Author Topic: [互助帖] 中文翻译协助 Assistance for English/Chinese Translation  (Read 36129 times)

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Offline R

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有人愿意帮他翻译这两份文档吗,他悬赏 7500 BTS。

I wish to request Chinese translation support for the following documents: (except the preface section, that's part of an old steem post)

2 BTS per word sound alright? So approx 7500 BTS in total for the above two documents?

Regarding the Norns whitepaper, it references deities from Norse mythology using Wikipedia references, it'd be great if relevant articles within online Chinese encyclopedias could be referenced in their place if possible?

I'm looking for price feed publishers for the Norns & hertz:;all

Anyone interested in the translation?
Any update on translation? I could just use google & bing translate instead, that's good enough right?
I want to try to translate, but it is indeed a relatively large translation project.It takes  more time and effort.
Any update?

EDIT: Don't bother, I'm canceling the translation bounty for the two whitepapers.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2019, 09:06:51 pm by R »

Offline delmiss

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In light of recent discussions about worker funding and the voting shift with refund 400k worker, and considering a down payment and commitment has been made for the sponsorship I want to make the following update and amendments to the worker budget to ensure continued funding so that the sponsorship fee will not be money down the drain.

Offline ljk424

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有人愿意帮他翻译这两份文档吗,他悬赏 7500 BTS。

I wish to request Chinese translation support for the following documents: (except the preface section, that's part of an old steem post)

2 BTS per word sound alright? So approx 7500 BTS in total for the above two documents?

Regarding the Norns whitepaper, it references deities from Norse mythology using Wikipedia references, it'd be great if relevant articles within online Chinese encyclopedias could be referenced in their place if possible?

I'm looking for price feed publishers for the Norns & hertz:;all

Anyone interested in the translation?
Any update on translation? I could just use google & bing translate instead, that's good enough right?
I want to try to translate, but it is indeed a relatively large translation project.It takes  more time and effort.

Offline binggo

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有人愿意帮他翻译这两份文档吗,他悬赏 7500 BTS。

I wish to request Chinese translation support for the following documents: (except the preface section, that's part of an old steem post)

2 BTS per word sound alright? So approx 7500 BTS in total for the above two documents?

Regarding the Norns whitepaper, it references deities from Norse mythology using Wikipedia references, it'd be great if relevant articles within online Chinese encyclopedias could be referenced in their place if possible?

I'm looking for price feed publishers for the Norns & hertz:;all

Anyone interested in the translation?
Any update on translation? I could just use google & bing translate instead, that's good enough right?

Don't use google & bing translate, will have many translating errors.

Offline R

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有人愿意帮他翻译这两份文档吗,他悬赏 7500 BTS。

I wish to request Chinese translation support for the following documents: (except the preface section, that's part of an old steem post)

2 BTS per word sound alright? So approx 7500 BTS in total for the above two documents?

Regarding the Norns whitepaper, it references deities from Norse mythology using Wikipedia references, it'd be great if relevant articles within online Chinese encyclopedias could be referenced in their place if possible?

I'm looking for price feed publishers for the Norns & hertz:;all

Anyone interested in the translation?
Any update on translation? I could just use google & bing translate instead, that's good enough right?

Offline tshen

中文社区的 泫沄 希望寻找志愿者帮助翻译以下文本到英文:






































Tong Shen, Coordinator Assistant, Core Team | 沈瞳,BitShares Core 开发团队 协调员助理
Spark Blockchain | 星火区块链:北美领先的区块链咨询及孵化公司
WeChat | 微信号: cnjsstong

Offline R

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有人愿意帮他翻译这两份文档吗,他悬赏 7500 BTS。

I wish to request Chinese translation support for the following documents: (except the preface section, that's part of an old steem post)

2 BTS per word sound alright? So approx 7500 BTS in total for the above two documents?

Regarding the Norns whitepaper, it references deities from Norse mythology using Wikipedia references, it'd be great if relevant articles within online Chinese encyclopedias could be referenced in their place if possible?

I'm looking for price feed publishers for the Norns & hertz:;all

Anyone interested in the translation?

Offline ljk424

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Hello everyone,

Here's the latest status update for the Decentralized conference worker.

As most of you know, the Decentralized worker has been voted out for almost the last month. This, combined with the bear market has severely limited the worker's funding and if things remain that way, its effectiveness will be very limited minimising the value we can gain from the actual sponsorship payment (which has already been committed for the most part). Essentially we're co-presenting a conference and will possibly end up with little to no actual presence there. This will smear our public image once again.

So I would like BTS holders and proxies to reconsider their voting.

