Author Topic: Announcing Brownie Points (BROWNIE.PTS)  (Read 188234 times)

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Offline cass

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I will award brownie points for just about anything that I appreciate and in proportion to the amount that I appreciate it.  


Technically all Brownie Points mean is that you are on my good side.

Are you all nuts? - the OP as well as all responders?

Encouraged Ass licking points?


and 'brown-nosing . pts' should be available btw no need to go for brownie when the correct term is available...

Possibly a way to distribute some personal Cryptonomex shares at a later date.

 ;D time will show
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Offline fav

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me want brownies nomnom...

I'm sure you are well aware of my work :)

edit some highlights:

- first trusted PTS escrow
- forum mod
- newbie faucet
- helped with coinomat integration
- support on twitter etc
- marketing
- maintaining blockchain alternative download
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 12:35:15 pm by fav »

Offline mint chocolate chip has had 4,251 sessions (~7,155 page views) by 3,220 unique visitors. Start date November 28, 2014. has had 3,912 sessions (~7,517 page views) by 3,118 unique visitors. Start date July 5, 2014.

My actual costs of domain registration, hosting and $10 in fiverrr advertising (for the .org) have been negated by the (very underwhelming) $32 I have made on ads on the sites to date. Time wise I have written 53 blog posts for bitsharesblog and have redone bitsharesmarket 3 times as things have changed considerably in 1 year, guesstimating 150-200 hours.

My 13 accounts credited with referrals (which doesn't take into consideration the 8 months of possible referrals before they started to be counted on January 1) put me in the top 8 of all referrers, and the highest among those who never received a single bts from delegate pay.

Additionally, I have tweeted a handful of times, made/mentioned updates to the .org website, and came up with the .p2p name for DNS.

I have seen an uptick trend in my sites stats over the past month or so, probably related to the press releases. Looking forward to the future.


Hero, Member since, December 19, 2013, 09:07:05 AM
Mined PTS. Donated to AGS.
Moderator of
Member of Nullstreet. Content in several Newsletters.
*updated visitor stats on above sites
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 12:31:13 am by Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! »

Offline EstefanTT

BitShares French ConneXion is kind of new in this community but we've acheived to :

Build a web site to give information in french about BitShares
Translate BitShares 101 in french and give it for free in our web
Translate some articles we found interesting
Translate the infographic, triflod, flyers, ...
Produce our own articles for newbies
We are actually creating a YouTube channel with tutorials for anything related to BitShares. We'll try to have it in the 12 more widely spoken languages.

So far it was all made on our free time and passion for BitShares.

Much more is coming ;)

If our contribution merit some brownies, we'd love to have some

Our id : bitsharesfcx
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 04:29:19 pm by EstefanTT »
Bit20, the cryptocurrency index fund
(BitShares French ConneXion -

Offline 天籁

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 +5%   ID: musenote

1. My most important post is Philosophical Thinking about the Networks based on Blockchain-Technology,4586.msg57684.html#msg57684
2. My most important view point is: BTS realized the free transfer of assets through Bitassets, the significance of which in the 4th revolution likes the information free transmission in the information revolution.
3. 4 Lectures on blockchain & BTS.
4.Translated two papers of BM: 1) Marketing Direction - Why not How or What... 2)bm blog: genesis post.


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Great way to test UIAs  :) and take them away again  :(

Offline Empirical1.2

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I will award brownie points for just about anything that I appreciate and in proportion to the amount that I appreciate it.  


Technically all Brownie Points mean is that you are on my good side.

Are you all nuts? - the OP as well as all responders?

Encouraged Ass licking points?


and 'brown-nosing . pts' should be available btw no need to go for brownie when the correct term is available...

Possibly a way to distribute some personal Cryptonomex shares at a later date.
If you want to take the island burn the boats


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Why limiting brownie PTS only to positive posts?

Even if BMs intentions were good, it will only lead to more backslapping and jumping on to criticisms to curry favour.

Good work, you made this forum even more of a finger in ears tralalala type.

EDIT: My contributions, critical questioning, but I guess that will earn me negative brownie points. Not to mention my suggestions which were laughed off by Stan and co. who found to their horror months later that merger was the only way out. One of the 2-3 cases where a stitch in time would've saved us but then with all the rush of +1s to everything BM and Stan posts, their decisions seem like the heaven-sent solution (prepare for more +1s btw).

EDIT2: I have over 90% of my crypto wealth in BTS and held through the decline even though I was thinking there was a good chance the project will fail. I was sold on BM's vision (though now wondering whether he is any different) and was prepared to write away my investment so that dilution and hence work on the code could continue as long as possible (so that the work is out there for others to pick up and utilize).
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 10:18:07 am by sumantso »

Offline xeroc

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Cool idea .. want some brownies points to .. I compiled a list of things I consider my self active in:
 - manage IRC channel #bitshares@freenode (bribble bot/operator)
 - manage subreddit /r/bitshares (content/design/moderation)
 - forum support requests
 - python-bitshares libraries (rpc, tools)
 - pyhton tools for end users (coldstorage, offline voting, sharedrop, ...)
 - python tools for delegates (feed scripts, switchover, ...)
 - translations into German (web_wallet/
 - technical assistance when setting up delegates (fuzzy, datasecuritynode, favdesu, ...)
 - (maintainer/administrator/content creator)
 - active BTS member from the beginning (forum id 120)
 - Recap/proof reading of public documentation and articles
 - 3rd party contacts/discussion/testing (e.g. ccedk, ...)

Those should be most of them .. but future looks bright for the list to grow quickly .. soonish (tm)

If you have contributed to BitShares over the past two years, please post in this thread with a detailed description of the work you have done and an estimate of how much time and money you spent doing that work.  Include your BTS account name and you may find some BROWNIE.PTS in your wallet.   
How much time I have spent .. difficult to estimate .. I'd say I have spend almost 2 full years with at least 90 minutes a day to read the forum and answer questions/give support
Additionally, I did alot of python coding .. in particular the price feeds the bitshares rpc library and the cold storage stuff (including SVG paperwallet creation) .. can't estimate the time I invested here .. plenty ..
I also spent plenty of time to write articles for the wiki (you recall the TechTalk threads?) and for reddit ..

In the end, I really can't estimate the time I have invested ..

The only costs I can recall that I have actively spend for BitShares was a conference in Frankfurt I attended to get in contact (with Antonopoulus and others ..)
Ticket was 150€ and some little for the travel ..
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 12:16:28 pm by xeroc »

Offline brainbug

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I did not do too much but made the (successful) effort to add Bitshares to

BTS: brainbug

Offline logxing

Organize chinese pts/ags/bts invetors, a lot of education about DAC and BTS.
It is almost all my life in the past two years.

ID: logxing
BTS Account:logxing

Offline dirnet

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Offline cass

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« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 06:23:12 am by cass »
█║▌║║█  - - -  The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear  - - -  █║▌║║█

Offline roadscape

Created first store to accept BitUSD
Formed a Minneapolis community
Got two delegates elected,12833.0.html
Open-sourced cryptofresh
BitShares P2P Tour,14865.0.html
Hackable brochure,16692.0.html
Videos on the way :)

BTS: roadscape
BTS: bitscape  |  witness: roadscape