you can't have a monetary union without relinquishing national sovereignty. The collapse of the EU would mean the collapse of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the most dangerous and powerful terrorist organisation in the world.

China, Russia and, lets face it, every country outside the G8 has strong motivation to do everything they can to hasten the collapse of NATO.

However things work out, I believe that these next two weeks are going to be quite pivotal. With capital controls being imposed by Greek banks as early as tomorrow, there will be a PR battle this week to convince the Greek citizens that capitulating to the draconian demands of the EU is their only chance for survival. Whether they choose to pivot towards Russia, or obtain financing from some yet unknown source, let's pray that they the "birthplace of the republic" is able to break free from the clutches of the EU's burgeoning technocratic dictatorship.

An interesting note: the BRICS bank officially opens for business on July 7th - just 2 days after the Greek referendum.

General Discussion / Re: Front Page Idea
« on: June 28, 2015, 01:31:31 am »
Good call RG.
One of Dan's best interviews IMO, and the best introduction to 2.0 yet.
This should be front & center.

Sovereignty means "having supreme power of authority over a domain". How exactly would we (the holders of BTS) be losing our sovereignty when we have never had "sovereignty" over the BTS code to begin with?  BitShares code, up to this point, has always been public domain. Nobody has sovereignty over it, anyone can use it for any reason, that's the whole point of public domain.
Sovereignty isn't usually a concept used with code so it should be obvious that its usage was rhetorical and not meant to lead to ethimological debate. Using code which property rights we don't own and that we aren't allowed to license and reuse is very much akin to a loss of sovereignty as compared to the current situation where we can do as we see fit with the code base.

Who is this "we" that should have the right to license or re-use the Graphene toolkit? Holders of BTS? Anybody in the world? Are you saying that currently, holders of BTS are allowed to license the BTS code? That is not true. Sure, anybody can freely copy or re-use the BTS toolkit - but what does that have to do with BTS? Does this benefit the holders of BTS? No, it only benefits others who want to freely use something that they have not worked, paid for or contributed to, for their own potential benefit. Perhaps they may choose to sharedrop, perhaps not.

Furthermore, are you suggesting that somehow BTS users will not be allowed to alter the Graphene toolkit for the future benefit of the BTS chain? That is also not true, since BTS will be licensed to do so. The reality is, the only people that this does not benefit are people that want to copy and re-use the BTS code for free and then compete directly with BTS.

There has been much talk about whether or not a “crypto-currency” that uses a licensed software is in agreement with the principals of voluntarism, libertarianism, anarchism, etc. I would like to make the bold assertion that it is very much aligned with many of the key ideals espoused by such philosophies. In spirit, though often not in practice (due to a convoluted legal framework), a “license” simply implies that the creators of said software should be entitled to lawfully claim the fruits of their labor.

I am certainly not in favor of the modern legal framework for copyrights and patents and we all know that they are now being used to justify fraud, extortion, and many other de-facto legal (but not lawful) practices. However, BM has stated that their intent for claiming a “license” over the Graphene toolkit is to satisfy the needs of potential VC investors rather than to serve the purpose of allowing Cryptonomix to file suit against offenders. So I ask, why is this such a threat to our “philosopical foundations”, as some have suggested?

Furthermore, since all the code is open-source and therefore completely transparent for auditing, any actual threat of a small group gaining undue influence over a particular technology is marginalized by the ease of hard-forking the code. Of course you might say “but it is now illegal to hard fork the code”, to which I would reply, “the license only applies to C++,” or if I was feeling facetious, “have you ever tried to arrest a blockchain”. The truth is it would require, very conservatively, far less than a million dollars, 3-4 months and perhaps a room full of professional programmers to deconstruct and re-assemble the entire Graphene toolkit into another language. Based on this fact alone, I think we have enough evidence to motion the court to dismiss any notions of monopoly, evil empire building, federal reserve 2.0, or whatever other nonsense is currently being leveled against the Cryptonomix crew.

I would like to, instead, express my gratitude for the hard work by our devs that are offering us a number of features that hold the potential for a truly massive social, political, economic and philosophical revolution. I feel lucky in fact that we are being given freely, or rather at a very reasonable price (average $400/month BTS dilution per dev) this vastly superior toolkit to the current BTS. I even wonder if this license arrangement might serve to benefit our community by acting as a (albeit short) temporal barrier to large wealthy interests who are tempted to carbon copy our toolkit and use their vast financial and human resources to gain advantages in this still burgeoning space. Whatever the case, I think we would actually betray many of principals we claim to uphold if we were to somehow denounce the notion that Cryptonomix should retain whatever rights they choose to their own creation.

EDIT: I want to add, I am also very grateful for the frank and open discussion that takes place on these forums. My intent is not to trample anyone's right to have an opinion, but rather to present an alternative viewpoint with the hope of bringing some clarity to a few "big picture" items

I would like to encourage everyone to consider that none of us "deserve" or are "entitled" to anything from our devs. Really, the only thing any of us "deserve" is the right to be compensated for our efforts.
The debate isn't at all about who owns the code produced by Cryptonomex independently. We didn't even know that this code existed two weeks ago. The real debate is whether the proposed technical optimizations and continued support model justify losing our sovereignty on the code and straying away from our philosophical foundations and mission statement when it would be as easy to create a new chain and have the best of both worlds. This debate, the full disclosure of relevant information and the freedom to choose, that is what we are asking here, and this we are definitely entitled to it.

Sovereignty means "having supreme power of authority over a domain". How exactly would we (the holders of BTS) be losing our sovereignty when we have never had "sovereignty" over the BTS code to begin with?  BitShares code, up to this point, has always been public domain. Nobody has sovereignty over it, anyone can use it for any reason, that's the whole point of public domain. Cryptonomix gave us a choice: rather than using our current "inferior" but fully public domain software we could accept their gracious offering to give us a free license to the (still fully open-source) code that they have written over the last 4 months. [actually, today they amended the original offering and decided "public domain" everything written before June 1]. Additionally, they have outlined their terms for continuing to code for BitShares if we want them to. What's more, the code they have written will allow us to vote on discarding any or all of the current code for something different at any time in the future.

As far as potential opportunities for other projects sharedropping on BTS, I guess we have to make the decision, as shareholders, as to whether the superior feature set of the Graphene toolkit under the given license agreement is a reasonable trade-off for the possible decrease in likelihood of BTS being the recipient of future sharedrops. As for what you mean by "philosophical foundations", I suppose I would ask you to be more specific, because this area of debate often leads to unproductive mudslinging due to both sides attacking a straw man they have erected in place of their actual opponent.

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