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Quote from: luckybit on April 27, 2015, 08:59:15 pmSo we have to wait for Moonstone? The fate of Bitshares rests in Moonstone and Minebitshares?There are more than just a couple projects being worked on that could eventually help bitshares. Those are a couple. At this point a lot of the price decline has just been due to market/bitAsset bugs, so fixing those bugs and making it so people can trade again and the client isnt buggy could help a ton. And bitAssets 3.0. Basically people have been indiscriminately dumping the hell out of BTS because the market was broken. Gotta fix the market.In the future when people want back in, those of us who held need to refuse to sell to them. They dumped it from 5000 sats to 2000. When Bitshares starts doing well again and these people want back in, we should all just refuse to sell for under 5000 sats. (Of course, there will always be those that sell and those that buy, thats what makes a market. What I am saying is that when Bitshares finally breaks the downtrend and begins to rally again, people need to hold off on selling until prices are good again. Dont hold all the way down and then sell early into a rise, that makes no sense).
So we have to wait for Moonstone? The fate of Bitshares rests in Moonstone and Minebitshares?
Quote from: luckybit on April 27, 2015, 08:59:15 pmSo we have to wait for Moonstone? The fate of Bitshares rests in Moonstone and Minebitshares?I don't know the status of Gemspace. Was there supposed to be an interview or announcement?MineBitShares is interesting and seems to be one of the few marketing initiatives showing decent results but personally I'm waiting for moonstone and BitAssets 3.0. A very easy to use simple client that lets you get in and out of BitAssets in reasonable quantities for less than a few %. (Plus things like cryptosmith are also very positive.) Once you get that product right, the climate is such that there is a real need for these BitAssets, so I really see them taking off in spite of BTS not necessarily being the most optimal vehicle for them.
So we have to wait for Moonstone? The fate of Bitshares rests in Moonstone and Minebitshares?I don't know the status of Gemspace. Was there supposed to be an interview or announcement?
Price decline hasnt been due to marketing efforts, its mostly been due to lack of delivery of the product.
Quote from: btswildpig on April 27, 2015, 07:39:07 pmQuote from: nomoreheroes7 on April 27, 2015, 07:33:31 pmQuote from: Empirical1.2 on April 27, 2015, 07:25:15 pmQuote from: tonyk2 on April 27, 2015, 07:21:08 pmQuote from: Ander on April 27, 2015, 06:51:47 pmOh yeah, also:4) Stan bullshitting with pump posts primising that secret and amazing things are coming but giving no details. Not been fan of his picture rich posts...ever. And by ever I mean long before you come around. I do not know if they move markets but sure as hell if they have any effect it is negative. They stopped being anything but a desperation attempt of reassurance that the future is bright. "The proof for that future?" you ask - Here are those cartoon pictures I found... pretty pathetic for everyone who has read more than a few of those. And yes for the last week's one I did say - "Sell the rumor..."I have to agree. Few things makes me want to sell more than those pump/history rewrite posts.I must be one of the few who usually enjoys a good pump post. Gives hope that something is in the pipeline to save us. At this price all you can really do is hope, lol....but it would be nice to know whether or not the "future is bright" posts were actually legit. We've seen time and again that nothing materializes from them.Stan, is there any way to prove you're serious and that tangible things are soon to happen, without breaking NDA's etc?don't hold your breath on good news to save us ....In a bear market , no amount of good news can reverse a down trend if the market is not "adjusted well at the bottom" . Every good news on a down trend will be ignore by the bear market , on the other hand , bad news will have a greater impact because of the trend . I learned that the hard way when I tried to catch the last train on several really good news along the down trend .What if there is no bottom?What if it's just us with no new interest and the dilution, the merger distribution, is just going to result in more sell pressure?Are we going to be happy when the marketcap is $5 million? how about $1 million? Both are possible due to dilution and the fact that no effective effort is going into marketing.Marketing is the biggest disappointment. First we had some guy whom I can't remember the name of who promised to bring in big investors. Apparently they came, invested, and dumped.Then we have this other guy Adam who promises to show a grand plan and again nothing. We see no plans, we see no progress, we see no marketing. It doesn't take a lot to put ads in Google and Facebook. It doesn't take a lot of effort to put ads on coinmarketcap or cointelegraph. There is no marketing and the longer we wait the lower the market cap gets and the less money there will be for marketing campaigns. When the market cap is only $5 million instead of the $50 million it was before the merger how will you feel about that? If secret sauce marketing is having that effect then we were better off a year ago today.