In order to recap, I will mention once again that this is no mere sponsorship but BitShares along with the University of Nicosia are presenting/offering this conference (the largest business-oriented blockchain conference in Europe and one of the biggest in the world) as co-organisers.

The sponsorship (apart from the actual conference) will provide us with a wealth of marketable information such as:

- 1-year's membership in the IFF (more details here: + )
- Ability to pay University of Nicosia courses tuition fees in BTS/bitUSD/bitEUR
- Dr. Philip Brown's presentation of academic research into bitAssets (which has been accepted for the Academic Track of the conference)

The BitShares and University of Nicosia powered conference will also be sponsored by the government of Canada, Whizgrid, Eurobank, OByte, Consensys, , and many many others.

Confirmed speakers include Dr. Adam Back (Blockstream CEO), Bill Barhydt (Abra CEO), Perianne Boring (Founder of Chamber of Digital Commerce), Ian Grigg (ex-R3 and EOS/, Dr. Garrick Hileman (Blockchain - Head of Research), Marta Piekarska (Head of Ecosystem - Hyperledger), Tone Vays + individuals from MakerDAO, Consensys, Grant Thornton, Eurobank, Corda/R3, IEEE,  Trezor, the European Commission, Parity, UNICEF, Accenture and many european universities and governments.

Expected attendance is >2000 and judging by last year, a large percentage of attendees are businesses looking to adopt and integrate blockchain technology as well as European public officials.

I will once again express my belief that this is an amazing opportunity for BitShares to regain some of the spotlight as an actively maintained and progressing platform ideal for business integrations and can be heavily marketed and promoted.

This is also the reason I believe we must have a strong business, technology and community presence there in order to gain the most value from the worker. Remember this is no ordinary sponsorship/attendance where a handful of people would be enough but to the public eye it is a conference CO-ORGANISED by BitShares and as such it needs representatives from the whole ecosystem.

Depending on funding, the tentative speakers representing BitShares and businesses building on BitShares are:

Ryan R. Fox (Core Team)
1000 cities/100 cities project (Guoan)

Please vote and ensure the sponsorship is a success and we can get the necessary people there to promote BitShares.

Thank you.


Offline Fox

Requesting translation of a subsection (Abstract, Motivation, Rational and Summary) of each of the following BSIPs:

BSIP45 - Add bitAsset Backing Collateral Flag/Permission

BSIP57 - Managed Vesting Balances

BSIP64 - Optional HTLC preimage length, HASH160 addition, and memo field

BSIP69 - Additional Assert Predicates

BSIP70 - Peer-to-Peer Leveraged Trading (Michel will review check latest comments)

BSIP71 - Add "Prevent Global Settlement" Flag for Smartcoin

BSIP72 - Tanks and Taps: A General Solution for Smart Contract Asset Handling

BSIP73 - Match Force-Settlement Orders with Margin Calls and Limit Orders

BSIP74 - Margin Call Fee Ratio

Witness: fox

Offline tshen


Hello everyone,

Here's the latest status update for the Decentralized conference worker.

As most of you know, the Decentralized worker has been voted out for almost the last month. This, combined with the bear market has severely limited the worker's funding and if things remain that way, its effectiveness will be very limited minimising the value we can gain from the actual sponsorship payment (which has already been committed for the most part). Essentially we're co-presenting a conference and will possibly end up with little to no actual presence there. This will smear our public image once again.

So I would like BTS holders and proxies to reconsider their voting.

In order to recap, I will mention once again that this is no mere sponsorship but BitShares along with the University of Nicosia are presenting/offering this conference (the largest business-oriented blockchain conference in Europe and one of the biggest in the world) as co-organisers.

The sponsorship (apart from the actual conference) will provide us with a wealth of marketable information such as:

- 1-year's membership in the IFF (more details here: + )
- Ability to pay University of Nicosia courses tuition fees in BTS/bitUSD/bitEUR
- Dr. Philip Brown's presentation of academic research into bitAssets (which has been accepted for the Academic Track of the conference)

The BitShares and University of Nicosia powered conference will also be sponsored by the government of Canada, Whizgrid, Eurobank, OByte, Consensys, , and many many others.

Confirmed speakers include Dr. Adam Back (Blockstream CEO), Bill Barhydt (Abra CEO), Perianne Boring (Founder of Chamber of Digital Commerce), Ian Grigg (ex-R3 and EOS/, Dr. Garrick Hileman (Blockchain - Head of Research), Marta Piekarska (Head of Ecosystem - Hyperledger), Tone Vays + individuals from MakerDAO, Consensys, Grant Thornton, Eurobank, Corda/R3, IEEE,  Trezor, the European Commission, Parity, UNICEF, Accenture and many european universities and governments.

