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General Discussion / Re: HERTZ - Oscillating Formula Based Asset
« on: May 18, 2017, 08:49:13 pm »
I have produced a price feed generation script in Haskell for the HERTZ FBA:

It currently scrapes the price feed for XDR from cryptofresh, averages the last 10 published price feeds and outputs the results in a CSV file. It's outputting to a CSV for use in excel for charting.

Any suggestions?

General Discussion / Re: HERTZ - Oscillating Formula Based Asset
« on: May 17, 2017, 10:55:00 pm »
BackingAssetValue = [USD | XDR] //Still need to decide on basing it against the USD or the XDR/SDR.

Love the idea. I understand the aim is a stable reliable price(?) but using an IMF product just seems icky. Maybe the USD isn't any better.
We could remove reliance upon the IMF by simply calculating our own basket currency using the price feeds of several fiat currencies.
We could do Hertz.Gold and other variations, don't need to be limited to one asset.

General Discussion / HERTZ - Oscillating Formula Based Asset
« on: May 17, 2017, 07:27:47 pm »

What is Hertz?

Hertz is a highly experimental Market Pegged Asset (MPA) created on the Bitshares network. Elected Bitshares witnesses will publish price feeds which are pegged against the United States Dollar (USD) and predictably oscillates using a sine wave algorithm. The sine wave has an amplitude of 14% and a period of 28 days, thus the price feed value changes 2% every day and a resulting max price feed value of $1.14 and min of $0.86 (Note: Depending on the combination of Bitshares price volatility and age of price feeds published by witnesses, these limits may not always hold).

Hertz tokens are shorted (borrowed) into existence by users on the Bitshares network with at least 175% backing collateral in Bitshares; there is no centralized issuance and asset creator permissions have been restricted for increased decentralization.

By implementing a sine wave phase offset (date/time), we are able to make each Wednesday (mid working week) the most important day for Hertz.

Price feeds:
Reference Python scripts & calculator (
  hertz_calculator.xlsx : A spreadsheet for evaluating the effect of different sine wave variables (amplitude, period, etc). : Used for verifying that the phase offset lines up appropriately. : What you'd use if you don't use wackou or xeroc's price feed scripts.
Wackou's 'BTS_Tools' (Only use if pull request #36 is merged, OR if you change 1/3 to 0.14 yourself manually).
Xeroc's 'Bitshares-PriceFeed' (Issue #25 addresses the inaccurate amplitude comments)

Surrendered FBA settings
- Disable confidential transactions:
- Require holders to be white-listed:
- Issuer may transfer asset back to himself:
- Issuer must approve all transfers

- Get witnesses to publish price feeds for the Hertz MPA


Best regards,Customminer.

Pendulum sounds great.

I am assuming that the objective is to incentivize both shorting and buying so as to stimulate liquidity of the asset.
Eventually most buyers wont care about the swinging pendulum, just that they can buy $10,000 worth RIGHT NOW to trade into the DEX from fiat, and then immediately trade their bitPENDULUM for bitUSD or HERO or something they actually want to hold?
I've picked 'HERTZ' as the asset name:

Yes, the aim of this is to incentivize both buying and selling of the asset, it takes the best of both worlds from HERO and VILLAIN.

Yeah trades could be instantaneous if enough market makers seized the opportunity. Even on the way down with users selling there would be incentive to buy the asset because you know that later on in the oscillation the asset will have a feed price greater than the rate you purchased it at (as long as you didn't purchase at the very peak.. just wait till later in the cycle).

EDIT: New thread for the HERTZ token:,24161.0.html

Why would anybody buy VILLAIN if it's guaranteed to be worth less tomorrow?
Surely VILLAIN would need to have some other pro-buyer features to attract them to the asset.

Maybe holding it could be like a lottery ticket?
A small chance to gain +20%, but a definite chance of losing at least -5%.
Could this lottery be paid for out of the least collateralised short or something? (noob)
Primarily for the liquidity, there would be a constant supply of it at the price feed unlike bitUSD which doesn't incentivize lending it into existence.
If you hold VILLAIN and you need to liquidate it you could just settle it and get the BTS back at the feed price.

