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Messages - AdamBLevine

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The reasons you call me a troll, have they become concerns for anyone else in the Bitshares community?   Yep....

So I don't have to spend my time saying it.  Invictus has made the wrong choices and not been very humble in doing so, that's not a problem I caused and it's not one you getting mad at me can fix.

The amazing bitshares community at work!   See everyone?  THIS is why you should pay 20% of your money supply to use the Bitshares toolkit, what an amazing deal.


here's a guy with 2 posts and joined the forum less than 30 days ago:

Posts: 2
Re: What if 'official' Bitshares X* not 100% honor XT ?
« Reply #11 on: Today at 04:35:11 AM »

what 3I fucking doing? I will sell my pts,and the unborn XT.
3I,farewell and go to hell.

and I'm to understand you think this is someone who has no interest in PTS or AGS, rather than someone who does in fact have an interest and is unhappy his expectations have now been mis-managed for months and months as the competing players make obvious progress while Invictus is still working on their core infrastructure layer?

Yeah.... It's those newbies causing the problems, you sure nailed the problem with invictus.

General Discussion / Re: Number of Bitshares X at launch
« on: June 24, 2014, 03:17:50 am »
You want to put the BTS completely fragmented?!
For this reason we have decided to recommend that all future chains based upon the concept behind BitShares X be initialized with a snapshot (100%) of the state of BitShares XT around the time of their launch.

Key word here is initialized with snapshot. All chains BM plans to make will still do this. Some will print new shares because he thinks that will make that chain more likely to be worth more overall. Some will not to appease investors. In either case, you have a stake in them all.

I'll make a few chains too, some initialized with some shares to the altcoins that'll be traded on them, some airdropped on real-world organizations (partnerships with traditional businesses). Whatever.

You have stake in them all.
What I would really like to see is this:

1) A single chain that upgrades over time and adds new features supported via the dilution method once this chain gains traction then clones can pop up on their own to compete.

The challenges with this approach is:

1) Not everyone supports the dilution approach
2) How do you handle different snapshot dates

You guys will no doubt find the best, or one of the best, ways to proceed. I don't want to ruffle feathers needlessly or waste anyone's time here. But I still don't understand the current line of thinking.

"A single chain that upgrades over time and adds new features supported via the dilution method..."
My question is, would new features really be that costly to implement? Isn't there another way to support development other than by diluting shareowners?

To your point 2), "Not everyone supports the dilution approach".. I'd say that is a bit too mild. More accurate to say, "very few support the dilution approach, and many are vehemently against it."

If you're going to consider dilution (which is not advisable), then at least consider how it's done in the finance world. In the case of stocks, dilution is a byproduct of capital raising. Selling shares to fund a project lets the market be the final arbiter. If the market doesn't like the proposed use of funds, then the share price will drop, voila, instant feedback mechanism.

Here, giving delegates or developers carte Blanche by diluting so much in advance is very, very different. It's just plain arbitrary and asking for trouble.

Which is better?

1.  Use mining to gradually release the last 80% of shares along some front-loaded curve that burns all the money people are willing to pay for those shares.

2.  Have a developer keep the last 80% of shares to be spent along some front-loaded curve as the developer thinks is best to achieve success..

3.  Have the last 80% put in 101 spigots that dispense along some front-loaded curve as 101 elected delegates campaign and shareholders vote to get control of one of the spigots.

4.  Release all the shares up front leaving no operating budget and hope that someone will donate to maintain and grow the assets.

You don't have to choose.  All four are likely to be tried at some point.  Your task is to pick the winner(s).

We all know the drawbacks to mining-based approaches. But consider the drawbacks to front-loading 101 spigots at the scale of what I think you're envisioning. Just imagine the costly rent-seeking activities. influence costs, the wasteful campaigns that 100s delegates would run. Millions of dollars wasted by hundreds of people on campaigning and rent-seeking. Imagine the scams and frauds that a few bad apples would try to perpetrate, the disagreements and fights about broken promises, the lawsuits about privacy, libel, and such. Imagine all of that drama that DAC developers and the community would have to experience. Now multiply that by 10, 20, 30 DACs. Do you see the problem with this governance scheme? It would likely be a nightmare that would give Bitshares a black eye or two. Why endorse this type of system upfront?

Maybe in the future there would be a specialized DAC that really needs this type of funding model to raise 100s of millions of dollars for development or marketing by wasting 10s of millions on campaign spending. But that should be really up to the DAC developer. Why hardwire this problematic governance into the prototype DAC upfront?

When did Bitshares become inflationary again?  I haven't been paying that close attention apparently, thank god we're re-inventing the wheel this is working great.

What are  you upset with Swarm about?  They haven't even launched yet.

