General Discussion / Re: I am putting up a $10,000 bounty to break DPOS.... Join me.
« on: September 10, 2014, 05:11:15 pm »Gold pay no yield either, yet its market cap is about 6 trillion USD.
1. Marketing to non-bitcoin enthusiasts at this early stage is a waste of time. The entry and exit ramps to btsx require bitcoin and that is where we must focus.
Thoughts and feedback appreciated.
Nice analysis, but I see a different path to success than working toward getting BitCoin to switch to DPOS.
Here’s my reasoning:
1. Bitcoin will never adopt DPOS.
Lets face it, Bitcoin has become first and foremost a business designed to make money for miners. Those who run bitcoin are miners, not BTC holders. Miners have erected a barrier to entry they won’t give up - the need for huge warehouses full of global warming hardware. This is really no different than how banksters use captive regulators to erect barriers to entry for their competitors. BTC miners' competitive edge is their Darwinian ability to win a global warming device arms race. If miners adopt DPOS, they lose that competitive edge to others better suited to compete in the new arena. Under DPOS, people skilled at attracting voters would have the advantage. It’s like asking soccer players to deliberately change the rules for who gets the World Cup to be a chess match instead of an athletic tournament. A different skill set is required and athletes are unlikely to win a chess competition. So they will keep the rules set to require physical skills so they can continue to win as long as possible.
2. We don’t want Bitcoin to adopt DPOS.
This is just acknowledging our fiduciary duty to the BitShares community. Unless a BTC upgrade honors PTS/AGS (fat chance) it would not be in the interest of BitShares supporters to have Bitcoin adopt one of our killer competitive edges. It is in our supporters' best interest to use our edge to suck all of the wealth listed in coinmarketcap into something they own, no?
3. There is little delta-value in marketing to the crypto community.
Those who are technically objective will find us all by themselves. Those who are blindly loyal to a crypto tribe will sink or swim with that tribe (while their wealth migrates to us without them). This is an acceptable result.
4. The network effect of being #1 is a fleeting advantage.
Just like every point of sale solution accepts every major credit card, they will soon accept every major crypto currency. No merchant wants to host multiple point of sale systems. So shopping cart providers and point of sale device providers and mobile device payment app providers will all compete to be THE universal solution. That means including all the major cryptos and adding value to abstract away their quirks. BitShares will be in the mix. End of Bitcoin’s biggest advantage.
5. Bitcoin doesn’t have any other advantages.
Bitcoin is #1 because it has been #1. When that ceases to be an advantage, there is no other reason for it to remain in the top tier at all. It will go the way of the buggy whip and the phone booth. And so will its clones.
6. Bitcoin is just a checking account in a new financial services industry.
Look at the percentage of liquid global wealth that is currently sitting in checking accounts. One percent? Right now 99% of the liquid wealth that wants to escape the corrupt global system is sitting in crypto checking! But when new services that flesh out the crypto financial system with everything from passbook savings to full service brokerages, how much of that wealth do you think will remain in volatile interest-free checking? That giant sucking sound you hear is 6 billion dollars worth of current crypto wealth flowing to where it can get a better diversified mix of stability and yield. Bitcoin will represent only a few percent of the crypto market cap within 18 months.
7. That giant sucking sound is just a trickle compared to what’s coming.
As big as the flow out of Bitcoin will be, the flow out of the corrupt global financial system will dwarf it. People are waking up and want out. Maybe only 1% will wake up until we have a few more train wrecks like Cyprus, Lehman, Iceland, Argentina and MF Global, but such events are currently cueued up like inbound planes at a busy airport. That 1% will be enough. And when that 1% hits Google looking for “Bitcoin” they are going to hit our new educational funnels that will make sure they are well trained to understand that Bitcoin is just their interim checking account. All of that new traffic will then sort itself out into all the financial services that the newcomers are used to. Bitcoin will get a similar percentage to what currently sits in consumer checking accounts — until people learn that their savings and brokerage accounts do checking better than Bitcoin!
So we should focus on teaching these truths to newcomers fleeing the current system.
The rest will be history.
I think both Bitcoin and BTSX have great future, I don't see them as competitors. Bitcoin will be the new gold standard, BitshareX the new banking system.