BTS 2.0 is fine. Its not perfect but its not like its seriously broken or anything that would warrant the selloff way below 1400.
* The Chinese exchanges (btc38/yunbi) fixed their problems and upgraded to 2.0, and reopened deposits and withdrawals. No more being worried about fractional reserves or worried that they will never upgrade or might even try to stick with BTS 0.9 and make a fork chain or something crazy like that.
* Chinese money can once again buy into BTS.
* Referral program is finally working, so people can begin promotions.
* We have some positive discussions going on about how to improve the things that people dont like about BTS, namely fees and UI stuff.
And most importantly: BTS is currently deflationary!! The only worker right now is the fund to pay for user asset fees. This is not an account that is going to get sent to polo or btc38 and dumped on the market, its to help people use assets, it doesnt represent any "real" inflationary pressure. The rest of the potential inflation is going to the recycle400k worker which means its going straight back into the reserve and is also not inflationary. Fees are exceeding the payment to witnesses, and with no workers actually taking BTS to be sold right now, real supply is going down! That means everyone's BTS is slowly representing a larger stake of the whole system. Very slowly right now, but whats really important is that its not inflating!
Also everyone panic sold about as hard as is possible, and people got liquidated, so most weak hands are probably out right now, and most of the people in BTS now are those that held through the drop and probably wont want to sell until its back up to reasonable prices, or smart money that bought the panic.