Quote from: nomoreheroes7 on April 27, 2015, 07:33:31 pmQuote from: Empirical1.2 on April 27, 2015, 07:25:15 pmQuote from: tonyk2 on April 27, 2015, 07:21:08 pmQuote from: Ander on April 27, 2015, 06:51:47 pmOh yeah, also:4) Stan bullshitting with pump posts primising that secret and amazing things are coming but giving no details. Not been fan of his picture rich posts...ever. And by ever I mean long before you come around. I do not know if they move markets but sure as hell if they have any effect it is negative. They stopped being anything but a desperation attempt of reassurance that the future is bright. "The proof for that future?" you ask - Here are those cartoon pictures I found... pretty pathetic for everyone who has read more than a few of those. And yes for the last week's one I did say - "Sell the rumor..."I have to agree. Few things makes me want to sell more than those pump/history rewrite posts.I must be one of the few who usually enjoys a good pump post. Gives hope that something is in the pipeline to save us. At this price all you can really do is hope, lol....but it would be nice to know whether or not the "future is bright" posts were actually legit. We've seen time and again that nothing materializes from them.Stan, is there any way to prove you're serious and that tangible things are soon to happen, without breaking NDA's etc?don't hold your breath on good news to save us ....In a bear market , no amount of good news can reverse a down trend if the market is not "adjusted well at the bottom" . Every good news on a down trend will be ignore by the bear market , on the other hand , bad news will have a greater impact because of the trend . I learned that the hard way when I tried to catch the last train on several really good news along the down trend .
Quote from: Empirical1.2 on April 27, 2015, 07:25:15 pmQuote from: tonyk2 on April 27, 2015, 07:21:08 pmQuote from: Ander on April 27, 2015, 06:51:47 pmOh yeah, also:4) Stan bullshitting with pump posts primising that secret and amazing things are coming but giving no details. Not been fan of his picture rich posts...ever. And by ever I mean long before you come around. I do not know if they move markets but sure as hell if they have any effect it is negative. They stopped being anything but a desperation attempt of reassurance that the future is bright. "The proof for that future?" you ask - Here are those cartoon pictures I found... pretty pathetic for everyone who has read more than a few of those. And yes for the last week's one I did say - "Sell the rumor..."I have to agree. Few things makes me want to sell more than those pump/history rewrite posts.I must be one of the few who usually enjoys a good pump post. Gives hope that something is in the pipeline to save us. At this price all you can really do is hope, lol....but it would be nice to know whether or not the "future is bright" posts were actually legit. We've seen time and again that nothing materializes from them.Stan, is there any way to prove you're serious and that tangible things are soon to happen, without breaking NDA's etc?
Quote from: tonyk2 on April 27, 2015, 07:21:08 pmQuote from: Ander on April 27, 2015, 06:51:47 pmOh yeah, also:4) Stan bullshitting with pump posts primising that secret and amazing things are coming but giving no details. Not been fan of his picture rich posts...ever. And by ever I mean long before you come around. I do not know if they move markets but sure as hell if they have any effect it is negative. They stopped being anything but a desperation attempt of reassurance that the future is bright. "The proof for that future?" you ask - Here are those cartoon pictures I found... pretty pathetic for everyone who has read more than a few of those. And yes for the last week's one I did say - "Sell the rumor..."I have to agree. Few things makes me want to sell more than those pump/history rewrite posts.
Quote from: Ander on April 27, 2015, 06:51:47 pmOh yeah, also:4) Stan bullshitting with pump posts primising that secret and amazing things are coming but giving no details. Not been fan of his picture rich posts...ever. And by ever I mean long before you come around. I do not know if they move markets but sure as hell if they have any effect it is negative. They stopped being anything but a desperation attempt of reassurance that the future is bright. "The proof for that future?" you ask - Here are those cartoon pictures I found... pretty pathetic for everyone who has read more than a few of those. And yes for the last week's one I did say - "Sell the rumor..."
Oh yeah, also:4) Stan bullshitting with pump posts primising that secret and amazing things are coming but giving no details.
That is exactly what I experienced with the tests I ran on Facebook and Twitter. The cost per conversion is too high.We are not selling socks here. We are selling a pre version 1 software that most people don't understand why they would need that in the first place. The affiliate system would be a great way to recruits entrepreneurs and businesses who would then go ahead and gain users. But running ads to attract users to understand bitshares core is a losing game. (It is still valuable to create content and be involved in the media but direct marketing for bitshares core...nah)Services like MineBitShares, Moonstone, Limewallet, etc are project that could flourish if they gained an affiliate compensation for bringing in users (may reduce the need to go all out politic and run for a delegate position too).