Perhaps the fees earned could be redistributed proportionally to the holders or to the parties involved in filled orders?


A new formula backed asset enters the arena!

Introducing Pendulum!

X_Period = MOD((CurrentBlock-PendulumGenesisBlock),BlocksInPeriod)/BlocksInPeriod    //This will give us a value between 0 and 0.99[.....] (period) continuously.

Amplitude=0.5  //Varying the reference asset by 50%


Pendulum_Value = [USD | XDR] + (Amplitude*SIN(X_Period*(2*PI)))

Thus we get a formula backed asset which is representative of [USD|XDR] which both rises and falls in a predictable manner, thus having a phase which encourages the sale of the token and a phase which encourages the buying of the token.


Anyone have any other ideas for FBA?


General Discussion / HERO's arch nemesis! The opposite of 'HERO'
« on: May 16, 2017, 07:41:12 pm »

What is HERO?,24092.0.html

    "BitShares has a new formula pegged asset (FPA) or dreamcoin called the "HERO" that is mathematically defined to appreciate annually by 5%."

HERO formula:

Feed_Price = ONE_USD * (1 + (0.05 * Years_since_launch))

'Arch Nemesis' formula:

Launch_Block_Number = Block number close to 'go-live' launch of token.
DAYS_SINCE_LAUNCH = (Block_At_Time_Of_Feed_Update - Launch_Block_Number)/Blocks_In_One_Day

Feed_Price = [ ONE_USD | ONE_XDR ]/(1+(Reduction_Modifier*DAYS_SINCE_LAUNCH))


This would create an incentive to lend the token into existence and sell it at the feed price, as when the token decreases in value the debt will be lower. Where the HERO asset creates an incentive for buying the token, this would be an incentive to sell it. Likewise, the switch to reducing the feed price every day provides a faster opportunity for lenders to buy back their debt at a decreased price (as BTS could be fluctuating heavily).


Please do post, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Have an idea for an alternative Formula Backed Asset? I'd love to hear them!
Got a better name than 'Arch Nemesis'?
Would you trade HERO against Arch Nemesis?
What would be an appropriate reduction_modifier?


General Discussion / Re: BlockPay in Serious Trouble
« on: May 16, 2017, 01:56:38 pm »
Great post Thom!  +5%

*bump* Has anyone been working on this? All MPA are vulnerable to this problem.

General Discussion / Re: BitShares basic diagrams by BTSwolf
« on: May 14, 2017, 09:41:15 pm »
Great work! :D

Really it is completely up to @bitcrab @alt who will be witnesses now because of the proxy power they have combined.
This does not sound decentralized. We really need a fairer representation of possible proxies rather than a static list:
I think BSIP-005 would also be massively beneficial

General Discussion / Re: btsbots wallet release v0.0.1
« on: May 11, 2017, 07:51:01 pm »

Would you be able to include in your supported MPA tokens please?

Thanks :)

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares AGS
« on: May 09, 2017, 05:08:26 pm »
IIRC it was a donation not an investment, guys. You got several sharedrops from your single donation.

General Discussion / Re: Bitshares AGS
« on: May 09, 2017, 12:40:18 pm »
AGS hasn't been a thing for years, you were sharedropped against for BTSX and that was the end of it.

General Discussion / Re: Witness pay framework
« on: May 08, 2017, 06:52:16 pm »
I think paying a fixed bitUSD rate would be more sensible than paying in terms of BTS, because the committee is having to reevaluate witness pay at increasing frequencies.

General Discussion / Re: btsbots wallet release v0.0.1
« on: May 08, 2017, 05:43:48 pm »
Something wrong with btsbots? I'm unable to get the bot running today, and I've got the following errors in the console:
unreachable code after return statement[Learn More]  ef1f8ace46776681012bcd9fdcbacba5f253ce2c.js:21:27050
unreachable code after return statement[Learn More]  ef1f8ace46776681012bcd9fdcbacba5f253ce2c.js:30:6977
unreachable code after return statement[Learn More]  ef1f8ace46776681012bcd9fdcbacba5f253ce2c.js:35:5851

Side note - the android application seems to freeze/stutter when I use the chat, specifically when my keyboard is opened to type with.

Thanks :)  +5%

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