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Messages - cob

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Sonar Music festival start-up competition might be a good opportunity to expose Bitshares Music and/or Peertracks to the world.

Anybody want to opine on that?  I'll be there and might be able to help...

Do you have any more details on that? What exactly is it?

Address: 16PiUtBPpngoVfJG4MrtbfD5QzQ7cpX22a
Message: New Address: 1MY6TDQ1c2NanfWrXm73bdjmi4D5nkY5QN
Signature: G/tm5YOAe/C5t7OAy+olGxGSaa0PwoLWZIA0Zz41kTqLdI+egMn30oQVvC9rLV8g0cI1GF4THwxV9rdU90E4cpQ=

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: BitShare Music Wallet release
« on: March 06, 2015, 07:14:06 pm »
If the launch is going to be at end of March. Why pre-launch the shares on BTS if we just talking about a week or two.
Exchanges will probably wait until the wallet launch anyway.
Let me clarify.

Notes will be made liquid and tradable at the end of the month. On the BTS network.
PeerTracks the web app will be presentable at the Texas Bitcoin Conference.
The music blockchain will not be ready by that date.

I remember you said you would also attend SXSW before Texas conference. Why not announce the launch at SXSW, the people attending Bitcoin conference won't show much interests in the projects that don't rely on Bitcoin, and also they may not know much about music business.  IMO SXSW is a better place to attract attentions from fans and artists.

We are not quite ready for mass marketing yet. The last thing we want to do is promote a crappy front end with horrible user experience to the non-crypto crowd.
We want to have a polished, smooth product by the time we announce to the world what we are.

The Texas Bitcoin Conference is to show off, to the crypto crowd, what we have so far.
This will most likely be the last crypto event we attend. Then it's off to the races in mainstream land with a finished front AND back end.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: BitShare Music Wallet release
« on: March 05, 2015, 03:59:45 pm »
We are attending the Texas Bitcoin Conference in Austin on the 27 -29th of March.

Notes will be liquid by then (on the BTS blockchain) Expect news then, last week of march.

Thanks to everyone for your patience (:

General Discussion / Re: The absolute hard cap on # of BTS is 3,761,440,000
« on: February 27, 2015, 05:18:48 pm »
What worries me is not the rate of dilution. It's that delegates need to dump their BTS in order cover their costs. No matter what the rate of dilution is, there is constant sell pressure.

I may be wrong on this but I think greed is our ally in getting BTS off the ground. With all the crypto projects pitching revolutionary this and that. I think a sound investment is how you slice it. When the price of something goes up and up, like it or not, people notice. I think the dilution can hurt this which is why many companies choose to take out loans instead of diluting shareholders.

Basically I think it's misleading to look at it as a 6% of inflation. Since it does not mean that BTS will only be worth 6% less. A tiny percentage of dilution, dumped on the market an cause a total crash/downward spiral of the price.

Just thought I'd point out that BitSapphire is the biggest BitShares dev team out there. Larger than the one in Virginia. So this hangout should be taken very seriously!

I have also reached out to them. No reply yet. I assume they have bigger issues to resolve right now.

Let's hope they make it through this.

Is there any Music Dac's development fund held in Bter?

Not a single satoshi resides on any centralized exchange. No worries here.

I have also reached out to them. No reply yet. I assume they have bigger issues to resolve right now.

Let's hope they make it through this.

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Music snapshot on BTER
« on: February 23, 2015, 05:22:43 pm »
For those that sent to the music address from BTER or just to get BTER to include Notes on their exchange?

If you have sent BTC to the Music project using a bitcoin address you don't control the private keys to, you will have to provide us with a signed message telling us which address you would like to have your Notes sent to.

What you need to do:
In the comment section below, please provide us with the following information:
1. Your Bitcoin address used to send funds to the Note pre-sale address
2. A signed message that tells us what address you would like to get your Notes sent to
3. The signature proving the message was signed by you


How do I sign a message?
If you sent from Coinbase, you can follow these easy steps:


If you do not control your private keys, you can ask the exchange/wallet provider to sign a message for you.

What do I need to tell my exchange/wallet?
You need to ask your exchange/wallet to sign a message from the specific address you sent your bitcoins from containing the new address you would like to get your Notes delivered to.