Quote from: btswildpig on April 27, 2015, 07:39:07 pmdon't hold your breath on good news to save us ....In a bear market , no amount of good news can reverse a down trend if the market is not "adjusted well at the bottom" . Every good news on a down trend will be ignore by the bear market , on the other hand , bad news will have a greater impact because of the trend . I learned that the hard way when I tried to catch the last train on several really good news along the down trend .I'm pretty sure that significantly huge news would turn a market around before most even have a chance to react. Depends on just how powerful the news is. That seems to be the dilemma with Stan's obscure-style posts -- whether they allude to something truly market-moving and coming in the very near future, or if it's just something the devs think is awesome (and it may very well be) but it isn't market-moving, or it won't materialize in any reasonable amount of time...
don't hold your breath on good news to save us ....In a bear market , no amount of good news can reverse a down trend if the market is not "adjusted well at the bottom" . Every good news on a down trend will be ignore by the bear market , on the other hand , bad news will have a greater impact because of the trend . I learned that the hard way when I tried to catch the last train on several really good news along the down trend .
this summer
The result of the merger based dilution (not the delegate pay) combined with the total lack of progress on BTS as a result of the merger (or at all) for the last 6 mo. is the sole reason for the price decline from about 4500 satoshi to what we see now. In other words Bitshares of April 2015 is the same buggy client of October 2014 plus two months of market engine bugs...[end to the blind fan boys, spare me the list of all great things that are coming...almost here...almost...]
And let me be the only one in the last several months that have admitted being for the merger at the time. But I was expecting results and accelerated development and got what - Nothing, the development was/is about frozen, Adam is as involved in BTS as much as he was before getting millions of bitshares to buy him...
100% Delegates need changes as in being separately paid actors (not block producers) and not removal. Running to change something fundamentally anytime the sailing is not as smooth as BM likes is a big mistake. And I personally think it is about time he learns that this brings the big trouble not the fact the current state is not perfect.
Quote from: gamey on April 27, 2015, 01:40:25 am the perception that BTS can not be trusted to stick with things.Stick with what? Developers randomly screwing with supply? The loss of confidence caused by that move is probably irreversible. This proposal doesn't change supply, just tries to dampen the damage.
the perception that BTS can not be trusted to stick with things.
Quote from: luckybitSo why vest them at all. Why not just release them all right now so it can be sold in one big dump and we can be done with it?This probably will be less damaging than trying to impose changes on the vesting of the merger.Lets assume I had 500k bts in my wallet and also I'm getting another 100k from the merger, If I wanted to sell the "free-extra-bonus" bts of the merger all I had to do would be to pick the right time and sell 100k bts from my current balance, there would be no need to wait for my vested balances on a daily on monthly basis. On top of that I could sell 100k-200k more because I anticipate others will do the same and the price will keep falling, so I can buy back cheaper later. I doubt that there is any merger seller out there that actually waits to get his vested bts in the wallet before he sells them, probably most selling has already occurred, any changes now would be more damaging than helpfull.
So why vest them at all. Why not just release them all right now so it can be sold in one big dump and we can be done with it?
Quote from: Helikopterben on April 26, 2015, 07:26:52 pmQuote from: triox on April 26, 2015, 12:51:25 pmFreeze all vesting. Resume in 24 months conditional on market cap and at much slower pace.This is rediculous. Central banks freeze assets. We do not. I say release all shares and be done with it. Maybe the price will suffer... or maybe not, but we could get that level of uncertainty out of the way.So why vest them at all. Why not just release them all right now so it can be sold in one big dump and we can be done with it?
Quote from: triox on April 26, 2015, 12:51:25 pmFreeze all vesting. Resume in 24 months conditional on market cap and at much slower pace.This is rediculous. Central banks freeze assets. We do not. I say release all shares and be done with it. Maybe the price will suffer... or maybe not, but we could get that level of uncertainty out of the way.
Freeze all vesting. Resume in 24 months conditional on market cap and at much slower pace.
Ok fair enough I got 2 things somewhat mixed up. You are not saying undue the merger, just make it so that people who contributed to AGS can no longer have liquid BTS. You are suggesting only partially undoing the merger... or as you put it "conditionally"
Obviously those who can no longer sell their vested BTS are hurt. I don't think I need to explain this. It will be obvious to just about everyone on here. I can't even understand your logic about people who don't want the market cap going up should have their passive income paused.
The other side of this is the value of DNS taken away from people. You can't undo that, but somehow you can take people's BTS so it is fair game? You can't even quantify any of this stuff.
