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General Discussion / Re: Prediction Markets now available in GUI
« on: February 01, 2016, 08:59:26 pm »
BTW.. the title of this topic is a lie.

we - bitshares community - should name things properly. We should stop overpromise things. Right now this is at most a Proof of Concept.

Similar to declaring that a village fair is open only on a Sunday morning, so that all those willing to trade come to the fair at this particular time.

This is perfect analogy! :) Maybe this should also give us a hint, that there is a possibility, that day later liquidity will not be as so good as day before. Nevertheless, exactly like with village fair, we should probably organize next one. Increased volume should definitely bring some attention of new users.

(1) Why did you choose USD:BTC, not USD:BTS?

I agree with @Akado answer.

(2) Do you mean to create both a buy and sell wall, or just one side?

In general, both sides. Some people will be interesting in buying bitUSD, other want to buy bitBTC. For sure some of us want to even borrow some BTC or USD and short it by borrowing and solding them. It will be ideal day to tray to do so.

(3) How will the participants be protected from this event: a selfish whale comes along and takes advantage of this liquidity and dumps a big amount onto the wall?

I do not expect a wall. I think I will create some small orders near the feed price, and some bigger orders to try buy BTC or USD 1-2 or 3% below its feed price. I expect that something more like that:

So we should try avoid creating a wall. Everyone should order only this amount of BTC or USD, which he or she want to buy. I assume, that right now people are not doing that, because right now creating an order do not guarantee that it will be filled, but you still need to pay a fee for creating an order.

I also assume, that people do not leave open orders, because on bitshares, there are no such things like moving-orders, which should stay open for example 1% above price feed. What can seems like a good price in day when I create order, could be actually a bad price few days later when order can be filled. It is very difficult and expensive to track and set open orders.

In the day of Liquidity Event, you should expect that your order should be filled if you will set a competitive price.

So emphasizing the fact that "Everyone should order only this amount of BTC or USD, which he or she want to buy" this means that if a big whale came along and it will fulfil most orders, this should only make people happy :)

General Discussion / Re: Radical ideas for liquidity
« on: February 01, 2016, 01:31:17 pm »
Maybe this idea is not radical, but it is another idea, which I think we should consider:,21265.0.html - Simple way to create a liquidity? Let's do it at once - Liquidity Event

General Discussion / Re: [Public Testnet]
« on: February 01, 2016, 08:57:45 am »
My thinking is that we need to make as clear as possible that this is a testnet and it's tokens are worthless.

I agree. But I would like to treat a testnet like a staging environment, where things should be as close as possible to real network. Maybe an alert/reminder after loading a page would be enough?

Calling them USD and pegging them similar to BTS:USD is counterproductive imho ..

In my opinion we have too many assets, what is very confusing for new users. For example, we have BTC, openBTC, metaBTC, etc. now we are going to have even more assets in the testnet, like PEG.FAKEBTC, because without making a pegged assets there is no possibility of creating those assets by collateral. Am I right?

General Discussion / Re: Prediction Markets now available in GUI
« on: February 01, 2016, 07:23:40 am »
In my opinion, all assets for prediction market should have separate prefix.

General Discussion / [ANN] Let's do it at once - Liquidity Event - 29th Feb
« on: February 01, 2016, 07:09:11 am »

This idea got mostly very positive feedback, that's why I think nothing should stop up from doing this :)

Event will continue all day long, so it is no important from which part of the world you are.

Media coverage

- - The Daily Decrypt 15.02.2016
- - The Daily Decrypt 18.02.2016
- - The Daily Decrypt 24.02.2016
- - The Daily Decrypt 26.02.2016
- - The Daily Decrypt 29.02.2016
- - BitShares Dev Hangout with bytemaster

This event is 100% community driven :)

If you have any ideas how to improve upcoming event or you wrote somewhere about it, please write a comment about that.

Original post:

We all know, that bitshares is a great product, but it cannot shows it's greatness, because we have chicken egg problem with liquidity and new users. In my opinion we don't need a liquidity on all markets. We just need one solid market, and other should emerge later.

All statistics about bitshares says, that together we all have a lot of money. Why we just not create an order on selected exchange all in the same time? We should have instant liquidity. In my opinion the perfect market for that is USD:BTC.

To encourage people to be part of this event, we could fund a prize. Something what bring an attention of all bitshares users - $1000
[edit] most of people in the pool said, that they would take part in that event even without a prize, so I think for now we don't have to use it.