Do you have an example of a message I could send to my exchange/wallet?
"Dear Coinbase

Could I ask you to please sign a message from the following bitcoin address: 154WKm4ntKT1zrWpwCZBWjp5JMuxhGVuZQ
The message I would like you to sign for me is the following: New address: 15jXdRD7UDDoV6DhyLJbJMYD9SAv7G9STE

Thank you"

Do I need to do this if I control the private keys
No, you only need to perform these actions if you do not control your private keys.

Example of how a post from you could look:
Address: 13U3XLUTRHLGMwfCmhde7EmQtNdJE7X2zw
Message: New Address: 1A2SAL7i5UwZ3pYuaf7rcBj1U3wffEAoo7
Signature: H0OJtflbALrRR4eRdzf/yCNLe+RFjsPNlU6384i3W+RUElPyrraY8FZYk3exCij5j3K9PfzvV/2JhExXhEQtVUo=

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: How was the grammy awards?
« on: February 17, 2015, 06:17:09 pm »
Thanks for the post Cob.
Every now and again we just need a message like the one you just gave to keep us in the loop and reassure us of your existence  ;)
I look forward to the product

Completely understandable yes.

BTW Notes will be made liquid soon. On the BTS blockchain. They will be made liquid so people can start trading them.
At the same time, we will release some info regarding the back end of the music project. This way people can actually know why they would want to hold, buy or sell Notes.

Basic stuff like what are the tweaks to the blockchain, what is the fee structure, is there a buy back, etc etc. Basic stuff really.
What PeerTracks will be capable of will be top secret for a little while still. For reasons mentioned above... mainly SHARKS haha

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: How was the grammy awards?
« on: February 16, 2015, 08:02:37 pm »
Made any new contacts?
Were people interested in the idea?

Yes actually!

We met some very high powered people.
From lawyers (that run the business!), CEOs of huge (and I mean HUGE) corporations to very famous artists.

The idea that was reinforced the most though, and I'm very sad to say it here, is that we need to shut up about it. L.A. was shark infested. They will take your idea, run with it and leave you with nothing.

The forums of cryptoland appear to be turning against us because of our lack of transparency. And I would do the same haha. If I were following a crypto project that went dark, I would be worried too.

But there's not much we can do about that. I can either try to calm people down and look like an obvious scammer, or we can stay quiet about the business model, stay safe and simply deliver what we keep saying we will deliver; a platform in march.

People will be able to take PeerTracks for a spin in time for the Texas Bitcoin Conference.

Muse/SoundDAC / Micro update
« on: February 05, 2015, 05:43:53 am »
In the next few days we'll be making the NOTE snapshot liquid as a UIA on bitshares.

Some people had concerns that this means we're going to be doing the entire Music project on the bitshares blockchain. This is false! We plan to just let the snapshot trade on BTS, and then freeze, snapshot, and recall all NOTEs when we are ready to launch a separate chain as was originally planned.

Toast tells us Dan wants us to operate on the BTS blockchain, and maybe that's why some people think this is the plan, but this isn't Dan's project. We've received plenty of feedback telling us not to do this and we agree.

To be fair, Toast did share some interesting ideas about how to do "embedded" DACs in a way where the token still accrues value from related transactions. We will let a different project be the pioneer, though.

To avoid confusion (and to bring BTS some more volume), we strongly recommend that exchanges do not list the NOTE UIA and wait for the real network launch.

PeerTracks update: going to the Grammy's! PR/networking time!

 More refined business model coming soon


Muse/SoundDAC / Re: January Newsletter
« on: January 27, 2015, 09:02:44 pm »
So, peertracks will be using various techs for its backend. Does this reduce the significance of the "so called" bitshare music blockchain?
Will Notes be the only "reserve currency" backing the whole system peertracks is building?
Overall, if peertracks proves to be a huge success in the future, will Notes achieve an increase in value of the same magnitude or less? I mean, people will mainly be interacting with peertrack website and frontend, how could that increase the value of Notes?

Hyperledger will serve as the super fast ledger keeping track of everything that would normally cause dust or bloat.
BitShares Music blockchain acts as the clearinghouse.
All the TITAN IDs are on BTSM, all the UIAs and all the funds too.
Notes will be the only unit in the whole thing.

People interacting with Peertracks web app or mobile app are all actually interacting with the BitShares Music blockchain. So it all rests on Notes really.

Muse/SoundDAC / January Newsletter
« on: January 26, 2015, 03:46:06 am »
For those that did not receive it.

The next one should be very interesting. Lots of important stuff happening as we speak.

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