Quote from: gamey on April 27, 2015, 01:20:12 amQuote from: luckybit on April 27, 2015, 12:58:59 amQuote from: gamey on April 26, 2015, 06:20:42 pmIt seems unlikely this would be a net positive. DNS was killed. It can't just be unmerged, so all your thinking is extremely one-sided. Undoing the merger would mean bytemaster would have to somehow make something up to PTS/AGS. If he didn't, then people would be quite irritated. Their AGS funds went into paying BTS developers and now their BTS is conditional? Huh?No one said to undue the merger. We are talking about pausing it or making it conditional. If the Bitshares market cap never goes back up then screw the merger. Do you care about the merger if the market cap goes down indefinitely?Ok fair enough I got 2 things somewhat mixed up. You are not saying undue the merger, just make it so that people who contributed to AGS can no longer have liquid BTS. You are suggesting only partially undoing the merger... or as you put it "conditionally" Quote from: gamey on April 26, 2015, 06:20:42 pmYour thoughts on incentives/distributions is so poorly conceived it isn't worth critiquing further. As if AGS investors somehow owe more to BTS. Everytime things have been changed nothing has improved. More changes are not likely to help things outside improved bitassets.I think the improvement I suggested would change things for the better and no one would be hurt. Everyone should want the market cap to go up but if some people don't then their passive income should be paused until the market cap reaches the threshold.People who could care less about Bitshares but who get the passive income could simply immediately sell it. Just like Bitcoin miners. I'm not claiming that is happening but why leave it to chance? Why?Obviously those who can no longer sell their vested BTS are hurt. I don't think I need to explain this. It will be obvious to just about everyone on here. I can't even understand your logic about people who don't want the market cap going up should have their passive income paused.Quote from: chryspano on April 27, 2015, 12:33:23 amLets also not allow selling of bts unless the price is greater than X or perhaps we can "freeze" 99% of everyone's bts until the price hits THE MOON or even better we can ask the ripple guys how to do it properly.Your main concern is the short term price? I believe you already know that price is irrelevant at this point, let those that want to sell to do as they wish, cheap bts for the rest of us and for the rest of the world. The only real issue I see here is the low delegates pay, nothing else.If you sold Bitshares it's different because you purchased it, mined for it or earned it. The merger really has nothing to do with people who want to sell Bitshares. The merger was basically a giveaway.And if it's a justified giveaway shouldn't it be measured for success? Couldn't we have the expectation that there should be some positive result achieved? If it's not about the market cap rising then what is it about? The other side of this is the value of DNS taken away from people. You can't undo that, but somehow you can take people's BTS so it is fair game? You can't even quantify any of this stuff.Quote from: triox on April 26, 2015, 11:45:51 pmQuote from: Ander on April 26, 2015, 07:01:00 pmI dont know that freezing vesting is really an option. It looks like we are just changing things yet again in a way that screws some people. Who are those people that are owed vested funds, but don't already own a shitload of BTS and absolutely can't wait a bit until the market recovers? Do they prefer being paid worthless BTS right now or strong BTS in two years? Tying the rate of vesting to market cap will ensure that inflation is introduced only when the market can handle it. It'll additionally act as a price stabilization mechanism.EXACTLY!I can understand a lot of people are able to get BTS right now because of the merger and they can't wait to sell it or cash out but like you said it's very important that the market cap rise.No one is going to take Bitshares seriously in terms of speculators if the market cap goes down indefinitely. Human psychology doesn't work that way even if the owners of Bitshares can benefit from it going down indefinitely.So lets make another hair-brained (hare?) change. Then people will take us seriously. Even in terms of the shares added by dilution, the market price has fell far more. I can come up with educated guesses as to why, but no one can assign true weights to them. I assume that 1/4th of the 1/5th dilution total has been freed. That is about 5% inflation.... Why do you even think this is a big factor? People are just desperate and you are arguing for your side, just like when you tried so hard to get us to partner with blackshares.[/b] Becoming like the big banks and big governments? Unable to adapt because it might upset someone? So what is the alternative?The people who are going to sell will sell on the way down. The people who are going to buy will buy in the way up. Haven't you been watching?But you're a true believer who will not sell even if the market cap went to $1 million. Unfortunately most people are going to sell before the vesting even completes if that happens so what is the value of it? In the market perception is very important and for a tech firm or for a lifeform adaptation is the key to survival.
