Now we are seeing much bigger ratios than the Beach Boys once sang about.
Staggering ratios!
And there is less risk now than there was then!
Think of how many problems have been solved.
Think of how much stronger our underlying tech base is today.
How much more flexible and robust and full-featured it has become.
All the DACs in obvious parallel development by many talented, independent, self-motivated developers.
And BitShares XT operating with scores of examples posted daily.
If people were that excited on January 2nd, how can it be anything but blowing their minds now?
Humans are funny creatures.
A ten week delay to make a flurry of critical innovations
completely changes their calibration of what constitutes outstanding performance.
despite daily improvements
and triumphant breakthroughs
and videos and interviews and direct-access mumbles.
The pessimists are letting 5 to 1 and even greater opportunities slip away to the optimists.
But you, the strong, the patient, the informed and therefore the optimistic
will prevail and prosper.
You deserve it.