Show me at least one worker who take responsibility for the shareholder,please.
proposal like:"I will develop a function,one year after this function launch,the market cap will be twice to now,or I won't get any bts as payment.
no one now are willing to take this responsibility, right.They just happy to to see shareholder surffer and grad USD for themselves.
"I have written so many many document! BTS will go to die without our work!just give me 100K bts a day! "(So what?We have only 10% left of our investment thanks to your "hard work" since 2014 )
I could have a high pay job outside! (So again,why are you still here?Strongly doubt that you can get a serious job outside.)
Somebody still think these amazing inflation work can raise the market cap base on 2013-2016,huh,wow.