Quote from: luckybit on April 27, 2015, 12:58:59 amQuote from: gamey on April 26, 2015, 06:20:42 pmIt seems unlikely this would be a net positive. DNS was killed. It can't just be unmerged, so all your thinking is extremely one-sided. Undoing the merger would mean bytemaster would have to somehow make something up to PTS/AGS. If he didn't, then people would be quite irritated. Their AGS funds went into paying BTS developers and now their BTS is conditional? Huh?No one said to undue the merger. We are talking about pausing it or making it conditional. If the Bitshares market cap never goes back up then screw the merger. Do you care about the merger if the market cap goes down indefinitely?Ok fair enough I got 2 things somewhat mixed up. You are not saying undue the merger, just make it so that people who contributed to AGS can no longer have liquid BTS. You are suggesting only partially undoing the merger... or as you put it "conditionally" Quote from: gamey on April 26, 2015, 06:20:42 pmYour thoughts on incentives/distributions is so poorly conceived it isn't worth critiquing further. As if AGS investors somehow owe more to BTS. Everytime things have been changed nothing has improved. More changes are not likely to help things outside improved bitassets.I think the improvement I suggested would change things for the better and no one would be hurt. Everyone should want the market cap to go up but if some people don't then their passive income should be paused until the market cap reaches the threshold.People who could care less about Bitshares but who get the passive income could simply immediately sell it. Just like Bitcoin miners. I'm not claiming that is happening but why leave it to chance? Why?Obviously those who can no longer sell their vested BTS are hurt. I don't think I need to explain this. It will be obvious to just about everyone on here. I can't even understand your logic about people who don't want the market cap going up should have their passive income paused.Quote from: chryspano on April 27, 2015, 12:33:23 amLets also not allow selling of bts unless the price is greater than X or perhaps we can "freeze" 99% of everyone's bts until the price hits THE MOON or even better we can ask the ripple guys how to do it properly.Your main concern is the short term price? I believe you already know that price is irrelevant at this point, let those that want to sell to do as they wish, cheap bts for the rest of us and for the rest of the world. The only real issue I see here is the low delegates pay, nothing else.If you sold Bitshares it's different because you purchased it, mined for it or earned it. The merger really has nothing to do with people who want to sell Bitshares. The merger was basically a giveaway.And if it's a justified giveaway shouldn't it be measured for success? Couldn't we have the expectation that there should be some positive result achieved? If it's not about the market cap rising then what is it about? The other side of this is the value of DNS taken away from people. You can't undo that, but somehow you can take people's BTS so it is fair game? You can't even quantify any of this stuff.Quote from: triox on April 26, 2015, 11:45:51 pmQuote from: Ander on April 26, 2015, 07:01:00 pmI dont know that freezing vesting is really an option. It looks like we are just changing things yet again in a way that screws some people. Who are those people that are owed vested funds, but don't already own a shitload of BTS and absolutely can't wait a bit until the market recovers? Do they prefer being paid worthless BTS right now or strong BTS in two years? Tying the rate of vesting to market cap will ensure that inflation is introduced only when the market can handle it. It'll additionally act as a price stabilization mechanism.EXACTLY!I can understand a lot of people are able to get BTS right now because of the merger and they can't wait to sell it or cash out but like you said it's very important that the market cap rise.No one is going to take Bitshares seriously in terms of speculators if the market cap goes down indefinitely. Human psychology doesn't work that way even if the owners of Bitshares can benefit from it going down indefinitely.So lets make another hair-brained (hare?) change. Then people will take us seriously. Even in terms of the shares added by dilution, the market price has fell far more. I can come up with educated guesses as to why, but no one can assign true weights to them. I assume that 1/4th of the 1/5th dilution total has been freed. That is about 5% inflation.... Why do you even think this is a big factor? People are just desperate and you are arguing for your side, just like when you tried so hard to get us to partner with blackshares.[/b]
Quote from: gamey on April 26, 2015, 06:20:42 pmIt seems unlikely this would be a net positive. DNS was killed. It can't just be unmerged, so all your thinking is extremely one-sided. Undoing the merger would mean bytemaster would have to somehow make something up to PTS/AGS. If he didn't, then people would be quite irritated. Their AGS funds went into paying BTS developers and now their BTS is conditional? Huh?No one said to undue the merger. We are talking about pausing it or making it conditional. If the Bitshares market cap never goes back up then screw the merger. Do you care about the merger if the market cap goes down indefinitely?Ok fair enough I got 2 things somewhat mixed up. You are not saying undue the merger, just make it so that people who contributed to AGS can no longer have liquid BTS. You are suggesting only partially undoing the merger... or as you put it "conditionally" Quote from: gamey on April 26, 2015, 06:20:42 pmYour thoughts on incentives/distributions is so poorly conceived it isn't worth critiquing further. As if AGS investors somehow owe more to BTS. Everytime things have been changed nothing has improved. More changes are not likely to help things outside improved bitassets.I think the improvement I suggested would change things for the better and no one would be hurt. Everyone should want the market cap to go up but if some people don't then their passive income should be paused until the market cap reaches the threshold.People who could care less about Bitshares but who get the passive income could simply immediately sell it. Just like Bitcoin miners. I'm not claiming that is happening but why leave it to chance? Why?Obviously those who can no longer sell their vested BTS are hurt. I don't think I need to explain this. It will be obvious to just about everyone on here. I can't even understand your logic about people who don't want the market cap going up should have their passive income paused.Quote from: chryspano on April 27, 2015, 12:33:23 amLets also not allow selling of bts unless the price is greater than X or perhaps we can "freeze" 99% of everyone's bts until the price hits THE MOON or