Expected attendance is >2000 and judging by last year, a large percentage of attendees are businesses looking to adopt and integrate blockchain technology as well as European public officials.

I will once again express my belief that this is an amazing opportunity for BitShares to regain some of the spotlight as an actively maintained and progressing platform ideal for business integrations and can be heavily marketed and promoted.

This is also the reason I believe we must have a strong business, technology and community presence there in order to gain the most value from the worker. Remember this is no ordinary sponsorship/attendance where a handful of people would be enough but to the public eye it is a conference CO-ORGANISED by BitShares and as such it needs representatives from the whole ecosystem.

Depending on funding, the tentative speakers representing BitShares and businesses building on BitShares are:

Ryan R. Fox (Core Team)
1000 cities/100 cities project (Guoan)

Please vote and ensure the sponsorship is a success and we can get the necessary people there to promote BitShares.

Thank you.

Tong Shen, Coordinator Assistant, Core Team | 沈瞳,BitShares Core 开发团队 协调员助理
Spark Blockchain | 星火区块链:北美领先的区块链咨询及孵化公司
WeChat | 微信号: cnjsstong

Offline tshen

有人愿意帮他翻译这两份文档吗,他悬赏 7500 BTS。

I wish to request Chinese translation support for the following documents: (except the preface section, that's part of an old steem post)

2 BTS per word sound alright? So approx 7500 BTS in total for the above two documents?

Regarding the Norns whitepaper, it references deities from Norse mythology using Wikipedia references, it'd be great if relevant articles within online Chinese encyclopedias could be referenced in their place if possible?

I'm looking for price feed publishers for the Norns & hertz:;all

Tong Shen, Coordinator Assistant, Core Team | 沈瞳,BitShares Core 开发团队 协调员助理
Spark Blockchain | 星火区块链:北美领先的区块链咨询及孵化公司
WeChat | 微信号: cnjsstong

Offline wonder88

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辛苦tshen!社区多来几位你这样能帮助中英文社区沟通的人就好了! 积极干活,帮忙传递信息,保持大家吵架能牛头对上马嘴Lol...佩服!

This thread is causing confusion, this would be great to have translated. Or maybe even the cn-vote team could do an english announcement?

I just saw that bitcrab asked for clarification what they intend to do with CNVOTE,  so not sure if translation will help atm?

Original Text in Chinese: / 中文原文:





6.公会谋求申请worker,worker 工资将用cnvote发放,worker收入全部用来回购cnvote。
鼓鼓钱包-进入钱包页面-投票-代理-输入cn-vote 确定就可以!
BTS++钱包 - 服务界面-设置代理-输入cn-vote 确定就可以!

English Translation: / 英文翻译:

Introduction to CNVOTE: The global universal points issued by BitShares Chinese Community Union (cn-vote), issued and managed on the BitShares blockchain. It is the only point system by cn-vote and the benefit for union members provided by the union.

CNVOTE has never raised any fund.

Starting September 1st, it will be airdropped to anybody who proxies their BTS votes to the union for free every month. The total supply of CNVOTE is 1.2 Billion. 100 Million CNVOTE will be airdropped the first month and 10% of it will be used as compensation for operation work of the union. The monthly airdrop supply will be halved every 6 months.

Policy for airdrop: Random snapshots are performed 4 times per month. The airdrop amount will be calculated based on the average votes proxied for these 4 snapshots this month. Long-time supporters of the union are appreciated so an initial airdrop will be performed on September 1st for all old and new supporters at that moment. After that, airdrop will happen every month based on the snapshots.

The union will utilize its voting power, to seek benefits for CNVOTE, while maintaining the stability of the BitShares system. Owners of CNVOTE will enjoy various benefits of the union in the future. In the future, all income of the union will be used to buy back CNVOTE from the market.

Potential income sources for the union to consider:
1. Eventually seeking for providing escrow service for workers
2. Referral income as the union
3. The union will seek for donations (dividends) from the witnesses supported by the union, if the quality of the witness is satisfactory. The current union-supported witness ioex, agrees to donate 30% of witness income to the union once voted in. The number of union-supported witnesses will still increase.
4. The union will seek to operate a union gateway.
5. Income from Baichen Chain (100 Cities).
6. The union will seek to propose workers. The workers will be paid CNVOTE for salary, while the worker funds will be used to buy back CNVOTE.
More income sources are to be determined based on how the union develops in the future. The possibility of CNVOTE to be listed on major exchanges are not excluded.
The voting proxy account for the cn-vote community union: cn-vote
Now as long as you proxy your votes to this account in the BitShares DEX, we will become our own masters. This account is co-managed by the "multi-sig team" of community members. If any one has any comments and advices, they could be discussed within the community, and later proposed as proposals and decided by votes.
How to proxy:
MagicWallet: Enter Wallet Page > Vote > Proxy > Enter "cn-vote" and confirm
BTS++ Wallet: Enter Service Page > Set Proxy > Enter "cn-vote" and confirm

To @sschiessl: I tried my best. But I'm not 100% percent sure about the exact meaning of some statements here. Maybe @cn-vote could clarify if needed.