I assume that we could filter all transaction from specific day, to get all transaction ids from finalized transaction on specific market. This list of ids should be an input to the previously written algorithm, which with given seed (for example, hash of the last transaction in specified day) should select exactly one account.

I think perfect date for such event is: 29th Feb 2016 - once you hear about liquidity event date, you should not miss it! ;)

29 days it's a lot of time, to advertise this among whole cryptocurrency community.

This is a proposition, but please consider it seriously. In my opinion it is worth a shot. Maybe this is not flawless, so we should think about all bad and good sites of this, to polish this idea.

I am not an expert, but I guess a lot of people here are... so the question: Is it possible for bitshares to become a sidechain of bitcoin?

I watched a 28th Jan Daily Decrypt, where Andreas Antonopoulos said that sidechains can allow sending assets from one blockchain to another... like from BTC to ETH

More is said in the beginning of this episode, so for some of you I recommend to watch whole episode.

CC: @bytemaster

It would be great if bitcoin and bitshares could merge into some kind of one co-existing network, where bitcoin could benefit from already implemented great decentralized exchange.

General Discussion / Re: [Public Testnet]
« on: January 31, 2016, 09:43:49 pm »
There is a PEG.FAKEUSD for that purpose and it should have a price feed.

I will not use USD to make clear the those tokens are worthless

Testnet in my opinion should looks like ideal place to trade assets. USD:BTC exchange should behave like a real exchange. All assets like USD, BTC, EUR, GOLD, SILVER should have price feeds. Ours bots should provide a liquidity for those markets :)

In my opinion we should just add the reminder about fact, that this is just a test network to footer of wallet. We already emphasize that with URL address. Additional information (more elaborated) could be in deposit-withdraw section.

General Discussion / Re: [Public Testnet]
« on: January 31, 2016, 09:02:58 pm »
@xeroc please correct me if am wrong, but I think right now there is no possibility to create USD in testnet, because borrowing is possible only for assets which has price feed.

Could you run a price feed for all bitAssets which has price feed in real network? Could you add a documentation how to run such price feed for all assets for testnetwork? 

General Discussion / Re: BOSEG - DRAFT
« on: January 12, 2016, 09:25:40 am »
I like the idea ... but on the DEX, every transaction costs REAL money!

but right now with MIT licence, we can create a fork for that. We would need only some kind of authorization, to not give virtual coins 2 times to this same person.

I see, that and changed Licence to MIT, so I guess there is no problems of using this code to build separate network (even without permission of anyone) - please correct me if I am wrong.

Actually in that case maybe this is not a bad idea. I could use something around 75% resources of my server:

Of course test network should be a network of multiple nodes, so we would need more volunteers with own servers. I could prepare an instruction how to setup everything. Who is with me? What do you think about that?

Technical Support / Bitshares test network/demo network - any progress?
« on: January 12, 2016, 01:24:40 am »
As you can see from my profile, I came here after long break. My question is... what about test bitshares network, which we all agree, that this would be great for demo purpose.

General Discussion / Bug Bounty proposal
« on: December 02, 2015, 12:33:41 am »
*To any mods that would attempt to move this post, please refrain from doing so, as this is not a concrete proposal, but rather a prompt for discussion.

There are three inevitable things in life: death, taxes and bugs in software. The features are important, but they are worth nothing if they are buggy.

Most of good cryptoexchanges has some kind of Bug Bounty. Example:

The minimum payout is $100 USD and an entry in our hall of fame for reporting a new security vulnerability which results in a code or configuration change on our part. There is no maximum reward, and we may award higher amounts based on the severity or creativity of the vulnerability found. Researchers are more likely to earn a larger reward by demonstrating how a vulnerability can be exploited to maximum effect.

We use the following table as a guideline for determining reward amounts:

Vulnerability   Reward
Remote Code Execution   $10,000
Significant manipulation of account balance   $5,000
XSS/CSRF/Clickjacking affecting sensitive actions [1]   $5,000
Theft of privileged information [2]   $3,000
Partial authentication bypass   $1,000
Other XSS (excluding Self-XSS)   $1,000
Other vulnerability with clear potential for financial or data loss   $1,000
Other CSRF (excluding logout CSRF)   $250
Other best practice or defense in depth   $100

It is better to prevent bad fame and losing users in case when someone will decide to exploit some bugs.

I guess, we could also think about rewarding less serious bugs, which causing that webwallet becomes unresponsive, etc.

What do you think about that?

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