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Messages - CryptoPrometheus

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Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Worker Proposal Review
« on: November 10, 2015, 06:45:07 pm »

This seems to me to be a very complicated solution which requires additional code to get around spamming. 
Before we do this, do you really think that an order fee of 0.1 BTS instead of 0 would not be sufficient to achieve these goals instead? 

This will be real fun explaining to user.

"Your transactions are almost always free. But if you buy LM and  manage to send transactions during high volume times you will get $0.16 per transaction back, while everybody else will not get even a penny."

The "0 fees" proposal adds many additional layers of complexity. When it comes to fees, we should be reducing complexity, not adding it. I agree with the idea of 0.1 BTS fee to place an order. This should be high enough to prevent major spamming, but low enough (currently $0.0003) to likely be perceived as inconsequential by traders. Am I wrong about that?

Edit: I raised this same topic in a mumble a few weeks ago - The idea of charging 0.1 BTS  for placing or cancelling an order, and then having a volume based fee on successful execution of the trade. I know I am not the first one to raise this issue, but I would be interested to hear BM's take on it. IMO he has created a 0 fees plan with way too many complexities, that might take a few months to implement. Wouldn't it be easier to write the code to implement the volume based fees, and then toggle the other fees down to 0.1 BTS? Maybe they could do this part first (the volume based fees), and then we could test the 0.1 BTS fee schedule for awhile, and see how it goes. If traders are ok with this, then there will be NO need to go for the 0 fees plan at all.

Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Worker Proposal Review
« on: November 10, 2015, 06:30:13 pm »
interestingly lets take a look at the average salary for a google software engineer (arguably the most advanced on the planet)

looks like its around 170k a year which puts the hourly at just above 80$ per hour...

if its an open bid then by all means freebie is willing to tackle these two tasks. however charging us a fee to review our work? really?
aren't you the ones trying to find developers to work for you? thatls pretty redic... I should be charging you the fee.

i just want to make sure the community isnt being asked to fund software development with inflated numbers, freebie is willing to step up and solve this problem if we see people trying to take advantage of this insane concept that somehow development will require a team of 3 working at 200$ an hour on... changing fees? really? its pre existing code.

I'm really starting to like this "random coder on the forum".

Why would Cryptonomex have to review code that we (the BitShares Community) paid someone else to write for BitShares?

I thought Cryptonomex was no longer part of BitShares, we are only considering hiring CNX (via a Worker Proposal) and are not obligated in any way to do so.

I'm not saying we wouldn't want code reviewed that was written by another person/group, but I'm pretty sure we have plenty of qualified coders here that could/would do that for next to nothing.

Why are you (Dan) stating this like it's mandatory that CNX would handle that job?

This is a bit confusing.

On one hand CNX can work for anyone they want, hell you've even kind of thrown it in our face that CNX could work for others at a higher rate and have offers to do so, but it's like you're doing poor old BitShares a favor by offering to do this job for 2X the rate anyone else would. And on top of that it sounds like you're saying we're required to use CNX to then review anyone else's code that we chose over you.

It sounds like CNX is operating as a proxy ruler from afar, kind of like the US Government does things. ;) 

Will you be installing a puppet regime next or is this your declaration that CNX is that puppet regime?

"Let my people go!"  ;)

"We have plenty of qualified coders here who would review the code for next to nothing" ??

Tuck, forgive me if you were being sarcastic (I can never tell), but this statement is absurd. We are talking about writing new code to change the native functionality of the blockchain. Do you honestly think that it is a wise idea to ridicule the idea of asking Cryptonomex (who are more familiar with graphene than anyone else) to audit and test the new code to make sure that it will work? They could do this faster, and more efficiently than anyone else at this stage.

So just to clarify, my understanding: you are talking about hiring someone who has little to no track record of writing code for graphene, and then just assuming that some (nonexistant) qualified graphene experts are just sitting around waiting to offer their code auditing skills for "next to nothing"?

