Stakeholder Proposals / Re: Worker Proposal Review
« on: November 10, 2015, 09:01:18 pm »
Are you positive you understand all the element in #2?
As I said up the thread it has some big potential negative impacts, which need addressing.
For example - It seems the LM traders might get the LM discount only on half of their trades.
No I am not certain that I understood it.
This is what i thought the proposal means:
"Under the proposed change, the committee members would change the market fee from 0% to something competitive with centralized exchanges and then revenue earned from these fees would qualify for the referral program"
To summarize: They will add a (0.2%, aka 'competitive with centralized exchanges') trading fee to trades (to go along with eliminating or reducing the flat fee), and then this 0.2% fee would qualify for the referral program, meaning that a lifetime member would get a big discount, and people would be incentivized to refer others to get a portion of their trading fees. To me, this looked great fro the referral program.
If this proposal is like I understand it, then I support it. If its something else, then I guess I didnt understand it.