I'd suggest focusing on the advantages and impressive features of your system rather than focusing on what makes all its competitors bad.  That just looks defensive.

IMO if Bytemaster succeeds we'll have very very fast reliable transactions at a very low cost, the advantages of the blockchain without many of the costs.

It is fairly compelling, but it all hinges on Bytemasters ability to bring a new paradigm into reality.    Ya'll should really focus on what you're doing rather than what everybody else is doing wrong, that's not a contest you want to get into right now lol.

General Discussion / Re: Clarifications about BTS X plan
« on: June 23, 2014, 07:06:17 pm »
3) BitShares XT will be the snapshot target for *all* subsequent BitShares X DACs. These won't appear until long after everyone understands BTS X.

2 things

1 - See above quote, does this change the future deliverables to PTS or AGS at all?  It seems like this is transferring future value to BTS X away from PTS and AGS, right?

2 - If no dillution for delegate pay, where is that coming from?

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Tatiana Coin
« on: June 23, 2014, 07:01:03 pm »
The campaign has always been Tatianas, we gave her the options, she consulted with advisors and she selected her path.   I think a time constrained approach to the sale in general was pre-mature, and the primary mistake I personally made in advising her.  The demand just wasn't there to have time pressure generate anything but poor results.   

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Tatiana Coin
« on: June 22, 2014, 07:09:46 pm »
Tatiana has committed to honoring Tatianacoin and not to ever create more than the 3 million during this campaign.  It's a little funny to hear you talking in terms of pre-mine, when this is a user created asset only made valuable by her work.  She chose the price because she's who the coin is all about, and whose value is predicated on it.   Also the only person who she can redeem her coins for value with is... her.   So unless she wants to pay herself for five custom songs (200,000 tokens each), unless the market is actually deep enough to want to buy those 1,000,000 tokens from her there isn't much value in it for her unless the coin succeeds for all it's holders.  Right?

This was always a 100% premine, just as Bitshares is - The people who make the project happen are the privledged first holders, and since there is not enough support from outside (the project was not raising the required funds) doesn't it make sense that Tatiana keep what has not already been committed and use them to fundraise later when the market is more receptive?   

There isn't a possibility of dilution since she's now fixed prices where before they fluctuated based on market demand, if market demand went lower then everybodys tatianacoins would continue losing value whereas now with a fixed exchange it's pretty straightforward.

What exactly is your concern? 

Muse/SoundDAC / Re: Tatiana Coin
« on: June 20, 2014, 08:27:51 pm »
We gave notice four days before the change and that announcement actually seems to have caused donations to go up.  Refunds are available for people who feel they've been mistreated and the new fixed price model locks in a 25x increase from the average price paid, and removes the uncertainty of relying on USD exchange rates (Rewards are now prices in Tatianacoin, so 100 Tatianacoin for the first reward rather than $5 worth of tatianacoin).   I like the angelshares model, but it's obvious it would work much better in a situation like Maidsafe with overwhelming demand.

My priority in this instance is to protect the best interests of Tatiana and the people supporting her.  Tatiana was having all of her tokens distributed without raising the funds she required to be able to deliver.   Had we continued the sale it is likely she would have distributed all 3 million TC that would ever be created for less than 10,000usd rather than the 25k required. 

I strongly suggested that letting the campaign fail was probably the best option if this were the case because it would undo everything, but Tatiana did not want to risk having a failure associated with her name.  I advocated making the campaign fixed price and indefinite since she's planning on touring anyhow and it would let her sell the tokens to fans as she sees them in her normal touring and can communicate the value.   She wanted to stay on CoinPowers, and CoinPowers isn't a permanent home for coinsales but didn't want to restrict herself to just fifteen days now to explain the NEW model.   The plan is to run for another 30 days on Coinpowers then Tatiana gets whatever coins she does not allocate to donors to fundraise in the future as she pleases.

If you can identify any user groups or individuals who are being mistreated I'm happy to re-examine our approach.

- they don't give us the same oportunity ...

What does this mean? We're not getting any advantage, we are all investing personal income. You mean BTS trust should pay you also?

Well, employment payments deals and negotiations are non-public, so we have no way of knowing there isn't a contractual obligation to devote some % of pay above the real salary to cycling funds back through.  If you want people to be vested in your ecosystem in a way where they can't leave, Angelshares do that well.   

I'm not suggesting this is being done, but that it's a plausible explanation for the rather heavy re-investment.  That person is mostly competing against themselves, which is not an entirely rational strategy.

Yep, I'm interested if it's not a large time commitment or technical barrier but it seems like at least right now it requires specialized knowledge I do not have, or really want to spend the time to learn.

Just generally, if it's important enough to warrant Daniel's time, it's important enough to record.  Great way to build up content proving how legit and knowledgable you are, and you're already doing the work and taking the time.

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