Follow My Vote / Re: [ SNAPSHOT: 8/21 ] VOTE
« on: August 02, 2014, 09:44:47 pm »
I don't get the business model, why should we except people will want to pay to vote?
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In capital markets, settlements of securities take three days. Three fucking days. And it's take all the middle and back office of investment banks working hard to sort it out.Is anyone else tired of seeing the tonne of coins that say that they can do decentralized exchanges? Everyone is promising it including Mastercoin, yet we havent seen anything real yet. Check this out:
http://wiki.mastercoin.org/index.php/Decentralized_exchangeQuoteThe Master Protocol enables the peer-to-peer exchange of any cryptocurrency or token with any other cryptocurrency or token.
Really? So why is Mastercoin tanking, and why are people still using bter.com and cryptsy if Mastercoin can do that? It seems like some people just like to blow a lot of hot air.
I tried using the counterparty wallet for the first time this week so I could sell half my Proof of burn XCP and buy more BTSX. It was alright. The speed was the big killer though. It reminded me of the nineties when I'd click on two audio songs, go to sleep and hope they'd downloaded by morning.
I presume they're going to have their own faster side chains or something soon enough but doing anything at that speed is just ridiculous. Especially when BTSX exists.
Half the attendees purchased BitSharesX (if you noticed the 20% bump this morning- that was these guys). Great things in store for all of us.... B24h volume is 224,000$. Looks like small players.
It will go up a lot eventually, but right now its a demand/supply issue.It will always be a demand/supply issue
Do you think I should go into how the market peg works, if it will work etc?Definitely. It's the big question every smart people will ask themselves.
I little bird told me that there may be something released real soon so these speculative pre-trades may be for very short-lived advantage.When is soon?
I'm going to post a comment here that is perhaps not entirely OT.Talking about Thomas Piketty is certainly the worst way to advocate that fee.
According to Bytemaster the act of moving funds around is beneficial to the network.
The "silent long term holders, who might not have the technical knowledge, time, or interest to continually remember to shuffle around shares in various DACs" are exactly the people that should be negatively incentived to actively care for the network, rather than sit on their money and passively watch it grow.
Keyhotee (afaik) is a possible solution for the myriad of online holdings one will acquire over the years.
Up the inactivity fee to 50% for all I care.
Thomas Piketty anyone?
Yes Monero is a fork of Bytecoin because Bytecoin is a shameless premine. Bytecoin was not advertise, only few people was mining it in underground.It's just a fork of Monero, same final supply but more expensive right now, and less evenly distributed.
Pump & dump
Fork of Monero? Monero is a blatant bytecoin clone, its great innovation was to mine %80 of coins in 4 years instead of 2.
The emission curve is ridiculous, benefiting only early adopters.
Quasar was created to provide a fair mining period free from instamine.