I am not trying to come to the defense of Cryptonomex, they can defend themselves. I am just stating a FACT - They are the most qualified to audit any new code for graphene, and IMO we certainly want them auditing any new code that will be adopted by the blockchain at this stage- especially since we have still not achieved major adoption and (I would argue) are still vulnerable in many ways.  Of course we all hope this will change going forward, as outside teams of coders learn to write for graphene, but this has not happened yet. Think about it this way - if there were a bunch of people sitting around who were qualified to audit new graphene code - don't you think that they would be writing code themselves as we speak? Where are they? I'm not saying they don't exist, but I am also not just assuming that they DO.

General Discussion / Re: If you are a Brownie holder
« on: November 01, 2015, 06:07:47 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh & BitShares Road Trip Video Release
« on: October 21, 2015, 04:25:06 am »
this video made me realize - where is robrigo?

He is in detroit, well inside the constitution free zone.

Guh.. don't remind me... that part will have to be in the special directors cut, secret decoder ring, limited edition release...  8)

Hey Brandon - speaking of directors cut what ever happened to that footage with the cow? Are you saving it for a special occasion? Because if not, you should throw it up on youtube!

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: MUSE LOGO (suggestions from community)
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:27:46 am »
A few more brainstorms, same caveat as above. @cass, I think maybe these would work better with a different font?

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: MUSE LOGO (suggestions from community)
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:01:04 am »
i also really like pendragon3 approach.. so i decided to recreate his idea and want to post it with 100% credit to pendragon3 Hope this is in your interest @pendragon3 :)

Random thought - what if you moved the words underneath the logo, like this:

Of course Cass would have to fix the hi-def source, but you get the idea

General Discussion / Re: Worker Proposal to Level Up our Forums? (Poll)
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:23:06 pm »
Isn't this similar to what the fellas behind DPOS Hub are envisioning?
I'm pretty sure they are still working on that idea, though not exactly sure the status, but probably best not to duplicate efforts here.

Or said another way, probably best to join efforts here...  ;)

We are still moving forward. We are trying to get DposHub up and running as quickly as possible, but we ran into major difficulties with the first group of programmers we hired.  I have 2 meetings today with programmers that are interested in helping us to pick up where the last ones left off, so things are looking positive.

We are working hard to bring this together. We have already spent a few thousand out of pocket, and don't plan on stopping. We were originally hoping to have some delegate pay, but nevertheless we have not been deterred. I wish I had more for you at this point, but all I can say is hold on just a little bit longer ;)

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh & BitShares Road Trip Video Release
« on: October 16, 2015, 07:06:26 pm »
I love the "set" behind Robrigo. I didn't notice it until the 2nd time I watched (when I was looking less at the people and more at the surroundings). Also, Stan in overalls and a rocking chair - so apropos. Was that your idea or his? Either way....Priceless.

General Discussion / Re: Cryptofresh & Video Release
« on: October 16, 2015, 01:25:51 am »
 +5% Great Stuff
I Can't wait for the sequel ;D

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: NOTE value after snapshot
« on: October 09, 2015, 05:42:52 pm »
tonyk do you have a proposed solution for a stable crypto that can be used by the music industry?

The only "solution" I see is a merger with the main BTS chain. So coding up the Automatic Royalty Payment Splitter into BTS 2.0 and having everything run on Bit_USD (collateralized by BTS)
This would be great for liquidity no doubt and make it cheaper (less nodes to pay) and grow the network effect. But there are a bunch of other problems imo.
1st We want MUSE to be a blockchain for the Music industry. Meaning a global database that finally takes care of the mess with global royalty payments and copyrights for music.
2nd have it "owned" by the music industry.  The "board of directors" aka people that have been delegated voting power (through proxy voting) should know a thing or two about that ridiculously complicated world.
3rd The business model of BTS is different. BTS has high fees and paid memberships with the referral program. It makes total sense when you are undercutting E-trade, Questrade and the like. But we are entering a different market. We want fees to be a competitive as possible in the music market. We want little Jimmy to trade his Beiber Notes with little Jenny from his mobile App without paying 20 cents or buying a lifetime membership at 80$.

