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Messages - Crypto Kong

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There are some great points here and could lead to some very interesting discussions and ideas.

I believe combining the IOUs into one market is a good idea but should be up to the end user as to which markets they combine. Some may not want to end up with a certain gateways IOU if perhaps they have had withdrawal issues or something similar in the past.

If there was a "combined" markets section on the DEX where users could select their preffered trusted gateways and combine the order books, that would be great. For example I could select to combine the order books of OPEN, BRIDGE & GDEX assets for BTC - USD market. Then when I placed an order and it was filled I would perhaps end up with a combination of one or more of the assets in my wallet for BTC.

This would not only benefit the user by better liquididty but also the gateways as orders may get filled on lesser liquid gateways as they top up the liquidity of more frequently used markets.

It could also allow users, who wish to do so, to lower the risk of holding just one gateways asset in some cases.

It would also serve as a great incentive for exchanges to setup a DEX on the bitshares blockchain as they could piggy back off the liquidity that is already present.

I am against this proposal, you want to increase fees in order to artificially pump the price of BTS. This is a terrible idea. You will deter people from making the markets by increasing fees and no doubt will get margin called keeping the price of BTS low. BAD BAD IDEA.

If this does go ahead, then I suggest keeping the call price at extreme lows to reduce the risk by as much as possible. By that I mean for bitUSD, a call price of $0.01 maximum.

做市可能是一个非常有利可图的,有益的行业。 对于外行而言,做市商通过在账面双方设
在Bitshares DEX上,虽然所有的市场都可以使用更多的流动性(这是由这样的做市商提供
的),但是也有很多死气沉沉的市场。 这给交易者和想要下大订单的企业带来了问题,但
目前看来,DEX已经有一些主要的做市商使用自己的私人软件。 GitHub上还有一些开源项
目,大部分都是裸机,未完成的状态。 GitHub上有一个叫做BTSBots的项目是由一位该社
区的元老成员创建,但现在已经不可使用。 它是免费的,并有一个Android应用程序。 尽
BTSBots对Bitshares生态系统的重要性从流动性指标“Daily Orders Created”超过85%的大
修订版,12/16:“aperson”已经推出了BTC Bots,并向公众推出了“Bitshares Bot”。 限价单
链接: now-stable- reduced-fee- and-
public-price- feed-available- tonight-feed
官方”基线。甚至在此之前,几个社区成员聚在一起创建了一个Telegram Group,目的是在
书面指南,帮助人们设置自动程序,并教授各种手动交错命令的方法。 在这样做的过程中
创造了基础。 现在有超过100人失去了BTSBots这一主要软件帮手的工程师在我们的团队
。 我们希望为所有人提供工具,让他们成为做市商 - 无论你只是会基本的操作还是有能力
超越我们开发的框架去发展。 越多做市商加入我们,我们就越有利润竞争,用户成本也就
经与Bitspark商讨后,他们也建议我们提供相应的程序软件的计划。 我们不希望侵犯到彼
此的利益,而是通过合作,以为市场提供尽可能多的流动性。 自BTSBots被撤销并与
Bitspark通话以来,我们现在认为,我们的第一个目标是提供一个BTSBots的替代品。 新
这种工作方式将通过用户友好的界面逐一实施多项战略。 BitShares将向社区免费提供这
提供流动性市场的必要因素是流动性,市场深度和接近其他交易所的价格。 有几种不同的
策略可以用来实现这些目标。 首先要实施的确切策略是我们确定的最低成交价格。 我们

提供的开源软件将作为开发定制解决方案和定制策略的良好基础。 例如,汇款服务可以定
制软件以满足其特定需求,并将其作为用户友好的软件包提供给社区。 用户发布的MPA的
创造者可以定制软件来支持他们自己的市场。 因此,这个应用程序未来能发挥良好的作用
公开讨论。 最新的信息将在Telegram Chat中(见下文)。 本文件是该提案的概述。
实际上,the Worker将是一个社区托管机构,旨在分配资金,使整个社区的利益最大化。
开发人员由在芬兰注册的Codaone Oy公司雇佣:
主要开发者:Mika Koivistoinen
设计师:Vesa Toivonen
Python开发人员:Juhani Haapala
Marko Paasila: 他Bitshares自2014年起开始推广BitShares,在产品开发,项目管理和加
密货币方面的经验。 我会将社区的需求和优先事项传达给以上人员,并确保软件运行良好
Stat Dude:Bitshares爱好者,经验丰富的做市商,交易机器人建筑师。
The Worker将于2018年1月1日星期一开始运行,并于2018年12月30日结束,并可以提前
被社区终止。 编码员将在1月初尽快开始工作,但开发速度将取决于团队。 托管资金将在
第三步:在同一界面管理多个程序实例(账号)(管理页面 - 多个账号)
我们要求$ 660的每日预算。 由于支付是在BTS,我们要求每天6600 BTS,即使BTS的价
格暂时下降到0.10美元也足够了。 BTS将以市场价格销售BitUSD。 在the Worker运营阶
收到的资金将被托管在由@MarkoPaasila,@cryptokong,@ Permie,@Kimchiking和
BTS返回到池中,参考 (the Worker托管模式)。