even better we can ask the ripple guys how to do it properly.Your main concern is the short term price? I believe you already know that price is irrelevant at this point, let those that want to sell to do as they wish, cheap bts for the rest of us and for the rest of the world. The only real issue I see here is the low delegates pay, nothing else.If you sold Bitshares it's different because you purchased it, mined for it or earned it. The merger really has nothing to do with people who want to sell Bitshares. The merger was basically a giveaway.And if it's a justified giveaway shouldn't it be measured for success? Couldn't we have the expectation that there should be some positive result achieved? If it's not about the market cap rising then what is it about? The other side of this is the value of DNS taken away from people. You can't undo that, but somehow you can take people's BTS so it is fair game? You can't even quantify any of this stuff.Quote from: triox on April 26, 2015, 11:45:51 pmQuote from: Ander on April 26, 2015, 07:01:00 pmI dont know that freezing vesting is really an option. It looks like we are just changing things yet again in a way that screws some people. Who are those people that are owed vested funds, but don't already own a shitload of BTS and absolutely can't wait a bit until the market recovers? Do they prefer being paid worthless BTS right now or strong BTS in two years? Tying the rate of vesting to market cap will ensure that inflation is introduced only when the market can handle it. It'll additionally act as a price stabilization mechanism.EXACTLY!I can understand a lot of people are able to get BTS right now because of the merger and they can't wait to sell it or cash out but like you said it's very important that the market cap rise.No one is going to take Bitshares seriously in terms of speculators if the market cap goes down indefinitely. Human psychology doesn't work that way even if the owners of Bitshares can benefit from it going down indefinitely.
It seems unlikely this would be a net positive. DNS was killed. It can't just be unmerged, so all your thinking is extremely one-sided. Undoing the merger would mean bytemaster would have to somehow make something up to PTS/AGS. If he didn't, then people would be quite irritated. Their AGS funds went into paying BTS developers and now their BTS is conditional? Huh?
Your thoughts on incentives/distributions is so poorly conceived it isn't worth critiquing further. As if AGS investors somehow owe more to BTS. Everytime things have been changed nothing has improved. More changes are not likely to help things outside improved bitassets.
Lets also not allow selling of bts unless the price is greater than X or perhaps we can "freeze" 99% of everyone's bts until the price hits THE MOON or even better we can ask the ripple guys how to do it properly.Your main concern is the short term price? I believe you already know that price is irrelevant at this point, let those that want to sell to do as they wish, cheap bts for the rest of us and for the rest of the world. The only real issue I see here is the low delegates pay, nothing else.
Quote from: Ander on April 26, 2015, 07:01:00 pmI dont know that freezing vesting is really an option. It looks like we are just changing things yet again in a way that screws some people. Who are those people that are owed vested funds, but don't already own a shitload of BTS and absolutely can't wait a bit until the market recovers? Do they prefer being paid worthless BTS right now or strong BTS in two years? Tying the rate of vesting to market cap will ensure that inflation is introduced only when the market can handle it. It'll additionally act as a price stabilization mechanism.
I dont know that freezing vesting is really an option. It looks like we are just changing things yet again in a way that screws some people.
Quote from: gamey on April 26, 2015, 05:57:54 pmQuote from: mf-tzo on April 26, 2015, 05:48:24 pmQuote from: luckybit on April 26, 2015, 05:00:44 pmQuote from: triox on April 26, 2015, 12:51:25 pmFreeze all vesting. Resume in 24 months conditional on market cap and at much slower pace.BRILLIANT! I vote we freeze vesting until it surpasses the minimum market cap. This could even be done with a price feed of the market cap so that it's taken out of developers hands and left up to the market itself. Call it conditional merger and use the price feed as the oracle. This way the rate of distribution of shares is not predetermined but determined by actual market conditions. The process should freeze whenever the market cap falls below the threshold. So what was the market cap when the merger first happened? It was a bit higher? So freeze until it gets back to that point and start it again. This way you're not using any arbitrary magic numbers like 24 months but instead a data feed which is a variable number that everyone who is part of the merger would have the incentive to see rise.The market cap is the one number we all want to see rise.When I read that I thought the guy must be joking to even propose to change the vesting rule like that...But thinking in it again maybe stop the vesting NOW until we reach again at least $60 mil market cap and stop it again if we fall below $30 mil market cap doesn't look a very bad idea and maybe should be further discussed? And to add to that maybe we can buy out Music for another $200 - $300 mil BTS (which appears to be a fair market value of Music) with some vesting rules that allow to claim the new created BTS only if the market cap is above $60 mil and stops if it falls below $30 mil?I can no longer see the line between sincere suggestions and parodies.The gist of the idea is that all mergers should be conditional mergers going into the future. The idea is anyone we merge with should have the incentive to raise our market cap and keep it raised during the vesting period. If our market cap suffers then they shouldn't get their distributions at the expense of our market cap but if our market cap doesn't suffer then the merger should unfreeze.This is possible because Bitshares is digital and doesn't have to go by the rules of analog corporations. It can merge in any way it wants with other communities and there is no reason why it had to be done the way it was done.The incentives of the merger obviously are wrong if people are getting distribution while the market cap is dropping. As a result they'll want to support the merger even if the market cap is dropping because they are getting Bitshares the whole time. If the market cap passes the threshold we can speed up the release.The point is I don't see why we had to release it on a timeline. We could release it conditionally and have the rate of release adjust to the fluctuations of the market cap.So it's not a parody, it's a possible solution. Of course if you think it's not possible you can say why not.