What are your thoughts? A separate blockchain to me seemed like the best solution for our needs. But I'm not the smartest guy in the room by a long shot! Long long long shot :)

I have thoughts...and sometimes solutions too. Unfortunately my efforts are the only ones that apparently do not deserve compensation around here...hell even the clueless traveling  *scapes got free trips for the only effort of being coooool.

So, yes for this pay I can only repeat what I said and try to earn money by using my knowledge otherwise (instead of sharing it for free) :

"Own,  in-house, museUSD is a suicidal decision for the MUSE blockchain."

Translation: Other people figured out how to game the system, and I am jealous that they got some free stuff. Since I have chosen to take this as a personal assault,  from now on I will reduce my (supposed) insights to short incomprehensible soundbites, and call people names when they dare to inquire further.

Nobody is asking you to be nice tonyk. We would be idiots to expect that.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: NOTE value after snapshot
« on: October 09, 2015, 07:29:24 am »
I have the feeling that NOTEs will become "worthless" after museUSD launched.

What are your thoughts on that?

I know I am changing the subject (slightly), but the decision to have museUSD will be the main contributor why the whole MUSE block chain fails.

There will be long discussions after the fact;  with 'smart' people stating their opinions "why that happen to such a great project" [of course the smarty's will be using random things observed in the meanwhile]

But you have heard it here first - it will have failed, because of the decision to have museUSD !
Other factors will work for, as well as against it, but keeping this choice is definitely the killer feature :)... literally.


Can you explain how and why you think that will cause it to fail?  Thanks.

Sorry to be a wet blanket.  Writing a description for this thing for general audiences is bloody hard.  There's nothing to relate it to. You either get it or  not.
 I am sorry but I do not have  time to explain.

and yes, smartass  it is 2015 .  Like you never typed an extra character....idiots.

Well, thank you for gracing us with a tiny bit of your lofty wisdom, and I am sorry we don't merit any more of your valuable time. While I was genuinely curious about your thoughts, I guess I am relieved now that I won't need to shoulder the painful burden of genius required to comprehend them.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: NOTE value after snapshot
« on: October 09, 2015, 05:39:46 am »
I have the feeling that NOTEs will become "worthless" after museUSD launched.

What are your thoughts on that?

I know I am changing the subject (slightly), but the decision to have museUSD will be the main contributor why the whole MUSE block chain fails.

There will be long discussions after the fact;  with 'smart' people stating their opinions "why that happen to such a great project" [of course the smarty's will be using random things observed in the meanwhile]

But you have heard it here first - it will have failed, because of the decision to have museUSD !
Other factors will work for, as well as against it, but keeping this choice is definitely the killer feature :)... literally.


Can you explain how and why you think that will cause it to fail?  Thanks.

A bold prediction. I too am curious what your reasons are?

Does this mean that you aren't worried about a problem occuring for at least 18,000 years  :P

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: NOTE value after snapshot
« on: October 08, 2015, 08:32:06 pm »
museUSD will be backed by MUSE .. fees are payed/burned in MUSE (finally)

Thats a better value proposition than bitcoin! Satisfied?

so do you say NOTE will become MUSE?

Yes. This is how it works:

After the MUSE chain is launched, you will download and install the new MUSE wallet. Then, you will import your private keys from your BitShares wallet (which contains your NOTES). This will unlock (from the MUSE genesis block) 1 MUSE for each 1 NOTE that you own.

Then, the BitShares 1.0 blockchain will die/become irrelevant, and the NOTE UIA on this old chain will be worthless. So in a way, you are correct. The NOTE on BitShares 1.0 will be worthless, once the value is transferred to MUSE.

After this, MUSE value will likely increase, since the utility of the MUSE core asset is much greater than the utility of the NOTE on bts 1.0, which was really just a placeholder so that people could begin trading and speculating.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: NOTE Snapshot and MUSE launch date!
« on: October 05, 2015, 05:25:24 pm »
Excellent News! Godspeed!

Technical Support / Re: Graphene API Documentation?
« on: September 26, 2015, 05:59:46 pm »
Thank you both, this is helpful

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