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Messages - bitmeat

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General Discussion / Re: BitUSD supply
« on: April 29, 2015, 07:54:07 pm »
Multiply the BitUSD supply by 3x and that's your realistic BTS market cap. Quite disturbing BTS is currently worth $300K if you take out all the speculation.

General Discussion / BitUSD supply
« on: April 29, 2015, 07:53:09 pm »
What's with the drastic drops in BitUSD supply?

I envy the 1280 buyer.  He will always be able to say he bought the cheapest BTS ever.

I actually got the cheapest BTS ever right when it went live. at 1251 I think on BTER. then I got out around 8000. Now I had some re-entry points that got hit cost avg 1550 I think. Can't complain.

My guess: the hard core believers in BTS are the ones that short BitUSD and provide liquidity. Now they are being affected, and leaving BTS altogether, cutting their losses.

Clarification: This was my interpretation as to what the OP meant. That was not my opinion.

My guess: the hard core believers in BTS are the ones that short BitUSD and provide liquidity. Now they are being affected, and leaving BTS altogether, cutting their losses.

General Discussion / Re: How to regain confidence?
« on: April 28, 2015, 02:55:00 pm »
要不是因为合并和增发,也不至于这时候墙倒众人推,自作孽不可活,倒霉的是我们这些看好bts的人。fuck merger,fuck dilution!

Why are you guys so shortsighted? It's not "dilution" - it's encouraging development. Would you prefer to have no dilution and no development at all?

If so - no one is stopping you to do a fork and use an old version of BTSX and never expect any improvements.

General Discussion / Re: ALL TIME LOW .
« on: April 27, 2015, 01:50:12 am »
There is no spoon, only fork. Bytemaster is Neo.

General Discussion / Re: ALL TIME LOW .
« on: April 27, 2015, 01:03:55 am »
@Izr1900 Sell sell now...Run away while you can..It will further fall...Sell everything and buy again when it goes to $5 mil market cap..This is your last chance to sell BTS so high..after we break the $10 mil we will reach $5 mil within

can't be as bad as this though:

In math, they call this "traveling salesman problem" :)
and it lacks half of the continent together with the other 4 continents to become a *perfect* roadtrip :)

It supposedly hits all 48 continental states. My point was to organize a group that takes that trip together, and in the process try to use BitUSD to barter.

i.e. if you are already one of the people taking that trip, might as well spread the word.

Of course for this to happen you'd need a killer mobile wallet working first.

General Discussion / Re: Charles Evans article
« on: April 24, 2015, 05:19:54 am »
Pretty sure he bailed when I called him out for being employed(or at least labeled as a BitShares employee) by Invictus/Bitshares while his accounting firm was being paid to audit them and AGS.


You must come from a culture, where people stab each other in the back all the time. You always expect the worst in people. :)

General Discussion / Re: BitAssets 3.0 - For Community Review
« on: April 24, 2015, 05:09:30 am »
Do you mean to say that if an extremely large settlement request is made, global community awareness of the pending settlement means that the requestor cannot as easily manipulate the BTS market price at the time that settlement occurs? Hopefully this equally prevents a whale short with the lowest collateral from also being able to manipulate the price to their benefit.

Thanks for the clarifications. While it makes sense to me now that a delay period is the prudent thing to do here, I do wonder what commitment the community actually has to prevent such a manipulation, when it won't be clear whether erratic price movements are manipulation or the real thing. While I'm not recommending this, I wonder if there are other things that can be done to thwart manipulators, such as having a random element in the settlement timing with an alert once complete.

Well, to clarify, that's my interpretation. Also - I think the "commitment" will come naturally, because inefficiencies in the market will be taken on by speculators.

General Discussion / Re: Unconventional marketing idea...
« on: April 24, 2015, 04:42:41 am »
In case people missed it in the article..

First off, I know nothing about marketing, so please feel free to build on this idea, it is very rough around the edges.

I'm looking at this trip suggestion here:

What if people started an infinite never ending loop following the path of that trip, to help people who want to go on that trip collaborate, and also start providing accommodations locally, heck may be even using BitUSD?

I.e. like a perpetually moving community hitting all states at once and growing. Raising awareness and building a community is probably one of the keys to success for crypto adoption. Hopefully folks who recently did the road trip could share some light on what works and what doesn't.

It could help build the sense of community, combine Uber, AirBnB, etc. into one. i.e. ability to collaborate and coexist entirely using a crypto, while also making it fun.

General Discussion / Re: BitAssets 3.0 - For Community Review
« on: April 24, 2015, 03:19:01 am »
BM says "The 24 hour+ delay means you cannot depend upon errors in the price feed to guarantee a profit", which basically reiterates that X needs to be greater than the lag in the price feed, which surely is not that long. Did I miss something there?
Why couldn't the delay be reduced to 10 minutes for example?

I think it's fine to give an opportunity for all timezones to participate and band together against a whale manipulator, and thus provide a truly fair price of settlement. Think of it like a miniature fire sale auctions that last 24 hours. :)

General Discussion / Re: Reworking the wallet trading interface
« on: April 21, 2015, 11:17:46 pm »
My favorite depth of market view is on bitcoinwisdom 15M chart.

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