Quote from: mf-tzo on April 26, 2015, 05:48:24 pmQuote from: luckybit on April 26, 2015, 05:00:44 pmQuote from: triox on April 26, 2015, 12:51:25 pmFreeze all vesting. Resume in 24 months conditional on market cap and at much slower pace.BRILLIANT! I vote we freeze vesting until it surpasses the minimum market cap. This could even be done with a price feed of the market cap so that it's taken out of developers hands and left up to the market itself. Call it conditional merger and use the price feed as the oracle. This way the rate of distribution of shares is not predetermined but determined by actual market conditions. The process should freeze whenever the market cap falls below the threshold. So what was the market cap when the merger first happened? It was a bit higher? So freeze until it gets back to that point and start it again. This way you're not using any arbitrary magic numbers like 24 months but instead a data feed which is a variable number that everyone who is part of the merger would have the incentive to see rise.The market cap is the one number we all want to see rise.When I read that I thought the guy must be joking to even propose to change the vesting rule like that...But thinking in it again maybe stop the vesting NOW until we reach again at least $60 mil market cap and stop it again if we fall below $30 mil market cap doesn't look a very bad idea and maybe should be further discussed? And to add to that maybe we can buy out Music for another $200 - $300 mil BTS (which appears to be a fair market value of Music) with some vesting rules that allow to claim the new created BTS only if the market cap is above $60 mil and stops if it falls below $30 mil?I can no longer see the line between sincere suggestions and parodies.
Quote from: luckybit on April 26, 2015, 05:00:44 pmQuote from: triox on April 26, 2015, 12:51:25 pmFreeze all vesting. Resume in 24 months conditional on market cap and at much slower pace.BRILLIANT! I vote we freeze vesting until it surpasses the minimum market cap. This could even be done with a price feed of the market cap so that it's taken out of developers hands and left up to the market itself. Call it conditional merger and use the price feed as the oracle. This way the rate of distribution of shares is not predetermined but determined by actual market conditions. The process should freeze whenever the market cap falls below the threshold. So what was the market cap when the merger first happened? It was a bit higher? So freeze until it gets back to that point and start it again. This way you're not using any arbitrary magic numbers like 24 months but instead a data feed which is a variable number that everyone who is part of the merger would have the incentive to see rise.The market cap is the one number we all want to see rise.When I read that I thought the guy must be joking to even propose to change the vesting rule like that...But thinking in it again maybe stop the vesting NOW until we reach again at least $60 mil market cap and stop it again if we fall below $30 mil market cap doesn't look a very bad idea and maybe should be further discussed? And to add to that maybe we can buy out Music for another $200 - $300 mil BTS (which appears to be a fair market value of Music) with some vesting rules that allow to claim the new created BTS only if the market cap is above $60 mil and stops if it falls below $30 mil?
Quote from: triox on April 26, 2015, 12:51:25 pmFreeze all vesting. Resume in 24 months conditional on market cap and at much slower pace.BRILLIANT! I vote we freeze vesting until it surpasses the minimum market cap. This could even be done with a price feed of the market cap so that it's taken out of developers hands and left up to the market itself. Call it conditional merger and use the price feed as the oracle. This way the rate of distribution of shares is not predetermined but determined by actual market conditions. The process should freeze whenever the market cap falls below the threshold. So what was the market cap when the merger first happened? It was a bit higher? So freeze until it gets back to that point and start it again. This way you're not using any arbitrary magic numbers like 24 months but instead a data feed which is a variable number that everyone who is part of the merger would have the incentive to see rise.The market cap is the one number we all want to see rise.
Real problem is BM's BITASSET 3.0. that shows him know nothing about economic. Of cause u also know nothing about it. Now u want to blame the BTS price to dilution.