要遵循的关键指标是流动性或市场深度。 我们将设计一个合适的KPI并每周更新一次。
项目协调人员:Marko Paasila (@MarkoPaasila)
Telegram Rooms:
交易机器人能够大大增加发生的交易次数。 目前的分析表明,大约80%的交易已经来自机
器人,尽管这些笨重的交易者只占总交易者的20%。 有了一个即使在投资者入睡的同时也
交易收入。 将会有更多的终身会员资格,更多的交易费用和更多的做市商持有
人就是创造工具和环境,使社区的每一个成员都能够参与,控制风险并取得自己的回报 这
由公共资金资助的发展是必要的。 一个简单的界面,允许每个人的工具自动化的基本策略
是第一个目标。 所有比特币参与者将受益于交易机器人,无论他们是直接通过交易使用,
世界各地。 有了知识丰富,经验丰富的做市商帮助新人开始,良好的做市商可以获得管理
开了许多甚至没有考虑过的全新的收入来源。 这是一个导师和学徒计划,你的学徒越好,
即时交易。 你可以拥有一个功能齐全的市场,使你创造的资产快速运转,只要你有这些工

I fully support this initiative because I recently started using the site to help add liquidity to the DEX, but it was a pain in the butt to do.

Thankfully, I had the support of Crypto Kong which resulted in the bot working like a charm, but without his support I would never have managed.

The addition of an easy to use bot generating tool would be a huge plus for the DEX.

I personally would learn how to use it and teach others how to set it up for themselves.

I hope that this proposal can receive enough support from the community to make it a reality.

Thanks to all those involved in putting this together and I remain hopeful that we will make this happen.

Kevin Messerly
Unfortunatly a waste of time as you only got one days use of it, it’s no longer working because of the fork [emoji23]

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BTSBOTS has now stopped working since the fork. We need a replacement.

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Bitspark is planning to create some bots ( How would you cooperate?

Trading Bots: In addition to the above, the Bitshares DEX can benefit from additional trading bots. These bots should undertake trading strategies which benefits Bitspark’s overall goal of executing remittances on-chain via the DEX without leaving Bitspark vulnerable to exchange rate risk. The easiest of such bots are market makers for similar UIAs like the above aforementioned Bitcoin UIAs. These bots will take both sides of the trade and list orders at a cascading order book depth to maximise opportunities. Additional triangular arbitrage bots would be another useful addition given the increase in available pairs with the gateway.

However, making these bots accessible to the general public and also ensuring the public is aware of lucrative opportunities on the DEX is important, therefore Bitspark will Open Source all trading bots and provide additional infrastructure for monitoring, arbitrage and trading opportunities on the DEX. The additional monitoring and promotion can be in the form of notifications on the Bitspark website, gateway, mobile app and social media channels with constant monitoring of markets providing customers simple information like “3% Buy opportunity on bitUSD/bridge.BTC available now”. The more people aware of these opportunities, the better orderbook depth for Bitspark remittances.
George from bitspark joined our room a while ago and did mention they were thinking of making bots available. I’ve not heard from him since, I’ll look into this more and try and co ordinate with George. There’s no need for 2 projects that are the same, we will discuss and see if we can help them or them help us. Whichever works best and is fastest. Thanks for bringing this up.

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Btsbots already does pretty much what you describe, and they did not ask for funding through worker or other way. Sorry bro, but you have a tough competition here.
Bts bots is not easy to use and no one knows exactly what it’s programmed to do, for example it doesn’t work from the midpoint it works from the settlement price. This is not ideal. In active markets we need the option to work from a calculated mid point.