To @cn-vote team: Please let me know if there is anything I misunderstood.
如果英文翻译有不准确的地方,请 cn-vote 成员指正。谢谢!

Offline tshen

This thread is causing confusion, this would be great to have translated. Or maybe even the cn-vote team could do an english announcement?

I just saw that bitcrab asked for clarification what they intend to do with CNVOTE,  so not sure if translation will help atm?

Original Text in Chinese: / 中文原文:





6.公会谋求申请worker,worker 工资将用cnvote发放,worker收入全部用来回购cnvote。
鼓鼓钱包-进入钱包页面-投票-代理-输入cn-vote 确定就可以!
BTS++钱包 - 服务界面-设置代理-输入cn-vote 确定就可以!

English Translation: / 英文翻译:

Introduction to CNVOTE: The global universal points issued by BitShares Chinese Community Union (cn-vote), issued and managed on the BitShares blockchain. It is the only point system by cn-vote and the benefit for union members provided by the union.

CNVOTE has never raised any fund.

Starting September 1st, it will be airdropped to anybody who proxies their BTS votes to the union for free every month. The total supply of CNVOTE is 1.2 Billion. 100 Million CNVOTE will be airdropped the first month and 10% of it will be used as compensation for operation work of the union. The monthly airdrop supply will be halved every 6 months.

Policy for airdrop: Random snapshots are performed 4 times per month. The airdrop amount will be calculated based on the average votes proxied for these 4 snapshots this month. Long-time supporters of the union are appreciated so an initial airdrop will be performed on September 1st for all old and new supporters at that moment. After that, airdrop will happen every month based on the snapshots.

The union will utilize its voting power, to seek benefits for CNVOTE, while maintaining the stability of the BitShares system. Owners of CNVOTE will enjoy various benefits of the union in the future. In the future, all income of the union will be used to buy back CNVOTE from the market.

Potential income sources for the union to consider:
1. Eventually seeking for providing escrow service for workers
2. Referral income as the union
3. The union will seek for donations (dividends) from the witnesses supported by the union, if the quality of the witness is satisfactory. The current union-supported witness ioex, agrees to donate 30% of witness income to the union once voted in. The number of union-supported witnesses will still increase.
4. The union will seek to operate a union gateway.
5. Income from Baichen Chain (100 Cities).
6. The union will seek to propose workers. The workers will be paid CNVOTE for salary, while the worker funds will be used to buy back CNVOTE.
More income sources are to be determined based on how the union develops in the future. The possibility of CNVOTE to be listed on major exchanges are not excluded.
The voting proxy account for the cn-vote community union: cn-vote
Now as long as you proxy your votes to this account in the BitShares DEX, we will become our own masters. This account is co-managed by the "multi-sig team" of community members. If any one has any comments and advices, they could be discussed within the community, and later proposed as proposals and decided by votes.
How to proxy:
MagicWallet: Enter Wallet Page > Vote > Proxy > Enter "cn-vote" and confirm
BTS++ Wallet: Enter Service Page > Set Proxy > Enter "cn-vote" and confirm

To @sschiessl: I tried my best. But I'm not 100% percent sure about the exact meaning of some statements here. Maybe @cn-vote could clarify if needed.

To @cn-vote team: Please let me know if there is anything I misunderstood.
如果英文翻译有不准确的地方,请 cn-vote 成员指正。谢谢!
Tong Shen, Coordinator Assistant, Core Team | 沈瞳,BitShares Core 开发团队 协调员助理
Spark Blockchain | 星火区块链:北美领先的区块链咨询及孵化公司
WeChat | 微信号: cnjsstong

Offline R

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I wish to request Chinese translation support for the following documents: (except the preface section, that's part of an old steem post)

2 BTS per word sound alright? So approx 7500 BTS in total for the above two documents?

Regarding the Norns whitepaper, it references deities from Norse mythology using Wikipedia references, it'd be great if relevant articles within online Chinese encyclopedias could be referenced in their place if possible?

I'm looking for price feed publishers for the Norns & hertz:;all

« Last Edit: November 19, 2019, 09:06:03 pm by R »

Offline clockwork

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