Any tips on deciding where to start if you don't have enough to spread your investments out like that?
Obviously I want to keep the bulk of my funds in the Bitcoin/Bitshares/Peercoin that I actually give a crap about. Other than those though, I figure if I scrape all my crapcoins together I might be able to muster enough to play with.
Ander, do you mind if I ask how much you had to put into nuShares to score that free bitcoin of yours? Just curious but I understand if you don't want to share that info.
I'm honestly starting to wonder if I should give nuShares a second look as something I might be able to actually care about. I got all huffy and puffy and withdrew all support from that project because they did their crowdfund closed. But if they're actually going to be burning shares on a consistent basis... man... I don't know...
I put in about 6 btc at about a 1500-1600 average and sold them a bit over 1800.
However, there were people who bought it at 1800+ hoping the buyback would give them more and then they didnt manage to sell, so they are sitting there holding 'expensive' NSR now. They might be able to sell it in a future week, but its not a guarantee.
Nushares has done really well at having a product that is simple to use, and giving it the support it needs to succeed. And they've done well at selling it. Basically the opposite of bitshares, which has a product with immense promise but is hard to use and understand, and hasnt had good marketing.
They are pretty much spending a significant amount of the BTC from Nubits sales to buy back NSR. This may or may not come back to ruin them later. (If BTC goes up a bunch it wont hurt them, if BTC goes back to sub 200 then they wont have enough value in reserves to cover all the nubits if peopel try to redeem them all, meaning they will have to create and sell NSR to cover it, which will crush the price the way that BTS price got destroyed by inflation and selling delegate shares.