The point of the worker proposal is to provide liquidity providing tools to the masses so that everyone can help increase liquidity on the dex. Btsbots will never provide this. Also in the proposal it offers two additional liquidity providing strategies that btsbots does not offer (triangle arbitrage and staggered orders).

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Reference price which is calculated from multiple exchanges weighted by their volume is what actually makes btsbots useful.  Reference price calculated from a single market is not robust. And, btsbots is dumb easy to use, I don't know what difficulty are you talking about. You can download its source and look what is it programmed top do any time.
Thankyou for your opinion, can I ask your opinion on the other two strategies we intend to provide that btsbots does not?

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I am not against another bot. I just say that open bot already exists and works very well. Reading your OP, I felt the same way as pc expressed, honestly. Just make your proposal plausible and it will be supported by community. If you mention what experience do you have in trading or developing trading bots, this will help to gain the trust.

Ok cool, thanks a lot. This is the kind of feedback we wanted. We’d really appreciate it if you joined our telegram group. You don’t have to be heavily involved but the more opinions and guidance we can get from the community the better. Here’s the link:

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Btsbots already does pretty much what you describe, and they did not ask for funding through worker or other way. Sorry bro, but you have a tough competition here.
Bts bots is not easy to use and no one knows exactly what it’s programmed to do, for example it doesn’t work from the midpoint it works from the settlement price. This is not ideal. In active markets we need the option to work from a calculated mid point.

The point of the worker proposal is to provide liquidity providing tools to the masses so that everyone can help increase liquidity on the dex. Btsbots will never provide this. Also in the proposal it offers two additional liquidity providing strategies that btsbots does not offer (triangle arbitrage and staggered orders).

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Reference price which is calculated from multiple exchanges weighted by their volume is what actually makes btsbots useful.  Reference price calculated from a single market is not robust. And, btsbots is dumb easy to use, I don't know what difficulty are you talking about. You can download its source and look what is it programmed top do any time.
Thankyou for your opinion, can I ask your opinion on the other two strategies we intend to provide that btsbots does not?

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This is a great idea, we are working on a trading bot worker proposal and if we can better organise and allow the community to give input easier I’m all up for it. We would like to get involved.

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General Discussion / Re: btsbots wallet release v0.0.1
« on: December 04, 2017, 07:45:53 am » will not support the fork because of the unreasonable trade logic.

so if this fork happened, btsbots will stop all service for Bitshares.
include feed price source and trade bots etc.
Hi Alt, I’ve been using btsbots for a while now, thanks for creating it! We are working on a worker proposal to create a new bot. We’d absolutely love your opinion on it and any help you had to offer. Here’s the link to the thread

Upcoming WP for creating easy to use liquidity bots. Feedback please!

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From alt 9 hours ago with regards to btsbots: will not support the fork because of the unreasonable trade logic.

so if this fork happened, btsbots will stop all service for Bitshares.
include feed price source and trade bots etc.

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If the bot was released open source on github, and could run from Ubuntu, I'd be interested.

If the bot was even hard coded to give a 1% donation from all profitable trades to a hardcoded BTS user, I'd even leave that in there to support the developers myself. Of course anyone could take that out, but if I get 99% profit from using the bot, I'd use it.
Thanks for your input. Obviously we want everyone to profit from this but the point is to provide tools to provide liquidity and orders on the books. Wether someone profits is down to the end user. The developers will be paid a fair price for their work, they won’t do it if they aren’t happy and it won’t get voted in if everyone in the community doesn’t agree. The scale of the profits given away with 1% would potentially be massive with the liquidity this bot can potentially create and is unnecessary as the developers will be paid already.

It’s worth pointing out though that with the number of transactions being constantly carried out (orders constantly placed and cancelled) bts fees and lifetime memberships will increase.

With regards to it being open source, marko can answer that question better for you but I believe the current plan is to use and improve the stake machine and get that working and improve it as advised by bill butler a while ago. This is currently available on github.

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What is market making and why do we need this bot?

Market makers provide liquidity to exchanges by placing orders on both the buy and sell side. These orders allow people to trade. Without them the order books are empty like most of our markets.

Market makers earn by buying low and selling high constantly throughout the day. They earn money from the spread they have created.

With a lack of market makers there is no competition and the spread stays large. (The spread is the difference in the highest buy and the lowest sell order).

By allowing access to bots for everyone more people can try their hand at market making. Increasing not only the amount orders on the books on our markets and increasing market depth but increasing competition between market makers and lowering the spread.

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