Nothing is on the table at all. Mostly all this is a thought experiment, but I think people should voice their opinions on such ideas regardless because it only takes silence for those in charge of the blockchain to think this might be a valid idea. So I'm saying if we are going to make drastic changes, they should be centered around the real mistakes made. The merger is the elephant in the room...and if we are going to "solve" the problems of politics in delegates, I think we should instead focus on the real problems.
The merger did not have consent of the bitshares population before going through. Now knowing what know, I can see that it was the biggest mistake made up to this point. It is a hugely drastic change...and for the record I do NOT THINK we should change it now. I think we should work to not change anything but the technical improvements bytemaster has talked about. Big changes cause panic. There is no way around it. So with that said, we should stick to what is working. Mark my words, the "inflation" model (that is barely inflationary at all) is already building bridges and roads (very cheaply I might add) time we will have infrastructure.
Nothing I say is meant to be taken personally...btw. I am just saying what I think and hoping people realize that delegates are such a small piece of the puzzle in terms of everything.
What brought me to DPOS was it's ability to hire real people as opposed to thinking some algorithm can fix everything. We are doing a thought experiment right now on being more like bitcoin...and I don't know if people have been paying attention, but Bitcoin has a lot of problems precisely because they can't adapt in the way a paid delegate system enables...instead, they have a "foundation" (that most bitcoins hate) and isn't NEARLY AS absolutely brilliant as what BM gave us with the paid delegate system.
Oddly enough I was kind of for this idea...until I really started thinking about it.