Have been previously posted messages explain why the current system does not work properlyhttps://bitsharestalk.org/index.php/topic,15888.0.htmlAnd brother of 3.0 eggs Why not workhttps://bitsharestalk.org/index.php/topic,15940.0.html
We have already identified this problem and also the solution:1) No interest on BitUSD2) No expiration on Shorts unless USD request force settlement at a discount (profit to the short)3) Bond market which locks up BitUSD like a CD and pays interest.
Quote from: Ander on April 26, 2015, 07:19:06 amDilution from merger: 500M (Not all yet vested).Dilution so far from delegates: under 10 million. When did the vesting start, when will it end? I forgot.
Dilution from merger: 500M (Not all yet vested).Dilution so far from delegates: under 10 million.
Nothing is on the table at all. Mostly all this is a thought experiment, but I think people should voice their opinions on such ideas regardless because it only takes silence for those in charge of the blockchain to think this might be a valid idea. So I'm saying if we are going to make drastic changes, they should be centered around the real mistakes made. The merger is the elephant in the room...and if we are going to "solve" the problems of politics in delegates, I think we should instead focus on the real problems. The merger did not have consent of the bitshares population before going through. Now knowing what know, I can see that it was the biggest mistake made up to this point. It is a hugely drastic change...and for the record I do NOT THINK we should change it now. I think we should work to not change anything but the technical improvements bytemaster has talked about. Big changes cause panic. There is no way around it. So with that said, we should stick to what is working. Mark my words, the "inflation" model (that is barely inflationary at all) is already building bridges and roads (very cheaply I might add)...in time we will have infrastructure. Nothing I say is meant to be taken personally...btw. I am just saying what I think and hoping people realize that delegates are such a small piece of the puzzle in terms of everything. What brought me to DPOS was it's ability to hire real people as opposed to thinking some algorithm can fix everything. We are doing a thought experiment right now on being more like bitcoin...and I don't know if people have been paying attention, but Bitcoin has a lot of problems precisely because they can't adapt in the way a paid delegate system enables...instead, they have a "foundation" (that most bitcoins hate) and isn't NEARLY AS absolutely brilliant as what BM gave us with the paid delegate system.Oddly enough I was kind of for this idea...until I really started thinking about it.
If we are going to drastically change something...maybe the reversal of the merger should be the number one change on the chopping block. As far as I can tell we gained nothing and lost a lot from it.
I have seen this dilution being a huge issue for a long time...but I've also seen numbers somewhere on the forums showing exactly how little dilution currently exists...though I'm not at acomputer and am finding it difficult to locate the post. Can anyone post the link or the numbers we are currently looking at both with and without the merger created funds?
Is this increase including or excluding the new shares created in the merger?
Quote from: fuzzy on April 26, 2015, 02:03:18 amQuote from: lastagile on April 26, 2015, 01:42:16 amDilution is not the root reason of failing price. Bit asset short rule is.从我的 iPhone 发送,使用 TapatalkWell one thing is for certain: we need to focus on the REAL problems instead of just calling stuff out that may or may not be an issue. Otherwise this is just an exercise in futility and a waste of time. Real problem is BM's BITASSET 3.0. that shows him know nothing about economic. Of cause u also know nothing about it. Now u want to blame the BTS price to dilution.
Quote from: lastagile on April 26, 2015, 01:42:16 amDilution is not the root reason of failing price. Bit asset short rule is.从我的 iPhone 发送,使用 TapatalkWell one thing is for certain: we need to focus on the REAL problems instead of just calling stuff out that may or may not be an issue. Otherwise this is just an exercise in futility and a waste of time.
Dilution is not the root reason of failing price. Bit asset short rule is.从我的 iPhone 发送,使用 Tapatalk
Quote from: chryspano on April 26, 2015, 02:01:46 amThe merger creates 20,83M bts per month(500M/24months), its 1% inflation per month. Although current supply says that we have 2,5B bts this number will be actually achieved at the end of the 24 month period of the merger, we still have 1,5 year or something like that.Delegates inflation so far minus fees is a total of 9,8M bts (EDIT: Total amount, not monthly)I'm not saying that the price decline is caused by the merger or the delegates, all crypto is down at this time, we must be careful and not try to fix something that isn't broken.Dilution would have been fine but I think the merger wasn't worth the value proposition. I don't know why the merger had to happen. Dilution we could protect ourselves by buying BitUSD and many people did buy BitUSD.
The merger creates 20,83M bts per month(500M/24months), its 1% inflation per month. Although current supply says that we have 2,5B bts this number will be actually achieved at the end of the 24 month period of the merger, we still have 1,5 year or something like that.Delegates inflation so far minus fees is a total of 9,8M bts (EDIT: Total amount, not monthly)I'm not saying that the price decline is caused by the merger or the delegates, all crypto is down at this time, we must be careful and not try to fix something that isn't broken.